Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 12-3-1965 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1965). The George-Anne. 454. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne/454 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 12 Pages Drive Home Stat 3SW THE THIS WEEK (Seorge -Anne Carefully! PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF GEORGIA SOUTHERN COLLEGE VOLUME 41 STATESBORO, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1965 NUMBER 9 7 GSC Students Nominated For ' West Side Story' To Be Staged Wilson Awards Seven students have been nominated for Woodrow Wilson National Fellowships for the ac- In McCroan February 17-18 ademic year 1966-67. The nominees are Keith Fel- ton Arnsdorff, history major; Lead characters have been Maxine Davis, social science cast for "West Side Story,' 'a major; Donald A. Grinde, his- two-act musical written by Leo- tory major; David Bing Hurst, nard Bernstein, to be present- math major; Jeri. Marsha ed in McCroan Auditorium, Feb. Prince, math major; Herbert 17-19, under the sponsorship of P. Shippey, English major, and the Music Division, according James D. Wilkes, history ma- to Donald Northrip, play di- jor. rector and assistant professor Sixty of the 658 nominees of music. from the Southeast (Region VI) will receive scholarships. Northrip announced the cast- Those eleigible for nomina- ing of two lead, two minor and tion are men and women of out- three speaking parts. Final standing intellectual promise, casting oft the remaining parts graduates of or seniors in the will be completed in January, colleges and universities of the he said. United States or Canada who at the time of nomination are not The play will involve a cast registered in a graduate school. of 39 singers, dancers and ac- The purpose of the fellowships tors with orchestral accompan- is to attract men and women iment provided by members of to college teaching, and the the Savannah Symphony. Foundation annually awards The two lead, characters will fellowships to 1,000 prospective be played by Jim Propes as first-year graduate students. Tony, a gang leader, with Ja- Joe Hobbs, a history major, mey Waters and Wynn Carswell received the only Wilson Fel- sharing the role of Maria, To- lowship awarded to a Georgia ny's girlfriend. Southern student. 'WEST SIDE STORY' According to Dean Paul F. Ken Robbins and Janie Dobson Rehearse For February Production. Minor parts will be played by Carroll, "The number of nomi- David Hall as Riff, and Janie nees indicates that we are be- Dodson as Anita. Speaking parts ginning to have better prepared will include Walter Swift as students, and although we have MERRY Doc, Sonny Johnson as Officer had only one Wilson Fellow Ward Announces Krupke, and Tom Wright as from Georgia Southern, we hope Gladham. to have more this year." The show will include such songs as "Tonight," "I Feel Book Publication Pretty," "America," "Maria," "One Hand, One Heart," By RON MAYHEW battle being waged between the "Something's Coming and Managing Editor Bourbon Democrats and the "Somewhere." Dr. Robert David Ward, pro- Populist movement, which in- "West Side Story" is a con- cluded much of Alabama's or- fessor of history, announced temporary Romeo and Juliet Tuesday the publication of a ganized labor. Dear Editor: story reflecting problems new book, Labor Revolt In Ala- Bourbons Remained brought on by juvenile gang This year we are beginning bama.which he has written in the school term with one more Although the Bourbons re- warfare and the sudden influx collaboration with Dr. William of Puerto Ricans into the life classroom building than we had W. Rogers, associate professor tained political power and the last year. Next year several ad- labor organization's goals were of New York City, Northrip of history at Florida State Uni- said. ditional buildings will be added. versity. not immediately realized, the Presently, only dormitories movement was far from a fail- The play made a successful The book, published by the run on Broadway beginning in have signs identifying them. Such University of Alabama Press, ure. signs should be placed at the en- A new organization, The Uni- 1957 and was later made into is the result of four years' pre- a motion picture. trances of classroom buildings. paration, according to Dr. ted Mine Workers of Alaba- This convenience would not only Ward. ma, was the result of the min- Included in the play will be be a great help to guests on Deals with Strike ers' efforts. In the opinion of vocal, instrumental, dancing, campus, but would also save Labor Revolt in Alabama the authors the new organiza- and acting scenes. Approxim- freshmen a lot of trouble whan deals with the Alabama coal tion, having faced hostile pub- ately 25 members from the Sa- they first report to the campus. miner's strike