Catch Rate and Catch Composition of Mini Purse Seine in Bualemo, Banggai District (Anggawangsa, R.F., et al) CATCH RATE AND CATCH COMPOSITION OF MINI PURSE SEINE IN BUALEMO, BANGGAI DISTRICT Regi Fiji Anggawangsa1, Suwarso2 and Wudianto1 1Research Center for Fisheries Management and Conservation 2Research Institute for Marine Fisheries Received January 04-2013; Received in revised form June 03-2014; Accepted June 05-2014 Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Small pelagic fishery is the largest potential commodity in the waters of Tomini Bay which reached 64% of the total fish resources. Mini purse seine (soma pajeko) is the major fishing gear that used to utilize small pelagic resources in Tomini Bay. One of the main fishing grounds of mini purse seine vessels in Tomini Bay is in Bualemo and the surrounding waters. The aim of this research was to describe mini purse seine fishery in Bualemo especially about the aspects of the catch rate and catch composition. From the analysis of the daily catch data, there was a fluctuation of the average of catch rate each month. The catch of mini purse seine in Bualemo was dominated by two main species that is malalugis/mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus) and bigeye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus). The large amount of the young fish (juvenile) caught by mini purse seine caused by the vessels operated around FADs and the mesh size that was less selective. KEYWORDS: Catch rate, composition, mini purse seine, Buelamo INTODUCTION pelagic fish in Tomini Bay and spread in Bitung (121 units), Bolaang-Mongondow (67 units), Gorontalo (98 Tomini Bay is one of the largest bays in Indonesia, units), Parigi-Moutong (39 units), Poso (25 units), it has area of about 59,500 km2, and included into Ampana (25 units) and Banggai (44 units) (Nurhakim the Regional Fisheries Management (WPP) 713: et al., 2007). Tomini Bay - Molucca Sea - Ceram Sea (BRPL, 2005). Administratively, Tomini bay surrounded by three The waters north of Bualemo is one of the main provinces (North Sulawesi, Gorontalo and Central fishing ground of mini purse seine to catch small Sulawesi) of 11 districts / cities. Tomini Bay waters pelagic fish in the Tomini Bay. There is a tendency covers coastal areas with very large oceanic influence, that the fishing ground of small pelagic fish shifted or in other words intermediate waters with an average toward the waters around the mouth of the bay. depth of > 1500 m, shaped as a funnel that opens to Changes in catch rate/CPUE and catch composition the east, and directly related to the Molucca Sea, the data provide information about relative abundance of Gulf of Tolo, and the Celebes Sea. Geographical an exploited fish stock (Jul-Larsen et al., 2003), so it conditions thereby consequent circulation of water is important to get information about catch rate/CPUE masses between the waters in the bay with the and catch composition of mini purse seine vessels in surrounding waters (Prasetyati, 2004; Suwarso et al., Bualemo. 2005). Until now there is only few published information Fish production in the Tomini Bay was dominated about the activity of mini purse seine in Bualemo by small pelagic. Based on the Ministerial Decree waters and surrounding areas. This research aims to No.Kep 45/MEN/11, the estimated of potential fishery describe the mini purse seine fishery in Bualemo, resources in the Tomini Bay reached 595.6 thousand Banggai District particularly on the catch rate and tons / year and dominated by small pelagic which catch composition. approximately about 379.4 thousand tons / year or about 64% of the total catch, large pelagic resources, MATERIALS AND METHODS 106.5 thousand tons/year (18%) and demersal 88.8 thousand tons/year (15%). The exploitation of small The study was conducted in November 2011 in pelagic fish resources in Tomini Bay are mostly by some major fishing ports and fish landing sites in traditional fishing gear and most widely used mini Bualemo, Banggai District. The data collected was purse seine (soma pajeko). There were about 419 daily landing data of mini purse seine recorded by units of mini purse seine vessels that exploit small fish collectors from September 2010 to November _________________ Corresponding author: Researcher in Research Center for Fisheries Management and Conservation Jl. Pasir Putih II, East Ancol-Jakarta 14430 23 Ind.Fish.Res.J. Vol.20 No.1 June 2014 : 23-28 2011. Data were analyzed to obtain the catch rate RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and catch composition of mini purse seine vessels RESULTS catch that landed in Bualemo. Bualemo is one of the districts in northern Banggai, Catch rate/CPUE is obtained by dividing the Central Sulawesi (Figure 1). Fishing vessels that number of catch with fishing effort over a time interval. conducted fishing activity in Bualemo waters mostly Fishing effort that used are number of trip because coming from outside Bualemo, among others of almost all vessels operated daily, then calculated the Gorontalo and Parigi