Minnesota State University Moorhead RED: a Repository of Digital Collections NOGARD Student Publications Fall 1968 NOGARD (vol. 1, no. 1) Michael Pehler ed. Follow this and additional works at: https://red.mnstate.edu/nogard Part of the Archival Science Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Pehler, Michael ed., "NOGARD (vol. 1, no. 1)" (1968). NOGARD. 1. https://red.mnstate.edu/nogard/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. It has been accepted for inclusion in NOGARD by an authorized administrator of RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 4 I j I '. GARD 1968 VOL. 1 NO. 1 $1.00 II'~ :3tu. NMO J.3"-L )itlltlL J.snw ~;IJ\l~ ~\10 rt91~0:i wanl. " IN DEFENSE NOGARD OF THE APATHETIC STUDENT Fall1968 Vol. 1 No. 1 by Moorhead State College Moorhead, Minnesota M. Pehler, Editor W e hear about Student Po\\'cr on t he col­ lege campuses around the nation Berke­ ley, Columbia, and the Univcrsitv of Minne­ Editor jailed for apathy? sota. W e are always be ing confronted \\'ith the fight for Stude nt Power; but \\'hat of that bat­ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ... Michael Pehler tl e be ing fought on the campus of MSC~ Wh1· complain a bout TilE 1\ IISTI C >lorie> for MANAGING EDITOR .. Katherine Kraft do we not hear a bout our g lorio us fi g ht to 1 ou are writing the m . ADVISOR .......... Dr. Joseph Miller remain a p a th e ti c ·~ \Vc must slick togethe r. \\'c must remai n Stude nt Apath\' is the most cherished g ift apathetic. \\' e must cont inue to let Til E~l do REPORTERS ... Russel Balenger, James we, as students, have. Here, at MSC we arc t he "ork for us, so that, " e ma1 continue to Moccrud, Allen Gonso­ not fighting for stude nt power, we have more compla in about the poor res ults ; the lack of rowski, Ann Dudek, than any other college in Minnesota. No, our 1\ eck-end acti vities . Barbara Olson, Lynn fight must be for the rig ht of the student to be Yes, remain apathetic and do nothing but Hein, Julie Lindeman, apathetic. complain during the wee k but on Frida1 af­ Diane Hamre, Daniel Preside nt Dill e complains about the lack of ternoon ... CO II 0 M Ell' student interes t to serve on the various Stu­ Polah, Dennis Cemin­ de nt-Facult,· C ommittees. So what if the stu­ ski, Kathy Callahan, de nts are not be ing r e pr ese nt e d ·~ Monica Kolodziej, Sara Joe Bernick tries to get us to read our stu­ Johnson, Howard Bin­ de nt newspaper, TH E 1\IIST IC, bv making it ford, Tom Hintgen, controversial. But we showed him, afte r cml1· three weeks it had slipped off the best seller B.A. Schoen, Greg lists. Whv should we read it , let alone 1\ork on Johnson, Mark Mc­ it , we are onlv paying for it . Vann, Lee Ann Der­ Yes , fe ll ow stude nts of MSC, we are win­ rick, Barbara La­ ning our fight to be apatheti c. Continue to Valleur, Robert Keyser, disregard the call to take a n acti ve part in campus life. For those of you who m a1· falter Frank Kendrick remember . If vou take part in an activit,· PHOTOGRAPHERS ... Barbara La­ 1·ou must g ive u p vour God-g iven right to Valleur, Donald complain about that acti vitv. Ho\\' can \'otl Diemert, Corky They Went Home . Miller, Richard Treumann ARTIST . Butch Anton BUSINESS MANAGER . Cindy Siegfried INDEX ADVERTISING MANAGER Robert Kuhl PUBLISHER ... American Publishing ADMINISTRATION . .... 11 HEALTH ........... .. 15 Company, Topeka, CONSTRUCTION . .. ... 22 HOMECOMING . ... 28 Kansas DILLE . ... 7 INAUGURATION . 10 REPRESENTATIVE .. Jerry Schmidt EDUCATION . 34 MAP . .......... .. ... .. 24 FACES AND FACETS . 4 MASS COMMUNICATIONS . 32 NOGARD is published quarterly by the FINE ARTS . 42 POLITICS . 30 students of Moorhead State College, FOOD .. ... .. .. .. 18 PROTEST .. .. ... 20 Moorhead, Minnesota. Financed through FROSH WEEK . 26 STUDENT SENATE . 22 the student activity funds. GREEKS .... .. .. 36 SPORTS ....... .... .. ..... 38 3 ~SllflOA.