Home of the New, All the News of All the Point.s Every Thursd.y Morning Grosse Pointe News Complete News Covera~e of All the Pointes ------------_._-------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Vol. 31-No. 2.. fi:'eLe~~~1'(;rr~;O~tdD;I~~k~!I~~rllla~ _G_RO__S_S_"E_P_O_IN_T_E_,_M_I_C_H_IG_'_A_N__, _J_U_N_E_II, 1_9_7_0 ._If._&!_p_:~r_c~_:_:r 2_e_P_o_9_e_s_-__ T_w_o_S_e_<:t_i_o_n_s_-__ S_e_<:_+'_lo_n_0_n_8_ -------- .._------.---------_._---- ------£> IIEADLINES Luxury Condominium Replacing Old Landmark IPark Council Acts Tops Fie!d of the I Of Foul' m "rEEK 'To Bring Relief to Trustee Race AI Compiled bll the Beats Dr, Frank Par<:ells by Grosse Pointe News .nesses 213 Votes: Only 7,868 Mack Busl of 40, 138 Elect"rs Thursday, June 4 Cast Ballots PRESIDENT NIXON TOLD Proprietors Agree to Survey Recommendations, Pepper Whitelaw the nation Wednesday night that By "all our major military objec. Inc:luding Making Alley One-Woy: Ban on Donald J. Semmler, 39, tives" in Cambodia have been , Street Pal'king to Continue defeated all comers in the achIeved and that 50,000 Amer. ------ battle for the school hoard ican fighting men will be with- The Park council on Monday, June 7, approved seat which was up for grabs drawn from South Vietnam by several measures which it is hoped will alleviate alleged at the Monday, June 8, October 15. The 50,000 are part hardships to commercial trade in Mack avenue, b()tween election. Candidates indud- of a total of 150,000 that ll'r. Cadieux and Harvard, brought about by the ban on park- ed Norman D. Dodge, of Nixon announced on April 20 ing from 3 p.m. to 7 p,m. daily in front of the busi.nesses. Berkshire road, Dr. Frank would be withdraw!! within a One measure approved was<$> . H. Parcells, of Cameron year. l making the alley behind the C h L- place, Mr. Semmler and • • • c~mmercial buildings. one.way, Betty L. Sulfridge, of Vel'- WITH ALL BUT A handful With entrance on CadIeux. oac '"ne. of Alabama's 4,420 precincts re- At its last meeting. May 18, F B nier road. ported George Corley Wallace the council authorized a survey are oost It was a two.way race all the defeated his one.time lieutenant, to determine' what steps should way between Sellr.1lcr and Par. incumbent Governor Albert P. be taken in this area to help Takes Effaet cells with Semmler defeating Brewer, by about 32,000 votes increase business. Funds for a ~I Parcells by a 213.vote margin. out of 1.1 mJllion cast. The proposed wIdening of M..ck be. Semmler garnered 3.706 votes Democratic primary victory vir. tween Cadieux and Harvard. I Eff and Parcells 3,493. Only 7,868 tually assures Wallace o( elec- were refused by the Federal, ncr8ases ectl've Last 0f the 40136, regis. tered voters tion in November as governor. State and County governments Monday: Woods Ae:tion went to the polls. tJ • • because the widening was solely Cancels Public Service SIUl Sell! Record Friday, JlIDe 5 'd However, it was a record ARTHUR G. BARKLEY, an to provi e parking. Hearing turnout for a single.seat con. -------------{$> ~--------------- JoiDt Survey Made t • Th I t I I I Arizona bakery truck driver The survey was conducted es.. e as s ng e.seat e ec. with a taxpayer grudge against By Phil Loranger tion was on June 13, 1966, when the government hIjacked a jet- I C 00 oar by Park Police ChIef Gerard Alice Mary Hykes was running Center Drive Constl"uction Gets Started S h Z B d Kesteloot, and Oscar Gunder. Lake Shore Coach Lines, for re.eleclion against George liner with 58 persons aboard son, chief traffic engineer for Inc., the only public trans- D. Henry and Lee Kitchen. At for eight hours Thursday be. • Ad .Opts P 0Zley the ,!"ayne County Road Com- portation firm servicing th.at time only 3,324 persons fore his dream of a $100million Gets $84,445 On Site Formerly Occupied miSSion, and another county The Pointe, was granted on cast their ballots. ransom ended at the hands of FBI ageuts. Barkley entered the - · ,- I traffic engineer. Thursday, June 4, approval Semmler. a 1952 graduate of cockpit of Trans-World Airlines From 5,024 By First Gal"age in Pointe On D"SC"P lne A report of the study was to hike its bus fare by the Babson College majored in Ac. given to City Manager Robert Michigan Public Service counting, Finance and Manage. Flight 486 over Las Vegas and ' C I W'II C • 36 U 't 1 I d' T ' -- . i Slone, who in turn presented to' t' H' . demanded to go to Washington. War Memorial's Board of H ouslng omp ex 1 ontain nl $ nc u Ing wo Copies of Code Available it to the