98 BULKWORTBY. • DEVONSHIRE; [KELLY'S of St. Catherine College, Cambridge, who resides at Abbots town, three-quarters west; and Waffapool, 2 miles north,. Bickington. There is a chapel for Bible Christians. John are places here. Curzon Moore-Stevens esq. D.L., J.P. of Winscott, Great Parish Clerk, William Hern. Torrington, who is lord of the manor, and Arthur E. Dayman esq. are chief landowners. The soil is loamy; Letters through Brandis Corner R.S.O. arrive at about subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and oats. The 12·30 p.m. Holdsworthy & Great Torrington are the- acreage is I,IlS ; rateable value, £771 ; the population in nearest money order & telegraph offices J881 was II3. Parish School (mixed), to hold 40 children; average atten- HANKFORD, I mile north-west; Stowford, I north; Hey- dance, 25; Miss Alice M. Brown, mistress CQMMERCIAL. Hancock Samuel, farmer, Stowfard Newcombe Christopher, frmr. Heytown Harris Thomas, farmer & registrar of Priest Richard, farmer, Merrifield AnlOld Reuben, carpenter & grocer births & deaths far the sub-district of Trewin Thomas, farmer, Waffapool Braund Lewis, farmer, Waldren's Bradworthy, Hankford Westaway John, farmer, Blakes Damrel Wm. corn miller (water) & frmr Hern William, carpenter & parish clerk Woolridge Wm. In. farmer, Bawer Facey John, blacksmith, Heytown Lang William, farmr.Bulkwarthy moor BUNDLEIGH, see BONDLEIGH. BURLESCOMBE is a scattered village and parish, on time of Henry HI. in place of a house of Austin Canons.. the borders of Somerset, with a station on the Bristol and established by W. Clavel in the reign of Henry n.; it was Exeter section of the main line of the Great Western dedicated to the Virgin Mary, St. John the Evangelist and railway, 175 miles from London and near a tunnel three St. Etheldreda, and in the spring of the year 1539, when it quarters of a mile in length, between this and Wellington was surrendered into the hands of Henry VIII. there were railway stations; it is 10 miles east-north-east from Tiverton 18 nuns, and revenues estimated at £197; the greater and 5 south-west from Wellington, in the North Eastern portion of the buildings was then razed. A market is held division of this county, Bampton hundred, Cullompton petty on the last Monday in the month. Here are limekilns and sessional division, Wellington union and county court dis- extensive quarries, the property of John Chamberlain esq. trict, rural deanery of East Tiverton and archdeaconry and yielding an inexhaustible supply of blue Has lime, and diocese of Exeter. There are four tithings: BURLESCQMBE connected by a tramway with the Great Western railway. TOWN, in the hundred of Bampton, and SOUTH ApPLEDORR, William Ayshford Sanford esq. J.P., D.L. of Nynehead Court, AYI'lHFORD and WESTLEIGH, or Leigh Boty, in the hundred Somerset, who is lord of the manor, Mr. Barnes, Richard of Halberton. The church of St. Mary, situated On elevated Bowerman esq. W. P. Barratt esq. and Richard Hall Clarke ground, is a fine building of stone, chiefly in the Perpen- esq. D.L., J.F. of Bridwell House, Halberton, are chief land­ dicular style, and consisting of chancel, nave, aislei, north owners. The soil is light; the subsoil is limestone and porch, and an embattled western tower with turret con- gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The taining 5 bells, dating from 1636 to 1642 : the church retains area is 3,658 acres; rateable value, £8,300; the population. a highly decorated rood screen, repaired about 1865, and a in 1881 was 820. fine altar ~omb .enriched wit.h ~anopies, un.der whi~h are SOUTH ApPLEDORE, 1~ miles south; AYSHFORD, 3 miles angels holdmg shIelds: the bmldmg w~s !epalred durmg the south-west; and WESTLElGH, 2 miles west, are tithings. years 1847 to 1856, and has 400 sI~tmgs: the deed of Sexton George Gollop. endowment bears date 1324. The regIster dates from the' .. year 1579. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £330 , POST & T. ? near the ch~rch.-WillI.amColes,. reCeiver. net yearly value £275, including I7 acres of glebe, with Letters arrIve through Welhn~tonat 7·35 a.m. ; dIspatched' residence, in the gift of William Ayshford Sanford esq. and at 7. 20 p;m.! no sunday dehvery. The nearest money- held since 1866 by the Rev. Thomas Charles Tanner LL.B. of ?rder office IS at 1I01?ombe Rogus. Postal orders are Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. This parish has the Issued here, bU~ not,Pald . privilege of appointing a governor to the Ayshford Grammar POST. OFFICE, "',est~elgh.-Tom Grant! receIver. Letters- school for girls at Uffculme. There is a chapel of the arnve from '" ellmgton at 7 a.