XA9846397 IAEA-TECDOC-992 Nuclear data for neutron therapy: Status and future needs IAEA December 1997 29-17 IAEe Th A doe t normallsno y maintain stock f reportso thin si s series. However, microfiche copies of these reports can be obtained from IN IS Clearinghouse International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse 5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria Orders should be accompanied by prepayment of Austrian Schillings 100, in the form of a cheque or in the form of IAEA microfiche service coupons which may be ordered separately from the IN IS Clearinghouse. The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was Nuclear Data Section International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse 5 0 10 x Bo PO A-1400 Vienna, Austria NUCLEAR DAT NEUTROR AFO N THERAPY: STATUS AND FUTURE NEEDS IAEA-TECDOC-992 ISSN 1011-4289 ©IAEA, 1997 Printe IAEe th AustriAn y i d b a December 1997 FOREWORD During the past decade the IAEA has devoted much attention to developing nuclea atomid an r c database medicar sfo l applications programme Th . s covereeha d the following topics: 1. Atomic and molecular data for radiotherapy and radiation research. (Results were publishe s IAEA-TECDOC-79da 1995n 9i ) 2. Nuclear dat medicar afo l isotope production. Nuclea3 r dat r neutroafo n therapy. e presenTh t report summarize resulte e programmth sth f o slase th t r topicefo . e startinTh gn Advisora poins wa t y Group meetin n Nucleago d Atomian r c Data for Radiotherap Related yan d Radiobiolog RijswijkO y TN hel t da , Netherlandsn i , September 1986 e meetinTh . g participants emphasize growine dth g numbe neuf o r - tron therapy clinics throughout the world and also noted that the energy of neutron beam shiftins swa higheo gt r neutron energies range MeVth 0 7 o e t : o t fro. Th 4 m1 meetin reviewes gha statue dth datf so t thaaa t tim concluded ean d tha followine th t g informatio requires wa n r neutrodfo n therapy: 1. Kerma e neutrofactorth r fo sn d energan V y rangMe 0 e10 betweed an 5 1 n partial and total cross sections for biologically important elements, especially for carbo oxygend nan . 2. Improvement of neutron transport calculations for in-phantom conditions, in- cluding the effect of inhomogeneities. 3. Primary and secondary charged-particle spectra needed for calculations of ab- sorbed dose during treatment of patients. In order to address these needs the IAEA organized a Co-ordinated Research Pro- gramme (CRP Nuclean )o r Data Neede r Neutrodfo n Therapy framewore th n I . f o k this CRP three research co-ordination meetings were held during 1987-1993. The CRP participants concentrated on the problems of microdosimetry and protocols for the determinatio f absorbeno d doses, neutron source properties (fo e Be(p,n)reactiorth n up to 100 MeV), beam collimation and shielding, measurements of kerma factors for biologically important elements comparativa d an , e characterizatio f radiationo n quality (i.e. biological effec r unipe tt dose f neutroo ) n beams use varioun di s therapy centres. e wor summarizinn Th s continueko wa P CR d resulte e aftegth th s officia it f r so l terminatio repora 199n ni prepares d 3an e participantwa t th y db 199n si finar 5fo l revie groua y w b f consultants po . EDITORIAL NOTE In preparing this publication for press, staff of the IAEA have made up the pages from the original manuscripts as submitted by the authors. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the IAEA, the governments of the nominating Member States or the nominating organizations. Tliroughout the text names of Member States are retained as they were when the text was compiled. ofTfie use particular designations countriesof territoriesor does imply judgementnot any by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mention namesof specificof companies productsor (whetherindicatednot or as registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed endorsementan as recommendationor partthe IAEA. ofon the Contents 1 Nuclear Dat1 a Neede Neutror dfo n Therapy 1.1 Introduction ................................ 1 4 2 Statu Succesd san Neutrof so n Therapy 2.1 Introduction ...............................4 . 2.2 Rational r usinfo e g fast neutron n radiatioi s n therapy: radiological considerations ..............................4 . 2.3 Revie clinicae th f wo l neutron therapy data .............8 . 2.3.1 Salivary gland tumors .....................1 1 . 2.3.2 Paranasal sinuses ........................3 1 . 2.3.3 Other heanecd dan k tumors ..................3 1 . 2.3.4 Brain tumors ..........................5 1 . 2.3.5 Sarcomas of soft tissue, bone and cartilage ........... 16 2.3.6 Prostatic adenocarcinomas ...................8 1 . 