Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 2-2-2004 Arbiter, February 2 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. 1 9 J J EPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER SIN C E CELEBRATING MONDAY 70 YEARS FEBRUARY 2, 2004 Broncos show SMU Ibedoor Aaron Haynes hits game winning shot, shakes a gives BSU their 12th win of the season A&E-6 " sports- 5 , VOLUME 16 ISSUEJ9 I FIRST COpy FREE WWW.ARBITERQNLINE.COM ! Health Park. included in lee increase. proposal "We put them under scru- ance. The Rec Center, adjacent to Education Building. in the complexity and severity BY JESSICA ADAMS of student's physical and men- tiny, we interviewed, we got "We would" create an advi- Managing Editor the Schobl of Nursing and ISU Schlapper said HWCis strug- sory board consisting mainly gling to meet the increased de- tal health conditions, requiring their budget, we got the tours Health' Programs to form the ... We've met with Ferd about of students that would decide The Idaho State Board new Health Park. mand for services with limited more extensive visits with pro- viders and counselors. eight or nine times to discuss what the insurance plan en- of Education unanimous- Executive Director of space, staff and funding. tailed; that way students would "The Health and Wellness The student health fee has the need for expanded health ly approved the Boise State BSU Health, Wellness and have more freedom to decide Center Is attempting to serve not increased in two decades, facilitiesand we realize that this University student fee increase Counseling Services Ferd is a need, not a luxury," what" benefits are available," proposal Tuesday, which Schlaper said the projected cost 18,447 students in the same thus limiting the possibilities for expansion within the cur- The $40 fee will not include Schlapper said. will include a $40 fee to ex- of the new facility Is $13.6mil- converted 1950's-era ham- Boise State will discuss the burger stand that was used to rent budget. mandatory student health in- pand the BSU Student Health lion, and will be fmanced with surance. The current BSU possibility of an in-house stu- Center. The Health Wellness 30-year bonds. Similar to fund- serve 3,541 students in 1967," The new feewill implemented In Fall 2004 and is considered Student Health Insurance Plan dent health insurance plan at and Counseling Services fee ing for the BSURec Center, the Schlapper said. semi-permanent. is underwritten by Chesapeake the State Board of Education increase will be used to build bonds will be repaid with the Schlapper said an expanded meeting In March. HWC facility is needed mostly ASBSU President Ali Ishaq Life and Health Insurance and a 70,000 sq. ft. facility that will $40student fee. costs approximately $750 per Schlapper said Boise State The current facility for the due to greater student demand said student government is a house a primary health care student per year. HWCstaffwill continue to meet center - integrating clinical, Health and Wellness Center is for services accompanying the big supporter of the proposal to build a new facility,despite the Schlapper has said in the with student leaders and to sur- counseling, health promotion, thel950's-era converted ham- exponential growth 'of Boise vey the general student popu- State's student population. state budget crunch. past that he would prefer an health insurance and health , burger stand, known as "The in-house student health insur- lation to develop the optimal Round House," located at the Since 1967, Boise State enroll- "We recognize the need for education in one site. Pending a better health center and we ance.plan, funded by students. health services facility and pro- state Legislativeapproval of the intersection of University and ment has increased 421 per- grams that best serve students cent. ' have met weekly with HWC According to Schlapper, this State Board's proposed higher Chrisway Drives. Counseling would presumably allow for a and Boise State University. Services cannot expand in Also, Schlapper said HWC staff discuss its impact on Boise education budget, the new fa- State students:' Ishaq said. more student-friendly insur- cility will be located behind their current location in the has seen a dramatic increase Convention ,center" merits, dangers debated BY MONICA PRICE NewsReporter OnWednesday, Jan. 28,Boise , , City Club members met at the Grove Hotel for a discussion of the proposed convention center, which will be voted on by the general public Tuesday, Feb. 3. Advocates of the new con- vention center argue that the new center will offer economic growth without increasing city infrastructure. Opponents look to ongoing construction