OFFICIAL DEGREE LIST Approved by the University faculty and the State Board of Higher Education Commencement Program UNIVERSITY OF OREGON NINETIETH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT HAYWARD fiELD SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1967 Oregon Pledge Song Fait Oregon, we pledge to thee Our honor and fidelity. Both now and in the years to be, A never failing loyalty. Fair Oregon, thy name shall be Written high in liberty. Now, uncovered, swears thy every son Our pledge to Oregon. For not<!s "" a.udetnic cootumc, tum to [laid<! b&ck COTe<. ACADEMIC COSTUME The history of academic dress aoes back .event a:nturies, to the chill universities where cap and gowu and hood were needed for <:overing and warmth. Subse­ quently this has become a cu-emooial costume, with certain staodardiud features. For example, stte\"eS in the bachelor's gown aTe pointed. in the master's gown are oblong, in the doctor's gown are bell-shaped. Only the doctor'. gown hu velvet facing. The hood is lined with the official colors of the degree-«JDferring imtitution; for the University of Oregon these are lemon yellow and green. 'The ouuide trimming of the hood lignifies the subject in which the degree was con· ferred, as follows; Maize Agriculture White Arts, Letters, Hutnanities D<2b Commerce, Accountancy, Business Ulac Dentistry Cop"" Economics Light Blue Education 0=", Engineering Brown Fine Arts, including Architecture R~... Forestry Crimson Journalism Purple "'w Lonon Library Sciell~ G,~ Medicine Pink Music Apricot Nursing Silver Gr-ay Oratory, Speccli Olive Green Phann>ey Dark Blue Philosophy ~eGreen Physical Educ::ation Pc:acock Blue Public Administration, including Foreign Service Salmon Pink Public Health Golden YeUow Sci~ Citron Social Work 5=1" Theology Gcay Vmrinary Science At the University of Oregon it is CU5tomary to hood docton' candklates on the platform. Masters' candidates ace not hooded at that time but wear their hoods in the academic procession. Tra.ditiooa11y, bachelors' candidates change the tassel 00 their cap from the froot left to the front right u the degree is conferred. Call' Ire removed during prayer, the playing of the National Anthem and the Alma Matel', and durin&, the commeoc:ement address if desired. Order of Exercises Processional-"March with Trumpets" W iiliam Bergsma THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BAND ROBERT STUART VAGNER, M.A., M.Mus. Professor of Music, Director The Color Guard Invocation VICTOR PIERPONT MORRIS, Ph.D. H. T. Miner Professor Emeritus of Business Administration Greetings from the Oregon State Board of Higher Education ELIZABETH HILL JOHNSON, M.A. Member of the Board Presentation cif the Ersted Awards for Distinguished Teaching Charge to the Class ARTHUR SHERWOOD FLEMMING, LL.D. President of the University The Conferring of Degrees PRESIDENT FLEMMING Oregon Pledge Song -lohn Stark Evans Benediction PROFESSOR MORRIS Recessional-"The Earl of Oxford's Marche-First Movement from the William Byrd Suite" -Gordon Jacob THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BAND John Spencer Carlson, M.A. Paul Rudolph Washke, Ph.D. University Marshals The audience will remain seated during the Processional and the Recessional of the Faculty and will refrain from applause during the Conferring of Degrees. [ 1 1 Baccalaureate Degrees BACCALAUREATE DEGREES (HONORS COLLEGE) DAVID ANKER ANDREWS LARRY JAMES LUNDIN Bachelor of Arts; Psychology