Moutong which is two major average of CPUE per month to analyze monthly trends fishing bases for mini purse seine in Tomini Bay. Mini of CPUE and composition. The catch rate or Catch purse seine owners from Parigi and Gorontalo who per Unit of Effort (CPUE) defined as: operate their vessels in the Bualemo waters assigned employees to take care of administrative and logistical Cw CPUE(Catchrate) = purposes. t Remarks: The data analyzed to get description about trends CPUE = Catch rate (kg/trip) and fluctuations of monthly catch rate and catch Cw = Catch weight (kg) composition of mini purse seine landed in. Figure 2 T = fishing period (trip) shows that there are fluctuations of catch rate from Figure 1. Some major landing site for mini purse seine vessels in Tomini Bay. Figure 2. Total daily catch and average daily catch rate (kg/trip) of mini purse seine vessels in Bualemo. 24 Catch Rate and Catch Composition of Mini Purse Seine in Bualemo, Banggai District (Anggawangsa, R.F., et al) 100% 90% Others 80% 70% Frigate tuna 60% Skipjack 50% 40% Bigeye Proportion scad 30% Mackerel 20% scad 10% 0% Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 2010 2011 Figure 3. Catch proportion of mini purse seine in Bualemo. 25% 20% Juvenille frigate tuna 15% Other juvenilles 10% Proportion Juvenille mackerel scad 5% 0% Sep Oct Nov Des Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 2010 2011 Figure 4. Proportion of juveniles caught by mini purse seine in Bualemo. September 2010 to November 2011. The highest The average mackerel scad caught approximately average catch rate occurred in October 2010 which 295.7 kg/vessel/day while bigeye scad approximately reached 1625 kg/trip and September 2011 which 293.7 kg/vessel/day. Besides mackerel scad and reached 1345 kg/trip, while the lowest occurred in bigeye scad, there were several species of fish caught November 2011 amounted to 416.7 kg/trip. The average include deho/frigate tuna (Auxis spp.), skipjack catch rate from September 2010 to November 2011 (Katsuwonus pelamis) and mixed of juveniles such was about 916 kg/trip. Figure 2 showed a similar as yellowfin tuna, mackerel scad and other species. pattern occurred each year. Average high catches occurred in September-October and then declined at The proportion of fish caught by mini purse seine the end of the year and the early next year, then in Bualemo in September 2010 to October 2011 can increased in the middle of the year around the month be seen in Figure 3. The data shows that mackerel of April to July. scad (Decapterus macarellus) and bigeye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus) dominated the catch most of the From the data obtained, there were two dominant year. Frigate tuna (Auxis spp.) also caught most of species of fish caught by mini purse seine vessels, the year with the largest proportion in October, while malalugis / mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus) skipjack (Katsuwonus Pelamis) appeared in January and katombo/bigeye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus). 25 Ind.Fish.Res.J. Vol.20 No.1 June 2014 : 23-28 - June and then disappeared and reappeared in Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on October 2011. some specific locations in the southern mouth of the bay, the waters in south to the southeast Bitung, about The proportion of juvenile fish caught was large, Togian Island and the west coast of Gorontalo, there reached more than 20% of the total catch in average were an increase in the concentration of chlorophyll- (Figure 4). There were several species of juvenile fish a with the highest range of 0.8 to 1.25 mg m-3 which caught include juvenile frigate tuna, mackerel scads indicate the presence of upwelling (Amri et al, 2005). and other juveniles. Juveniles in the Bualemo waters According to BRPL (2005), chlorophyll content was were caught starting in February until May and then found in the bay around the mouth than the waters in declined and many juveniles were caught again in the bay and outside the bay east. September and October. From several species of juveniles caught, mackerel scads were the most There are several species of fish caught by mini widely caught, with large proportion in March-May and purse seine vessels; malalugis/mackerel scad September-October. (Decapterus macarellus), katombo/bigeye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus), deho/frigate tuna (Auxis DISCUSSION spp.), and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis). There are also mixed of juveniles such as juvenile yellowfin tuna Fish resources in Tomini Bay were dominated by and mackerel scad. According to Natsir et al (2011), small pelagic and large pelagic fish. Small pelagic malalugis dominated about 58% of fish resources in fishes in the Tomini Bay were mostly captured using Tomini Bay, other dominant fish were frigate tuna some fishing gear such as paying / danish seine and (Auxis spp.), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and mini purse seine (soma pajeko).
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