NATIVE WOMENS RESOURCE CENTRE OF TORONTO INC. 245 Gerrard St, East, Lower LeveL Toronto, Ontario MSA 2Gl Won:le n:SPI RIT ========== Apr i l/Ma:y 1990 WCDD.en.SPIRIT =============== April/Ma.:y 1990 T.ABI,H OF CX>NT'EN'TS NATIVE woMEN-s NEWS FROM THE CENTRE RESOUBCE: CENTRE 1990 PRESIDENT'S RliPORl' 1 245 Gerrard St. Bast Toronto 1990 ADMIHISTRATOR'S RliPORl' 1 Phone: (416) 963-9963 ClJR VOLUN'l'RERS ........................... 3 ~ CFPORTURI'l'Y 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS UPCDf1lfG HATiv.E LITHRaCY ISSUH .. ...... 4 Sally Gaikezheyongai President 1992 ALMANAC UPDA'l'.E .. ........ ........... 4 Marguerite Le'l'ourneau Vice-President LUCKY WINRHR. 4 Brerda SinDn Treasurer RISHRAllBE lllfES .......................... 5 Hansje Fischer Secretary 1990 VCJtBR'S CIR:LB ................... 5 Lima Migwan.s Director ISSUES AND POLITICS Sylvia Maracle Director I. V. D. SPEIDI BY MADDY HARPBR 6 Jackie Rosen Director JUJALITY RIGm'S IR AallftlDATIClf ......... 7 Annie sutherla.rd Director RACE RHLATIClfS cmFHRBHCE FOR 'YClJTH 7 Barrie Maxwell Director AH IRNU t«lf.AH'S S'l'ORY . ...............•. .. 7 ACTIClfS IR DJDARI'l'Y VI'11I THE IRNU 8 STAFF SUProRl' THE IRNU 9 Maddy Harper . PHTl'llClf .. ... ........... Exectitive Director FUNDING- CUTS . 10 <Merl cada Administrative Assistant VAIATAY CiltKURICATIClfS ................. 10 Glenda Snache Family Worker CDtHITI'HR Clf ABORIGIRAL AFFAIRS 11 Janice Tl:u3eau Literacy Coordinator SHARING Lisa M:>rris Volunteer Coordinator ATl'l!ln'IClf, VRIT.ERS ..................... 11 HBVSLBTTBR VOLURTBBRS FOR THIS ABORIGIRAL HBAI.'111 PRJFESSIClfS PJUmAK ... 12 PUBLICATIClf CFPORTURI'l'Y 12 ISSUE SVHAT SHIRI'S Clf SALB .................... 12 Sally Gaikezheyongai RRVBRBRCH FOR LIFB FOllJK 12 Anna Gronau KARY'S S'l'ORY, A DIALOOUB Clf RACISK 13,14 Valerie walker O.C.A. AHISHHAWBEC '90 .................. 15 SCltGS FOR THE PJll'LB .................. .. 17 •• THANKS TO RBBH-DAH 18 THE VOKBR'S VCJtBRSPIRIT VIDJll ....................... 19 EDUCATIONAL PRESS HEALTH Htrl'RITIClfAL VORKSllF .................... 16 *** KBR:PAIJSB tllRKSll:P .......... ............ 16 DEAR ROBIN RED BREAST LE'ttBRS FRJf 1111.'HBRS ........... ...... 16 ARTWORK· Fl{lf'l' CilV.ER Linda Cywink PflJ1'00RAPffS, Page 16 ...Kary Anne Barldnise We welcome sul::missions of articles, mmm IMAGES, mARKS TO . Rebecca Baird letters, stories, announcements, poems and art work, by Native warren. SUBSCRIPI'I<ES Our i=x:>licy is to ensure Native ~n's voices are heard. However, if we think Keep Informed on Native Wanen's Issues! others' messages are critically relevant, then its passed on to you our readers. Please note that fran now on we can only SuJ:missions must be in by the last week of send copies of ibnenfil>IRIT to those wtK> each roonth and cannot be Anonyroous (except subscribe. You can keep informed and help letters to Robin Red Breast.) to ensure that Native Wctnen's voices are Written works that are offensive or heard by subscribing now! slanderous to the cormunity will not be Individuals or Organizations: ?Jblished. One Year $20 ~nSPIRIT will not ?Jhlish articles roore than two pages long. Drop on by or mail your sul::missions to our address. Opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Native ~n's Resource Centre. Postal Code: ---------- Apr l/Ma.:y 1990 W~SPIRIT NEWS FBOH We are proud of the wanen · looking forward to a rrore THE CENTRE who keep the N.W.R.C. prosperous year for 1990. alive and running. We With all the planning a11e proud of the staff towards networking with PRESIDBHT'S REPORT who work above and beyond other wanen's groups, FROM 1990 AHHUAL the call of duty. We actualizing our own GBHBRAL MBBTIHG attenpted to maximize a building, developing and rrore permanent core maximizing our potential 'Ihlrsday, March 22, 1990 operation and were not as as we strive to achieving successful as we wanted our econanic and social by to be, so this will be independence. Jacqueline Rosen one of the priorities we President will be concentrating on I ask everyone present this caning year. I here to help us and Greetings frorn the Board would like everyone to support us in another of Directors for the year know how rruch we inp:>rtant year for the 1989 - 1990. It's hard aH:>reC:iate our managers sake of the lives of to believe· that ayear. has for maintaining the Native wcmen who cane to past since our last foundation of the centre the N.W.R.C. seeking our annual meeting. Being for us, while working support and guidance. the President this past under sane difficult year has given me the physical conditions rrost ~- OH?Ortunity to observe times. all the hard work which goes into making the I also would like to ADMINISTRATOR'S Native Wcmen's Resource honour