POLEBROOK HUNDRED Ashton 18 Oundle 153 Barnwell St. Andrew 27 Polebrook 28 Benefield 42 Warmington 67 Hemington 8 Luddington 14 357 Baker 7 Labourer 61 Barber 3 Maltster 1 Basket-maker 1 Mason 6 Blacksmith 4 Mat-maker 2 Butcher 7 Miller 6 Carpenter 8 No trade given 8 Cooper 1 Plumber 1 "Cotther" 1 Rope-maker 1 Currier 1 Saddler 1 Drover 1 Servant 108 Farmer 30 Shepherd 3 Farmer's son 3 Shoemaker 14 Fellmonger 3 Slater 4 Fishmonger 1 Smith 2 Gardener 4 Stay-maker 2 Gelder 1 Tailor 14 Glover 6 Tanner 1 Grazier 10 Turner 1 Grocer 5 Watchmaker 3 Gun-smith 1 Weaver (stockings) 1 Hatter 1 Wheelwright 2 Hemp-dresser 1 Whittawer 1 Innholder 10 Wool-comber 2 Ironmonger 1 Jockey 1 357 ASHTON near OUNDLE 1777 Northamptonshire, Polebrook hundred. A list of all persons usually at this time dwelling within the hamlet of Ashton, parish of Oundle, who are at age for the militia. Ino. Coals, famer lams. Eason, labour Thos. Bellamy, famer loash Lenton, labour Jams. Bellamy, famer Wm. Colson, sarvant William Gregory, famer Ino. Readhead, sarvant Morley Fox, famer Ino. Negus, sarvant Ino. Selby, journeman gardener Ino. Wayfield, sarvant Ino. Colson, labour Wm. Letis, sarvant Robt. King, labour lames Pywell, sarvant Thos. Dextar, labour Thos. Padner, sarvant AIl persons who thinks themselves aggrived may then appeal the fifteen POLEBROOK HUNDRED 157 day of this month at the Talbot Inn in Oundle no appeal will afterwards received. BARN~LLST.ANDREW A list of the persons in the parish of Barnwell St. Andrew's in the county of Northampton between the age of eighteen & fortyfive to serve a militia men for the said parish. Wm. Bailey, grasier Jno. Palmer, baker Wm. Gregory, miller Jno. Andrew, singleman Stepn. Gregory, miller Lewis Tompson, labourer Wm. Warrington, servant Thos. Y ouls, labourer Wm. Weekley, servant Randle Adams, labourer Robt. Catling, servant Thos. Wright, servant Thos. Gardener, servant Richd. How, labourer Edwd. Carter, servant Robt. Todd, miller Jno. Ladds, servant Wm. Neail, mason Fran. Roberts, servant Robt. Slator, carpenter Chas. Carter, servant J os. Warren, junr., blacksmith Robt. Bradshaw, carpenter Fran. Peal, servant Geo. Wheeler, labourer (Jno. Peak, tradesman> Frankln Kisbee, farmer John Maddison, constable. BENEFIELD Decembr 5th, 1777. Benefield list of the names between the ages of eighteen and forty five years. Henry Cunnington, graizer J ames Blackwell, farmer Edward Redhead, labourer John Blackwell, servant Robert Rowell, graizer Edward Arnsby, graiser Thomas Ridgley, labourer William Perkins, mason Robert Hackny, labourer John Gakes, servant Robert Butterworth, labourer Tobias Mackly, sevant John Perkins, farmer Timothy Pridmore, grasier John Braughton, labourer William Stanyon, labourer Richd. Palmer, farmer Charles Stanyon, servant John Palmer, servant Thomas Saunt, baker Edward Saunt, farmer Lewis Saunt, grasier Mathew Burchnell, servant William Curtis, servant William Burr, servant Robert Craiksford, labourer John Andrew, taylor Edward Wright, servant John Tapstor, taylor William Cunnington, farmer Anthony Brown, farmer John Cunnington, servant William Pywell, servant (Luke Nannale, grasier> Henry Murket, labourer Samuel Deacon, grasier Thomas Bell, cordwainer Henry Green, labourer Richard Huff, servant Georg~ Plowman, servant Thomas Blackwell, blacksmith William Yarwell, servant All persons who shall think themselves aggrieved may appeal at the Talbot in Oundle, on Monday 15th Decembr. 1777. No appeal will be afterwards received. 158 NORTHAMPTONSIDRE MILITIA LISTS, 1777 HEMINGTON Polebrook hundred. A true list of all persons qualified to serve in the militia for the parish of Hemington in the county of Northampton. (John Whalter, lame)} f John Cottingham Thos. Wigginton armers John Bell James Todd, labourer James Lom Thos. Harrison Edward Ward The day of appeal will be on Monday ye 15 of this inst. December at the Talbot Inn in Oundle. No appeal will be afterwards received. LUDDINGTON A list of the militia beloning to the parish of Luddington in the hundred of Polbrook in the county of Northampton. Edward Brampton, famer son Henry Chapman, servant William Brampton, famer son William Mason, servant Thomas Richards, famer son Robeart Jincks, servant John Kisbey, servant William Buswell, servant Hays Croom, servant (James Beck, servant, disabled) William Weeckley, servant Thomas Lane, labourer William Newcome, servant Thomas Clark, coardwinder The day of appeal will be at the Talbut in Oundle on the 15 day of Dic­ ember so any persons who shall think themselvs aggreaved may then go and appeal for no appeal will be afterwards receved. OUNDLE Oundle, Northamptonshire. A true list of names of those persons between the age of eighteen and forty-five years able to serve in the militia. Robert Trainey, servant Wm. Parnel, butcher