METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Version 1.1 (20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Bojan Marčeta Morphometrics Morphometrics refer to the quantitative data which can be measured. There are two ways of measuring: in a straight line or around the circumference of the body. For example in a straight line the length of the specimen can be measured, while the extent of the body is measured around its circumference. The measurements of the specimen sizes or its parts is differing according the taxonomical group to which species is belonging. Meristics Meristics refer to the quantitative data which can be counted. Examples of such data are number of scales, spines etc. - 1 - Meristics refer to the quantitative data which can be counted. Examples of such data are number of scales, spines etc. Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Gastropoda acronym measurement description SL Shell length / SH Shell height / - 2 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Bivalvia - other bivalves Adapted from Poutiers, 1987 (Ref#5053) acronym measurement description SL Shell length / SH Shell height / SW Shell width / - 3 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Sepia acronym measurement description TL Total length / ML Mantle length / - 4 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Loliginidae acronym measurement description TL Total length / ML Mantle length / FinL Fin length / - 5 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Loligo Adapted from Pierce et al., 1994 (Ref#6366) acronym measurement description ML Dorsal mantle length / FL Fin length / FW Fin width / HL Head length / HW Head width / RA1 Length of right arm 1 / RA2 Length of right arm 2 / RA3 Length of right arm 3 / RA4 Length of right arm 4 / TL Length of the right tentacle / TCL Length of the right tentacle club / LSD Diameter of the largest sucker on the right tentacle club / MC Mantle circumference / GL Length of the right gill / FCL Length of the right funnel cartilage / NCL Nucal cartilage length / PL Pen length / PW Pen width / - 6 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Octopodidae - Octopodidae acronym measurement description TL Total length / ML Mantle length / - 7 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Stomatopoda acronym measurement description TL Body length / CL Carapace length / - 8 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Penaeus kerathurus - caramote prawn acronym measurement description TL Total length From the tip of the rostrum to the tip of the telson. CL Postorbital carapace length From the post-orbital notch to the posterior margin of the carapace. - 9 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Homarus acronym measurement description TL Body length / CL Postorbital carapace length / - 10 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Majidae acronym measurement description TL Body length / CL Carapace length / - 11 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Selachimorpha - sharks Adapted from Compagno, 2001 (Ref#4950) acronym measurement description TLmax Maximal length / FL Fork length / SL Standard length / PD2 Pre-second dorsal-fin length / PD1 Pre-first dorsal-fin length / HL Head length / PGL Prebranchial length / PSP Prespiracular length / POB Preorbital length / PP1 Prepectoral-fin length / PP2 Prepelvic-fin length / SVL Snout-vent length / VCL Vent caudal-fin length / PAL Preanal-fin length / IDS Interdorsal space / DCS Dorsal caudal-fin space / PPS Pectoral-fin pelvic-fin space / PCA Pelvic-fin caudal-fin space / PAS Pelvic-fin anal-fin space / ACS Anal-fin caudal-fin space / - 12 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Selachimorpha - sharks Adapted from Compagno, 2001 (Ref#4950) acronym measurement description INO Interorbital space / ESL Eye spiracle space / SPL Spiracle length / HDW Head width / TRW Trunk width / ABW Abdomen width / TAW Tail width / CPW Caudal-fin peduncle width / - 13 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Selachimorpha - sharks Adapted from Compagno, 2001 (Ref#4950) acronym measurement description GIR Girth / - 14 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Selachimorpha - sharks Adapted from Compagno, 2001 (Ref#4950) acronym measurement description ANF Anterior nasal-flap length / NOW Nostril width / INW Distance