N,• -···.·~ Published Tuesdays and'Fridays during the Academic Year except as scheduled. Cincinnati; Ohio.Fridev, February 9, 1968 No. 28 Weissenberger Gets' 'UP' Nod -~ After Twice- Deadlocked"Vote Glen Weissenberger, the past was triggered by a misunderstand- democratic in. nature, considering President of the Interfraternity ing between the party and' its all candidates. Glen had showed Council, was nominated on -Tues- "founder. Weissenbel"ger stated he an active interest in obtaining the day night as the' candidate of the thought he had emphasized in nomination -at the beginning of University Party for. the presi- November that he would be the the quarter but this in no way' dency of the. Student Body. recognized nominee for Student should have stopped Joe Herring, The University Party founded Body President. He stated lie from running. " last November !by Glen Weiss en- never expected an opponent to se- _-A source commented that Pi berger was, deadlocked in a 6-6 riously contest his' nomination, Lamb,. an original .supporter of tie over the nominating of Weis- such as Joe Herring. When asked Weissenberger, had changed sides senbenger ,or Joe Herring, an Al- iJf a consensus had been taken, for Joe Herting after the threat pha' Tau.Omega. At a meeting in Glen stated it was by nodvap- was made. This caused the Phi' the University Center on Thurs- proval that he would become the Kaps to change sides for Weis- day afternoon February 1, Her- leading candidate. senberger, maintaining -a dead- ring, Secretary of the Student Weissenoerger was later asked lock up to the. final vote. Frank Senate, announced his candidacy to, comment on the threat he had Kaplan of Pi Lamb, charged that for the presidency. This caused made of. withdrawing from the his fraternity .had always been a the split in votes for Weissenber- University Party. He replied that supporter of Glen Weissenberger, get. The meeting: was adjourned he" had not threatened anyone but Kaplan added all the voting had until 'Tuesday night at the Pike' had merely stated his intention b~ell in closed sessi'On.- House. After two unsuccessful. at- of stiil campaigning if not' given The NR ~poke'lo .Joe Herring, tempts were tried to" break the the nomination of his-own party. ':'WhQstated:ne would stand by his deadlock.v.the vote . was finally Frank Nutter, a, Sig Ep 'and newly' .fraternity's "membership in the cast 8"4 for' Weissenberger. When created Vice:,President of -the' stu- University ·pgrty:. He did not -Offered-the Vice President nomi- debt Senate, stated that Weissen- rule out independent action, but nation, Herring refused. To date berger had in~ so "ma'ny .words stated for the present time he was this position isstill open. --'--:"~ AL HIRT" KING SIZE pop trumpeter, holds t~ honorary doctorate of threatened' to quit the party if not' undecided.Should Herring run for The split of the University Party -given the nomination. Nutter office, he' already has the. active performing arts that he received in Corbett, Monday. stated that to his knowledge, it support of the Coalition corn- Ele:ctlon Rules was not Understood Glen Weis- prised of six fraternities: SAE, senberger would 'be the only pres- ,Phi, Delta .:~eta;, p~ta.,Lamb;da Pai·nterCollins Head Team ,I. Peti~ions are available in Col· idential candidate. "The frame- Chi, Sigma- Alpha Mli, and Tri- . I.· .. lege Offices, Dean of Men and worknf the University- Party is angle. " e . , -, . ,Women's Offices, Student Senate For ;;S.t",~e,ntSe.oateS,late ~.~~,efe~~~~n~~re due at 5:00 .. ., '. ',. '.' '. Ill. Ca m p u s Election.ltule$ Candidate 7for\:'Student Senate the-. whole outlook ··:.-of~;'~tudent~';--<~Iall,oL":univeJ'~ity~;cC-enler'from president, junior Mark Painter Sehate." 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., ,April 9 and 10. has paired himself with Bob Col- -. The NR -then asked Mr. Col- III. Camp~s of Elections ~Ules lins, a pr~-junior Ph~rmacy ~tu(f. linswhat the "outloo~" wa~ th~~ .~:U~Sd~~li*~e:rua~;r:.:::hil~~~~ by Patrick J.'Fox moved back to. February 23 from ent, candidate for vice-president he thought needed changing? son running for an office should - Last Wednesday .the Student February 16; the committee also to unite the supporteres of 'both Colliris replied, "The impres- have a copy of these. The Elec- Senate met in what could' be con- . ruled that' there will be a limit Painter and Collins. sion I get is the Student Senate is tions Rules. governing. the qualifi- of .no more than 12 posters on sidered a comparitively quiet and Bob Collins is a resident ad- not using tbe power they have to cations of ,the indi~iduals ~unnin.g .campus for each vice-presidential . " " for the office of Vice-President of calm session., Several motions and candidate. VIsor