Public Document Pack Executive Date: Friday, 3 July 2020 Time: 2.00 pm Venue: Virtual Meeting - Webcast at https://manchester.public- i.tv/core/portal/webcast_interactive/485346 The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 Under the provisions of these regulations the location where a meeting is held can include reference to more than one place including electronic, digital or virtual locations such as Internet locations, web addresses or conference call telephone numbers. To attend this meeting it can be watched live as a webcast. The recording of the webcast will also be available for viewing after the meeting has ended. Membership of the Executive Councillors Leese (Chair), Akbar, Bridges, Craig, N Murphy, Ollerhead, Rahman, Stogia and Richards Membership of the Consultative Panel Councillors Karney, Leech, M Sharif Mahamed, Sheikh, Midgley, Ilyas, Taylor and S Judge The Consultative Panel has a standing invitation to attend meetings of the Executive. The Members of the Panel may speak at these meetings but cannot vote on the decisions taken at the meetings. Executive Agenda 1. Appeals To consider any appeals from the public against refusal to allow inspection of background documents and/or the inclusion of items in the confidential part of the agenda. 2. Interests To allow Members an opportunity to [a] declare any personal, prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interests they might have in any items which appear on this agenda; and [b] record any items from which they are precluded from voting as a result of Council Tax/Council rent arrears; [c] the existence and nature of party whipping arrangements in respect of any item to be considered at this meeting. Members with a personal interest should declare that at the start of the item under consideration. If Members also have a prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interest they must withdraw from the meeting during the consideration of the item. 3. Minutes To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2020 (to follow). 4. St Mary's Parsonage - Strategic Regeneration Framework Deansgate The report of the Strategic Director - Growth & Development is 5 - 30 enclosed. 5. NOMA Strategic Regeneration Framework Update 2020 Deansgate; The report of the Strategic Director - Growth & Development is Piccadilly enclosed. 31 - 44 6. First Street Development Framework Addendum 2020 Deansgate The report of the Strategic Director – Growth & Development is 45 - 64 enclosed. 7. Co-living in Manchester All Wards The report of the Strategic Director - Growth & Development is 65 - 74 enclosed. 8. Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan - Tackling Nitrogen Oxide All Wards Exceedances at the Roadside - Outline Business Case 75 - 100 The joint report of the Deputy Chief Executive and the City Solicitor is enclosed. 9. Refresh of the Ancoats and New Islington Neighbourhood Ancoats and Development Framework – Poland Street Zone Beswick; The report of the Strategic Director - Growth & Development is to Miles Platting follow. and Newton Heath 10. Capital Programme Update All Wards Executive The report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer is to follow. 11. COVID-19 Monthly Update Report All Wards The report of the Chief Executive is to follow. Executive Information about the Executive The Executive is made up of nine Councillors: the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council and seven Executive Members with responsibility for: Children Services & Schools; Finance & Human Resources; Adult Services; Skills, Culture & Leisure; Neighbourhoods; Housing & Regeneration; and Environment, Planning & Transport. The Leader of the Council chairs the meetings of the Executive. The Executive has full authority for implementing the Council’s Budgetary and Policy Framework, and this means that most of its decisions do not need approval by Council, although they may still be subject to detailed review through the Council’s overview and scrutiny procedures. The Council wants to consult people as fully as possible before making decisions that affect them. Members of the public do not have a right to speak at meetings but may do so if invited by the Chair. If you have a special interest in an item on the agenda and want to speak, tell the Committee Officer, who will pass on your request to the Chair. Groups of people will usually be asked to nominate a spokesperson. Speaking at a meeting will require a telephone or a video link to the virtual meeting. The Council is concerned to ensure that its meetings are as open as possible and confidential business is kept to a strict minimum. When confidential items are involved these are considered at the end of the meeting and the means of external access to the virtual meeting are suspended. Joanne Roney OBE Chief Executive Level 3, Town Hall Extension, Albert Square, Manchester, M60 2LA Further Information For help, advice and information about this meeting please contact the Committee Officer: Donald Connolly Tel: 0161 2343034 Email: [email protected] This agenda was issued on Thursday, 25 June 2020 by the