of 1894, which lic opinion and a state. legisla- vannah Symphony Orchestra Doubless, this idea sounds un- CHRISTMAS was the state's most outstand- ture that had never previously will provide orchestral ac- necessary to students who know ing demonstration by an organ- dealt with problems of this companiment, Northrip said . their way around. The problem sort, won a difficult victory, Assisting Northrip will be must, however, also be consider- ized labor movement in the nineteenth century. the publisher's report conclud- Ken Robbins, a drama student, ed from the standpoint of people ed. as stage director; and Janie who aren't as familiar with the According to the book's pub- Norton Is lisher, the strike involved some Dodson, a graduate student in college. the physical education division, The Eagle 8,000 men trying to protect themselves from wage reduct- Appointed To in charge of choreography. ions in a time of depression. Tickets, will go on. sale in mid-January at $1.50-$3.50 with WINTER QUARTER As a result this group hoped to gain improved working and liv- Publicity Post all seats reserved. m REGISTRATION ing conditions. The strike oc- curred amidst a backdrop of Hubert Norton, sports publi- INDEX Winter quarter registra- agrarian conservatism which || tion is scheduled Jan. 3, 8 city director, has been named Bonfire, Pep Rally 2 aims of labor. Area VII publicity chairman a.m. to 8 p.m., according Unionization Suppressed I to Lloyd Joyner, registrar. for the National Association of College Orchestra 2 In this era, continued the Intercollegiate Athletics, accor- ", Joyner said student can publisher's review, attempts at Tree Lighting 3 \ draw registration permits ding to the latest information unionization by miners' were released by NAIA headquarters from a box at the records considered radical by a large Editorials ; 4-5 window in the registrar's in Kansas City, Mo. portion of the state's popula- Norton, in his second year as Garfunkel 5 I office Monday through tion. To suppress this labor | Friday. sports publicist, is one of nine movement this powerful seg- area chairmen. His duties will Society 6-7 II Students who fail to 1 ment advocated working con- I draw permits on the days 1 be to promote NAIA in the Inquiring Reporter 7 victs in the mines, hiring Ne- Southeastern states. || indicated must pick up a groes as strikebreakers, and Sports 8-10 || permit at the registrar's | Norton succeeds Mai Barro- calling out the state militia. way of Jacksonville (Fla.) Uni- office on registration dav. | Groundbreaking H Further complicating the versity who resigned earlier in situation was a bitter political DR. R. D. WARD the year. Contest 12 Orchestra Seeks Members Who Possess Instruments Students who are interested in Bridges, junior violinist from playing in the strings section Moultrie; Patrice Carrigg, so- of the Georgia Southern Col- phomore, violinist from Rin- lege Orchestra and who can con; Meg Collins, violinist from provide their own instruments Statesboro; Blimp Davis, sen- are asked to contact Dr. Fred ior, violinist from Americus; Grumley in the Music Building. Mitchell Dredge, senior from The orchestra,, which rehear- Baxley who plays the viola; ses each Monday from 7-9 p.m., Elaine N. Donkar, sophomore, is directed by Mrs. William violinist, from Savannah. McKenney, who also gives pri- Also, Marybet Graham, vio- vate lessons for string instru- linist, from Statesboro; Dr. ments. "We plan'to enlarge our Fred Grumley, assistant direc- orchestra to include wind and tor and bass player; Aaron percussion sections this year," Haimovitz, cellist from States- Mrs. McKenney stated. boro ; Betty Jones, sophomore The 17 college students and violinist from Perkins; Mrs. Statesboro residents who com- Billie Lane, violinist from Sta- prise the orchestra are Gloria tesboro; Mrs. Mary Mercer, violinist from Statesboro; Nan- 'EAGLE BAIT' cy McKenney, violinist from The Eagle cheerleading squad leads a shivering crowd in several new cheers, and of course the Statesboro; Dr. William Mc- familiar old ones. Kenney, violinist from States- Support Your boro; Jane Patton, sophomore cellist from Albany; Jake Rawl George-Anne from Savannah who plays the viola, Stephen J. Farkas, Bonfire And Pep Rally Advertisers! violinist from Statesboro, and Bill Gibson, freshman vioalist from Macon. Opens Basketball Season By RON MAYHEW rally with several new cheers, Scearce expressed his appre- Managing Editor followed by Dan Broucek, stu- ciation to the crowd for the at- GSC officially opened its 1965- dent congress president, who tendance and introduced the Otis Superette 66 basketball season Tuesday spoke briefly and pronounced members of the varsity basket- night with a bonfire and pep that the ringing of the bell ball squad who were present.
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