Bachelor of Arts; Economics SUSAN BIART AVERY STEPHEN FRANK McLAUGHLIN Bachelor of Arts; Journalism Bachelor of Arts; Economics RONLEY RUTLEDGE BEDARD ALBERT ALLEN MANUEL Bachelor of Arts; Psychology Bachelor of Arts; Political Science JONATHAN JAY BELL PATRICIA LEE NESS Bachelor of Arts; English Bachelor of Arts; English LARK MEREDITH BRANDT DAVID LAWRENCE NOALL Bachelor of Arts; Fine and Applied Arts Bachelor of Arts; General Science JOYCE ANN BROTHERS DONALD ASHBY WARING PIPER II Bachelor of Arts; Psychology Bachelor of Arts; Geology WINDSOR DEAN CALKINS CHARLES JOSEPH PRUITT Bachelor of Arts; Sociology Bachelor of Arts; History RICHARD STEVEN DIMEO LAURA JEANYSE REITH Bachelor Df Arts; English Bachelor Df Arts; History THOMAS SCOTT DUNCAN DOUGLAS RAY SCHULTZ Bachelor of Arts; Chemistry BaehelDr of Arts; Economics SUSAN LEE EGAN SUSAN COLLEEN SMITH Bachelor of Arts; General Social Science Bachelor of Arts; Romance Languages SHERYL PAIGE GARDNER RUTH MARY ANNE AREND STAEHELI Bachelor of Arts; Biology Bachelor of Arts; Music NANCY ANN GORDON MARY FRANCES STAMP Bachelor of Arts; Journalism Bachelor of Arts ; Journalism MARY ALICE HELIKSON MICHAEL FIELDING STAPLETON Bachelor of Arts; General Science Bachelor of Arts; BiolDgy CECELIA ANNETTE JONES THEODORE ANDREW STERN , Bachelor of Arts; Chemistry Bachelor of Arts; Music JOHN ERWIN JUILFS CHERYL LESLIE TAUBMAN Bachelor Df Arts; Mathematics Bachelor of Arts; Psychology ARTHUR BALDWIN KNAUSS DAPHNE E. WALWYN Bachelor of Arts; Political Science Bachelor of Arts; Romance Languages MARGERY ANN KOERNER LLOYD ALBERT WEST Bachelor of Arts; Biology Bachelor of Arts; Chemistry DONALD DOUGLAS LANNING MICHAEL FENTON WOODIN Bachelor of Arts; Physics Bachelor of Arts; History FRANK KING LORD JACQUELINE VOYNE WYLAND Bachelor of Arts; Biology Bachelor of Arts; Biology COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS ERIK KING ACKERSON, B.S. SUSAN LEE AHERN, B.S. McMinnville; General Social Science Portland; Speech ALAN LEE ADAMS, B.A. Tillamook; Romance Languages HENRIETTA MARIE ADES, B.A. Portland; German and Russian [ 3 1 RAYMOND M. ALEXANDER JR.• B.A. RONLEY RUTLEDGE BEDARD. B.A. Portland; History Eugene; Psychology JUDY ALGER. B.S. DARRELL MARTIN BEERS. B.A. San Mateo, Cal.: History Pendleton; History JOHN CHRISTOPHER ALLEN. B.S. JONATHAN JAY BELLi B.A. W ODdside, Cal.; History Springfield. Eng ish LOREN HAROLD ALLEN, B.A. CATHERINE MARIE BENNETT. B.A. Millbrae. Cal.; History Hemet, Cal.: English RALPH TED AMATO. B.S. GEORGE EARL BENSON, B.A. Portland; Economics Springfield; German and Russian PAMELA JEAN AMBLER. B.A. MARION CLAIR BENTON, B.A. Orinda. Cal.; Asian Studies Portland; Romance Languages CATHERINE ELIZABETH ANDERSON, B.A. LARRY DEL BERG. B.S. Berkeley, Cal.: Romance Languages Lake Oswego; Political Science DAVID DALE ANDERSON. B.A. BARRY NEAL BERNARD. B.A. Dufur; Biology Milwaukie; English KRISTINE Jo ANDERSON. B.A. PETER THOMAS BERWICK. B.S. Eugene: English Concord, Cal.: Psychology DAVID ANKER ANDREWS, B.A. GEORGE GERALD BETTENCOURT. B.S. Junction City: Psychology Coquille; Sociology ROGER A. ApPELGATE, B.A. GEORGE W. BICK III, B.S. Salem: Psychology Spokane, Wash.: Political Science ROBERT STUART ARMOUR. B.S. GEORGE DANIEL BIGHAM. B.A. Monmouth: Geography The Dalles; Sociology SANDRA RAE ARNDT. B.A. DENIECE JANET BIRDSEYE. B.A. Portland: English Springfield: Sociology MOHTARAM ASHOURIHA1 RA. ANN RITCHEY McELRATH BJORK, B.S. Tehran. Iran; Psycnology