Wm. Fair-Child, servant (SamIl. Barnes, watchmaker) Robert Henson, servant (Wm. Barnes, glover) David Cooke, farmer Wm. Marrat, watchmaker John Baily, servant Thos. Adson, watchmaker J oseph Handgrave, glover Wm. CoIlins, taylor (Benjamin Smith, commer) (John CoIlins, taylor) <Wm. Crofts, out of business) Thos. Bell, gunnsmith John Knibbs, junr., staymaker Thos. Prentice, carpenter Benjn. Staples, butcher John Coles, innholder George Ellis, grocer Richard HipweU, shoemaker <Thos. Yardley, barber) Charles Braddock, junr., mason Samll. Tookey, grocer Thos. Ward, farmer Robert Robinson, servant Wm. Robinson, servant SamIl. White, innholder John Jackson, labourer Wm. Andrew, taylor SamIl. Waterfield, slater SamIl. Anthony, grocer Wm. Waterfield, slater Thos. Goode, servant Danil Devonshire, fishmonger <Thos. Wright, barber) John PaImer, innholder John Austin, hatter Henry Robinson, taylor r----. -~--....p- - . ; MILITIA LIST FOR LUDDINGTON PARISH original size: 11 inches x 8i inches [Facing p . 158] POLEBROOK HUNDRED 159 Wm. Day, servant Wm. Shepherd, labourer George Britchfield, slater Adam Saunt, baker Wm. Bass, servant Nathaniel Stunton, servant John Curcuit, labourer Wm. Pywell, servant <Wm. Ladds, junr.) wheelwright John Norman, labourer Francis Swebey, labourer Wm. Saunders, fellmonger <Wm. Rands, labourer) Edwd. Nickols, servant Francis Harlot, shepherd John Robinson, ropemaker Austin Bennet, labourer Robt. Sutton, labourer J oseph Sellers, basketmaker John Meadows, labourer Wm. Boddington, butcher Thos. England, junr., slater Samll. Rowlet, servant <Henry Harries, junr., <Mawley Bennington) shoemaker mattmaker) Thos. Ragsdell, baker Henry Ward, mattmaker Wm. Giddins, servant Thos. Ball, fellmonger Thos. HoUedge, servant Richard Deacon, carpenter Robert Millbourn, shoemaker George at Mr. Johnsons as Wm. Ross, junr., grocer servant George Brudnell, innkeepr. Nathanil Ball, fellmonger John Shelton, glover John Hill, labourer John Scot, servant Wm. Vernal, labourer <Wm. Gunn, junr.) cooper Benjn. Williams, shepherd Thos. AlIen, shoemaker Charles Berkeley, grazier Wm. Freesby, baker Daniel Palmer, wheelwright Robert Coleson, taylor Wm. Morris, innholder John Emmery, taylor Thos. Ashley, gardener Wm. Bennington, labourer Wm. Langley, smith Michel Bateman, labourer John Tebbut, labourer Wm. Anc1e, smith Wm. Blades, servant John Bland, junr., glover Thos. Barnes, whitower <James Coles, junr., labourer) Wm. Giddins, servant John Crofts, jockey John White, hempdresser John Pink, miller Peter Tebbut, junr., shoemaker Thos. Underwood, servant Benjn. Goode, junr., shoemaker John Richards, servant Wm. White, shoemaker Thos. Prentice, servant Samll. Day, servant Nathaniel Grey, servant Edmund Edey, shoemaker John Adson, farmer Benjn. Edens, barber Thos. Bradley, turner George Harvy, servant John Brown, stockingweaver Edward Giddins, servant John Hewson, ironmonger Lemmuel Hicks, commer Josiah Underwood, shoemaker Thos. Beal, butcher John Coleson, junr., taylor Robert Staples, butcher <Michel Archer) staymaker John Cross, farmer <Wm. Bodgener) shoemaker Phillip Betts, servant Samll. Curral, plumber Robert Hill, baker Richd. Underwood, servant Thos. Todd, junr., butcher Wm. Bliss, servant Henry Senary Clark, glover Henry Adams, servant Samll. Weller, currier Wm. Peak, grazier John Hill, carpenter John Gillby, servant John Fox, gardener Abraham Freeman, servant Wm. Billing, sadler Richd. Nunnery, tanner (Thos. Poles, glover) George Burdit, servant Thos. Ellis, innholder 160 NORTHAMPTONSlllRE MILITIA LISTS, 1777 Samll. Wiggington, innholder James Bacon, innholder (Thos. Coles, labourer) Wm. Underwood, labourer Wm. Sanders, baker Thos. Moor, innholder Thos. Hawtharn, junr., carpenter N.B. If any persons whose names are a bove written shall think that themselves aggrieved theirat, may appeal before the justices at the Talbot in Oundle on Monday the fifteenth day of this present month December 1777. No appeal will be afterwards received. Attested on oath the 15th day of December 1777 before [blank] constables. POLEBROOK Polebroke, 1777. John Niggers, farmer (Rogear Peepartey, sarvent, loast one iee) John Letes, farmer Thomas Danner, sarvent (Hennery Woolson, sarvent, lame hand) William Titman, sarvent Hennery Dean, cotther John Hutton, labear John Stultup, sarvent William Chrismas, sarvent, verey small Joeseph Gilliam, sarvent Charles, his honners Finches sarvent John Mannen, sarvent William Selbey, masner Robards Rands, carkpender Adam Hunt, farmear John Andear, sarvent John Jackson, larber James Knighton, sarvent Jarfoart Abbot, labear John Marchel, blacksmith Edward Dodson, sarvent John Right, sarvent Thomas Bellemay, jaroser Fransis King, telear Robard Chapman, larbear Robard Wittring, drover Nathanel
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