PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ES THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 16, 1900._{5S"S.iV!KS}_PRICE "Unole boat I'd to the door ■■oka and steam, and bom htr sides serlone y. Mr. Cbamberlsla'a statement mb declaration of war. Ibis was not George" of and admitted Uhtof Watte aad A SUCCESS. ponrad Use mlnlatota Niagaras, show- that President Kroger haa already been necessarily Intended as a laeesags DIVIDE HEALER II UMBO. laepeotov i\OT tbe Inepoetore and taeh oOoer took hie ing where the greet rotary pnmpe ware WAY. a timed as to tbe ooaoequsnoee of mob war." ENGLAND’S the water tbe at tbe ataad la front of the door Into •oeklng from bold conduct la regarded at showing that Concerning tha arm ament, Mr. Balts hading the main ball to aa* that ao oae aaaapad. rate of tbonnande of gallons a minute. ennelent preoeutloa haa baaa takea. says! la Ia three room a anroaa tba hall Around the teem ship was a strange The Times euggesrs that burgher* “These were bought openly England Joat that* war* girl* at work. In tba assortment of craft A towboat waa should ta warasd that thslr farms will and in Barope; aad tbs high commission- Arrest of Much Adver- forty Attempt to Haul Off of them at tbs Aral room toy M glrla all at work aortlng fastened amldsbtpa on her starboard be taxed aa a guarantee agaloet any dam- er bone ted full knowledge and also full tba letter* raeelrad and anawartag aad side and opposite on the port elds was a age ta British property; but no lerloui Bloemfontein oonferenoa, tised Dr. Truth. Californian Fails. were tba name addraaa and dlaaaae of lighter. Under tbs stern of the it-enter apprehension are entertained cf ouoh oon- dssorlpUous of these armaments oopylag at Don- aaeb writer a card. eluatered a doaeo or more dorlaa and duot ee Mr. White li mid to barn over- found among tba olDoere’ papers upon in South Africa — Affairs tbe front room aat lira. Troth’* ala-’ other small ooeta. Their were shadowed. Mr. 3. B. Robinson, tbe mll- dee. Ia ooonpanta letter* aad the not all algbtaaars; were there to lloaalrs mine owner, raya ha dors not "Both the army aad tha ultimatum ter, opening regtatarlng tbay to nama *f tbe aeartar with tba amount In- plek op what they ooold And ot vain# Satisfactory. believe tbe Boers would be eo foolish. wars proteotlee measures, subsequent in The Allan Liner Still on Ram the ooa- Conducted Establishment oloaad, upon tbe oaah book. Below bar Big One dory waa rowed away loaded to By tbs time Lcrl Roberta reaahaa tbe the raid and dlsoovery, through Big oabluet minis* la tbe room war* alxtean glrla. tba gunwale with sodden grain. In their Vaal river be a 111 oommsad some 80,000 sealed cables, that British Bowdoin Island men In ibe were In tba to A a aooa aa tba glrla raooaalied tba Ledge. eagerness, the dories worked men, while Uen. Butler will have 40,000. tars Implicated attempt Square. tbars waa aad not tbem forward from tbs stern of Its From the military point cf view tbe flloh away tba Independence of tba repab- polloa hyatarloal erylng Lord a few eerrtobee. Bat all wer* steamer until one or two of tbem were Grilles now think thsrs Is nothing to lloa. New all doubt Is removed by quitted naaaa bad bean almost under tbe torrents of water forest ferr. Salisbury’s telegram. Xba burghers must aad after tbalr taken, of outward tbe A Fow Joubert’s Plans light for tbalr national existence, trust- they ware permitted to depart, moat by pomps. moment no 23 Girls on Biot and klmlng Another Attempt Will der one of those streams would bate LORD ROBERTS’ ENTRY. ing that Uod will defend the right." Employed them, howerer, bugging Truth’* alttir. an Truth aad bar sent any small boat to tbe bottom. Ike Were Foiled. Mr*. Be Made Another Story of the Capture of Correspondence. yaar old baba next appeared and bad Today. Californian, to oss the expression of the DECISION TO SCRRENDEB. Bloemfontein. eoma word* with tba ofBoara aa they old salts on tbe exeuralon steamers, was **- down tba bead. That was Free Statera Made Up Their Mlnde Mon- gathered op tba appartaaaaoaa of tba by apparent Bosmfentaln, Tuesday. March 18.— even It Cenfireaee. tabltabment, axaapt tbe trophlea of "ra- to tba land lobbera for oonld be Lord Roberta entered the Free State capi- day After Stormy ta arkabla plotorea" auoh aa erotobra, plainly stan that tba stern of tbe sblp tal Ha today praotloally unopposed, lay London, Marsh 16.