City of Norfolk Elementary and Intermediate Schools Request for Proposals for the Schools PPEA / November 26, 2013 VOLUME 1 W www.wmjordan.com | T 757.596.6341 | F 757.596.0058 Qualifi cations and Experience 1-64 1 An overview of Th e Project Team Project Characteristics 65-74 2 A detailed description of the project Project Financing 75-76 3 Pricing Plans and Methodology Project Benefi t and Capability 77-79 4 Good for the City of Norfolk iii - PPEA Proposal for Norfolk Elementary and Intermediate Schools 1. QUALIFICATIONS and EXPERIENCE 10.1.1. Identify the legal structure of the fi rm or consortium of fi rms making the proposal. Identify the organizational structure for the Project, the management approach and how each partner and major subcontractor in the structure fi ts into the overall team, including the Project ownership among any consortium of fi rms. We have assembled a project team composed of the very best in the business. As Design Builder, W. M. Jordan Company will be the single source of responsibility to the City of Norfolk and Norfolk Public Schools for the Elementary and In- termediate Schools project. We have engaged Moseley Architects to design the schools. Moseley Architects has assembled a team of highly qualifi ed design and engineering consultants that will serve as a part of our team, several that are located in the City of Norfolk. Th e overall structure of our team is demonstrated through the graphic below. A more detailed organizational structure of personnel involved with the project can be found in Item 10.1.4 of this PPEA proposal. OWNER CONSULTING AND LEGAL SERVICES FINANCIAL CONSULTANT DESIGN-BUILDER DESIGN TEAM DESIGN TEAM CONSULTANTS Civil Engineer Furniture and Furnishings Partner Timmons Group Contrax Furnishings Environmental Consultant Landscape Design GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc. Ann P. Stokes Landscape Architects Geotechnical Consultant GET Solutions, Inc. 1 -PPEA PPEA Proposal Proposal for for Norfolk Norfolk Elementary Elementary and and Intermediate Intermediate Schools Schools - 1 W. M. JORDAN COMPANY, INC. will projects in the City, building some of the City’s most act as Design-Builder for the Elementary and Intermedi- notable and recognized projects, the Children’s Hospi- ate Schools project. As Design Builder, W. M. Jordan tal of the King’s Daughters, Nauticus, 150 West Main Company (WMJ) will assume full responsibility for all Offi ce Building, DePaul Medical Center and numer- of the tasks and procedures in the design and construc- ous projects for Eastern Virginia Medical School, Old tion process. Th is method of project delivery off ers the Dominion University and Norfolk State University. In unique benefi t of having a single point of responsibility addition to these projects, W. M. Jordan Company for quality, cost, and schedule adherence. As Owner, you has previously completed six schools for Norfolk always know who to call for answers to your questions Public Schools: Granby High School, Maury High and concerns. Th is agreement begins from inception School, Ruff ner Middle School, Norview Middle through design, construction, fi nal completion and the School, Bayview Elementary School and Booker T. warranty period. Th is team, working in a collaborative Washington Elementary School. environment, will maximize your available dollars and develop your vision for the new schools. By using the best practices for Design Build, W. M. Jor- dan Company has delivered a variety of successful proj- ects including museums, healthcare, commercial offi ces, retail stores, manufacturing and distribution facilities, places of worship, places of learning and multiple proj- ects for the US military. Most recently, we have com- pleted over $525 Million worth of work in the past fi ve Norfolk State University Student Center years under design build contract. As a testament to our success, the Design Build Institute of America (DBIA) MOSELEY ARCHITECTS will be the has awarded us national awards for “Design Build Done Architect for the project, providing full-service archi- Right” – one for the USS Monitor Center at the Mari- tectural and engineering services. Moseley Architects is ners’ Museum in 2009 and one for the Smithsonian-Ma- one of the Mid-Atlantic’s most trusted architectural and son School of Conservation Learning-Living Facility in engineering fi rms, off ering exceptional experience and 2013. As the Design Builder, our priority, is meeting the service to educational clients. Founded as a corporation needs of the City of Norfolk from beginning to end. in 1969, Moseley has earned a reputation for quality, W. M. Jordan Company has experience with projects reliability, and responsiveness over our 44-year history,. delivered through the public/private partnership (PPEA) Moseley Architects’ growth has been achieved through method. In the past three years we have completed four sound management practices and a tenacious com- projects through this method worth over $55 Million. mitment to providing clients with high-quality design and service, exemplifi ed by the fact that more than 80 W. M. Jordan Company is familiar with working in the