Toronto As Neglected Factor in International Cultural and Intellectual History

Toronto As Neglected Factor in International Cultural and Intellectual History

MID-ATLANTIC JOURNAL OF CANADIAN STUDIES (1986) 55-70 Toronto as Neglected Factor in International Cultural and Intellectual History Dr. Tomas W. Cooper It is enti e!" #$ssi%!e t&'t T$ $nt$( )* in+ t&e 1950s t& $*+& t&e 1980s( &'s # $,ided 's -*.& inte!!ect*'! di,e sit"( insi+&t( 'nd . $ss-disci#!in' " inte /'ce 's 'n" cit" in N$ t& A-e i.' 'nd #$ssi%!" t&e 0$ !)1 2e &',e &e' d -*.& '%$*t 3e ke!e"( C'-% i)+e( St'n/$ )( 'nd 5 incet$n( %*t !itt!e '%$*t T$ $nt$1 6e $*t#$* in+s $f F "e 'nd D',ies( t&e Innis/McL*&'n .$ es#$ndence( J$&n Le"e !e's Cent e /$ Medie,'! St*dies( 'nd t&e 9'!*es : $*# $f t&e 1940s ' e '-$n+ t&e &i+&!" in<*enti'! .$nste!!'ti$n $f inde#endents 0&$se .$!!ecti,e 0$ k t$*.&es 0$ !d t&$*+&t1 Re.$+niti$n( ese' .&( 'nd 0 itin+s s* $*ndin+ t&e .$!!ecti,e in<*ence $f t&is *n.$nsci$*s .$--*nit" is ,it'! 'nd $,e )*e1 C'n'di'n in<*ence *#$n t&e United St'tes in.!*des t&e in,isi%!e in<*ence $f ide's( .*!t* '! #'tte ns( 'nd # $+ '--in+1 6e ess'" be!$0 0i!! /$.*s e=.!*si,e!" *#$n C'n'di'ns in T$ $nt$ 'nd )$.*-ent t&e in<*ence $f t&e .'se $f !e'din+ .&' 'cte s *#$n U1S t&$*+&t 'nd .*!t* e1 At t&e $*tset .!' i>.'ti$n is e?*i ed e+' din+ *s'+e $f t&e 0$ ds @T$ $nt$ni'n@ 'nd @in<*ence1@ C$--ent' " e+' din+ t&e infuence $f indi,i)*'!s 'nd instit*ti$ns &$*sed in T$ $nt$ (&ence T$ $nt$ni'n)( )$es n$t &$!d 's # e e?*isite t&'t t&e indi,i)*'! be %$ n 'nd e)*.'ted in T$ $nt$( n$ t&'t t&e instit*ti$n be /$*nded n$ e,en ')-iniste ed %" n'ti,e T$ $nt$ni'ns1 Rat&e AT$ $nt$ni'n in<*enceB infe s t&'t t&e # i-' " indi,i)*'!s 'nd instit*ti$ns dis.*ssed ' e $ 0e e %'sed in T$ $nt$ /$ 't !e'st $ne de.'de )* in+ t&e &ei+&t $f t&ei ese' .&( $*t e'.&( 'nd e.$+niti$n1 A!t&$*+& -'n" T$ $nt$ni'ns 0e e %$ n 'nd e)*.'ted /' / $- T$ $nt$( '!! e-e +ed 'n) <$0e ed 0it&in t&e T$ $nt$ inte!!ect*'! 'nd .*!t* '! -i!ie*1 6ei % e'kt& $*+&s( -'C$ #*%!i.'ti$ns( 'nd si+ni>.'nt -eetin+s $..* ed in T$ $nt$1 N$ t& $# F "e is #e &'#s t&e -$st $*tst'ndin+ e='-#!e $f .$ntin*in+ in<*ence *#$n United St'tes 'nd indeed inte n'ti$n'! s.&$!' s&i#1 6e 0$ !d- en$0ned # $fess$ ( '*t&$ ( 'nd !ite ' " . itic + ')*'ted / $- t&e Uni,e sit" $f T$ $nt$ in 1933 'nd &'s t'*+&t t&e e since &is '##$int-ent in 1939, 'n i-# essi,e /$ t"->,e "e' ten* e1 As 'n '.'de-i.( F "e8s '..$-#!is&-ents ' e # $!i>.E &e &'s 0 itten t0ent" %$$ks( edite) t0e!,e( .