Azԥrbaycan RespublikasÕnÕn Dövlԥt Statistika Komitԥsi State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rԥsmi nԥúr Official publication AZԤRBAYCANDA TELEKOMMUNøKASøYA VԤ POÇT TELECOMMUNICATION AND POST IN AZERBAIJAN Statistik mԥcmuԥ Statistical yearbook BAKI / BAKU 2018 Ön söz Foreword “Azԥrbaycanda telekommunikasiya vԥ poçt” Statistical yearbook “Telecommunication and post statistik mԥcmuԥsindԥ ölkԥ rabitԥsinin vԥziyyԥtini, onun in Azerbaijan” covers statistical information on main inkiúaf dinamikasÕnÕ izlԥmԥyԥ imkan verԥn statistika indicators characterizing the country communication mԥlumatlarÕ verilmiúdir. Mԥcmuԥyԥ informasiya, rabitԥ situation, and its development dynamics. The yearbook has vԥ poçt xidmԥtlԥrinԥ dair ԥsas göstԥricilԥr daxil included by the basic indicators on services of information, edilmiúdir. Nԥúrdԥ ATS-lԥrin sayÕ, onlarÕn ümumi communication and post. In publication the number of tutumu, sabit úԥbԥkԥ telefonlarÕnÕn sayÕ vԥ telefon automatic telephone stations, their capacity, the number of rabitԥsinԥ dair digԥr göstԥricilԥr ölkԥnin úԥhԥr vԥ kԥnd the fixed telephone lines and other indices on telephone yerlԥri üzrԥ bölgüdԥ ԥks olunmuúdur. Mԥcmuԥ hԥmçinin communication are reflected in splitting of urban and rural ölkԥnin iqtisadi vԥ inzibati úԥhԥr vԥ rayonlarÕ üzrԥ rabitԥ areas of the country. The yearbook covers also average vԥ poçt müԥssisԥlԥrindԥ çalÕúan iúçilԥrin orta illik sayÕ, annual number and the average monthly nominal wages of onlarÕn orta aylÕq nominal ԥmԥk haqqÕ vԥ digԥr employees of communication and post enterprises and other göstԥricilԥri dԥ ԥhatԥ edir. Mԥcmuԥyԥ müqayisԥ üçün indicators on the economic and administrative cities and MDB ölkԥlԥrinin rabitԥ üzrԥ ԥsas göstԥricilԥri dԥ daxil regions of the country. The yearbook has also included for edilmiúdir. comparison main indicators on communication of the CIS countries. Mԥcmuԥnin sonunda ԥsas anlayÕú vԥ göstԥricilԥr At the end of the yearbook methodological haqqÕnda metodoloji izahlar verilmiúdir. explanations on the basic concepts and indicators have been made. Ünvan: AZ1136 BakÕ úԥhԥri, ønúaatçÕlar prospekti Post address: State Statistical Committee, 81, Dövlԥt Statistika Komitԥsi Inshaatchilar av.81 AZ 1136, Baku E-poçt: [email protected]; [email protected]; tel: E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; tel: (99 412) 538 62 96. (99 412) 538 62 96. ùԥrti iúarԥlԥr: Conventional symbols: “-“ hadisԥ baú vermԥmiúdir; “-“ not applicable; “...” mԥlumat mövcud deyildir; “…” data not available; “0,0” mԥlumat çox kiçik rԥqԥmlԥ xarakterizԥ “0,0” data characterized by the least number. olunur. Qeyd. Bԥzi hallarda yekunla toplananlarÕn cԥmi Note. In some cases discrepancy between total and arasÕndakÕ fԥrq rԥqԥmlԥrin yuvarlaqlaúdÕrÕlmasÕ ilԥ izah the summed is explained by rounding. olunur. Mԥlumatlardan istifadԥ edԥrkԥn Azԥrbaycan In the cases of using statistics, it should be referrred to the RespublikasÕnÕn Dövlԥt Statistika State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Komitԥsinԥ istinad etmԥk lazÕmdÕr. 3 MÜNDԤRøCAT CONTENTS Ön söz....................................................................................................................................... 3 Foreword................................................................................................................................... 3 ønformasiya vΩ rabitΩ sektoru üzrΩ Ωsas makro göstΩricilΩr................................................... 7 Main macro indicators of information and communication sector........................................... 7 ønformasiya vΩ rabitΩ xidmΩtlΩrindΩn ΩldΩ olunan gΩlir......................................................... 8 Income from information and communication services............................................................ 8 ΨhaliyΩ göstΩrilmiú xidmΩtlΩrin dΩyΩri.................................................................................... 12 Cost of services to the population ........................................................................................... 12 Poçt xidmΩtlΩri.......................................................................................................................... 14 Post services.............................................................................................................................. 14 Telefon rabitΩsi ........................................................................................................................ 18 Telephone communication........................................................................................................ 18 ùΩhΩrlΩrarasÕ vΩ beynΩlxalq rabitΩ xidmΩtlΩri......................................................................... 26 Long-distance and international communication services ....................................................... 