LBCAlum Adar 1 5776/February 2016 Leo Baeck College LBC Alum February 2016/Adar 1 5776 Welcome to LBCAlum Welcome to the first LBCAlum of 2016. Huge thanks to Nicole Taub, who worked on LBCAlum from the start but who has now moved on, and my gra&tude to Rhona Lesner who has stepped in to help me with this issue. The mi) of ar&cles this &me is somewhat eclec&c and I hope you find them interes&ng. Please think a out contri u&ng something of your own to a future issue, let us know if you-ve een reading a par&cularly compelling ook, and especially if there is any item of Personalia that you would like to share. Contri u&ons should e sent to rhona.lesner.l c.ac.uk Rabbi Dr Charles Middleburgh, Dean Inside this issue: Pages WO01N RABBI2 IN TH1 P3LPIT 243 RABBI 1LLI TI67AH 2ARAH WITH RABBI 8R BARBARA BORT2 CONTRIB3TION2 O9 PRO:R122I71 J38AI20 IN A32TRALIA 344 RABBI 9R18 0OR:AN :O8 I2 IN A CO9911 C3P 546 RABBI PA3LIN1 B1B1 THO3:HT2 ON 2PIRIT3ALITY AN8 HO2PIC1 CAR1 647 RABBI 8R CHAI0 JO21PH W1N81R A RABBI :O12 TO A32CHWITZ 7411 RABBI WALT1R ROTH2CHIL8 13ROP1AN J38AI20 11 WOR82 9RO0 TH1 PA2T 12 RABBI JOHN RAYN1R ABl 1RN2T L1ITZ O9 W1TZLARC H1LPIN: TH1 P1R21C3T18 13414 RABBI 9RAN6 8ABBA 20ITH P1R2ONALIA 15 DI-71 B11N R1A8IN: THI2 BOO6E..B 15 LBCAlum Adar 1 5776/February 2016 1 LBCAlum Adar 1 5776/February 2016 Women Rabbis in the Pulpit. A Collection of Sermons Edited by Rabbi Dr Barbara Borts and Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah that they wanted to contri ute and e)plain why they chose that par&cular one. The reasons are interes&ng and varied, as are the sermons. The sermons collected were delivered on a variety of diMerent occasions, several on Shabbat , some on Contri utors to Women Ra is in the Pulpit fes&vals, and the greatest at the ook launch num er during the yamim nora’im , the Women Rabbis in the Pulpit - A collecon Kawed days-. The authors employ Bi lical of sermons was launched at Leo Baeck and ra inic sources, yes, ut also poetry, College on 7 8ecem er 2015 in prose, newspaper ar&cles, we pages, and cele ra&on of Ra i 8r Jackie Ta ick, the popular music, among other things, first woman ra i to e ordained y the demonstra&ng how to fuse Jewish teaching college. The event, hosted y LBC with the other materials that are important Principal, Ra i 8r 8e orah 6ahn4Harris, in the lives of their congrega&ons. The aFracted a large audience, and included sermons also display a wide variety of styles many of the 46 women ra is who and approaches 4 scholarly, didac&c, poe&c, contri uted sermons to the ook. spiritual, personal 4 e)pressing a variety of individual ra inic voices. Cele ra&ng the The impetus for Women Rabbis in the women-s ra inate, the sermons Pulpit came from a (personal) challenge demonstrate a plurality of perspec&ves and to Bar ara at Bet Debora Jewish 9eminist e)periences. Conference, which was held in 1ngland in April 2015. When discussing what else we The themes e)plored are eNually diverse. To could do to further the study of women reOect this diversity, we decided to arrange in the ra inate, one of the delegates the sermons thema&cally under headings, suggested that Bar ara could, among and chose the followingC Living a Jewish other things, pu lish a collec&on of her Life, Being Human, :od and 2pirituality, sermons. Responses and Responsi ility to the World, 9eminism and :ender, Life and Loss. However, since 2015 marked the I0 th anniversary of the ordina&on of the first 2adly, two of the 55 women ordained since woman Ra i, Regina Jonas, in :ermany 1975 are no longer alive. The ook on 27 8ecem er 1935, and the 40 th of the concludes with tri utes to 2heila 2hulman, ordina&on of Jackie Ta ick, the first post4 z”l , and 1rlene Wahlhaus, z”l , who received war female ra i in 1urope, Bar ara s’mikhah in 19I9 and 1999, respec&vely. thought the more immediate priority was Women in the ra inate have made a to produce a pu lica&on to cele rate diMerence. It is in hearing the prayers of our these important anniversaries. What tradi&on eing led y women ra is that eFer way to do this than y collec&ng changes such as non4gendered language sermons from as many colleagues as and the inclusion of women-s poems, possi le and so create a testament to prayers and songs are slowly ecoming the women-s involvement in the Kpulpit.