and" financial blunders, such as the now-defunct University Place and Boise Tower projects, as an indicator of what will likely happen with the new conven- tion center. ' "For the last fiveyears, every type of event on the existing Center on the Grove has de- clined," said attorney JimJones, PH01D BY JAMES ORR/THE ARBITER representing anti-convention Boiso Stato's new dorms are expected to be completed by July. The new buildings will feature single rooms and BSUrecently reduced rates in order to slay competitive with the local rental markel center interests. Jones said an assumption is being made that the hospitality industry will be on an economic upswing by the time the new convention center is open. Jones pointed New student housing to open July 2004· to the current economic situ- ation, saying that assumptions lower, rates of $410 for one housing developments. have some older stock that we are a riskybusiness. BY MONICA PRICE spaces:' Director of Student bedroom and $460 for a two 'Housing Craig Thompson The same study cites a few are having difficulty with and Jones accused feasibility NewsReporter the current rental market. is bedroom in University Heights said. The Student Housing ·of- hurdles. "An abundance of af- studies ofbeing slanted. "Often challenging us:' he added. or Manor apartments were there is bias in favor of...a The new BSU student hous- fice tried to respond to their fordable off-campus housing, a significant number ofpart- time Student' housing recently prompted by the rental market. green light," he said. ing projects will be completed wishes, and now, 95 percent dropped rates in order to com- "That's where we have our oc- "People say we don't have by July and will offer mostly of rooms in the new residence students, the development of the West Campus, and stu- pete in the market. "We feel cupancy issue, those two facili- enough (convention) space," single rooms to students. The halls will be single. "We actu- pretty good about that direc- ties:' said Thompson. Jones said. But, declining use 'total budget estimates for both ally involved...students all the . dent's affinity to live at home with their parents, clearly rep- tion as we prepare for next year, 336 residence hall beds will uf the Center on the Grove projects totals $32million, with way through the process," said we think that will reallyhave an open in July bringing the on- flies in the face of that argu- funding coming from a bond Thompson. resent challenges to imple- menting a major campus hous- impact on our occupancy," campus total to 1,224~Rooms ment according to Jones. And, passed in 2002 by the Idaho There was an extensive sur- said Thompson, "The difficulty are arranged around, a com- he added, convention centers State Board of Education, vey and housing master plan Ing Initiative:' the Brailsford & , mon living room with individ- Dunlavey housing plan noted. in doing this is your trying to across the nation are reporting said Barry Burbank, Business developed by Brailsford & forecast what the [apartment) ual rooms branching off. Cable, Manager forAuxiliaryServices.. Dunlavey before the, project Residence halls are at 94 per- declines in use. cent occupancy; 'wellabove the market is." meal "plans and high-speed A year ago, Pricew;1terhouse "We did some pretty ex- was started. Focus groups and The current apartment glut Internet access are 'included in Coopers predicted that the tensive studies...that indi- web surveys concluded that national average, Thompson said. "In the apartments, we was not expected and the new therent. - lodging industry would be cated students wanted private " Boise State could support new See Housing page 3 , See Center page 2 Real-life LEGAL-COLUMN ,.GET INVOLVED STUDENT RADIO THEATER AUDITIONS WORKSHOPS t : , BSU Student Radio is look-: Rhoma Spencer, guest direc- , . tor for the upcoming Women's f. "- Immigration Law lng for programming ideas. Proposals from students for .HistoryMonth production of ·l ' ~ new or returning radio shows "For Colored Girls Who Have ·, . .. DR. DECATEUR REED nonresident aliens, immigrant granted for temporary access will be accepted through Spm Considered Suicide When the · Legal Columnist . and nonimmigrant, and docu- to the U.S., such as for tourists Tuesday, Feb 17. Programs. Rainbow is Enuf, n will be hold- ! ... or business visitors: Generally, ing auditions on February 9 t,'" , mented and undocuinented will be selected by the Jacque is getting ready to aliens. An "alien" is defined as the number of visas allowed in Student Programs Oversight andl O. The show is scheduled · - graduate from high school in !lperson who is not a U.S.
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