"rF€gi *FFgcE&s- AFtrR Hff gAYgq"} ffi S#Cg&:T= Y Photoby Alan l-tartley tssuE?s T"r{**FFn{tAL THEOFFICIA!" URIA}I HEEP i,"il{.r ' APPRECtAftONs$e$9"? i r.*;r i i"i.'=Hf F.O. BOX ?og TELFORB I ijf ti 5$tROFSHtRE .4PFEs{CA?l+ ru 5+}{Et?Y TF2 6XA ET.!GLAND irqlni-{ l-j4I'='S fl:FFltir:{:. S,*ALG WiFS F.&S €l.UB ADtdthliSTE*F& gY:}d?ltr Sl+fEnCA .ql;i,$ al,4*ttgY i-ti *.gain a;:d iesr-:ic*;-**to !ssue *S. F"sii+*p iilii;h ofi the year .".;itfrtheir fri:ii:se*n i:*ie* L.=.+:'1.*{r,t 3.ier,; nr}rs:'r:i**ses to keep "l"iie, u* ,!+ifii; an* * ieir.;:"n*re !n tfi* aipe i!l:r':tu :*;rk ir:li:r.'ardi* B*$1 el9 Fari 2" is norryin :h* $l'!ilp,j*rid i* r*v!*iryerj!il iir!s 1*1.**.il:;r !h*** r.='t*i*sir* ev*r5'ihi*6 released on Heep. "ii;.* fi:ey irk* i* s*ar"ehoiii ni i: ii: isi .:i **'si *i Fef i$ I E*d 2" released together in l*ij "i-;vr: Fi*i*r,ll. The r*r;i ;"eii:&:l+:r'.rx:ii r:+ :* iv!*ste-'*.t".*iifer*nl World" Still Eavy Sti!; "*a1i;:q "Lli:.q*i:r:+" "fieging F:r:r:'j" .-.n* i-lii*.:^i:+-'. anii $iienc*" have aiready been rer-::fr$i*rei3n+ i.:r* i',:vi*;',,,;li:iitni.+ iGsil+, ths''e'* n* d*finite listing cn the bonus lla;ds - i+r l** *ti:*r : i:!i-!lih*i* a.{: c.tire ex€iting !teri-!s$€t for inclusion. These tnclt:eJe i*i "Bloo,: "*iffcl*r:,'."{-*rid"" "F}e,,+ersan adeiieti.tn"whieh is a dif?eren1version of +ii siriqi" ".r:t''iR*:i,*t ;iins" -ali i*nrel*ac*fi tfack fr*m the sessicns, pcssibly ssn* in3tri",'ry:*ilie,! "$tand veisi-,:;":=+f -q*lne oi lhe aibr:rntracks aild Back" -a track that wa* cniy irr*ii;r:*ri l;ii "$tli! ti:* f* i"c!*ase*f the aibr-lm.F*r eavy still proud" there wlil probably ** a !iit!* i* ar:'e.lging af ihe track$, the liors firateria! from the central TV shcw rnsy i]* Gf*irpec t*G*thef an.i the *_r-ron,ta*;ten end G*aiby tracks dropped in favour r:f de:::o v*i"s!*its i-i "Fa*ifi* "i*-*ri*a". "ft,ir i*aj*stie" and highway"" f.lan of these are de{init* at ii:js ste*e 3il? illi ,i. *ibr;nr": sh*uld be in the shops eerly nexi year and we wanted to brin$ y*i.l &:i rtiiiln :i:;*in*.1itr:: ap, rs* e*uld befcr* lia;-:d. We also hope t0 reeievc your i'*vic'+* oi the$c "l-iv* r*i*,?"sn:$f.*i the nexi lssue. !* F.ur*pe 1979" hasn't been forEoiiev:eil;:j gh*uid fl:iii:'':; "Eq**t*r" *i s**f i: .qi*,;* *€xt'g*ar e** w*'g'e aiso been taid that a remasier ef is ie*klng a .;*r:d pii::t;iirii;iV.q\e'ii i:-ivi**siy br!rig more n*ws on these as lve g*t !t. T**re'3 aljs* ?ii,"f, ri:*r* i!v* b,.;,11i*gr;i."'rh!*h at* r*'"'i*i.;+ciin this !ssue. Gn* TV p!'sgf!.:iTtffi*te iaek +ilt for in the eariy part of neid year is ih* I*-ii"iiilr"'i ii:* BSC's "ll*ck F'ar:r:l:rTrc*ss" se!"ies. W*rk is under way en a combined Uri*h l-1**;: *n<l *iaek -qai,:b*th*!:i*cde and s*l,e!-*i prssei'lt and pasi membe!'s o{ the *anc hav* ait**'Jg been int*i.J!q?e;ed.ii != pEssibleih*i it wiii be aired bgforethe next issue *f tn* niag ;* ke*p ycur *y*$ sR ih* ?1; !isiings. Th+ tF.nS are !**ki:"lgt*r"g*od Euality llve $hots {rom their shows cf 1*g?, if :l+u are a ,,ak* I'tauid +r"*fsssi*nal or pr*i*ssicnal cuality pictures inot snapshslsi ti:at ycLt ii<* the r:s* f*r please send them to the UHA.Saeldress e::ei "is*'li pass **nd r+ F:;bii+ity Furpsees, "i-ive tnerr; i:R. l'h* ber:* srer* di*iurbed lc find that 10 yeer old photcs fr*m ine in ,i**€irl-e" *!"a *,Gie ijsed to prcrnste some of their shows this y**r and went tc rnake avaii*l'!e & fiter€ ijp to dete seie*iion. Thanks in advance for yoi:r heip a*d rlo*'t f*rget to llciuds veltPrlarne e!)d SCdress. "Th+ Yeu may re;'ri*niber !:aek in lssue 23 we rnentioned a new bsok called St*ry Sf Uriah 'ay $ce* - Fasy Livi.r"= :t's wrliten UHA$ and Stay On Top rnember iJwc Feuters and the main body of the text is in the German language.However there are comprehensive discographieson Heep and relatedprojects pius lots of picturesand forwardsfrom Mick Box and John Lawton. The bookis now-availableand has had some very good comments both in the press andfrom fans who havea c-opyalready "o ii cori" rrif,hlyrecommended. lf you want a copythey are availablefrom:_ Uwe Beuters,Hasselholzer Weg 2, 52074Aachen, Germany. For more informationyou can fax 0049 241 Z06g99 The cost of the book payabre is 60DM in cash or Eurocheque.prease do