~. ; dIspatched at 7 p.m. 14th century at Ayshford Court, now occupied by Mr. The nearest money order office I~ at Holco~be Rogus, &:; William Cook, farmer, and endowed with £15 per annum telegraph office at Burlescombe railway statlOn for eight lectures yearly: it was thoroughly repaired in 1860. Parochial School (mixed), built in I862, for 167 children;. At Westleigh is a Congregational chapel, erected in 1818. average attendance, 80; William German, master; Mrs. At Canon or Mynchen Leigh, are the remains of a Benedic-! Mary German, mistress tine nunnery, founded by Maud, Countess of Devon, in the Railway Station, Robert Morgan, station master [~ames marked thus· receive letters through' Cox Frederick, miller (water) Scott William, farmer, Westleigh Sampford Peverell.] Cross John, dairyman, Eastbrook Seaman Maria (Mrs.), cowkeeper Clarke Robert Frost John, builder, Bedbrook Snow Francis, farmer, Ebear,Westleigb Coleman Mrs Gennan ""iIJiam, assistant overseer Talbot Benjamin, baker Davis The Misses, Eastbrook Goffin Thomas, Horse & JockeyF.H Taylor Jane (Mrs.), Ayshford ArmsP.a *Tanner Mrs. Ayshford Gush John, farmer, Rocknell Taylor John, lime & stone merchant~ Tanner Rev. Thos. Chas. LL.B.Vicarage Hewett WaIter, farmer, Town farm Burlescombe station *Tanner William John, Ayshford Hewitt Thomas, coal mer. Station yard Thorne James, farmer, Appledore CQMMERCIAL. Hitchcock Simon, shoe ma. & beer r~tlr Tolley Henry, farmer, Leonard moor Badcock Sarah (Mrs.), farmr.Pound fm Lucas Edward, farmer, Houndaller ; Toase John, shopkeeper & blacksmitb.,. Railty James, carpenter *Perry William, dairyman, Ayshford Appledore BraddickWilliam John, farmer, Redball Podbury Charles,farmer, Leonard moor ITristram Jahn, farmer, Houndaller Browning Thomas, farmer, Pngham Pring Henry, farmer, Sowden VickeryRobt.Wm.blacksmth.Westleigbl Burston Thomas, carpenter, Westleigh Russell Henrietta (Mrs.), Farmers' Vickery Thamas, blacksmith, Trumps Coles William, wheelwright, Post office hotel, Westleigh White Charles, farmer, Westcott *Cook William, farmer, Ayshford court Salter Henry, farmer, Westleigh White William, farmer, Eastbrook BURRINGTON is a parish and village, 2 miles south- College, Oxford. Here are Bible Christian and Baptist. west from South Molton Road station and about the same chapels; also Sunday schools. The poor receive £2 a year­ distance south from the Portsmouth Arms station, both on from Pyncombe's charity ~ Tossil's charity is distributed in the North Devon branch of the London and South Western corn every three or four years. A fair is held on Trinity railway (the latter being in the parish), and 4 north-west Monday yearly for cattle and sheep. The Earl of Ports­ from Chulmleigh, in the Northern division of the county, mouth is lord of the manor, William Buckingham esq. John North Tawton hundred, South Molton petty sessional divi- George Johnson esq. D.L., J.P. of Winkleigh Court, and sion, union and county court district, rural deanery of Michael Tout Leamon esC}. of I Bedford villas, Tavistock, are Chulmleigh, archdeaconry of Barnstaple and diocese of the chief landowners. The soil is dun land; the subsoil,. Exeter. The church of the Holy Ifrinity is an ancient edifice clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, and some land il1l of stone, of mixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south pasture. The area is 5,33° acres; rateable value, £3,905 ;; aisle, south porch and an embattled tawer on the north side the population in 1881 was 776. containing 6 bells: the church was entirely restored in 1869 Sexton, Gilbert Cole. and h~s an open ~ak roof, th.e piers supporting it being solid POST OFFICE.-Jonathan Pickard, receiver. Cleared at 6 monoliths of g~aUlt~ : there IS a handsome carved oa,k screen p.m. Letters through Chulmleigh arrive at 7. 1 5 a.m. and a memorIal wmdow to the Rev. James ~~ckmgham, Chulmleigh is the nearest money order office & South for~erly rector here: the church affords :zso sl:ttm~. The Moulton Road railway station the nearest telegraph office regIster dates from the year 1592. The hvmgls a VIcarage, .. average tithe rent-charge £226, net yearly value £276, in- Portsmouth Arms RaIlway StatIOn, Wm. Thomas, statIon eluding 105 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of master . Williain Buckingham esq. J.P. of Exeter, and held since 1886 National School (mixed), for 130 children; average atten- by the Rev. MQrtimer Drury Buckingham M.A. of Exeter dance, 97; Henry W. B. Knight, master.
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