percent of the fi rm’s projects are for repeat clients. City of Norfolk. W. M. Jordan has completed over 90 2 - PPEA Proposal for Norfolk Elementary and Intermediate Schools Moseley off ers the City of Norfolk and Norfolk Public Th e following designers and sub consultants will serve Schools extensive educational design expertise and have as a part of the Moseley Architects design team: Civil partnered with more than 140 public schools systems in Engineer, Timmons Group; Environmental Consultant, the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast. Our fi rm’s principals and GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc.; Geotechnical Con- staff support clients’ organizations, such as the Virginia sultant, GET Solutions, Inc.; Furniture and Furnishings School Boards Association, Virginia Association of School Partner, Contrax Furnishings; and Norfolk based Land- Superintendents, and the Virginia Association of School scape Designer, Ann P. Stokes. Of note, Timmons Group Board Offi cials, through activities such as conference previously provided the survey, civil design, landscape presentations and assistance with fund raising activities. design and environmental services needed to assist the City of Norfolk through the discovery and schematic/pre- In the last ten years, Moseley Architects has completed six liminary phase for the Campostella project. K-8 schools, 67 new elementary schools, and 74 elemen- tary school additions and renovations projects. In addition to our design team members, W. M. Jordan, In addition to the Crossroads PreK-8 School, Moseley Inc. has included several other team members to pro- Architects has successfully completed 13 other projects in vide services that will be benefi cial to our project team. the City of Norfolk. Troutman Sanders LLP will provide consulting and legal services to our team during the PPEA process. Troutman Sanders LLP has extensive experience assisting govern- mental and private entities with public-private partner- ship projects. BB&T Capital Markets will provide fi nancial consultant services to our team. Crossroads PreK-8 School Th e fi rm has repeatedly been recognized for design excel- lence, which includes making Engineering News-Record magazine’s Top 500 Design Firms, being ranked as a Top 250 Architecture Firm in Architectural Record, and land- ing at 17th on Mid-Atlantic Construction magazine’s Top Design Firms list. In addition, the 2012 “Giants” issue of Building Design + Construction magazine ranked Mose- ley Architects 17th nationally among the top design fi rms that focus on educational design. T Clay Woods Elementary School PPEA Proposal for Norfolk Elementary and Intermediate Schools - 3 Philosophy 10.1.2. Describe the experience and qualifi cations of the fi rm or consortium of fi rms making the proposal, W. M. Jordan is committed to the relentless pursuit of excel- including experience with projects of comparable lence. Th is commitment is the foundation of a corporate size and complexity. Describe the length of time culture based on trust, integrity, and responsibility, with an in business, business experience, public sector emphasis on quality, fi scal responsibility and mutual respect. experience and other engagements of the fi rm or W. M. Jordan empowers our people to become leaders, take consortium of fi rms. Include the identity of any fi rms advantage of change and opportunity and use ingenuity to that will provide design, construction and completion provide solutions to the challenges inherent in any project. guarantees and warranties and a description of such Our corporate structure allows the most experienced leaders guarantees and warranties. to spend time making key decisions that only they can while mentoring newer, less experienced associates on their way up the ladder of responsibility. Training and development op- W. M. Jordan Company portunities are abundant at our own “WMJ University,” and we continually review and refi ne our systems to maximize W. M. Jordan Company is a leader in development and effi ciency through the latest technology. construction services. Th e fi rm focuses its eff orts regionally, Services yet consistently ranks in the Top 400 Contractors nation- W. M. Jordan provides comprehensive construction ser- ally, according to Engineering News Record, a leading in- vices, including Construction Management, Public-Private dustry publication, and is ranked among the Giants 300 by Partnerships and Design Build, to clients in a wide variety Building Design + Construction magazine. Th e company is of businesses. Our clients represent a wide range of markets a local leader in successful developments, having developed including industrial, healthcare, senior living, education, or invested in over two dozen projects to date. museums, commercial, hospitality and government facili- Established in 1958, W. M. Jordan Company is a privately ties. We off er a full spectrum of preconstruction services owned S-Corporation headed by John R. Lawson, II, Presi- from conceptual estimating and building systems analysis dent and Chief Executive Offi cer.
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