ICC BIRMINGHAM 2018 HEAD ACROSS THE POND THIS CHRISTMAS AT THE GLAMOROUS NEWYORK, NEWYORKPARTYATTHEICC Let us trAnsport you 3,500 miles Across the pond to Times SquAre As you pArty with the ‘RAdio City Rockettes’. Then heAd for the hustle And bustle of GrAnd CentrAl StAtion As we tAke you on this AmAzing journey through the city thAt never sleeps. Lose yourself in the electrifying Atmosphere of this spArklingly festive ‘Big Apple’ experience. BOOK NOW 0333 241 2515 • JDPARTIES.CO.UK SPECTACULAR ENTERTAINMENT A BREATH-TAKING LIVE SHOW AND SPECIALITY ACTS, PERFECTLY CHOREOGRAPHED FOR AN UNFORGETTABLE EVENING. Enjoy A mAgicAl night full of high drAmA And live entertAinment from our tAlented cAst. Our spectAculAr sound And lighting mixed with show stopping speciAl effects will leAve you mesmerised. It is our entertAinment thAt sets us ApArt And why JD PArties creAte UnforgettAble Events! BOOK NOW • 0333 241 2515 • JDPARTIES.CO.UK MENU TAke your seAts And let us tAntAlise your tAste buds with our four course meAl while we entertAin you with our cAptivAting New York New York show! STARTERS MAIN COURSE DESSERT Smoked sAlmon | pink grApefruit | cAper berries RoAst chicken supreme | potAto grAtin SHARING SHOT DESSERTS tempurAseAweed | dill &sour creAm| CornishseAsAlt ginger creAmed greens | mAple glAzed winter roots Cotton soft bAileys cheese cAke crAnberry And plum relish | tArrAgon jus Lemon curd And rAspberry doughnut topper RoAst tomAto And bAsil Cheshire cheesecAke slow red onions | sweet pepper pesto crostini PAprikA rubbed Aubergine steAk redcurrAnt And rosemAry jus V cAshew nut And pumpkin seed terrine CHEESE spinAch | potAto fondAnt | béArnAise sAuce V British cheese boArd | chutneys | grApes | celery | biscuits Selection of breAds | Longley fArm jersey butter Cornish seA sAlt Coffee|teA|mints A full Allergen report is AvAilAble upon request, pleAse contAct the sAles office. “VERY PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENT FOOD” BEAZLEY GROUP BOOK NOW • 0333 241 2515 • JDPARTIES.CO.UK “THE ENTERTAINMENT WAS GREAT ...WE WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE FIDELIS CONTRACT SERVICES LTD” AFTER DINNER ASTHESHOWENDS, IT’SYOURTURNTOJOINTHECASTONTHEDANCEFLOOR! TheDJwill keepthepArtygoinguntil theeArlyhours. WhenyourfeetneedArest, heAdovertothechArityfuncAsino BOOK NOW • 0333 241 2515 • JDPARTIES.CO.UK And don’t forget to get A memento of the night with our professionAl photogrApher. YOUR PARTY JOURNEY PARTY INGREDIENTS 6.45PM DOORS OPEN The ultimAte ChristmAs pArty experience begins the moment you Arrive And YouAndyour guestswill begreetedwithAglAssof fizzAnd continues throughout the evening. spectAculAr live entertAinment. 8.00PM DINNER SERVED TAke your seAts where your pre-ordered drinks AwAit reAdy to AccompAny your sumptuous four course meAl. FREE GLASS OF FIZZ PRE-DINNER SUMPTUOUS FOUR BREATH-TAKING 10.00PM FUN CASINO OPEN ON ARRIVAL ENTERTAINMENT COURSE DINNER LIVE SHOW As dinner ends, the fun continues. Try your hAnd At the Fun CAsino inAidofAlocAlchArity 10.30PM DISCO STARTS Let your inner New Yorker loose on the dAncefloor! 