5168 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY l'i By Mr. ROE of Maryland: · By Mr. HAVENNER: H. R. 6456. A bill to provide for an exami­ H. R. 6469. A bill for the relief of the es­ SENATE nation and survey to determine the advisabil­ tates ot Harold P. Stites and William A. ity and feasibility of dredging Levering Creek Miller; to the Committee on Claims. FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1946 at Ewell, Md., on Smith Island; to the Com­ By Mr. KLEIN: mittee on Rivers and Harbors. H. R. 6470. A bill for the relief of Antonio <Legislative _day of Tuesday, March 5, By Mr. CAMPBELL: Sorotas; to the Committee on Immigration 1946) . H. R. 6457. A bill to reduce taxation by and Naturalization. conserving the assets of the United States; By Mr. LEMKE: The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, to the Committee on Ways and Means. H. R. 6471. A bill to authorize the Soil Con­ on the expiration of the recess. H. R. 6458. A bill to authorize the sale of­ servation Service Administrator to sell cer­ The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Brit ish bonds in the United States; to the tain submarginal lands in Bil_lings County, . Committee on Foreign Affairs. Harris, D. D.,_ offered the following N. Dak.; to the Committee on the Public prayer: By Mr. FLANNAGAN: Lands. H. R. 64:59. A bill to extend the period within which the Secretary of Agriculture By Mr. McGEHEE: /Eternal Spir£t, without w_hose guid­ may carry out the purposes of the Soil Con­ H. R. 64:72. A bill for the relief of John E. ance our wisdom is but folly, keep us servation and Domestic Allotment Act by Peterson, James M. Hiler, Vivian Larigemo, this day in serene. sincerity ·of purpose making payments to agricultural producers; Floy Sibrie, and Ross Lee Brown; to the Com­ with the seal of understanding charity to the Committee on Agriculture. · mittee on Claims. - By Mr. MILLER of California: upon our lips. Save us from being em­ · By Mr. KELLEY of Pennsylvania: bittered by ingratitude, pettiness, or H. R. 6460. A bill to authorize the furnish­ H. R. 6473. A bill for the relief of William ing of motor equipment to seriously disabled H. Powell and Loretta B. Powell; to the Com- meanness, and from turning coward in veterans, and for other purposes; to the Com­ mittee on Claims. · the day of battle. May we be satisfied mittee on World War Veterans' Legislation. By Mr. SIKES: with nothing less than our best, how­ By Mr. LYNCH: - H. R. 6474. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Hazel ever difficult-and testing the duty before H. R . 6461. A bill to include the Virgin W. Macdonald; to the Committee on Claims. us. May the voice of the past warn us Islands in certain titles o{ the Social Security By Mr. TOLAN: of paths which lead to national disaster, Act; to the Committee on Ways and Means. H. R. 6475. A bill for the relief of the may the voice of the present call us to By Mr. McCORMACK: estates of William A. Miller and Harold P. H. R. 6462. A bill to provide for making Stites; to the Committee on Claims. be prophets of good will in today's crisis, certain Navy Department articles and ·equip­ H. R. 6476. A bill for the relief of the legal and may the voice of the future chal­ ment available for use at the .convention of guardian of Robert Whitehead, a minor; t~ lenge us to a golden -day when earthts the -Veterans of Foreign Wars to be held -in the Committee on Clai~s. dismal deserts shall blossom into glad:. Boston, Mass., in September 1946; to- the some gardens. In the dear Redeemer's .Committee on Naval Affairs. name. Amen . H. R. 6463. A bill to provide for making PETITIONS, ETC. certain War Department articles and equip­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions DESIGNATION OF ACTING ·PRESIDENT ment available for use at -the convention .of PRO. TEMPORE the Veterans of F.oreign Wars to be held in and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Boston, Mass., in . September 1946; to the and referred as follows: The Chief Clerk read the following Committee on Military Affairs. 