between nostrils / MOL Mouth length / MOW Mouth width / ULA Upper labial-furrow length / LLA Lower labial-furrow length / - 15 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Selachimorpha - sharks Adapted from Compagno, 2001 (Ref#4950) acronym measurement description CLB Clasper base width / CLO Clasper outer length / CLI Clasper inner length / - 16 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Selachimorpha - sharks Adapted from Compagno, 2001 (Ref#4950) acronym measurement description PDI Pelvic-fin midpoint first dorsal-fin insertion / PDO Pelvic-fin midpoint second dorsal-fin origin / DPI First dorsal-fin midpoint pectoral-fin insertion / DPO First dorsal-fin midpoint pelvic-fin origin / DAO Second dorsal-fin origin anal-fin origin / DAI Second dorsal-fin insertion anal-fin insertion / HDH Head height / BH Body height / ABH Abdomen height / TAH Tail height / CPH Caudal-fin peduncle height / - 17 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Selachimorpha - sharks Adapted from Compagno, 2001 (Ref#4950) acronym measurement description D1A First dorsal-fin anterior margin / D1H First dorsal-fin height / D1P First dorsal-fin posterior margin / D1B First dorsal-fin base / D1L First dorsal-fin length / D1I First dorsal-fin inner margin / D2A Second dorsal-fin anterior margin / D2H Second dorsal-fin height / D2P Second dorsal-fin posterior margin / D2B Second dorsal-fin base / D2L Second dorsal-fin length / D2I Second dorsal-fin inner margin / P2A Pelvic-fin anterior margin / P2H Pelvic-fin height / P2P Pelvic-fin posterior margin [length] / P2B Pelvic-fin base / P2L Pelvic-fin length / P2I Pelvic-fin inner margin [length] / ANA Anal-fin anterior margin / ANH Anal-fin height / ANP Anal-fin posterior margin / ANB Anal-fin base / ANL Anal-fin length / ANI Anal-fin inner margin / - 18 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Selachimorpha - sharks Adapted from Compagno, 2001 (Ref#4950) acronym measurement description CPV Preventral caudal-fin margin / CFL Caudal-fin fork length / CFW Caudal-fin fork width / CPL Lower postventral caudal-fin margin / CPU Upper postventral caudal-fin margin / CDM Dorsal caudal-fin margin / CST Subterminal caudal-fin margin / CSW Subterminal caudal-fin width / CTL Terminal caudal-fin lobe / CTR Terminal caudal-fin margin / - 19 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Selachimorpha - sharks Adapted from Compagno, 2001 (Ref#4950) acronym measurement description PRN Prenarial length / POR Preoral length / EYL Eye length / EYH Eye height / GS1 First gill slit height / GS2 Second gill slit height / GS3 Third gill slit height / GS4 Fourth gill slit height / GS5 Fifth gill slit height / GS6 Sixth gill slit height / GS7 Seventh gill slit height / ING Intergill length / P1B Pectoral-fin base / P1R Pectoral-fin radial length / P1A Pectoral-fin anterior margin / P1I Pectoral-fin inner margin / P1P Pectoral-fin posterior margin / P1H Pectoral-fin height / P1L Pectoral-fin length / SOD Subocular pocket depth / - 20 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Batiomorpha - rays acronym measurement description TLmax Maximal length / PS Pectoral fins spread / DL Disc length / - 21 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Actinopterygii - ray-finned fishes acronym measurement description TLmax Maximal length / TL Total length / FL Fork length / SL Standard length / BH Body height Maximal body height excluding fins - 22 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Actinopterygii - ray-finned fishes Adapted from Marčeta, 1999 (Ref#1326) acronym measurement description HL Head length / SNL Snouth length / PreDL Body length to the first dorsal fin base / PrePL Body length to the pectoral fin base / PreVL Body length to the pelvic fin base / PreAL Body length to the anal fin base / ED Eye diameter Maximal eye diameter D1L Length of the first dorsal fin base / AL Length of anal fin base / CPL Caudal peduncle length / CPH Caudal peduncle height / - 23 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Clupeiformes acronym measurement description TLmax Total length / - 24 - Methodological explanations, version 1.0 (Ljubljana, 20.6.2016) Morphometrics and meristics Syngnathiformes acronym measurement description SH Snouth height / - 25 - Methodological explanations, version
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