26 Televiziya vΩ radiorabitΩ 28 Television and radio communication........................................................................................ 28 RabitΩ müΩssisΩlΩrindΩ Ωsas fondlarÕn mövcudlu÷u vΩ vΩziyyΩti............................................ 32 Availability and situation of fixed assets in communication enterprises.................................. 32 RabitΩ müΩssisΩlΩrinin debitor vΩ kreditor borclarÕ................................................................ 32 Debtor and credit debts of communication enterprises............................................................. 32 RabitΩ müΩssisΩlΩrindΩ çalÕúan iúçilΩrin sayÕ.......................................................................... 32 Number of workers in communication enterprises................................................................... 32 5 RabitΩ avadanlÕqlarÕnÕn istehsalÕ............................................................................................ 34 Production of communication equipment................................................................................ 34 REGøONLAR............................................................................................................................ 36 REGIONS................................................................................................................................. 36 Qeyri-dövlΩt sektorunun Ωsas göstΩricilΩri............................................................................... 140 Main indicators of non-state sector 140 ønformasiya texnologiyalarÕ..................................................................................................... 142 Information technologies.......................................................................................................... 142 MDB ölkΩlΩri üzrΩ rabitΩnin Ωsas göstΩricilΩri........................................................................ 150 Main communication indicators of CIS countries.................................................................... 150 Metodoloji izahlar..................................................................................................................... 158 Methodological explanations.................................................................................................... 158 6 1.1 ønformasiya vԥ rabitԥ sektoru üzrԥ ԥsas makro göstԥricilԥr 1.1 Main macro indicators of information and communication sector 2014 2015 2016 2017 Ԥlavԥ dԥyԥr (cari qiymԥtlԥrlԥ), Value added (at current prices), milyon manat 1 070,9 1 087,7 1 058,1 1 138,2*) million manats Ümumi mԥnfԥԥt (cari qiymԥtlԥrlԥ), Gross operating surplus milyon manat 786,7 798,2 765,4 823,3*) (at current prices), million manats Xalis mԥnfԥԥt (cari qiymԥtlԥrlԥ), Net operating surplus milyon manat 539,1 547,2 512,6 551,4*) (at current prices), million manats Average annual number øúçilԥrin orta illik sayÕ, nԥfԥr 27 745 27 237 26 078 25 665 of workers, persons Orta aylÕq nominal ԥmԥkhaqqÕ, Average monthly nominal wages, manat 735,0 747,2 782,0 870,6 manats Ԥsas fondlar (ilin sonuna), Fixed assets (end of the year), milyon manat 2 658,1 2 988,4 3 164,3 3 235,3*) million manats Ԥsas kapitala investisiyalar, Investments directed to fixed milyon manat 157,5 335,3 199,4 171,9 capital, million manats daxili investisiyalar 157,5 212,4 177,3 171,9 domestic investments xarici investisiyalar - 122,9 22,1 - foreign investments ønformasiya vԥ rabitԥ Volume of information and xidmԥtlԥrinin hԥcmi communication services (müqayisԥli qiymԥtlԥrlԥ) (comparable prices) ԥvvԥlki ilԥ nisbԥtԥn, faizlԥ 115,1 106,8 104,7 106,7 by the previous years in % 1.1.1 Ölkԥ iqtisadiyyatÕnda informasiya vԥ rabitԥnin payÕ, faizlԥ 1.1.1 Share of information and communication in economics of country, in percent 2014 2015 2016 2017 Ԥlavԥ dԥyԥr 1,8 2,0 1,8 1,6*) Value added Ümumi mԥnfԥԥt 1,8 2,1 1,8 1,6*) Gross operating surplus Xalis mԥnfԥԥt 1,3 1,6 1,3 1,2*) Net operating surplus Average annual number øúçilԥrin orta illik sayÕ 1,8 1,8 1,7 1,7 of workers Orta aylÕq nominal ԥmԥkhaqqÕ Average monthly nominal (ölkԥ üzrԥ orta aylÕq wages (comparison average wages ԥmԥkhaqqÕ ilԥ müqayisԥdԥ) 165,4 160,0 156,5 164,7 of country) Ԥsas fondlar 2,4 2,4 2,2 2,1*) Fixed assets Investments directed to fixed Ԥsas kapitala investisiyalar 0,9 2,1 1,3 1,0 capital daxili investisiyalar 1,2 2,3 2,7 2,0 domestic investments xarici investisiyalar - 1,8 0,2 - foreign investments *) ilkin mԥlumatlar ԥsasÕnda *) based on preliminary data 7 1.2 ønformasiya vԥ rabitԥ xidmԥtlԥrindԥn ԥldԥ olunan gԥlir (faktiki qiymԥtlԥrlԥ), min manat 2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 ɋԥmi 150 500 480 812 1 179 641 1 272 931 1 439 714 rabitԥ xidmԥtlԥri 142 284 443 168 1 087 780 1 139 401
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