MARTHOMA TALENT SEARCH EXAMINATION - 2019 THRISSUR LSS MODEL EXAMINATION , JANUARY 2019 In numbers Reg No. In words Time : 11/2 Hours Total Score : 40 PAPER - I Instructions : 1. The time of examination is from 1.00 pm - 2.30 pm 2. The first 5 minute will be cool - off time. This time should be used for reading the questions carefully. 3. Paper I includes 3 parts. Part (A) - Malayalam, Part (B) - English, Part (C) - General Knowledge 4. Answer all the questions in the space provided in the question paper. 5. Identification mark or any other marks of such kind should not be written on the booklet. 6. Candicates should handover the booklet to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall. 1 PAPER I - PART A - ae-bmfw I F√m tNmZy-߃°pw DØcw Fgp-Xp-I. BsI kvtIm¿ : 20 1. "Hm´-{]-Z-£nWw \S-ØpI' F∂ ssien-sIm≠v A¿∞-am-°p-∂Xv F¥v? F) thK-Øn¬ Np‰n \S∂p _n) HmSn {]Z-£nWw \SØn kn) XnSp-°-Øn¬ Imcyw \SØn Un) HmSn HmSn Imcyw \SØn (kvtIm¿ 1) 2. icn-bmb ]Z-taXv? F) JSn-Imcw _n) AYnXn kn) DZvLm-S\w Un) hnZym¿Øn (kvtIm¿ 1) 3. NmIym¿Iq-Øn¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°p∂ hmZy D]-I-cWw GXv? F) hb-en≥ _n. angmhv kn. lm¿tam-Wnbw Un. sN≠ (kvtIm¿ 1) 4. ImsS-hnsS a°-sf...... tasS-hnsS a°sf Im´p-]p¬Ø-In-Sn-bpsS thsc-hnsS a°sf Im´p-]q-t©m-e-bpsS Ipfn-sc-hnsS a°-sf.... CXn¬ ]cm-a¿in-®n-cn-°p∂ kmaq-ly-{]iv\w F¥mWv? (kvtIm¿ 1) 5. ""ap√-∏q-sºm-Sn-tb‰p InS°pw I√n-\p-ap-≠m-samcp kuc`yw'' Bcp-tS-XmWo hcn-Iƒ? F) Fgp-Ø-—≥ _n. Ip©≥\-ºym¿ kn. sNdp-t»cn Un) ]q¥m\w (kvtIm¿ 1) 6. AS-®p-d∏v ˛ Cu ]Zw ]ncn-s®-gp-XpI (kvtIm¿ 1) 7. NphsS tN¿Øn-cn-°p-∂-h-bn¬ ssh°w apl-ΩZv _jo-dns‚ IrXn A√m-ØXv GXv? ˛˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛˛ F) ]mØp-Ω-bpsS BSv _n) BSv PohnXw kn. aXn-ep-Iƒ Un. BIm-i-an-Tmbn (kvtIm¿ 1) 2 8. Ch-bn¬ "AΩ' F∂ A¿∞w hcmØ ]Z-taXv? F) P\\n _n) cP\n kn) P\-bn{Xn Un) amXmhv (kvtIm¿ 1) 9. ASn-h-c-bn´ ]Z-Øns‚ A¿∞-sa¥v? "shÆn-em-thm-ep∂ Xn¶ƒ t]mse' (kvtIm¿ 1) 10. Xmsg ]d-bp-∂-h-bn¬ icn-bmb A£-c-amem {Ia-Øn-ep≈ ]Z-߃ Gh? F) ]m\Iw, hml-\w, Xmc-Iw, Im\\w _n) XmcIw Im\-\w, hml-\w, ]m\Iw kn) hml-\w, Xmc-Iw, Im\-\w, ]m\Iw Un) Im\-\w, Xmc-Iw, ]m\-Iw, hml\w (kvtIm¿ 1) II hni-Z-ambn DØ-c-sa-gp-XpI 1. Xmsg sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ kqN-\-I-fn¬ \n∂pw F) Poh-N-cn-{X-°p-dn∏v Xøm-dm-°pI (3 kvtIm¿) Iem-a-WvUew tKm]n IY-Ifn P\-{]n-b-am°n Xr»q¿ ap≠q¿ IpSpw-_-k-taXw Xmakw tKm]n-bm-im≥ kwKo-X-\mSI A°m-Zan Ahm¿Uv P\\w 1937 ]me-°mSv Nmen-t»cn ]fl{io Ahm¿Uv \f≥, I¿W≥, cp‹mw-K-Z≥ 1957 ˛ ¬ Iem-a-WvU-e-Øn¬ A[ym-]-I≥ XpSßn "]®-th-j-߃' 1992 ˛ ¬ hnc-an®p 3 _n) IY-I-fn-bnse kv{Xothjw (kvtIm¿ 1) kn) tIcf Iem-a-WvUew ÿnXn-sN-øp-∂Xv FhnsS? (kvtIm¿ 1) III ]mhw DÆn t\c-an-√p-Æn°v t\c-an√ t\c-tºm-t°m-Xp-hm≥ t\c-an√ ap‰sØ amhns‚ tXmfn-sem-t∂-dp-hm≥ amdn-sem-∂m-Sp-hm≥ t\c-an√ Xpºn-s°m-s≠mcp Is√-Sp-∏n-°p-hm≥ Xpº-∏q-shm∂p ]dn-®o-Sp-hm≥ \mep-Im¬ \m´n Htcm-e-∏pc sI´n I™n-h-®o-Sp-hm≥ t\c-an√ s\√n-a-c-Øn-te-bv°m-s™m-s∂-dn-bp-hm≥ Is√-Sp-Øm-eΩ IÆp-cp´pw Du™m-ep-sI-´m≥ XpS-ßn-bm-e-Ω-sb≥ XpS-bn-e-Sn-°p-hm-t\m-Sn-sbØpw Hcp Xp≈n-∏p-Xp-ag Fßm\pw sIm≈p-In¬ Hcp]mSp-No-Ø-]-d-bp-a-—≥ A∏q-∏≥Xm-Sn-tbm-sSm∏w \S-°p-In¬ A∏q-∏≥ t]mepw hg-°n-Sp∂p aÆ∏w