$nt i%*ted t$ /$ t"( 'nd #*%!is&ed $,e 100 ' ti.!es 'nd e,ie0s in !e' ned C$* n'!s1 N$te)( 'nd ?*$te)( &is . iticis- is ese' .&ed 'nd e,e e)1 N$t $n!" s.&$!' s $f En+!is& !ite 't* e( %*t st*dents $f D '-' !'n+*'+e( 5&i!$s$#&" 'nd C$-#' 'ti,e Lite 't* e / e?*ent!" >nd &is %$$ks .$-#*!s$ " e'din+1 F "e's si+ni>.'nce 's ' C'n'di'n inte!!ect*'! '-%'ss')$ is e,en -$ e i-# essi,e 'nd +e -'ne1 F "e 0's e!ected ' F$ ei+n F$n$ ' " Me-be $/ t&e A-e i.'n A.'de-" $f A ts 'nd Sciences in 1969, ' F$ ei+n Me-be $/ t&e A-e i.'n 5&i!$s$#&i.'! S$ciet" in 1976, 'nd 'n F$n$ ' " Me-be $f t&e A-e i.'n A.'de-" 'nd Instit*te $f A ts 'nd Lette s in 1981. Fe 0's ' T *stee $f t&e En+!is& Instit*te( $/ 0&i.& &e 0's C&'i -'n in 1953, 'nd 0's ' -e-be $f t&e E=e.*ti,e C$*nci! $f t&e M$de n L'n+*'+e 'ss$ci'ti$n $f A-e i.' / $- 1958 t$ 1961. MID-ATLANTIC JOURNAL OF CANADIAN STUDIES (1986) 55-70 2&i!e &e &'s !ect* ed 't $,e $ne &*n) ed *ni,e sities in .$*nt ies 's /' 'n+in+ 's It'!"( J'#'n( 'nd Ne0 Ge'!'n)( &is si+ni>.'nt #enet 'ti$n int$ U1S1 .* i.*!*- in.!*des /*!! te -s $f se-este !$n+ sessi$ns 't F' ,' )( 5 incet$n( C$!*-bi'( C$ ne!!( 3e ke!e"( Indi'n'( 'nd 2's&in+t$n1 U1S1 . iti.'! dis.*ssi$ns $f &is 0$ 4( in.!*din+ 5&1D1 t&eses( n*-be in t&e t&$*s'nds1 F$n$ ' " )e+ ees( / $- D' t-$*t& t$ 6e Uni,e sit" $f C&i.'+$( / $- F' ,' d t$ I$0'( ' e best$0ed 'nn*'!!"1 A!t&$*+& t&e n*-be $f in<*enti'! 0$ ds s#$ken %" F "e 't U1S1 *ni,e sities .'nn$t be -e's* e)( t&e n*-be $f te=ts #* .&'sed %" U1S1 citiHens .'n be .$n. ete!" )$.*-ente)E Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake (5 incet$n Uni,e sit" 5 ess( 1947) s$!d $,e 27,000 ,$!*-es( 't !e'st &'!f 0it&in t&e United St'tesJ Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays (5 incet$n Uni,e sit" 5 ess( 1957) s$!d $,e 100,000 't t&e s'-e 'ti$J Te Great Code: Te Bible and Literature (Ne0 K$ 4( F' .$* t 3 'ce J$,'n$,i.&( 1982) &'s '! e')" s$!d $,e II(000 .$#ies 'nd is in. e'sin+!" de-'nde)1 Of t&e %$$ks F "e &'s edite)( 0 itten( $ # e/'ced 't !e'st &'!/ $ i+in'ted 'nd 0e e #*%!is&ed in t&e United St'tes1 Of t&e >/t"-ei+&t %$$ks t$ 0&i.& &e &'s .$nt i%*ted ess'"s 'nd int $)*cti$ns( t&i t"-/$* 0e e #*%!is&ed in t&e United St'tes1 C$n,e se!"( &is #e i$di.'! #*%!is&in+ &'s /',$ ed C'n'di'n C$* n'!s %" ' t0$ t$ $ne 'ti$1 6e $,e '!! si+ni>.'nce $f s*.& ' #*%!is&in+ #'tte n is t&'t F " &'s e-'ined !$"'! t$ C'n'di'n #*%!is&e s s*.