1.00AM BAR CLOSES STATE OF THE ART LEADING DJ PROFESSIONAL PARTY SOUND AND LIGHTING AND DISCO PHOTOGRAPHER* 1.30AM DOORS CLOSE FUN CHARITY DRINKS PARTY GAMES AND LET’S CASINO* PACKAGES COMPETITIONS PARTY! PARKING* | CLOAKROOM* | ON-SITE SECURITY CAsino And silent Auction in Aid of RonAld McDonAld House BirminghAm. BOOK NOW • 0333 241 2515 • JDPARTIES.CO.UK * OptionAl item on the evening; A smAll chArge Applies LAst yeAr we rAised over £17,500 for chArity. DATES AND PRICES PLUS NEW FOR 2018 CHRISTMAS PARTY LUNCH FromeArly December All the wAy through to New YeAr’s Eve, we’ll be YOU ASKED AND WE HAVE DELIVERED WITH CAn’t mAke An evening? Why not enjoy All the ingredients of our fAntAstic pArty nights in the Afternoon. hosting the New York New York pArty At the ICC BirminghAm. TWO BRAND NEW PRODUCTS FOR THIS YEAR!... Close the office eArly And rewArd your stAff for All their hArd work before ChristmAs. PRICE PERPERSON PRICE PERPERSON ex. VAT inc. VAT CHEF’S TREAT 12.00PM GlAss of fizz on FRIDAY7THDECEMBER £56.25 £67.50 ALL INCLUSIVE PARTY NIGHTS ArrivAl And Our All-inclusive nights At The ICC Are fAntAstic vAlue for money. live entertAinment SATURDAY8THDECEMBER £56.25 £67.50 Enjoy All the ingredients of A shAred pArty night As well As wine, beer MAIN COURSE And softs included in the ticket price. RoAst chicken supreme | potAto grAtin | ginger creAmed greens 12.45PM TAke your seAts THURSDAY13THDECEMBER £47.92 £57.50 mAple glAzed winter roots | crAnberry & plum relish | tArrAgon jus And enjoy your PRICE PERPERSON PRICE PERPERSON delicious three ex. VAT inc. VAT FRIDAY14THDECEMBER £56.25 £67.50 PAprikA rubbed Aubergine steAk | cAshew And pumpkin seed terrine course lunch spinAch | potAto fondAnt | béArnAise sAuce V And breAth-tAking SUNDAY16THDECEMBER £60.42 £72.50 live show SATURDAY15THDECEMBER £56.25 £67.50 WEDNESDAY19THDECEMBER £60.42 £72.50 DESSERT 2.30PM Disco stArts THURSDAY20THDECEMBER £47.92 £57.50 SHARING SHOT DESSERTS Cotton soft bAileys cheese cAke FRIDAY21STDECEMBER £52.08 £62.50 999 AND RETAIL PARTY NIGHT Lemon curd And rAspberry doughnut topper 4.00PM BAr closes Coffee|teA|mints Doors close SATURDAY22NDDECEMBER £52.08 £62.50 Work unsociAble hours? Enjoy our best vAlue ticket price. But if you don’t work in 4.30PM retAil or the emergency services, don’t worry you Are more thAn welcome to join us! NEW YEAR’S EVE £62.50 £75.00 PRICE PERPERSON PRICE PERPERSON PRICEPERPERSON PRICEPERPERSON ex. VAT inc. VAT ex. VAT inc. VAT ALL PARTY NIGHTS INCLUDE A GLASS OF FIZZ ON ARRIVAL WEDNESDAY12THDECEMBER £39.58 £47.50 FRIDAY 21ST DECEMBER £39.58 £47.50 BOOK NOW • 0333 241 2515 • JDPARTIES.CO.UK “BEST PARTY I HAVE EVER BEEN TO!... UPGRADES OUTSTANDING - THE CATERING AND ENTERTAINMENT WERE EXCELLENT... ADD ONE OF OUR UPGRADES TO MAKE THE NIGHT ExTRA ARBURY ” SPECIAL FOR YOU AND YOUR GUESTS. DRINKS PACKAGES CLASSIC* £39.50 PER PERSON If you would like to provide drinks for your guests throughout the pArty this pAckAge includes wine by the glAss, beer And soR drinks PREMIUM* £49.50 PER PERSON This pAckAge includes PROSECCO And wine by the glAss, beer And soft drinks plus single spirits + mixers DRINKS TOKENS £4.75 EACH| £5.00 ONTHEEVENING EAchtokencAnbeexchAngedfor AglAss of house wine, beer, A single spirit + mixer or two soft drinks. Excludes doubles, Red Bull, ChAmpAgne, spArkling wine And cocktAils *Must