Governance and Scrutiny Support Unit, Manchester City Council, Level 3, Town Hall Extension (Lloyd Street Elevation), Manchester M60 2LA Item 4 Manchester City Council Report for Resolution Report to: Executive – 3 July 2020 Subject: St Mary’s Parsonage - Strategic Regeneration Framework Report of: Strategic Director - Growth & Development Summary This report informs the Executive of the outcome of a public consultation exercise with local residents, businesses and stakeholders, on the draft Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) for the St Mary’s Parsonage area, and seeks the Executive’s approval of the SRF. Recommendations The Executive is recommended to: 1. Note the outcome of the public consultation on the draft SRF for the St Mary’s Parsonage area, and subsequent suggested revisions to the draft SRF. 2. Subject to the views of the Executive, approve the Strategic Regeneration Framework for the St Mary’s Parsonage area and request that Planning and Highways Committee take the framework into account as a material consideration when considering planning applications for the area. Wards Affected Deansgate Environmental Impact Assessment - the impact of the decisions proposed in this report on achieving the zero-carbon target for the city The area will benefit from the opportunity to create carbon neutral buildings of the highest standard of energy efficiency. Alongside this, refurbishing and redeveloping the area’s existing heritage buildings provides the opportunity to significantly reduce their carbon footprint, which contribute towards the city’s carbon reduction targets. The framework sets out proposals which would support the reduction of vehicular traffic in the area and promote the city wide modal shift towards active modes and sustainable public transport, aligned with the ambitions of the emerging City Centre Transport Strategy. It is proposed that this will be achieved by reducing vehicular parking, both on street and in multi-storey car parks, and by rebalancing the hierarchy of streets within the area, towards more pedestrian and cycling friendly routes. Page 5 Item 4 Manchester Strategy outcomes Summary of the contribution to the strategy A thriving and sustainable city: Development at St Mary’s Parsonage will see the supporting a diverse and distinctive creation of a thriving and sustainable economy that creates jobs and neighbourhood, which fully embraces opportunities Manchester’s zero carbon ambitions and builds on the strength of existing residential and business communities. High quality, commercially-focused development will create a critical mass of activity and a range of jobs within key employment sectors such as financial and professional services, creative and digital and media, development will also create opportunities for innovation and enterprise. The potential for new hotel accommodation will further stimulate the growth of the city as a popular visitor destination and provide a range of employment opportunities. A highly skilled city: world class The implementation of the St Mary’s Parsonage and home grown talent sustaining SRF will support the growth of a range of different the city’s economic success businesses, and provide opportunities for a diverse workforce. The delivery of new Grade A commercial space will attract major new organisations to the area, and with it create a variety of employment opportunities. As proposals are further refined the commercial offer within the St Mary’s Parsonage neighbourhood will be tailored to meet market demands. Additionally, the development of new retail and leisure outlets will appeal to both new and existing SME’s seeking to relocate, in addition to Manchester residents seeking a new vibrant neighbourhood in which to launch a new enterprise. It will also provide a range of jobs in the retail and leisure sector. A progressive and equitable city: The framework has been developed to align with making a positive contribution by adjacent approved regeneration frameworks to unlocking the potential of our ensure development is complementary, accords communities with existing planning policy and takes a holistic view of a key city centre neighbourhood. These frameworks include the Ramada Complex, St Michael’s, Spinningfields and St John’s which will collectively deliver significant transformation to this part of the city centre. The framework details the addition of high quality Page 6 Item 4 public realm which includes river side access and routes, alongside new commercial and leisure amenities. This will help to ensure the area is a popular neighbourhood of choice to live, visit and work. Developers will be encouraged to seek a fresh and differentiated retail offer to that already available, set apart from the adjacent shopping areas, focused around an area for craft, culture and a ‘made in Manchester’ type branding. Enhancing existing routes and connection will underpin the delivery of new development in this neighbourhood. Additionally, the jobs created will be highly accessible to Manchester residents in this city centre location.
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