Np´p-I-fn-°p-hm≥ ]mSn√ aÆn-c-sb-sbm∂p sXm´p-IqSm ]qºm-‰-tbm-sSmØp ]p∂mcw sNm√p-hm≥ ]qhm-Sn-sbm-∂nepw sN∂p-IqSm (F-S-∏mƒ kn. kp{_-“-Wy≥) IhnX hmbn-®t√m? F) Ihn-X-bnse Bibw Dƒs∏-SpØn Hcp Ipdn∏v Xøm-dm-°pI? (kvtIm¿ 3) _n) ""HmXpI'' F∂ ]Z-Øns‚ A¿∞-sa¥v? (kvtIm¿ 1) kn) IÆv F∂ ]Z-Øn\v kam-\m¿∞-ap≈ as‰mcp ]Zw Fgp-XpI? (kvtIm¿ 1) 4 PAPER I - PART B - ENGLISH (Total Score : 10) Answer all the questions 1. Choose the correct preposition The TV is ----- the corner of the room A. an B. from C. in D. on (Score 1) 2. Make the meaningful word from the given letters (Score 1) E O I D C R L C O 3. Rearrange the words and phrases to form meaningful sentence Cancer/ died/ of/ gandfather/ My (Score 1) 4. Find out the correct question from the given answer? (Score 1) “We get milk from cows” A. When we get milk? B. Why do we get milk? C. How do we get milk? D. What do we get Milk? 5. Choose the odd one: (Score 1) A. Manuring B. Watering C. Spitting D. Reaping 6. Answer the following Riddle What Am I? I’m red but I’n not a stop sign I contain seeds but I’m not a pepper I’m often round but I’m not a cherry I sometimes grow on vines but I’m not a grape I’m used to make sauce but I’m not a chilli I’m used to make salsa but I’m not an onion (Score 1) 5 7. Choose a word with the same meaning of ''delight'' A) Comfort B) Happy C) beautiful D) Dream (Score 1) 8. Kerala after floods: This is how State government is planning to rebluild ‘Nava Keralam’ Describe your ideas and thoughts for rebuilding our God’s own country (Score 3) PAPER I - PART C- General Knowledge Answer the following Questions Total Score : 10 1. World environmental day is a) September 7 b) June 5 c) April 14 d) August 15 (Score 1) 2. Organ which cannot affect cancer -------------------------------- a) Heart b) liver c) large intestine d) lungs (Score 1) 3. Metal present in haemaglobin of blood ---------------------------------- a) Iron b) Calcium c) copper d) Magnesium (Score 1) 4. Farmers day in Kerala ---------------------------------------- a) November 10 b) September 5 c) Chingam 1 d) October 9 (Score 1) 6 5. The warrior hero who lead kundara proclamation against British ---------------------------------- a) Marthanda Varma b) Pazhassi Raja c) Veluthambi Dalwa d) Kunjalimarakar (Score 1) 6. Writer of Balyakalasaghi --------------------------------------- a) Kakkanadan b) T. Padmanabhan c) Vaikom Muhammed Basheer d) Sukumar Azhikode (Score 1) 7. Father of Indian White revolution ‘ ----------------------------------------------- a) M.S. Swaminathan b) Chidambaranath c) Varghese Kurian d) R. Heli (Score 1) 8. Mosquito that spread dengue fever ------------------------------------ a) Eedes b) Anopheles c) Culex d) Mansonia (Score 1) 9. Who is the first chiefminister of Kerala ------------------------------------ a) K. Chandrasekharan b) Joseph Mundassery c) E.K. Nayanar d) E.M.S. Namboodiripad (Score 1) 10. The Branch of Science that deals with birds ------------------------------------------ a) Ornithology b) Ecology c) Entomology d) Ophiology (Score 1) 7.
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