n j FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, m $ At«h« 8 Dcfly Net Prsn Rm P A O B T W E I ^ The Weather iiatu;l![p0ter lEtt^nin^ ll^rald For the Week nhfaS Forooaat of U. S. Weather Oetabar 88, 1988 of Mlisuf bestir MlRwrfai FarUy olaady, braeay as TIm Manchaater BmMem and Mira. H arry R. O uaterTlN Officera of Sunsst Rebekah Senlar CUil •oout IVoop «10 MAnohaatar area members of Bospbal. The Rerv. Alex M. Sl- Town’s Vehicles leiilgM, law fa saM Sis. <ttM Near Enfland Campera As­ caub wlU honor Mrs. A. HUUand'St, fa serving siKiard Lodge planning to ettWHl a will ugMnaor a baka sale to­ 13,876 About Town Wilson, supreme tfistriot o^uty the smpMMous assault ship, receptloa tomorrow it 8 pm. morrow from 10:80 am. to 8:30 ssasor, pastor of the Commu­ r o f partly "aoxag, breogy as sociation will meat Sunday at nity Baptist Ohufch, wM serve Good Shape 2:30 pm. at the LiOtUe Flek of Eastern - Connecticut Clubs UBS Princeton, which fa sched­ at Odd Feflows Hail are .re­ pm at Orand-Way in the Man- of qranlaHxi High fa 48a. cheater Paikaule. as hospMal chaplain next week. I a t Um LBdiee o t SL ButKHng, Rockville. Membera and a member of the Rockville uled to return to Long Beach, minded to wear white gowns. Nanchegtar-i-’A Cky o f VUlogo Charm M n m wn reoilv* eommmion are reminded to tiring itrUclee Emblem Chd>, Wedneadi^ at 8 Calif., after a nine-month Ih ere wUl be a brief buetneas Only toifa , Imm-owntd ae- for a penny atjctlon. Oblldren pm. at £ha Knights of Oohim- Western Sfaciflc cruise. seeskm It i meeting of- Sunset Sunset Council, Degree of <rhe Ladles of Aaaamptton will Wefaa MM .faT'paaa teMa fag Sua*v «i tl>« S M**i •*■ meat Monday at 8:18 pm fa a t. JauMi' Ohurcti. llif froup are reminded to bring material bus Home. Other special guests Rebekah Lodge Montfay at 7:16 Pocahontas, will meet Mondav tha poUoe ' kagwenar. team VOL. LXXXm, NO. 29 (TEN PAGES—TV SECliON) Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., Sa t u r d a y , No v e m b e r 2, i963 (Clasolfled Advertlsfaig oa Fago 8) PRICE SEVEN CENTS to make Christmas cards and wlU be preaent. Mm. John Zie- Mamdtesier Community Play- p m at Odd Fellows HaH. Of­ at 7:80 p.m. in Tinker Hall. tha ehurab hall. Oamas will be MB MMt at 7 :M lo the kxwvr played. Refrefaxnenta wtO ba made Oct. 14-18, on 109 faifaha trad ornaments. ^ mak la chaiiman, era win meet tomorrow at 8:30 ficers and members planning to Oreat Pooahontas Rose Nolap of and cars uaM fa town bualMifa., m. at the home of Mr. and attend assembly officers night Southington add her staff Wfll ra. Edwin L. oolvbr, IS l Ver­ All feur (Mghwagr depart- p«4. W om an Ik LAtitlipf>e, Pierre Aime Oaatonguay, son John Msthei' Chapter. Order af Prlnceai Rebekah Lodge, make a' visitation. .Members of mant tnicka) needed -various o f Mr. and Mrs. LsMvrence Cas- of- DeMoiay, will sponsor a non S t The production staff^-^'Hartford, win leave after the near^ councils havr be4n invit­ 261-264 ■on «f Mr. and Mrs. Ainta La- will be named for "Under the ed. Thebe will be k social time ropaln, and have alnoe been TM Vernon St.; and tonguay, 33 LJIac St.; and Mother and Son banquet Mon­ bualhesa masting. oertifled As .oerraeted. Aide Doubts Role Turn Turn Tree." Members and with refreshments after the p y C 'lM o J. Kwaali, aon of Mr. Roger Lee Harrison, eon of Mr. day at 6:30 p.m. at the Masonic HARTFORD (A P )—Tha tifaocm W. Edtatt, axBfawg and Mrs. Hal Henieon, 326 W. Temple. There will be enter­ guesta are reminded to attend Ths rsoreation department meeting. Members are reminded n d Ita a lifio J< Kwaah, 14 EMm masked as there will be a party to bring articles for an auction Mate Motor Vehicle Depart­ stgMrintendaBt, wbo aim swraa Vtfn hi(v« recently started Middle Tpke., have enlisted in tainment after the dinner. Res- announoea the cancellation of as Maradtostsrfa safely di­ after the meeting, the recitation swimming fdr. table. ment’s dally record of automo­ fsMio aembat training' at the high school graduate train­ ervatiofui may be made with bile fatalities as of last mld- rector, oalled (ba taspaction n - [n Andover Case Diem, Nhu Reported Dead, ing progiam in the ele^ronics Waiter Irwin, 99 Summit St. the handicapped at the Man­ Jiaokaon, S.C., wWch la a Unit­ The Rev. Robert J. ShofC, pas­ nlifat and the total on tha suRa "cxceHent." He addid that ed. AUtaa Army Trainlhjf Cen­ field in the U S. Navy and are Ihe executive board of the chester, H l^ School Sunday they oompara favorably wMh afternoon. <Sie to electrical re­ tor of the Church tA the Nasa- same date last year: ter. TSilB la the first phase of at the U.S^ Training Center, David H. Custer, boilerman Buckley School PTA will meet 1982 1988 resuMa o f veMofa inapectlona fa HARTFORD (AP) .ypopt, promtoed to study It.' second class with the United Monday at 8 p.m. >n the teach­ pairs being made at the high rene, will conduct a service (M r ita-enontli active duty Oreat Lakes. 