- norm in progressive communi&es. It is Bar ara approached 1lli and the proLect ecause of women ra is- em odied took oM. e)periences as women that various hitherto We asked women to choose the sermon Con&nuedPE... Follow us on Facebook and Twitter 2 LBCAlum Adar 1 5776/February 2016 unacknowledged life cycle and life events need these insights and ini&a&ves in order for have een commemorated or cele rated. It is Judaism to thrive and remain true to its through women-s scholarship that te)ts have mission in the world. In saying this, I am not een re4e)amined and read in the light of the sugges&ng that all Jews should aRliate to full partnership of women in Jewish life. Progressive synagogues or iden&fy with Progressive forms of Judaism. On the As each year passes, women ra is contrary, I elieve that diversity is central to throughout the Jewish world are, together, the 8ivine purpose, within Judaism as well as e)tending the great proLect of transforming eyond it. Like Ra i 2acks, I feel that Judaism into an inclusive inheritance. With sameness can only e rought a out through the pu lica&on of Women Rabbis n the a totalitarian form of authority, and that is Pulpit: A Collecon of Sermons, to mark the not a good thing. But unlike Ra i 2acks, I 40 th anniversary of the ordina&on of Jackie hold that it is important to acknowledge what Ta ick, the first woman Ra i in Britain and is good in other e)pressions of Judaism, even 1urope, and the I0 th anniversary of the those with which we do not agree. This is the ordina&on of Regina Jonas, the first woman way to achieve the Ddignity of diMerenceB Ra i in history, another milestone has een that is the leitmo&v of Ra i 2acks-s ook. reached. Progressive Judaism has made significant Contributions of Progressive Judaism in contri u&ons to Judaism in many crucial Australia areas. I am going to concentrate on two of Rabbi Fred Morgan them in this ar&cle. The first of these is women-s rights. 2ensi&vity towards women-s roles came a out as an aspect of a more Ra i Jonathan 2acks, in his ook The Dignity general awareness of human rights that of Di&erence , makes a super case for egan aSer the 9irst World War ut really learning to live with diversity as the ul&mate developed aSer the 2econd World War in purpose of the 8ivine crea&on. He applies America and other li eral democra&c this argument to the plurality of religions ut socie&es, including Australia. As a result of he stops short of applying it to the mul&ple this growing awareness, educa&on for girls e)pressions of faith within Judaism itself. leading to a at mitAvah ceremony in parallel Ra i 2acks speaks as a li eral when it comes with the tradi&onal prac&ce of ar mitAvah to Dinter4religiousB understanding ut his was introduced in the non4Orthodo) li eral aQtude fails when it comes to Dintra4 movements. Women took on lay leadership religiousB understanding. roles in synagogues. In the 1970s the maLor As a Progressive Jew I cele rate the plurality I non4Orthodo) ra inical seminaries egan find within Judaism. This is my personal ordaining women as ra is and cantors. credo. 0ore than this, however, I think it is It is thanks to these developments that the essen&al to recognise the special role of women has gradually changed in contri u&ons that each e)pression of our life Orthodo) circles as well. Today women sit on as Jews that have not come from any other the oards of many Orthodo) shuls, in many source. 0odern history has shown that we mainstream Orthodo) shuls -not mitAvah 3PJ Ra is, presidents and professions at leo Baeck Centre, 2013 PhotoC 8ean 2chmideg LBCAlum Adar 1 5776/February 2016 3 LBCAlum Adar 1 5776/February 2016 ceremonies are common, some Orthodo) Lus&ce concerns with elements of halachic shuls in Jerusalem and elsewhere have Jewish prac&ce, and thus to re4create a ins&tuted female minyanim in which girls can Jewish voca ulary and conte)t for social leyn Torah, and there are now egalitarian Lus&ce ac&vi&es. One of the fruits of this Orthodo) synagogues such as 2hira in amalgam has een the emergence of the 0el ourne at which girls cele rate at no&on of D&kkun olam T repairing the worldB, mitAvah with the whole congrega&on in the as a means of loca&ng prophe&c values same manner as their male peers. The within a halachic framework.
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