Tree planting Students in Chamber- completes green clubs Fest Eagle Scout convene concert Project first Green Summit Page 22 Page 36 Page 43 The newspaper for the new millennium 510-494-1999 [email protected] www.tricityvoice.com June 16, 2015 Vol. 14 No. 24 BY DENNY STEIN PHOTOS BY RICK CAMARGO PHOTO Annual! What a great word. Just as June rolls around again every year, so does the best party in the Bay Area. Before last year’s memories of twinkling lights and su- percilious howler monkeys have faded, here’s your chance to make it happen again – make it better, make it exciting. Oakland Zoo’s “Walk in the Wild,” also known as an Epicurean Escapade, is hap- pening on Saturday, June 27. If you’ve been to this event before, I know you’re al- ready planning on going this year – it’s ad- dictive. If you have never attended, here’s what to expect: 120 vendors of fine food, continued on page 4 SUBMITTED BY DIANE LEYS Olive Hyde Art Gallery’s annual “Textiles Exhibit” began in 1968 in recogni- tion of the Art Center’s original benefactor and textile art enthusiast, Olive Hyde. Primarily a quilt exhibition in its early years, this show currently spans a broad spectrum of the textile arts. As one of Olive Hyde’s most popular exhibits, this year’s 47th textile show will feature the work of artists well known in the Bay Area as well as that of sev- eral others who have exhibited extensively throughout the United States. continued on page 16 BY SARA GIUSTI The garden’s lot was home to a Chrysler PHOTOS COURTESY OF Jeep dealership until 2008 when it closed its doors, and Alameda County’s Redevelop- ACOE/PROJECT EAT ment Agency purchased the property that same year. The lot sat empty until Alameda As urban farming grows in popularity County’s Office of Education (ACOE) had across the Bay Area, a community garden in ideas to transform it into an educational Hayward joins the seed-to-table DIY ranks community garden. Members of the neigh- as it celebrates its one year anniversary this borhood jumped in to help, as they had month, just in time to kick off summer. wanted to improve the vacant lot for years. Paradise Community Garden, located at After much planning, Paradise Commu- Mission and Paradise Boulevards, started sim- nity Garden was born in 2014. Even in its ply: the community wanted a garden to tend roots, the garden is undeniably one of com- and harvest from while educating each other munity; its creation couldn’t have happened about gardening and healthy food. Beautify- without support and sponsorship from ing an empty lot and building community pride weren’t such bad benefits, either. continued on page 36 “Japanese Blue III” by Mirka Knaster INDEX Classified. 39 It’s a date . 23 Public Notices. 40 Arts & Entertainment . 23 Community Bulletin Board . 38 Kid Scoop . 18 Real Estate. 17 Contact Us . 33 Mind Twisters . 20 Sports . 30 Bookmobile Schedule . 25 Editorial/Opinion . 33 Obituary . 35 Subscribe . 6 Business . 10 Home & Garden . 15 Protective Services . 37 Page 2 WHAT’S HAPPENING’S TRI-CITY VOICE June 16, 2015 ather’s Day is right around the cor- other contraception option, have a failure ner—time to celebrate the dads and rate of between 11 percent and 16 percent. Ffather-figures in our lives. It’s also a Dr. Saleh pointed out that vasectomy is chance for men to think about all the roles safer than a tubal ligation, which is the they play in the lives of their families. One most common means of permanent con- important aspect is family planning, or traception for women. That procedure is contraception. more invasive and requires the woman to Years ago, family planning was assumed be under general anesthesia. to be the woman’s responsibility. This “With tubal ligation, there is always the changed with the growing popularity of risk of injuring a blood vessel or internal One of the many important roles that men play in the lives of their families has to do with family planning, or contraception. Vasectomies are a common and effective form of male contraception that is estimated to the vasectomy. With this minor surgical organ during the procedure,” explained be the preferred contraception by one of every five American men over the age of 35. procedure, the doctor closes off the vas Dr. Saleh. “The time needed for the deferens (vas), a tube in the male repro- woman to recover is also longer.” around the vas. The doctor pulls the vas up ductive system, and it takes a while for ductive system that carries sperm from the Although there is a procedure available to through the tiny opening and ties it off or them to clear away. testicles. reverse a vasectomy, it is important for men uses heat to cauterize it. Then, the closed-off “During this time, we tell men to con- Today, it is estimated that one in every to consider it permanent, Dr. Saleh advises. vas is