m .Dabney Hall and also the fullest extent. They are not the Student Body are the same ideas ,were brought before the The Senate also passed a mo- corresponding secretary of Alpha using all the channels .open _to. those' for a student senator.' The floor, including an' idea submitted tion allocating money from its Phi Alpha, while being a member them." publicity permitted' for, this will by' Senator John Harmon concern- public relations fund to purchase, of Kappa Psi <the professional ' The first meeting of the Com-: ~e 12 posters, si~es, as specified identification pins for Senators. Pharmacy fraternity). Collins is mittee for Painter-Collins will be In electl~n. campaignrules, . • · ing the proposed Student Discount The pins, to be worn on either Is- resentl . th held. this coming Monday eve- (All poslt_ons open. to election System. Under the discount sys- the lapels or blouses of the <Sen- a 0 pres en y serving on e .. th C dl li h C f' I· t d P 7 ) ··C H· R 1 ti eo' nmg me. an e ig t- a e. are IS e on age • tem, five local colleges and un i-- ators, are to be turned in by each I'"F uman e a ions m- versities (Xavier, OLC, - Villa Senator' at the end of their term Madonna, Mt. St. Joseph, and UC) mittee the ...United Black Co Asso- \' I/'S TA O' U'C'R .. · of office. The motion providing # Ciatio~, and the American Phar- V', '.' . pens '. .~. ecruiiuiq; will arrange for special discounts' for the pins, which -will cost ap- maceutical Association. ~ , _ ' . , to college students from a group proximately $1.15 each, was pass- of local businessmen, Mr. Harmon ed by an 18-11 margin. The ques- Mark Painter, a controversial D' ., t U' ·5" S' . • E' :phas' iz d stated that Xavier University is tion was never brought before the Senator for two yellrs, has served ~ ,__.Lree " erVLCe·rrz . L e ~' sponsoring the proposed program, .floor, however, as to whether on various other student govern- .. by1Caren ArcCabe work only ip the U. S. Other.rea- which is much like a similar pro- these pins were suitable for pin- gram initiated at UC a few years, ning a girl. ment boards such as the Univer- '". sons might include the fact that sity Center Board, Board of Bud- VlSTA, the domestic Peace no VISTA volunteers get involved ago: That program failed because the businessmen balked at having gets, and Ad Hoc Senate Commit- Corps;" is recruiting new mem- in bureaucratic 'red tape. All of- bers 'at UC, Monday, through fice wort is done by the OEO only UC students participate. The tee on Residence Halls, among newly-proposed program, though, others. Thursday, outside the Rhine staff. Mr. Paul Burke, from the Room from 11 to 5 p.m, Great Lakes Regional VISTA Of- will provide that each college, Free Candidate Bob Collins stated make their own contracts with ~ Hoping especially to interest fice in Chicago, was asked his the businessmen and sell indenti- to the NR that he felt "there is students in sociology, psychology, opinion of this increasedpopu- a .definite need f~·r change in fication cards to its students for Stand.Up education, physical education, larity when he _was questioned ~n a nominal fee. This program, like and home economics, this man- relation to the scheduled recruit- other successful programs at the power organization works through, mente University of Minnesota, Univer- Paint-In ~ existing government and local l.ittle R,ed Tape , ~ sity of Hawaii, and Hunter Col- Free Stand-UpPaint In ':'- projects. "I would like to emphasize the lege in the Bronx, is available to Have reminiscences of Serve One Yea.r fact that we make a great deal all 'full-time day students: The "Gentle- Thursday' inspired "VISTAS" serve one year in of effort tosee that the volunteers program is still in its embryo another- happening on cam- eprived ,area~.of the, U. S., liv- are doing direct service-not red stage and has not been passed by pus? Maybe' - so-a free yig in the neighbo:hoods. The <?f- .tape work. They are-not just out Senate, thoughthe Senate -is in- Paint-In is about to, occur: lice of Economic Opportunity on their own doing good, either. vestigating the matter, presently. How-~nyway you like" provides room and board, plus a They' work through existing .gov- Senator' Mark Painter, who Wear old clothes and bring monthly living allowance. In ad- ernmentand local projects." ,early in the day' announced' his your friends. .- , dition,a' $50 stipend is given ~o Besides appealing to prospec- ·candidacy for 'President, recom- What-:"free paint and the eac~ volunteer after the-sears tive social workers and graduate mended by way o'f a motion that ~"inspirational" film "Liquid servree, , , students, VISTA also hopes to en- the Elections Committee delete Jazz," will be shown.
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