m TWELVE SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1968 ATUBgi* Dally N*t Preaa R m IRmtrb^Ht^r Em ning li^ralb VW The Woek atitod Angost t, 16*6 The Weather AUied Forces Clear, eoot taniglit Low In 5Die,2Hurt Most Stores Close 14,685 60a to upper 40s In rural M o­ iiattrijwter lEuFntng tions. Tom orrow fklr, a Utilo KiU 147 VC. warnier. High In low tOs. g H m Btitfr o. In Crash of M onehm ter^A CUy o f Village Charm For Taggart Funeral VOL. LXXXVn, NO. tM m Itey O. Dou|hMty « t (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) lit W. Omktr at, dM iMt Capture 165 NATO Copter MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. AUGUST 12, 1966 AdTCrttrfBif m rm m IT) aigHt at tiM BnctPriO» N unk« Most lyfain St. stores will be closed Monday, betweeh p n c i T E N C E N T S B oom. Mm wm <he aaber ct (OsnUnned trmn Page Om ) IZMIR, Turtiey (AP) — Three 11 a.m. abd noon, in tribute to the late Patrolman New­ American airmen and two M ia C. Doocberty c( tUmihes- men then^aw^>t the village and ton (Newt) F. Tagtfart, who died Thursday night at T\irlui died and two American ran Into an estimated 100 Viet Hartford Hospital. oCOoen were injured aeriouely Main St„ “Newt" Taggart’s ■ m w m bom in iUncheoter Oong bnoops In a complex of tun- , "Newt" Taggart, for 10 years Ouuige o f Heart ■ad iwalwd tor tt>« liulctMator nda and hunkera. in a hellccpter cr$ah near here, home away from home. Watts Hit Again by Riots, Rixarr muu omn. (a p ) i police reported today. on the downtown beat, was the A blown-up picture poster of Boat O O oe to e 44 t m t s , mtlr- Sporadic fighting continued —TUeves who b n k s Into the TTie' accident occuned at personification of th« friendly, the late patrolmen has been lag 10 yooem ago. through today. Sixteen A^et trucks of a plumbing compa­ Mugla^SO milea southeast of dedicated policemen, loved and placed In the Main Bt. v/indew jriBMnil aarvteM wHl be held Oohg were killed and 47 cap­ ny and stole some tools had this Aegean port city Friday of Watkins Bros, and win re­ Monday at B:I0 a-m., from itie tured. AHled oaauaMes were respected by merchants! by a change of heart. night Police sources gave tMs main there for some time. Toll Is 3 Dead, 35 Hurt Qnlali F aieral H nne, US ICain hated as light The tunnel com ­ shoppers, by school-children, They returned the tools account: A scholanihip fund in his gt, wgh a Mgh Maaa of re- plex alao yielded tona of rice, I/)8 ANGELES (AP) - A Saturday akiig wMh $10. A North AttanUo Treaty O r- and by those to whom "going memory has been established by shots were fired at a poUoe sub­ o f tli9i year’s festival feofiwed a gniam at B at the Cbumh o< the fkMir, medical supplies, 21 rock­ Mries of heavy gun battles be­ station. They ahto reinstalled a radio ets and other weapons. ganlzation helicopter, carrying doisnstreet" was a way of Mfe. the family, under the manage­ three-mile-long daytime parsde they had taken. AaaonvMon. Borial win be in St tween police and Negroes swept The three dead were listed as MaJ. Gen. Keith Ware, com­ on injured Turidsh mayor from Funeral services will be held ment of the law firm of LaBelle, witnessed by p e ili^ 25,000. Jamea Oemetary . a hospital In Fethlye, 800 miles Negroes. The money was enclosed mander o f the U.S. 1st Infantry Moiiday at 11 a.m. at St. Rothehberg and Woodhouae.. the riot-scarred Watts district PoUce called a tactical alert In an envelope wMh a note F^ietMle may oell at (be fu- southeast o f Izmir, to a hospital Six poUcemen were hurt. In­ Dlvlaim, awarded Bronse Star M aty’s BJpUcopal (Church. Buri­ Oontrllnitlon checks should Sunday night and eariy today, shortly after midnight Bunday that read; ’"m s Is our first oaral facane kanowoiw tram 2 to here, orasbed and burned after cluding five by gunshot. medals for valor on the acene to al wUl be in East Cemetery. be made out to the Newton leaving s dead and 85 wounded If«shig 2,000 officens on duty offanM. We feel gunty and 4 and lk«an 7 t o B p.m. deveiopb^ engine trouble. * The disturbance broke out as a South Viebtameae battMlon Friends may call at the John Taggart Soholarriilp ITund and or Injured on the anniversary of throughout the nathm’s thlrt are sorry for what hiq^ened. The helicopter carried five a festival—commemorating the Isigest city. ■ : eommaitder and a South Viet­ F. Tieniey Funeral Home, 219 may be mailed to PO Box 707, the 1966 rloU. 5 third anniversary of the 1965 The $10 Is to cover any dam­ namese plaitoan leader. American airmen and a Turkiah W. Center St., today and to­ Moncheeter, Conn. Borne 200 officers were lushed age.’ ’ The predominantly Negro Watts riot In which 64 d le d - In other acUons in Saigon's army officer In addition to May­ morrow, from 2 to 4 and 7 to ContribUtfona are being ac­ M«a appeared relatively calm Into an area around WUl Rogera F o n e r a b came to a cIo m . Festival spon­ suburba, haadquarten repent­ or Selbn Gunday, reported shot 9 p.m. Park, a few blocks from the cepted also at Watkins Bros, as dawn ended a night in which sors have held the cdehratlon ed; in a feud end In serious condl- Plans are for the funeral cor­ police said they were once al­ area that was aoorriied by die and at Ooret Casuals, both on annually since 1966, sayliw It Is Herbert l<. Tenney — U.S. Army heUcoptera tlo»i. ^ 1966 rioting that caused $40 mll- Firemen at work as smoke pours from Graham Rd. bedroom. (EJP Photo) tege, jMcnday, to proceed on Main St. most over-run In an exchange of ■pmof that som etb^ oonriruc- Funeral services were held raked a band of SO to 40 enemy An American captaln~and two Are In a park. Later, In a brief Uon In property^ damage. Nixon’s Plan yesterday for Herbert L. Tenney ttve oouM come from Ihe dovas- troops about tour miles north- sergeants as well as the mayor police estimated 1,000 PoUce Lt. Lew Ritter said the at the Hotmes Funeral Home, eaat of Saigtxi. Crewmen report­ Storm Fire Damages South Windsor Home and the Turidsh arm y irfficer italtton o £1966, The closing day trouWe started about 10:60 p.m. 400 Main St. The Rev. Ernest ed killing 10. died in the craah. Police said an McGovern Announces Bid when two officers, directing ToStressTV S. Harris Jr. a t Second C ongre- — South Vietnamese fighter- American colonel and major traffic at the Watts Bummer gational Church officiated. Bur­ A fire ai^iarenUy caused by 6:30 p.m. during a heavy rein- leading to the house. Lightning 'bombera strafed auapeeted ene­ suffered serious Injuries and Festival, arrested a woman on b a n DIBGK), Calif. (AP) — ial was in Bast Cemetery. Hghfiiing heavily damaged a atonn. South Windsor firemen had made several strikes al­ To Oppose HHH, McCarthy my buildup areas northwest of were hospitalised. suspicion of dnmkenness. Wchard M. Nixon is mapping a Bearers were friends of the ready in the aieit, including War Games Resume Saigon and troops sweeping the bedroom alt the home of John were able to confine the fire The Identities of the American Bystanders huried rocks and Republican presidential cam- family. HUIaide Dr.,, where power wsui (Oontlmied fram Page One) area later reported finding 85 Oahiil ait 142 Graham Rd. in to an upstairs bedroom. and Turkish military victims bottiss at the Mfleers, who P«l«n that wUl stress tslsvlalon enemy bodies and two destroyed lost momenteriiy after a Mne were withheld pending notlfloa- spot where both assaslnated ooUed for reinforcements. Sixty South Windsor hurt night. No Fire Marshal Meivin Cox said McCarthy if one of them Is nom­ instead of beoUc rounds of vote- Eieopold t . Drouta gr. antiaircraft poeittons. was hit. tion of relatives. inated, "not only for their own Kennedy, John and Robert, an­ poUcemen were sent to the seridiig rallies. ana was injured. it appeared Hghtning had either TIm funeral of Leopold J. — Enemy forces ahelled a Oox said the investigatian is considerable merit but because nounced their entries into a Ulbricht Arrives, scene and an exchange of gim- The Are started at about And Iflxon seeks also to make Draubi Sr. of 4 Pearl St was South Vietnamese infantry bat­ struck the house or a power line continuing. presidential race. flrs began. there is nothing in Mr. Nixon’s the most of hls vies presidential held this morning from the Wat- talion 85 miles northweat o f Sai­ McGovern’s bid la regarded PoUce CaUef 'Riomas Reddln Tear Gas Quells past record to indicate that he is nmnlng mate, Maryland Gw. kina-Weot Funeral Home, 142 E. gon and several hours later as an effort to pick up and buUd said the firing at poUce was a man of either peace or com- Spiro T. Agnew, In deutilng wUh launched a ground attadc that upon the forces and considera­ Czech Talks Begin heavier than In the eariy stages Oerator St, with a requiem Mgh Slow Moving Auto Hits Boy pamion." campaign issuea and In cover­ waa repulsed.
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