& 's 6e Uni,e sit" $f T$ $nt$ 5 ess 0&i!e )$-in'tin+ U1S1 !ite ' " . iticis- 'nd #*%!is&e s1 5 i-' " e,idence $f s*.& )$-in'ti$n in.!*des F "e's in,it'ti$ns t$ s#e'4( ecei,ed / $- U1S1 s.&$!' s 'skin+ in/$ -'ti$n( . iti.'! .$--ents( $ inte ,ie0 ti-eJ 'nd t&e se,e '! &*n) eds $f st*dents 0&$ &',e t ',e!!ed / $- t&e U1S1 s#eci>.'!!" t$ st*)" 0it& F "e1 6e n$ti$n $f t&e U1S( 's ' cente 0it& C'n')' 'n) $t&e @ide'@ -' kets 's s'te!!ites is e,e sed %" F "e 0&$( )es#ite ,isits t$ t&e U1S1( -'int'ins &is %'se 0it&in 'nd &is '!!e+i'nce t$ T$ $nt$1 T$ $nt$ n$ !$n+e si-#!" i-#$ ts .* i.*!' 'nd /$ ei+n #e s#ecti,es %*t &'s e-e +ed 's 'n e=#$ t Cente 0it&in Ont' i$1 R$be ts$n D',ies( '*t&$ ( . iti.( #!'"0 i+&t( S&',i'n s.&$!' 'nd M'ste E-e it*s $f M'sse" C$!!e+e (in 6e Uni,e sit" $f T$ $nt$)( &'s s*dden!" be.$-e e?*'!!" ,isi%!eE U1S1 .$#ies $f D',ie's n$,e!s '!s$ n*-be 0e!! int$ t&e t&$*s'ndsJ )$Hens $f U1S instit*ti$ns &',e s$*+&t t$ entice D',ies t$ !ect* e( te'.&( $ -e 0 ite -in- esidence1 Fe be.'-e t&e > st C'n'di'n $Le ed &$n$ ' " -e-be s&i# int$ t&e A-e i.'n A.'de-" 'nd Instit*te $f A ts 'nd Lette s1 M$ e$,e ( D',ies's in<*ence is /' -$ e di,e si>e)J &e is .$nside ed 'n i-#$ t'nt inte # ete $f t&e 0$ ks $f M' ! J*n+ 'nd &'s s#$ken t$ t&e J*n+i'n S$cieties E'st (1983) 'nd 2est (1982)J $n t&e $t&e &'n)( &e is /e't* ed in Ne s eek 's ' .$!$ /*! 'nd .$n,incin+ #!'"0 i+&t 'nd n$,e!ist1 F* t&e -$ e D',ies is )is.*ssed %" C'n'di'n J$&n Mennet& :'!% 'it& in Te Ne !ork "imes #evie of Books 's ' si+ni>.'nt .$nte-#$ ' " inte!!ect*'! >+* e 'nd i-#$ t'nt( '*t&$ E @R$be ts$n D',ies's n$,e!s &',e t&ei settin+ in C'n')' %*t t&e" ' e /$ t&e 0$ !)1@ 6e e .'n n$0 be n$ )$*btin+ $f D',ies8s st et.& be"$nd t&e At!'ntic 0it& t&e t 'ns!'ti$n $/ &is %$$ks int$ D*t.&( Finnis&( C&inese( :e -'n( 5$!is&( N$ 0e+i'n( S0edis&( 'nd n*-e $*s $t&e !'n+*'+es1 F$0e,e ( it is &is U1S1 e.$+niti$n 0&i.& &'s >n'!!" t'ken ' ?*'nt*- !e'#E t&e N*'!it" 5'#e %'ck C!*%( /$ e='-#!e( is t"#i.'! $f t&e U1S1 #*%!is&in+ &$*ses 0&i.& !ist &i- 0it& -$ e t 'diti$n'! n'-es--Fe-in+0'"( J$"ce( M'/4'( M'nn( T0'in( 'nd 2$$!/1@ As 0it& F "e( t&e e,e s'! is )e>niteE 0&i!e D',ies t ',e!s t$ t&e United St'tes( &e is 'n.&$ ed in Ont' i$( 'nd &is 0 itin+ e<ects ' keen insi+&t 0&i.& $0es n$ -$ e t$ &is En+!is& e *diti$n t&'n &is ci .!e $f 'ss$ci'tes 'nd e=#e iences in T$ $nt$1 MID-ATLANTIC JOURNAL OF CANADIAN STUDIES (1986) 55-70 C'n'di'n s.&$!' s 'nd ' tists &',e n$t <$* is&ed 0it&$*t 'ssist'nce1 A-$n+ t&$se C'n'di'n instit*ti$ns 0&i.