- OHV80N ":)'S"W NOGARD Fall1968 Vol. 1 No. 1 First all college convocation. LEFT TO RIGHT: Wayne MacFarl and, Stude nt Se nate President; President Dille ; Student Senators Paul Meyer and Ken Nelson DILLE: 8th MSC PRESIDENT The curre nt phrase is " We must all d o our mous election of Roland Dille. Minnesota. It was during his undergraduate days thing," and so Pres id ent John J. Neumaier did his Dr. Roland Dille, is a well known individual in that he served as a me mber of the Stude nt Se nate thing on Janu ary 11 , 1968 when it was a nnounced educational circles, a nd at the time of his a p­ a nd as editor of the campus literary magazine. that he was res ig ning from the Pres ide ncy of pointme nt as MS C's e ig hth pres ide nt, he was In comparing his days as a student senator and Moorhead State Coll ege in orde r to accept a n known by a large numbe r of the stude nt body. the stude nt senators of MSC he says, " in my day appointment as the Pres id ent of the State Uni ver­ Dille had been on the MSC faculty since July most of the stude nts were just out of the service, sit y College, New Palz, New York . of 1963 a nd has served in va ri ous administrati ve many were married, a nd were mainl y concerned Neumaier said that this res ig nati on would be­ capacities since 1966 whe n he was appointed, by with finishing their course of stud ies. Today, the come effecti ve on September 1, 1968. The Min­ Pres id ent Neumaier, Associate Dean of Academic stude nts become more in volved in those things nesota State College Board was then left to do its Affairs, a pos ition created by Neumaier. In Feb­ which are directl y affecting them." As a student thing, that is, find a man qualified to fill the shoes ruary of 1967, after serving for some time as act­ senator Dille was not faced with the pro bl ems of of Pres ide nt Neumaier. This the State Coll ege ing Dean of Academic Affairs, he was appointed Stude nt Powe r; as a coll ege pres id ent he now is Board has been unabl e to do, for no man in edu­ Dean of Academic Affairs. very much concerned with both stude nt power cati on is q ualified to fill the shoes of John J. Roland Dille, the man des tined to become the and stude nt res ponsibility. Neumaier except John J. Neumaier. eighth Pres id ent of MSC, is a product of a small In 1949 Dille graduated with a Bachelor of Arts The State College Board, unabl e to find any­ tow n community of Dassel, Minnesota, where he degree, summa cum laude, from the Uni versity of one who could fill the shoes of Neumaier, was was born in 1924. To this day Dille ex presses his Minnesota. l-I e then returned to Dassel and his forced to find a man who was qualified in his own pride in Dassel, just as Dassel shows its pride in a first job as a teacher. Know ing the valu e of edu­ right . hometown boy who made good . cati on he returned to the Uni versity where he In order to he Ip the State College Board select After completing the required course of studies earned his Ph. D. speciali zing in modern English the rig ht ma n to lead MSC, a st ude nt-faculty in the sc hools of Dassel, he joined the U. S. Army literature. committee was formed . The res ults we re the and served in Europe d uring World War II. After l-I e the n taught at the Uni ve rsit y, St. O laf Col­ unanimous selection and subseque ntly the unani- being discharged Dille atte nded the University of lege where he was voted the mos t outstanding (conti nued on page 9) 7 8 (continued fro m page 7) teacher in 196 1 and he also taug ht at California deal of work in initiat ing new directi ons in educa­ Luther College before coming to Moorhead State tio n. Neumaier worked for high admiss ion re­ Coll ege in 1963 as a n as sista nt professor of quirements and higher academic standards. He English. brought in the bes t educators avail abl e as faculty Dill e feels that the ir is a need for cha nge in at MSC. With this growth the faculty and stu­ educati on, however, this must be a res ponsible dents gained a pride in Moorhead State Coll ege change, " there is a wide difference between the as a I iberal arts coll ege, as we ll as a teacher-train­ exercise of power and the exercise of res ponsibili­ ing institution .! ty," according to Dille . Pres id ent Neumaier worked not onl y for MS C, One of the subjects which stude nts oft en bring but fo r better educati onal standards in the State up is that entitled " Faculty Evaluation." Dille of Minnesota and the nati on. In December of feels that there is probably a need for some type 1967 he was appointed to the influential Com­ of evalu ati on of faculty, however, this evaluati on miss ion o n Academic Aff airs of the American must not be for determining who is the easy mar­ Council on Educati on in Was hington, D.
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