1886. By Mr. HANCOCK: Petition of J. letter: By Mr. COLE of New York: UNITED STATES SEKATE, Carlton Hurley and other residents of Onon­ PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, H. R. 6464. A bill to amend section 108 of daga County, N.Y., requesting that Congress the act approved April 30, 1946 (Public, No. Washington, D. C., May 17, 1946. pass a resolution authorizing the President To the Senate: · 370, 79tll Cong.); to. the Committee on In- _ and the Secretary of Agriculture to issue sular Affairs. Being temporarily-absent from the Sen·ate, directives preventing the use ·of grain for I appoint Hon. WALTER F. GEORGE, a Senator By Mr. JENNINGS: the manufacture of alcoholic beverages; to H . R. 6465. A b111 to authorize a prelimi­ from' the State of Georgia, to perform the the Committee on Agriculture. duties of the Chair during my absence. nary examination and survey of the Big 1887. Also, petition of Mr.' and Mrs. Frank South Fork River and its tributaries, in the KENNETH MCKELLAR, State of Tennessee, for flood control, and for E. Stebbins and other residents of Onondaga President pro tempore. County, N.Y., requesting that Congress pass soil-erosion prevention; to the Committ.ee Mr. GEORGE thereupon took the on Flood Control. a resolution authorizing the President and By Mr. LEMKE: the Secretary of Agriculture to issue direc­ chair as Acting President pro tempore. H. J. Res. 354. A joint resolution to pro­ tives preventing the use of grain for the THE JOURNAL vide for the designation of the Park River manufacture of alcoholic beverages; to the Dam and Reservoir project in Walsh County, Committee on Agriculture. On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by N.Dak., -as the Homme Reservoir and Dam; 1888. By Mr. LUTHER A. JOHNSON: Peti­ unanimous consent, the reading of the to the Committee on Irrigation and Recla­ tion of J. R. Jones, Mexia, Tex., opposing tax Journal of the proceedings of the cal­ mation. exemption for co-ops; to the Committee on endar day Thursday, May 16, 1946, was By Mr. CELLER: Agriculture. dispensed with, and the Journal was H. Res. 622. Resolution to investigate into 1889. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of workers approved. the p:opaganda activities of the Arab League of Columbia Machine Works, Inc., United in this country; to the Committee on Rules. Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT~ By Mr. ELLSWORTH: America, Local No. 475, CIO, in support ·of APPROVAL OF BILLS H. Res. 623. Resolution requesting the Re­ the extension of OPA and against any crip­ construction Finance Corporation to make pling amendments; to the Committee ori A message in writing from the Presi­ periodical reports to the House regarding Banking and Currency. · dent of the United States was communi­ premium payments made under section 11 of 1890. By Mrs. NORTON: Petition of the cated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of the Veterans' Emergency Housing Act of 1946; executive committee of United States Em­ his secretaries, and he announced that to the Committee on· Banking and Currency. ployment Service Employees, Local No. 968, · the President . had approved and signed American Federation of State, County, and the following acts: PRIVATE :JILLS A:ND RESOLUTIONS Municipal Employees, Trenton, N. J., urging On May 15, 1946: that appropriate action be taken to insure Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private S. 1442. An act for the relief of George 0. adequate financing for the full continuance Weems; and bills and resolutions were introduced and and operation of the United States Employ­ S. 1961. An act to exempt from taxation severally referred as follows: ment Service; to the Committee on Ways certain property of the Disabled American :ey Mr. BLOOM: and Means. Veterans in the District of ·Columbia. H. R. 6466. A bill for the relief of Veto 1891. By Mr. VOORHIS of California: Pe­ On May 16, 1946 : (Nee) Roberts and her son, Philip Gordon tition of Theo P. Schubert and 508 other op­ S. 842. An act for the relief of the Elmira Marais; to the Committee on Immigration erating and nonoperating railroad employees, Area Soaring Corp.; and and Naturalization. requesting the enactment of legislation by S. 2101. An act to amend the Trading With - By Mr. CANNON of Florida: the Congress providing for the payment· of the Enemy Act, as amended, to permit the H. R. 6467. A bill for the relief of Harry V. pensions of $150 a month to men retiring shipment of relief supplies. Ball; to the Committee on Claims. from railroad employment after 30 years' MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE By Mr. GAMBLE: service or at 60 years with· two-thirds of H. R. 6468. A bill for the relief of Joseph such pensions paid to the widow of such a A message from the House of Repre­ Fountain; to the Committee on Claims. man; to the Committee on Ways and Means. sentatives, by Mr. Maure.r, one of its "1946 CONGRESSIONA-L RECORD~SENATE 5169 reading clerks, announced that · the packing industry that the problem of meat ,tain, and operate a bridge across the Ohio House had passed t:tie following bills, in shor~age would automatically correct itself. River at or near the city or' Shawneetown, The r~tai~ merc.hant in this _territory is cpu­ .Gallatin.
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