& e-'in *n e.$+niHed is t&e Uni,e sit" $f T$ $nt$ 5 ess (/$*nded 1901)( 0&i.& &'s s$!d &*n) eds $f t&$*s'nds $f C'n'di'n %$$ks t$ U1S #* .&'se s1 F$ e='-#!e( in 'dditi$n t$ -$ e #$#*!' 0$ ks s*.& 's At0$$d's # $se 'nd M' s&'s #$ t 'its( s.&$!' !" ,$!*-es s*.& 's F' $!d Innis's 6e F* T 'de in C'n')' (1956, K'!e Uni,1 5 ess( 1930) 'nd 6e 3i's $f C$--*ni.'ti$n (1951) &',e s$!d 's 0e!! in t&e U1S1 's in C'n')'1 M' s&'!! McL*&'nOs 6e :*tenbe + :'!'="( '!t&$*+& !'te e!e'sed %" ' n$n-'.'de-ic #*%!is&e in U1S1( &'s s$!d $,e 51,000 .$#ies( 't !e'st &'!f t$ U1S( %*"e s1 C!e' !"( t&e si+ni>.'nce is n$t si-#!" ' e,e s'! in t&e e=#$ t'ti$n $f ide's1 Innis 'nd McL*&'n 0e e n$t dis.$,e ed 's @inte estin+ C'n'di'n t&inke s(@ %*t 't&e 's @inte estin+ t&inke s(@ 0&i.& si+n'!ed ' + e'te t i%*te t$ %$t& C'n')' 'nd its inte!!ect*'!s1 T$n 2$!fe + 'nted McL*&'n + e'tness %" 'ss$ci'ti$nE @S*##$se &e is 0&'t &e s$*nds !ike( t&e -$st i-#$ t'nt t&inke since Ne0t$n( D' 0in( F e*)( Einstein 'nd 5',!$,PB N$ )$es t&e '..$-#!is&ed s.&$!' J'-es C' e" &esit'te t$ )is.*ss Innis 0it&in t&e s'-e t'#est " $f t&$*+&t 's C$-te( M*-/$ )( 'nd 2ebe 1 2it& Innis( McL*&'n( F "e( 'n) :'!% 'it&( C'n'di'ns be.'-e -$ e t&'n 0e'k si+n'!s / $- t&e N$ t&E t&ei )i'!$+ .$nt i%*ted t$ 0$ !)0ide /$ *-J $t&e si+ni>.'nt ,$ices( -'n" $f 0&$- 0e e United St'tes citiHens( &'d t$ -$di/"( ede>ne( $ 't !e'st e.$nside t&ei $0n #e s#ecti,e1 2&i!e t&e %$$ks s$!d in t&e U1S .'n be -e's* e)( t&e -$ e si+ni>.'nt )'t' $f 'ttit*din'! s&ifts .'nn$t1 6't McL*&'n 'nd :'!% 'it& be.'-e @&$*se&$!d 0$ ds@ in !ite 'te A-e i.'( 'nd F "e 'nd Innis be.'-e si+ni>.'nt e'din+ in -$ e s#eci'!iHed '.'de-ic de#' t-ents( indi.'tes t&'t inte!!ect*'! &ist$ " -*st n$0 t'ke int$ '..$*nt t&e # $,ince $f Ont' i$1 At !e'st 40 % $f t&e Uni,e sit" $/ T$ $nt$ 5 ess 's %$$ks >nd U1S1 -' kets1 As -'n" $f t&ei tit!es ' e 'i-ed s#eci>.'!!" 't C'n'di'n '*diences( $ne .$*!d s'fe!" infe t&'t $,e &'!f $f t&ei $t&e #*%!i.'ti$ns ' e s$!d be!$0 t&e %$ de 1 M$ e$,e ( 0&i!e t&e Uni,e sit" $f T$ $nt$ 5 ess is ,ie0ed !$.'!!" 's ' AC'n'di'nB # ess( it is ,ie0ed 0$ !)0ide 's 'n '.'de-ic # ess( 'nd $ne $f t&e t$# ten N$ t& A-e i.'n '.'de-ic # esses1 Ne' t&e Uni,e sit" $f T$ $nt$ 5 ess is t&e Cent e /$ Medie,'! St*dies (/$*nded 1963) in t&e Uni,e sit" $f T$ $nt$1 A!t&$*+& t&e Cent e is '! e')" e.$+niHed in #*%!i.'ti$ns s*.& 's C& ist$#&e M!ein&enH's %edie$al Studies &n Nort' America(

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