111. fOr nine weeks Sunday at 6:40 a.m. in the KMed ...................M t 281 prevloua yeara. Atty. Gen. Harold I. MaL "But I don’t know of any le­ haMc training. States Na-vy and son of Mr. ers lounge of the school. school pool. gal remecHea the state can vey expressed doubt today piy,” he sfad. ' that his office can act The oommlealon, whkh ooh- against the Andover Lake ceded K tacked power to act Buddhists ime Property Owners Associa­ agalnert the aaepciaitlon, refer­ red to the group’e artlclee of /I tion. But, he said, pierhaps aasodatlon. the State Civil Rights Com­ In particular, it menUoned an mission “ has something article which said one of the new in mind that I don’t purpoaea of the aasociatlon to "to promote the general wel­ Brothers know about.” fare of the owneri of property WANTS Hie oommisskNi fa a report to at Andover Lake, their families, Oov. John N. Dempaey yeater- friends and guesta. .!'. ' day recommended that Mulvoy The- comnilealoii -faao ■ recom- review the- ‘jweoeiaitkMi’e cor­ mended that it join with the porate faatue to determine if Legislative Council to draft leg- tharo are grounde to revoke it. tolatlon that would bring such The report eald race wae be­ Inddente within the range of hind the aaeodatlon's denial of the oommtosion’s power. Suicides X membenhlp to a New Haven A third recqmmendaUon ask­ PLACE Negro mlndster and hie family. ed the Governor to seek Ando- Throe times the aoeodatlon -ver town hfap in cq>enlng the By ROBERT EUNSON has rejected memberal^ bids lake to all town residents. TOKYO (AP)^Military from the Rev. and M n. william The commission noted that rebels in South Viet Nam M. PhBpot Jr., owners of lake- the only other applications re­ announced today the death flkie property, jected by the aaeodation in the of President Ngo Dinh Aeaodatlon membenahlp is last 10 years were those filed by requlrad for use of the lake for the minister who sold the Rev. Diem and his hrotlier Ngo ■wimmlng, boating or fishing. Mr. Philpot his land at Andover Dinh Nhu,. and proclaimed Mulvay, who said he had not Lake, and one of the minister’s 'a new government led by yet aoen the oommlaeion’s ro- aasociatsa. v- Buddhists. Some accounts filtering fit>m Saigon— where thou­ sands danced in the streets Cbiurt Frees Events — said the brothers com­ mitted suicide, others that LiJ F iv^ n Bond they were shot to death. In State Suicide was the story In Amoricu« broadcast by the rebei-heH Radio Saigon. Navy to Launch Th's terse account, as J*, % AMSRICUB, Oa. (AP)—Five e f ' Integration leaders plan to con­ pieced together by diplo­ ,. a tinue working for civil rights N-Sub U. S. Grant matic sources in Bangkok, now tuat they are free on bond Thailand and in Washing­ Vietnamese crowd jeers as pedicab driver carta head of demolished statue re­ under an unprecedented federal GROTON (AP)—The Navy ton, was that the president, sembling Mrs. Nhu through streets of Saigon today. (AP Photofax.) court order that struck down aalutes an old solder today as *s ____ __ - . - it launches the Ulysses 8. 62, and his brother, 52, two Georgia laws. killed themselves upon The five spmt nearly three Gthnt, the fleet’s 25th polarls- months in jail in this South flrii^ nuclear submarine. being recaptured after once ‘^Gown’ Group Georgia farming center before Abe: David B. Griffiths of escaping military custody. they were released Friday. They Arlington, Va., was chosen to A Bangkok diplomat said the said they were not mistreated. stand In for the qvll War gen­ two were reported to have swal­ Bests ^To\m’ John Perdew, 21, a white Har­ eral and baah a bottle of ch ^ - lowed poison on the way to jail vard University student from pagne over the veasel’e bow. fa an armored car from a Deliver, Oolo., reported demon­ She is the great aranddaugh- church fa Saigon's Chinese In Mansfield strations wUl be resumed in ter of the general, who was quarter where faey had taken also the 18th president of the N Americus “if they’re neces­ refuge.
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