Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84535-9 - Capitals of Capital: A History of International Financial Centres, 1780-2005 Youssef Cassis Index More information Index ABECOR (Associated Banks of Europe AOL 217 Corporation) 231 Argentina 40, 128 acceptances 155 J. S. Morgan & Co.’s influence in 88 Accepting Houses Committee 86, 147 Bazirgs’ activities in 87 Adenauer, Konrad 216 Armstrong & Cie 316 Ador, Jean 300 Arthur Anderson 259 Ador, Vernes & Dassier 300 Ashurst, Morris & Crisp (lawyers) 97 AEG 114, 130 Asia 134 Africa 134, 78 import of capital 78 Agricultural Bank of Egypt 90 trade with Britain 17 Akzept-und Garantiebank 183 Asian dollar market 276, 280 Algemene Bank Nederland 340 Associated Banks of Europe Corporation Allgemeine Deutsche Credit-Anstalt 304 (ABECOR) 231 alternative management funds (hedge Associatie Cassa 14 funds) 251–2 Association financie`re de Gene`ve 129 America, trade with Britain 17 Aswan Dam 90 American Acceptance Council 155 AT&T 131, 214 American banking system 53–4, 122–3 Australia, import of capital 78 American Civil War 57, 60, 88 Austria American and Continental Corporation Belgian loan to 33 330 British loans to 12, 20 American Depositary Receipts 264 Dutch loans to 10, 12 American Express Company 177, 219 German loans to 32 American Stock Exchange 250 Prussian defeat 281 American War of Independence 16 Swiss loans to 35 Amsterdam 7, 41, 279–80 Austria-Hungary 64 1840–75 68 German investment in 79 decline of 11–14 Austrian War of Succession 16–17 defensive strategies 14–15 Autostrade Italiane 221 post First World War 176–7 trade and finance (eighteenth/nineteenth centuries) 9–11, 19 B. L. Fould & Fould-Oppenheim 300 Amsterdam Stock Exchange 12, 68 Bachmann, Gottlieb 178 Amsterdamsche Bank 232 Backhouse, Jonathan 305 Andre´ & Cottier 36 Bagehot, Walter 24, 65 Angell, Norman 142 Baghdad railway 135, 151 Anglo-Argentine Bank 162 Bahamas 228 Anglo-Austrian Bank 302 Bahrain 228 Anglo-Egyptian Bank 166, 302 Baker & McKenzie 258 Anglo-Saxon capitalism 256, 258–9, 268, Balfour Williamson & Co. 312 271 Balkans, German investment in 79 Antwerp 33–4 Baltic Coffee House 17 368 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84535-9 - Capitals of Capital: A History of International Financial Centres, 1780-2005 Youssef Cassis Index More information Index 369 Baltic Exchange 83, 210 banking clubs (European) 231–2 Baltimore 73 banking consortia 224–5 Bamberger, Ludwig 52 Banque belge pour l’e´tranger 320 Banca Commerciale Italiana 232 Banque Cassel et Cie 301 Banca di Roma 331 Banque Centrale Anversoise 126 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro 340 Banque commerciale pour l’Europe du Banco Ambrosiano 341 Nord 220 Banco Hispano Americano 104 banque d’affaires 215 Banco Suizo-Sudamericano Banque d’Alsace et de Lorraine 322 (Schweizerische-Su¨damerikanische Banque de l’Alge´rie 213 Bank) 128 Banque de Belgique 34, 46 Bank Act (1844) 45, 100 Banque de Bruxelles 69, 126 Bank Acts (1863 and 1864) 64 Banque de Cre´dit et de De´poˆts des Pay-Bas Bank deutscher La¨nder 216–17 50 Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Banque de France 25 177, 182, 247 during 1920s 171–3 Bank fu¨r elektrische Unternehmungen during First World War 151 (Elektrobank) 130 during Second World War 197 Bank fu¨r Handel und Industrie in 1840–75 47, 50, 65 Darmstadt (Darmsta¨dter Bank) 49, 1875–1914 101, 107–8, 123 51–52, 110 and French franc 168–169 Bank fu¨r orientalische Eisenbahnen 174 founding of 26–8 Bank in Winterthur 53 and the haute banque 105 Bank of America 166, 209 nationalisation of 213 Bank of Australasia 302 and universal currency 66 Bank of British North America 302 Banque franc¸aise du Bre´sil 320 Bank of Egypt 302 Banque franc¸aise du commerce exte´rieur Bank of England 14, 24–25, 169 337 Court of Directors 89 Banque d’Escompte Suisse 187 during First World War 146–8 Banque de De´poˆts et de Cre´dit 187 during Second World War 196 Banque de Gene`ve 69, 187 1875–1914 83, 85, 100–1, 108 Banque de l’IndoChine 103, 135, 219 and Eurobonds 221 Banque de la Socie´te´ Gene´rale 189 founding of 16 Banque de l’Union Parisienne 104, 125, and New York crisis (1907) 123 185–6 in nineteenth century 43, 45, 65 Banque de Paris 50 post First World War 164–5 Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas (Paribas) post Second World War 202 68 post stock market crash 184–5 1875–1914 103–5, 126, 131, 135 Bank of Japan 239, 270 and the Eurobond market 230, 257 Bank of London and South America founding of 34, 50–1 (BOLSA) 220, 223, 328 in Geneva 70, 128, 130, 219 Bank of Manhattan 207 post First World War 171 Bank of Montreal 122 post Second World War 