2.3.7 Pancreatic cancers .......................9 1 . 2.3.8 Tumors of the uterine cervix ................... 20 2.3.9 Bladder carcinoma ........................ 21 2.3.10 Melanomas ...........................1 2 . 2.3.11 Other tumor sites or types .................... 22 2.4 Discussion and conclusions ........................ 22 3 Protocols for the Determination of Absorbed Dose 35 3.1 Introduction ...............................5 3 . 3.2 Reference phantom material ....................... 37 3.3 Reference dosimeter material ....................... 38 3.4 Principles of mixed neutron-photon beam dosimetry .......... 40 3.5 Dosimetry wit ionizatioE hT n chambers ...............1 4 . 3.6 Physical parameter dosimetrr sfo y wit ionizatioE hT n 2 chamber4 . .. s 3.6.1 Gas-to-wall absorbed dose conversion factor .........3 4 . 3.6.2 Energy required to produce an ion pair ............. 43 3.7 Neutron kerma ratio ..........................4 4 . 3.7.1 Displacement correction ....................6 4 . 3.8 Results of neutron dosimetry intercomparisons ............. 47 3.9 Recommendations for future work in dosimetry ............ 50 4 9Be(p,n) Neutron Source Reaction for Radiotherapy 55 4.1 Introduction ...............................5 5 . 4.2 Physics of the gBe(p, ra) reaction ..................... 55 4.3 Cross sectio 9ne Be(p,n) th dat r afo reaction .............8 5 . 4.4 Data needed for evaluation of the 9Be(p,n) reaction .......... 62 4.5 Procedur calculatinr efo g thick-target yields .............3 6 . 4.6 Thick-target yield characterization ................... 65 7 6 5 Collimatio Shieldind nan g 1 Introductio5. n ...............................7 6 . 5.2 Physical processes in neutron interactions ................ 68 5.3 Transport codes and evaluated data ................... 70 5.4 Benchmarks ...............................4 7 . 5.5 Activatio collimatorsf no , shields othed an , r materials ........6 7 . 2 8 6 Kerma Factors 6.1 Introduction ................................ 82 6.2 Microscopic data ............................. 83 6.3 Experimental determinations ....................... 84 6.4 Integral kerma factor measurements ..................4 8 . 6.5 Partial kerma factor determinations ................... 85 6.6 Neutron fluence .............................. 87 6.7 Results ................................... 88 6.7.1 Carbon .............................8 8 . 6.7.2 Nitrogen .............................. 92 6.7.3 Oxygen and the carbon-to-oxygen kerma ratio ......... 93 6.7.4 Magnesium ...........................6 9 . 6.7.5 Aluminum ............................. 96 6.7.6 Silicon ..............................6 9 . 6.7.7 Calcium .............................8 9 . 6.7.8 Iron ...............................8 9 . 6.7.9 A-150 tissue equivalent plastic .................8 9 . 6 7 Absorbe10 d Dos Radiatiod ean n Quality 7.1 Introduction ................................ 106 7.1.1 The microdosimetric approach .................. 106 7.1.2 One parameter specification of radiation quality ........ 113 7.1.3 Varianc absorbef eo d dos t cellulaea r level ..........6 11 . 1 12 Contributor Draftino st Revied gan w 1 Nuclear Data Needed for Neutron Therapy 1.1 Introduction Neutron therapy is applied at present in eighteen centers worldwide. The considerable number of patients, exceeding 15,000, and their follow-up, extending over a period of twenty longese yearth n si t series, allow some conclusions concernin value gth fasf eo t neutron therap drawne b o yt . Although the first patients were treated with neutrons with too low energies pro- duce n cyclotrondi r (D-To s ) generators a clinica, l benefi s observewa t r somdfo e tumor types, especially for slowly growing, well-differentiated tumors, which are cur- rently considered to be resistent to photon radiation (as well as to chemotherapy). The most encouraging results were actually obtained for locally extended salivary gland tumors and prostatic adenocarcinomas, but also for some advanced tumors of heae necd th dan k arer wel s welfo aa l s a differentiatel d soft tissue sarcomas, osteo- chondrosarcomasd an . It is difficult today to evaluate the proportion of the patients currently referred to radiotherap future coulo th wh n di e d benefiyan t from fast neutron therapy. However, the survey of the available clinical data allows us to expect that this proportion would exceed 10%. In fact this proportion is probably a lower limit since the patients treated in the past with neutrons were often treated in "suboptimal" technical conditions (poorly penetrating beams, fixed beams, fixed inserts, etc.). In addition, the greater efficienc neutronf yo s observe somr dfo e type slowlf so y growing tumors could extend the borders
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