be purchAsed by whole group | Every member of your pArty must purchAse the sAmepAckAge MinimumpArtysize8 |Limitof1drinkperbArvisit|AselectionoftAble wine will be pre-set Excludes shots, doubles, Red Bull, ChAmpAgne, spArkling wine And cocktAils | Not AvAilAble on New YeAr’s Eve MENU Selection of breAds | Longley fArm Jersey butter | Cornish seA sAlt PRE-STARTER SOUP SHOT - pumpkin And cArrot V STARTERS Pressed chicken And bAcon terrine | Oxsprings hAm crAckling NEW YEAR’S EVE peA And mint tArtAre | smoked bAcon mAyonnAise | wAtercress purée Smoked Severn And Wye sAlmon | brAndy prAwn cocktAil CELEBRATE THE BIGGEST pickled cucumber | mAngo And toAsted sesAme seed oil | cereAl crostini Double bAked goAts cheese souffle | beetroot And plum elements PARTY NIGHT OF THE YEAR rosemAry And CumberlAnd sAuce V MAIN COURSE FREE GLASS OF CHAMPAGNE ON ARRIVAL Blushing beef fillet | fondAnt potAto | pArsnip And truffle purée sAge PRE-DINNER ENTERTAINMENT buttered cArrots | bAlsAmic onions | crispy kAle | mAdeirA sAuce SUMPTUOUS FIVE COURSE DINNER SeAbAss pAkorA fillets | AsiAn lentil cAsserole | sAffron And vegetAble rice timbAle Apricot And ginger yoghurt BREATH-TAKING LIVE SHOW Truffle And wild mushroomrisotto two wAys | Artichoke And cArrot elements STATE OF THE ART SOUND AND LIGHTING toAsted pine seeds | wild rocket pesto| crispy kAle V LEADING DJ AND DISCO DESSERT BlAckberry & blAckcurrAnt frAngipAne | red wine poAched peArs PROFESSIONAL PARTY PHOTOGRAPHER* cooking juice gel | whipped sweet creAm FUN CHARITY CASINO* CArAmel Apple tArtlet | vAnillA pod ice creAm | cinder toffee | redberry snAp YOUR COUNTDOWN TO 2019... PARTY GAMES AND COMPETITIONS 6.45PM Doors open 8.15PM EntertAinment, themed show 10.30PM Disco stArts CHEESE And competitions MIDNIGHT BACON BUTTIES & HIGHLAND PIPER 7.00PM GlAss of ChAmpAgne on ArrivAl And 12.00PM BAcon butties And HighlAnd piper British Isles cheese selection | green tomAto And Apple chutney | biscuits pre-dinner entertAinment throughout the evening 1.30AM BAr closes LATE BAR UNTIL 1:30AM Coffee| teA| petitfours 8.00PM Dinner served 10.00PM Fun cAsino opens 2.00AM Doors close FAQs PAYMENTS DRESS CODE WINE PRE ORDER DRINKS OUR CHOSEN CHARITY A deposit of £10 per person for ChristmAs PArties And £20 for NewYeAr’s DRESS TO IMPRESS/SMART OR COMPLEMENT THE THEME! WhynothAvewinewAitingfor youonyour tAbles?WinecAnbepre- ThereisthemAinbArAndAwinepre-orderpoint. WedonotAllow RonAld McDonAld House, BirminghAm. Eve must be received within 14 dAys of mAking A provisionAl booking. PleAse inform All guests thAt we do not Allow trAiners, T-shirts, denim or orderedfromthe wine list releAsed lAter in the yeAr but must be pAid for guests to bring their own Alcohol on the premises, under Any circumstAnces. PleAse note thAt glAsses Are only Allowed in the From1st September, A deposit pAyment is required At the time of booking. jeAns (even smArt ones). If guests Are not dressed AppropriAtely, we nolAterthAn4weeksbeforeyourpArtydAte. OnceyouhAvemAdeA PHOTOGRAPHY reserve the right to refuse Admission. booking we will notify you when the wine list is AvAilAble to view. bAr AnddiningAreA. WeAlsoAdvisenottoleAvedrinks The full
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