allowed to go back into the scrotum. tinue using protection,” he said. “We five American men over 35 has had a va- In his practice, if couples aren’t sure about “This procedure requires just one tiny perform two sperm counts to make sure sectomy. The Urology Care Foundation re- permanent contraception, he advises them hole and one stitch to close it,” reported the semen is clear before advising that ports that, each year, more than 500,000 to use another form, such as condoms or Dr. Saleh. “It’s faster, taking about 20 min- other forms of contraception are no men in the U.S. choose to have a vasec- birth control pills, until they decide. utes, and there is less bleeding, swelling longer needed.” tomy for birth control. “Once a couple makes the decision, it’s and bruising. We do it in the office with Learn more. “The vasectomy is a very effective form a great option,” he added. just a small amount of anesthesia, and the of contraception for men,” said Mark In the past, the conventional method man can go straight home afterwards.” For more information about Washington Saleh, MD, board certified urologist with used for a vasectomy required the doctor Men can resume most of their normal Township Medical Foundation, go to Washington Township Medical Founda- to make an incision in the scrotum and tie activities the next day but must avoid any- www.mywtmf.com. tion. “It is more than 99 percent effective, off the vas. Now, most doctors perform the thing strenuous for about a week. To find out more about male which makes it the most dependable newer “no scalpel” vasectomy. Dr. Saleh cautions it may take three or contraception and vasectomy, visit means of contraception available.” With this procedure, a small puncture is more months after the vasectomy is done www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus, a The U.S. Department of Health and made in the skin of the scrotum, just big for it to be fully effective. There may be Website of the National Institutes Human Services reports male condoms, an- enough to insert a ring clamp that fits sperm present in other parts of the repro- of Health. InHealth broadcasts on Comcast Channel 78 in Fremont, Newark and Union City and online at www.inhealth.tv The full schedule of InHealth programs listed below can also be viewed in real time on the Washington Hospital website, www.whhs.com TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY 06/16/15 06/17/15 06/18/15 06/19/15 06/20/15 06/21/15 06/22/15 Learn Exercises to Help 12:00 PM Diabetes Matters: Diabetes Diabetes Matters: Top Hip Pain and Arthritis: Lower Your Blood Pressure Crohn's & Colitis 12:00 AM Resources and Slow Your Heart Rate Foods for Heart Health Evaluation & Treatment 12:30 PM 12:30 AM Varicose Veins and Community Based Senior Chronic Venous Disease Diabetes Matters: Manage Supportive Services Diabetes Matters: Key Diabetes Matters: Top Diabetes Matters: Your Diabetes SMART To A Healthy Heart with 1:00 PM Foods for Heart Health Goal Setting Diabetes Protecting Your Heart 1:00 AM Diabetes Matters: Back to the Basic Keys for Success 1:30 PM Voices InHealth: Diabetes Matters: Insulin: Women's Health Confer- What Are Your Vital Signs 1:30 AM Cyberbullying - The New Everything You Want to ence: Aging Gracefully Telling You? Do You Suffer From Diabetes Matters: Top Schoolyard Bully Know? 2:00 PM Anxiety or Depression? Foods for Heart Health 2:00 AM Inside Washington Hospital: Patient Safety Washington Township Radiation Safety 2:30 PM Washington Township Inside Washington Inside Washington Hospital: Rapid Health Care District 2:30 AM Health Care District Board Detection of MRSASevere Sepsis: Diabetes Matters: When Hospital: Rapid Don't Let an Infection Board Meeting You Care Too Much Meeting May 13, 2015 Take Over Your Body Detection of MRSA May 13, 2015 3:00 PM Washington Township 3:00 AM Cough and Pneumonia: Health Care District When to See a Doctor Board Meeting Sidelined by Back Pain? Reach Your Goal: Quit How to Prevent a June 10, 2015 3:30 PM Get Back in the Game Smoking Heart Attack 3:30 AM Diabetes Matters: What to Learn More About Kidney Diabetes Matters: New Expect When Hospitalized 4:00 PM Disease Year, New You 4:00 AM Diabetes Matters: From One Second with Diabetes Do You Suffer From Strategies for Support to the Next Breathing Problems? 4:30 PM Chronic Obstructive Pul- 4:30 AM monary Disease or Skin Cancer Asthma Heart Healthy Eating After Superbugs: Are We Winning Arthritis: Do I Have One Kidney Transplants Heart Irregularities 5:00 PM of 100 Types? Surgery and Beyond the Germ War? 5:00 AM Strengthen Your Back! Strengthen Your Back! 5:30 PM Learn to Improve Your Learn to Improve Your Back Fitness Diabetes Matters: The Dia- Cataracts and Diabetic Eye Inside Washington Hospital:
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