THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 17, 1919. THE FORT WAYNE JOURNAL-GAZETTE 13 LEFT EARFUL RIGHT EARFUL Fifty seeds for a ringside seat' Ifs Five bucks would get us somewhere just as well Jess Willard doesn't choose within the five-mile zone, and one iron to fight oftener. TODAT IN SPQMSman in the next town. CHAMPION EETIRING TO KEEP SUBBY HAPPY; NOW WATCH THE OTHER GIRLS Forsakes Peugeot, With Entries From Upwards of What in all probability constitutes'will be a clash -with Nate Jackson, Second Series League the most strenuous two-week box- j sensational New York bantam,- 'at Which He Made Many Games at Smart Gym Fifty Sources Assured for ing program Frankie Mason, world's Louisville on Friday, April 25. Three flyweight champ, will ever be called days later at. South Bend he takes Records, for Sunbeam. Promise Rare Sport. Tenth Annual Classic. upon 10 face, has been mapped out on Johnny ''Kewuie" Ertle, of St. j for him by hi manager. Georg Paul, whose remarkable "come-back" j JiiiriiitriBlcmei-., 0o1f thin us t-iiycity, iinandu SLif nn; i thinus .yea> CLUr i_-is> thij«.e- talwmik, wofi ^jgiiLm^fighting, \.ncir -- INDIAXAPOLIS. Ind., April 15. — Dario The gym at the James Smart school April. !£. — With ( doughty little Fort "Wayne battler cles everywhere. On May l he will Resta, who xvan ihe only official chain- 1 •will- to-night be the scene for tho irtwn:h! live up toi Uie expectations of his face -"Young Zulu Kid,, of; Brooklyn, pionshlp ever awarded In the history oJ second series of games to be staged by year admirers he will have accomplished at Cleveland, meeting him for the The speed sport in America, will compete he indoor baseball league recently or- iciuii i :L feut well worthy of note. third time, the other bouts being-vic- In til* 600-mile liberty sweepstakes nt In- ganized under the direction of L.. A. its coHi'-l Starting Friday of next week he tories-for Mason. The last, and prob- dianapolis il'ay 31. This time the win- wan, physical director of the Y, M. ably the most important'b'out of the ner of tho 1916 championship will drive A., and with all players in good thtfctits. liUKlinj; t- ill: o! meets four of ihe country ^ ana i a foreign car, but not the french Peugeot shape and nnxious for the fray, some Ivuiiiu i-.-U.vs. tht- vitstci'ii c !;-.&« it-. i h world's classiest boxers, quartet referred to, will be that .\viih That Jias always carried him xo victory. merest ins clashes should result. ihau fifty univt-criiiirs. i-uMetje.s uml three of whom are at or dangerously Paul IZoort'. which ,will be staged,,at Resia's mount tor the $00.000 contest will The four clubs comprising the league, high Si-!u>t>!s will rrii.-r ili'-ir .-^:i!- lahl.-t-^. near the top of the bantamweight, Toledo the following week, the date be the aame English Sunbeam that the assuring tne I«<MH?.SI ediiiiJiiiiliuii ):i U'*- which have been designated by Initials met'i. whk-ti will be held iii ilie Urake class, white the oilier is none other still to be named;-All-are ten-round late Joe Chrlatlaena vas to liave piloted. the institution they represent and ihan the one jlroclaimed flyweight affairs witii the articles 'calling for Until Resta oame to this country early ire known respectively as tho "T's." Macllum Saturday. April I*. Juries In- !n 1915 h© had always appeared at the 1 clude some of the gsvatesi trat-k ;H*-JI in champion of America by the national US to 3. 'M's,' "C's." and "-Vs." whose cap- notion, wheel of a Sunbeam racer in the Eu- ;ains. in the order najned, are C. W. boxing- commission when that class Verily Frankie has a hard route to ropean competition, starting with. a. vio^ •the Ust of cinder pa:h pt-r- \lensinc;, Fred. E, Johnson, George foriuers live the entries for l',^ ll)0-yard was first established less than three travel, but we're voicing the ' firm tory on tho Brooklanda speedway in conviction of his backers when we 1907. "When he arrived in America in "ichnelder and J.' Brake, will again dash, which will b^ th« special cveiu years a#o. January. 1915. ostensibly to drive one o£ swing- into action, and with last week's OLffA DOKFNEK again - this year. They IiielutU.-: Carl j The first, number on the program say, he'll make it O. K. the new Sunbeams that Louis -Cotalen had winners battling it out for leading hon- Johnson. Michigan srar: Iliiddock of Kan- built for the IndianR-polis 500-niHe drive ors and the losers fighting to remain sas, Carroll of Illinois. Sylvester of ili*-1 event, he suddenl-- -y switche....._.d to th. e Peu-^-..