not send any moneyto the UHAS address,if you want a copy you can get it direct trom uwe aboveaddress. at the or Heepduring the early part of next year,the rct and work on materialfor the next album.lf that may be arranged before the next issue (overseasmembers) marked fffi;"I;;,RC John Lawtoninforms "Gunhill" us that will be scalingdown their live work after christmas to work on a new live,sel and new original material.The band will be in Eurooe again during March and April of..nelityear anl they want to work on a set that includes Heepand "Lucirers more Friend"numbers. Trre t 9gg datesconfirm"o "o t"i ar.,- ENGLISHDATES Jan 3rd, (lunchtime) Snooks,Hemel Henpsteaed (evening) {an !1d, Boseand Crown,Kings Langley Jan 24th, Rodmill,Eastbourn Feb 7th, Roseand Crown,Kings Langley ' Feb8th, FishermansClub, EaJtbourni Feb 14th,(lunch time) Snooks,Hemel Hempstead Feb21st, BrickmakersArms, Ridgewood,East Sussex March20th, The Anchor,Bourn End, Hemel Hempstead swtss/cERMAr{DATES March27th, Rheinblick, Balm/Lottsteadt, Germany March28th, Winterthur, Switzerland _ to'be confirmed March31st, Basel,Switzerland - to be confirmed April 1st,Anker, Frauenfeld, Switzerland April2nd, W&N Music, Waldshut, Germany April3rd, Hazienda, Riedern, Germany April 4th, Bern,Switzerland - to be confirmed April 7th, St Gallen,Switzerland - to be confirmed April 8th, Alpenrock,Zurich, Switzerland lf you want to checkon the dates to be confirmedyou can do so directwith Gunhillat the followinge-mail address:- gunlaw@ mcmail.com There is also an officiarJohn Lawtoninternet site on:- httpr//www.aha.ru/-uheep/rawton Hob corich, who is responsibre ror the work on the Heep remasters,is rookingfor good qualitycD copy "Live a of in Europe1979" to assisthim in tn" *oi[ on iie the album remasteringot sometime nextyear..ri you have a copyto spare Rob your is offering4 remastersof choicein return.lf you can helpplease write to:_ Rob Corich,PO Box64g1, Crouch End, London, Ng gee, England. 3 Our thanksonce againgo to the followingpeople for their help and support.Mick, Bernie, Trev, Phil and Lee. John Lawton, Tina Hartley, Sara Mortimer, Rob Corich, Yutaka Nakajima,Elina Aaltonen,Roberto Martinez, Andy Glynn Tapio Minkkinen,Mac Steagal and lsabellaSeefriedt. Fromthe band and ourselveswe thankyou for your supportover the last 12 monthsand we wish you a merryChristmas and a Heepynew year. Hrl"jig:i;uin about 3months Anan & narrU Dec1ee7 THE KEVIN WILLIAMS PROJECT An exclusiveinterview with BERNIE SHAW You may recallthat we reportedin the last issuethat Berniewas ofl to Canadato do the vocalslor his friend KevinWilliams new CD. As promisedlast time Bernienow gives us moredetails. Alan: Howdid it come aboutthat you did this sessionfor Kevin? Bernie: Well sadly Kevin'swile Fleneehad a large malignantbrain tumour and they'd knownlor quite a long time that she didn'thave very long.Sadly she passedaway just this last Christmaswhen I was over. I'd met her a few times,she was a really lovelylady who alwaysbacked Kevin, he wasn't so much a frustratedbass playerbut he kindaplayed for himselfand not too often in the limelight.He was a friendthrough a friend and when I was "ln putting Transit"together a coupleof years ago, he was one of the lirst guys I thought of for playingbass. lt workedout reallygood becausehe'd built himselfa recordingstudio and we usedit as a rehearsalroom, being a perfectionisthe had a very nice bassrig and a Warwickbass, he had a PA systemwhich our band "ln Transit" usedwhen we playedour two shows and though he was probablythe least proficientmusician in the band, he was by far the hardestworker. We all had a real laugh and what was really good was that Renee actually got to ses the band. She was kept busy becausewe did everything ourselves,we rentedthe hall, did the promotion,sorted the drinks out for the bar and it was good for her becausepeople who are ill need lo keep active to preventthe illness grabbinghold much faster. But as I said, she passedaway last Christmasand Kevingot togetherwith the Keyboard/guitarplayer I was using, Steve Moyer, and startedwriting songs as a dedicationto Renee,just somethingto rememberher by.
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