213, 215 Bank of Netherlands (Nederlandsche mergers and acquisitions 257 Bank) 14 and the universal currency 67 Bank of Prussia 51 Banque de Savoie 304 Bank of the United States 53–4 Banque du Commerce 69 Bank One 263 Banque Empain 126 Bank vour Handel en Scheepvaart 177 Banque Europe´ene de Cre´dit a` moyen Bankers Magazine 91, 94 terme (BEC) 232 Bankers Trust 118, 124, 257 Banque Franc¸aise d’Acceptation 169–70, Bankers Trust International 223 186 Banking Act (Glass-Steagall Act) (1933) Banque Ge´ne´rale 69 188–9, 248 Banque Ge´ne´rale Suisse 127 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84535-9 - Capitals of Capital: A History of International Financial Centres, 1780-2005 Youssef Cassis Index More information Index370 Banque Ge´ne´rale Suisse de Cre´dit Bell, Alexander Graham 310 International Mobilier et Foncier 52 Belmont, Auguste 39, 117 Banque Internationale de Bruxelles 126 Berkshire, John 344 Banque internationale de Petrograd 321 Berlin Banque Intra 338 big banks in 110–12, 175–6 Banque Italo-belge 321 competition with London 133–4 Banque Lambert 34, 126 decline of 143–144 Banque Lie´geoise 126 during First World War 146 Banque Nationale de Belgique 46 during Second World War 198 Banque Nationale de Cre´dit (BNC) 185 effects of German inflation 174–5 Banque nationale de Paris (BNP) 340 effects of stock market crash 182–3 Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et export of capital 77 l’Industrie (BNCI) 185 German mark crisis 173–4 Banque nouvelle des chemins de fer limits to expansion (1875–1914) 113–14 129 in nineteenth century 7, 31, 42, 52, 59, Banque pour le commerce suisse-israe´lien 72 338 origins and development as a financial Banque russo-chinoise 320 centre 109–10 Barclay, Tritton, Bevan & Co. 299 overseas banks (1875–1914) 112 Barclays Bank 45, 91, 165–6 post Second World War 215–16, 279–81 executive board 261 rise of 108–9 Barclays Bank DCO (Dominion, Colonial social status in 137–8 and Overseas) 166, 210 state intervention 284 Barclays Bank (France) 328 wealth in 136 Barclays BZW 346 Berlin Bo¨rse 112–13, 150 Bardac N.J & S. 317 Berlin City Bank (Berlin Stadtbank) 215 Barent Cohen, Hannah 21 Berlin-Stettin 59 Barnett, Hoare & Co. 298 Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft 51, 109, 130 Baring, Alexander 22 and stock market crash 183 Baring, John (second Lord Revelstoke) 87, Berliner Handelsgesellschaft und 90 Frankfurter Bank 341 Baring Brothers & Co. Bern 53 1780–1840 20–3, 29, 39 Bersarin, General Nikolaı¨ 215 1840–75 45, 56, 63, 68 Bethmann-Hollweg, Chancellor 90 1875–1914 85–8, 94, 112, 117 Bethmanns Bank 32 in 1920s 166 Bethmanns family 28, 32 and American railways 57 Big Bang’ (1986) 246 Argentine loans 131 Big Bang’, Japanese (1997) 270 effect of First World War 147, 149 bill brokers 18–19 Baring Crisis 91, 96, 101 bills of exchange 10, 18–20 Bartholony, Franc¸ois 58 bimetallic system 82 Basel Accords 248, 269 Birmingham & Midshires Bank 91, 302 Basle 53, 127–128 BIS (Bank for International Settlements) Basler Handelsbank 53, 179 177, 182, 247 Bayerische Hypotheken und Wechsel Bank Bischoffsheim & Goldschmidt 90, 302 341 Bischoffsheim family 38, 69, 126 BEC (Banque Europe´ene de Cre´dit a` Bischoffsheim, Jonathan-Raphae¨l 34 moyen terme) 232 Bischoffsheim, Louis 34, 50 Be´chet, Dethomas & Cie 303 Bismarck, Otto Edward Leopold von 59, Belgian Ge´ne´rale de Banque 232 67, 76, 111 Belgium 125 Bizone 216 banking innovation in 46 Blanc, Jean-Antoine 300 banking legislation in 1930s 189 Bleichro¨der Bank 59, 112, 175 export of capital 77 Bleichro¨der, Gerson von 109–19 French loans to 30 see also Brussels Bleichro¨der, Han von 324 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84535-9 - Capitals of Capital: A History of International Financial Centres, 1780-2005 Youssef Cassis Index More information Index 371 Bleichro¨der, James von 324 British Empire 74 Bleichro¨der, Samuel 39, 67, 109 British South Africa Company 97 Bloc des droites 168 brokers 98–100 Blount, Edward 57 Brown, Gordon 1 Brassey, Thomas 305 Bruckhaus Deringer 258 Blyth & Co. 156 Brugmann & Cie 34 BNC (Banque Nationale de Cre´dit) 185 Brugmann, Fre´de´ric 34 BNCI (Banque Nationale pour le Bru¨ning, Chancellor 183, 189 Commerce et l’Industrie) 185 Brussels 281 BNP (Banque nationale de Paris) 257 1780–1840 7, 33–5 Boer War 88, 121, 141 1850–75 41, 68–9 Boisanger, Yves de 197 1875–1914 77, 125–6 BOLSA (Bank of London and South Brussels Stock Exchange 34 America) 220, 223, 328 Buenos Aires 23, 78 Bolton, Sir George 220 Bundesbank 216, 228–9, 233, 247 Bonaparte, Napoleon 26–7, 29, 72, 299 Burmah Oil 81 Bonbright & Co.
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