- out of the cellar, there's bound to be so-jri. Sol Butler of Diibuque (la.» semi-! geot team. action from start to finish. iiar'.'. Etter of Wabash, uncl Jusiii-e i-i Alphonsa Kail tf man, who loolied after The contests are scheduled to get low's. BOXING IS NEW Leaders Undisplaced the interests of the Peugeot In this"_coun- under way immediately following the Competing in the re-lay p-venta will be SPORT OF KINGS. ' try, made a master stroke when be regular men's classes which are set lor teams from these Institutions hi the uni- weaned Dario away from the Sunbeam 7:30 to 8:15, and will bring the ''Y's" versity class: Chicago. Michigan. Illi- Kins Albert of Belgium recently at State Pin Meet factory.-. • Kauffman took Beata to San against the "C's" and the "M's" against nois, Minnesota. tJrinnel!. Xoisv Dame, attend :i boxing entertainment i:» Francisco, where he thrilled the racing the "A's". Iowa. Missouri. "\Visconsin. Kansas. Ne-j Brusse!-^ in \vh!eh Carpeuticr was world by doing something that ,no othe: On Friday night at the Smart gym. braska. Northwestern. Purdue, Ames ami one of the performers. The e:irl o:' IXDIAXAPGUS, April 1'J.—-\*<me of driver had been ablb to accomplish — th' starting at 5:30 o'clock, a special volley Drake. Athlon**. Gen. llawlinson r.nd 1-ieut.- winning of a. Vanderbllt and grand prize ball practice session will be held to pre- The eollesa section, with entries in- Oeii. Sir Arthur Currie \vtre simony the five-men t^aniK bowling in the state In succession. Ha turneft the trick with pare the team for its game with Au- complete, Includes theso schools: Wabaah. the spectators, which gives rise to tournament bore to-nigh: verr able to .^ the same car that Julea Goux used to win burn on its home floor, a week from Dubuque seminary. Hamllne, Parsons, | | set into the standing of the first ten. ^ South Pakota • university, Simpson, Slotsi- j the statemen1 t boxing is now the 1913 Indianapolis race, after many of Monday, tin? sport of kings. i hi the doubles Fuehring asul \\"ynn. of the best American drivers had been un~ -c- ingslde. Yankton. Coe. Grlnnel and Desi 7 M oln 69. 1 i liuiis'.iuipolis. with a score of IDS- ., went • eble to score victory with, the French In ihe high school division, th*? entries | j into ninth place, pushing: Binder and ' CHAMPS ARE MANY AT •e principally from Iowa, as this is the-i Livington. of llinieie. tuto tt-nth plat-a. I Resta. stamped himself as a. great driver I In tlie Hinffles i:. A/Milier. of Thdian- -f in the 'two road, races by his ability to •st year out-ot"-5tate "prop" schools havo P1NEHURST DOG SHOW je*n "admitted. Crawfordavllle. Ind.. and i apoliF. with a score of .">7r,< tied with -1 : - make a winner o£ the old car and his niaha. Xeb.. Central high schools alretidy FINAL EVENTS OF THE ! A. iluse, of Shelbyville, for seventh-* driving* over the muddy board and asphalt ] ulate. " ' > course In the exposition grounds. Not only Pinehurst's second annual dog show,, ive accepted invitations. PINEHURST SEASON was he confronted with' the flat streets of the first to be held under A. 1C C. rules, Four events in the university section IN STATE TOURNEY. £ the exposition, but during the major Por- brought together a surprising: array of id three In'college division are carded, well known champions and was not jsldea the special. century dash, which The only golf event of any importance j tion ot both races it rained in torrents. 1 open to all. Each class will compete Dorme the rest ot 1&15' he scored sev only the most important dog show ever i the half-mile, mile and two-mile re- still to be played, nt Piuehurst, is the | TseRhoa Fires, liuliunapolE? 2. i97 e-al victories, tils best drive being the held in the south but also the best' ;>•«. and the universities also in the eleventh annual mid-April tournament, | am's Fiv*?. Indliinapulis 2.73" taking of. second place in the Infllanapo- show ever held outside of New Tork Kasraving Cu.. liidiaiiaiKjlis.2.ei;s four-mile-relays. The high sL-hool events schrteuled for April 15, 18, 17, IS and lit. '--e.'a feu- steps behind Ralph ity. consist of the half, mile and two- Brunswick Tlre Co.. lutlianupolis eimas flying Mercedes. His next best There were about 200 high class en- relays, the 400-yard shuttle and the Th various events to be" held during Iiuliana X)efii. Club. JS'o.
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