Medford; History STEVEN GARY ASHTON, B.S. CAROL LYNN BJORK, B.A. Salem: Psychology Ashland: Political Science LOUANNE KAY THIEL ASHWILL, B.S. MARY PATRICIA BLAIR. B.A. Astoria; General Social Science Rialto. Cal.; Sociology LENORA ATWOOD, RS. PAMELA LEE FALLEUR BLAKELY. B.A. Corvallis: Mathematics Astoria; English DENNIS BRIAN AULD, B.S. FRANK WILLIAM BLUM III. B.S. Portland: Economics Portland; Political Science MARILYN JOY AXTELL, B.S. RICHARD F. BOGATAY, B.S. Portland: Sociology Klamath Falls; Economics MOHAMMED ABDULLAH AWAD BAARMAB, BARBARA LEE BORNET. B.A. B.A. Ashland: Asian Studies Taif, Saudi Arabia; Economics GARY GRANT BOWERMAN, B.S. STEPHEN CHARLES BABCOCK. B.S. Vemonia; Psychology Portland; Political Science SANDRA ELAINE BOWSER, B.A. EARL LESLIE BACKMAN. B.S. Eugene; History Eugene: Political Science WILLIAM THOMAS Box JR.• B.S. JANET LOUISE BALDRIDGE. B.S. Los Angeles. Cal.; Geology Grand Junction. Col.: General Science SANDRA LEE BOYLE, B.A. PAULA MARIE BALLARD, B.A. Portland; History Salem: Romance Languages A. LYNN BRACHER. B.A. HEBERT ALEXANDRE BARA. B.A. Pilot Rock; Sociology Salem; Romance Languages DOUGLAS MARION BRAY, B.S. RITA FAYE BARKER, B.A. Eugene: Political Science Eugene; English WILLIAM DILLON BROCKHAUS, B.A. DOROTHY SUSAN BAXTER, B.A. Lake Oswego: English Eugene; Sociology ROBERT THAYER BROCKHOUSE, JR.• B.A. JAMES ALVA BEAT. B.A. Los Altos, Cal.: General Science Eugene; Economics PATRICK A. BRODERICK. B.S. LARRY DEAN BEATHE. B.S. Hammond; Political Science McMinnville; Political Science MICHAEL EDWARD BROPHY, B.A. Portland: Political Science JOYCE ANN BROTHERS. B.A. Salem; Psychology CHARLES ROBERT BROWN, B.A. Twin Falls, Idaho; Economics KAREN ALICE BALL BROWN, B.S. Florence; Sociology [4] LARRY CECIL BROWN, B.A. JOHN RAY CHIRGWIN, B.S. Beaverton; Psychology Portland; General Science SPENCER MILLER BRUSH, B.A. CLIFFORD EUGENE CHRISTENSEN, B.A. Piedmont, Cal.; History Eugene; History ROBERT JUlES BULL, B.S. BR[AN DUDLEY CHRISTOFFERSEN, B.S. Menlo Park, Cal.; Mathematics Medford; Geology SALLY DALE BUNTING, B.A. GEORGE EOWARDS CHURCH, JR., B.S. Menlo Park, Cal.; Sociology Piedmont, Cal.; History JANET ANNE BURCHARD, B.A. Jm.JIANG CHYU, B.A. Bethesda, Md.; History Wu·Tai, Shan·Si, China; Mathematics CHERYL AUDREY BURKE, B.S. LUCILLE ANN CLARK, B.S. Eugene; Sociology Tillamook; Political Science DAVID Knr BURKE, B.S. TERRELL LYNN CLARKE, B.S. Oregon City; Mathematics Coquille; General Science JAMES NORMAN BURKE, B.S. MARTHA ANN CLIFT, B.A. Medford; Speech John Day; English Toy BURNS, JR., B.S. WILLIAM JOHN COCHRAN, B.S. Eugene; Geography COOS Bay; General Social Science VICTORIA ROSE BUTLER, B.S. SHERYL ANN COFER, B.S. Eugene; Sociology Red Bluff, Cal.; General Social Science PATRICIA ANN BUZZARD, B.A. ROBERT HENRY COINER, B.S. Grants Pass; Romance Languages Twin Falls, Idaho; Psychology WINDSOR DEAN CALKINS, B.A. DENNIS FOSTER COLE, B.A. Eugene; Sociology Eugene; Psychology ELVIE MARIE CALVIN, B.S. NANCY BURNS COLE, B.A. Harrisburg; Psychology Arcadia, Cal.; English FRANK EDWARD CARD, B.S. rANICE ANN COLEMAN, B.S. San Francisco. Cal.; General Social St. Helens; Soeiology Science LAVERNE COLLINS, B.A. SANDRA KAY CARLISLE, B.A. Springfield; Romance Languages The Dalles; English THOMAS CLYDE COLT III, B.S. JOHN SPENCER CARLSON JR., B.S. Hanover, N.H.; Speech Eugene; Political Science ERNEST ROBERT COLTMAN, B.A.
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