council at Monday Commission, making it pos- men rgamza Ion. e IS presl- The end came at Dulles Inter. Directors Calls Annual' Penthouses: Two Old Residences, Livery Stable II Id bl .;ible for the firm to with- dent-treasurer of Semmkr Cor. national Airport, where authori. at A Bui ings of Pu ic night's mef;ting. draw its petition to discon- poration, a midwest engineer. Family Drive Also Razed for Projec:t. System fo r t t d It was dIsclosed that a sug. ing and distribution network for ties lured the hijacker to a ------- p r •n eres e gested left turn at Mack east tinue services. building equipment. He is also see ODd landing with bags full Successful One of Grosse Pointe City's ~utomotive landmarks arttes onto Cadieux, during certain The fare increases-from 40 vice.president of Semmler In. of phony money' along the edge that dates back almost to the beginning o{ the motor hours, is prohibitive because to 50 cents between Detroit vestment Company, which deals of the runway, and an FBI Grosse Pointe War Mem- industry-but which had become an eyesore in recent The Grosse Pointe Board lof the narrowness of the island and The Pointes, from :JU to 40 in local real estate and pro- agent with gun drawn crawled orial's 21st Annual Family years-is giving way to a multi.million dollar luxury of Education has unani- at the intersectio,n. cents between The Pointes and perty mana~ement. into the cockpit and arrested ParticipaUoq Campaign has condominium in Jefferson avenue between 81. Clair and mously approved a Student Slone said that a meeting was st. Clair Shores and from 20 to Lifetime Resident Barkh~y. been officially ~rOClaimed a Neff. ."'.. '._'.' . J)iscipline Policy formu. he.ld with the business pro- 25 cents for school fares-went He and his wife. Sandy, live • 0 • b . .... laled by the Stud~nt Disei- pnetors and their landle:tds, in Into effect on Monday, June 8. in Westchester road. He has S.turday, Jane 6 success . y t e Center's Construction crews have lev-1 that most of the land now being pline Comm'tt h' d the area affected, who were aened the Way two teenage children and three PRESIDENT N I X 0 N, ex- Board of Directors. eled what was formerly the I converted to resi.dentlal use had . I ee caire given th(; results of the survey. In a sudden reversal of pol- pre.schoolers with another ex- pected to appoInt a top.level The Center hopes to match or O'Leary Cadillac dealer show. always been employed commer. by RIchard W. Kay. The business people agreed icy last week, the Woods CIty peeled in August. He is also commission soon to investigate exceed its goal of $85,000before Iroom and garage fronting on cially to provide services for Other committee members in. to recommendations resulting Council. after some dellbera. legal guardian of three nephews what can be done to stop air- the end of the week. To date. Jefferson, along with other the auto industry-going back clude board trustee WillIan1 from the survey, pending ap- (CoatlDaed OB Page Z) and a niece. He altenrled )Iaire line hljaciGngs, telephoned Fri. $84.445.50 has been receIved structures that form part of as far as perhaps 1907. Adams; legal counsel Doug proval by the city 'council, in- Elementary School and Pierce day to tell the wounded pilot from 5,024 families compared the Pointes' turn.of.the-century That's when the site was Bob West; assistant princIpal of cluding that the alley behind • Junior High School and com. of a 'commandeered jet, Captain to $84,668.93 received in 1969 history. Darling's garage-the first ga. South HIgh School, John Thurs. their places be made one.way, NHS Graduation pleted high school at Cran. David C. Hupe. 50, that "he is from 5,115 families over the Groundureaking c e r emonies rage for auto repairing and by; assistant principal at North with the entrance to be at brook. He is a lifetime Pointe a national hero." Hupe under- same period of time. Delayed were attended by Mayor David housing In the Pointes. High School, Jim Cooper; prin- CadIeux. Will Be Tuesday resident. went three hours of abdomInal solicitation due to mail and Burgess, Councilmen George Neil Blondell of Rivard boule. cipal of MaIre Elementary Otber Measures Here's 'holv the r.recincls surgery to repair a gunshot trucking strikes caused the Henry and George Monro, rep. vard remembers when in his School, Donald Bassett; and Other measures agreed to, Grosse Pointe North High voted: wound he suffered in the cap- c~mpaign to 'r~n slightly be.
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