—The Standard has Oue of (he Mammoth was ssvsral Nearly Wagon Load of Letters aan*a, tobaooo, pi pa a, ato. Pumps fast higher than tba bow. at Vantera Vlalx, It miles away last the from Bloemfon- Staters following despatoh Thouaanda of letter* from patient* were Tbe pnmpe nearest tbe stern seemed to Leading Free Resigned to night, with Uen. Kslly-Kenny's and dated March 14: Didn’t Work W’ell Yesterday. tein, Thursday, Hanled Away. removed. They ware written from llttl* be doing more work than tbaae farther Gen. Uolvllle’s divisions, the gnards '•The olrll authorities hsra definitely town* all over New England, In Northern furward and It was bore that tbe water British llnle. brigade and tbe monntrd lafentry■ Uen. made tbalr minds to sarreadsr on up New York aad area aa far we it aa Cleve- waa on ruing from tbe bold In greatest vresiab, baling eut tbs railway and tele- A was held, Monday. stormy meeting land aad Cbloago. The writer* com- volume. graphs, experienced a alight skirmish over Mr. whom Mr. presided by Steyn known ehronle wae made fore- These tbe noticed 15 —Franola plained of nearly every An attempt yesterday things sightseers with some Biers holding a kopje south- Frassr denouaeed as a coward, charging Moaton, March Truth, dlaaaaa. noon to off tho Californian, the while thu towing fleet were apparently the dir Inc automation pall east cf th9 town. Karly In tbs morning him with a went of enough moral bead of healing Watta that. -trended Allan liner. It was not a sac- getting ready for another attempt. Tbe the moved forward and hla whooe advertlaameata It la elalmad by Chief cavalry brigade oourage to aooept the situation. bearing name, aaslstanoe tbe klm la mss owlnr, so the managers of the bos- Woodbory, with tbe ot several wbloh not have boon aprend over tha whole oonatrr. Truth’* bnalaeaa baa brought 130, oocnpled slowly kopjes "Tbs late president was. however, was ha* adver- ton Towboat company say, to a deteollre tog ahead, swung around until she No Further Fears of commanded the Boers, waa arroatad thta evening at hla offloe, 6A 000 a weak raeanlly. Troth to be persuaded and when tba meeting beaded for tba Coatings' Island shore A few wtll-pleoed shrl's from the horse end tbe other boats also swung off to* Intervention. arlPlrry drove off the enemy. Uen. Frsnoh then sent oat ooonto to feel tbelr way toward town, perceiving wbloh, tbe ooirespoodeuts of tbe Sydney tletald and the Lord in Dally News with one other, galloped forward and entered tne town wbloh wore an as- No Serious for every day Apprehensions pect. Johannesburg. Tbe people were oat shopping or far morning walks and at first the tbrre nuwsp. per men were regarded os townt- folks. When later, It became known thst tbey were tbe forerunneia cf the British army, tbey were greeted oordlally and Quality „„ made conducted to a olub, where tbsy met Mr. them the leading Cigar in London, March 16.— 5 a.m.—Events are Frazer tf tbe executive oounoll, the may- moving In the South A Moan oampalgn or and other clliolals NEW ENGLAND. in a speeay nod satli factory manner These tbey persuaded to take carriage A favorite in from both military nud political points and to go to meet Lord Hoberts. every home, cltib, cf view. It could hardly have lorn ex- As tbe party drove out cf the city tbe or office. Every judge of choice pected by the most sanguine English- Brltisb cavalry were closing around like cigars has men that would tace a turn ao fa- a net. The scon arrived they high deputation PERFECT CONFIDENCE In vorable. oppcslte thj kopje where Lord Roberts It appears that when Major Weston cut was stationed end this correspondent Waitt & Bond Black stones the railway north cf iiloeir fjnteln he rede ftrrrard and bod the honor c f at No. 53 Blackstone St., Boston. thereby Intercepted Uen. Joubert whu, pouncing to tte command.-r-ln-chiif f ir from having retired from tbe oam- that Bloeiu f jntetn would surrender, palgn, was then coming southward tvltb A little liter tbe deputation begun t) 8 go men, presumably to superintend tbe approach end Lord Roberts went forward defense, to meet them. The eoeoe waa pictur- “FACTS Elaborate dt fence works, three miles esque In the extreme. A fgw yards away, )iu: attempt t* hah, orr tm». (aliiobxiak._ leng had leer prepaid out,Mr the town. the £ cas cf a Lottery pointed tbelr grim WORTH KNOWING paper; In New Eng- pomp. At an early hoar the towboats, No lioer wounded were lift la bloein- mouths toward the late position cf tbe broke op be left tor the north. bowdoln eqaare by Deputy Uoiled States t.'sxOn aboutfthlrty land and the Middle Atlantlo btatci tbe revenue cutter and half a dooen ex- AHOl'T PAINT” fontrtn When ashed the reason by Lord Botrs, while tbe tin roofs cf Bloemfon- “The occupation woe extremely order- Marshal Wntere, a'slttrd by Ublrf In- euob mediums as bad a borne cursion steamers and small craft headed Mr.
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