the Volunteers who REPORT FROM 1990 Center a vehicle to be also gave of their time AHHUAL GBHBRAL proud of. With all the so that we could work MBBTIHG progress that's taking towards building our fund by place, we as Native wanen towards our 'new bane' • should be proud to Maddy Harper To rrove into ' a place Administrator support this in;x>rtant which we i::ut our energies center. into, a place which we EDJHlro ! f rorn the FUt our detennination in, operations of the Native The Board of Directors just has to be the ~ns Resource Centre. has been involved in greatest exarrple for Over this past year we developing their own Native wcmen to be proud have had many events and resources to make a of. Also to the Andyhua.n have been very busy stronger Board by wanen who worked at our keeping the 'regular' participating in various Bingo, we say a special operations going. As the Board training seminars Meegwetch. We hope other Administrator of the as well as participating organizations will Native Wcmens Resource in the reassessment of contribute to this Centre, I am pleased to N.W.R.C.. We have had inp:>rtant initiative in be able to update you of many challenges during the caning year. these times both as these activities. Also enclosed for your directors and as One of the valuable inf6rmation are program individuals while coop:>nents we set up for staff reports. These exploring our own values the N.W.R.C. recently is reports are a bit rrore and how it best serves the formation of an detailed and can be read the values of the Advisory Ccmnittee to at your convenience. N.W.R.c. All has not help direct the N.W.R.C •• been easy. Now that we This will become active The present staff look back on the inmediately following our ·consists of: accorrplishrnents, the first Board meeting of Maddy Harper - trials and tribulations the new Board of all look minimal. Administrator Directors. We are Gwen Cada - Manager Assistant Page 1 W<menSPIRIT WamenSPIRIT Ap:ril/Ma:y 1990 Lisa M:>rris - Volunteer in this capacity. The towards another ongoing Coordinator k-inds of services are initiative, our Janice Trudeau - also detailed. An areas building fund' The Literacy Coordinator of :i.rrp:>rtance has been to bingo takes a lot of ti.me provide a Women's Circle and work, but also The primary function of meeting every rronth. We generates a substantial the centre is to assist will be having our second arrount of rroney~ aboriginal wanen to anniversary celebration obtain services to meet in May. This is growing An exciting event this their needs and to so rapidly, we soon will past year took place in prcm:>te cultural be starting another, May when the N.W.R.C. awareness as well as similar wanen's circle. coordinated a first include cultural content This circle is to StJFPOrt 'Indigenous Womens in current programs and wanen by everyone Coalition Conference' at services available in the contributing to sharing Birch Island, Ontario. cormunity. We feel we of themselves and its Evaluation reponse was have done a good job in foundation is built on excellent and we are achieving this work. traditions of the 'Native initiating a follow-up Following is a brief ways'. An offshoot of planning meeting and overview of our this was the developnent working this ti.me towards accarplishments over the of the 'self confidence '1992 Celebrations' Of past year. course' which was offered course this will be f ran to two groups and our perspectives as OUr Literacy Program has delivered by a respected Native Women and also been very successful in Elder. In all of our with the atphasis of net­ providing the needed work we attercpt to use working and co-ordination service for people who traditional teachings and of efforts with other cane for a variety of to have Elder wanen Native wanens groups. reasons. We have also present when available. We are co-producing the produced a booklet, 'Neem 'Womens Almanac' for 1992 - dah' , which can be used We coopleted a documented as one way to reflect as a teaching tool for report of a reassessment Native Womens children learning about of the centre. This contributions. the Native traditional began January 1989 and dance including attire. was coopleted in late I feel I have covered We are working on a J-anuary 1990. The main sane of the major areas sequence, 'Wees-ni-dah' objective here was to of inp::>rtance. If you to be produced this year. develop a two year need rrore indepth Also the literacy program strategy plan. Because infonnation, or are has been developing our the N.W.R.C. is involved interested in sare of the resource material with in so many activities, areas please cane down the hopes it will be a one of the and talk with us.
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