3 NNextext EEventsvents - LLotsots ooff tthemhem ccomingoming uup!p! - A ffeatureeature ffilmilm oonn tthehe 22007007 PebblePebble BBeacheach CConcoursoncours rrunsuns oonn WWednesday,ednesday, JJuneune 111th1th - TThehe AAROCROC NNationalational CConventiononvention iinn CChicagohicago ttakesakes pplacelace ffromrom JJuneune 115th5th - 222nd2nd - TThehe nnewew AAONEONE JJust-North-of-the-Borderust-North-of-the-Border TTourour iinn SSouthernouthern NNewew HHampshireampshire E rrollsolls oonn SSunday,unday, JJuneune 222nd2nd U - A pprivaterivate AAONEONE ttourour aandnd ttailgateailgate ppicnicicnic ooff tthehe CCollingsollings FFoundationoundation aautomoblieutomoblie S aandnd aairplaneirplane ccollectionollection iiss pplannedlanned fforor SSunday,unday, JJulyuly 220th0th S I 6 AAlfalfa RRomeoomeo aatt tthehe NNewew HHampshireampshire VVintageintage FFestivalestival - SStorytory aandnd pphotoshotos ffromrom tthehe S AAONEONE ggatheringathering oonn MMayay 117t7th - bbyy SStephantephan ddee PPénasseénasse I H 8 TThehe IItaliantalian CCarar RRadunoaduno - A ggreatreat tturnouturnout aatt a nnewew sswapwap mmeeteet eexcusexcuse fforor aann IItaliantalian ccarar T gget-togetheret-together - rreporteport aandnd pphotoshotos bbyy GGeorgeeorge DDolakolak 9 TThehe MMohawkohawk CCountryountry DDriverive & GGaragearage TTourour - A phhotographicotographic rrevieweview bbyy GGeneene DDursourso N I IN THIS ISSUE 1100 CClassifiedlassified AAdsds - SStilltill mmoreore nnewew llistingsistings! MMikeike LawtonLawton iinn hhisis yellowyellow GiuliettaGiulietta leadsleads thethe wayway throughthrough thethe downhilldownhill tturnsurns aatt NNHMS.HMS. SStorytory aandnd pphotoshotos ffromrom tthehe AAONEONE ggatheringathering aatt tthehe NNewew HHampshireampshire VintageVintage FestivalFestival onon PagePage 6!6! (DDougoug KKozaoza pphoto.)hoto.) WWWWW W . VVELOCISSIMAE L O C I S S I M A . CCOMO M VVelocissimaelocissima TThehe oofficialfficial publicationpublication ofof thethe AlfaAlfa OOwnerswners ofof Diirector:rector: KKevinevin RReddenedden - Salem, NH - NNewew England,England, IInc.nc. (AONE, pronounced A-1), a 978-387-2416 - [email protected] non-profit organization of Alfa Romeo enthusiasts Diirector:rector: BBrianrian SShoreyhorey - Boxborough, MA - which is a regional chapter of the national Alfa 978-973-0879 - [email protected] Romeo Owners Club, Inc. (AROC). AONE is DDirector:irector: PPetereter WWalkeralker - Beverly, MA - incorporated in the Commonwealth of Mas- 978-524-8102 - [email protected] sachusetts. TTreasurer:reasurer: DDaveave PPrattratt - Dedham, MA - 781-320-8208 - [email protected] Disclaimer: Velocissima is not to be considered LLegalegal CCounsel:ounsel: KKevinevin MMurphyurphy - Framingham, the authority on maintaining or improving Alfas. MA - 508-879-1881 - [email protected] The views expressed are those of the author or person quoted. Anything contained herein VVelocissimaelocissima does not constitute an endorsement by the club, its officers, Alfa Romeo Inc., or Fiat. This EEditorditor & WWebmaster:ebmaster: DDaveave PPrattratt - Dedham, publication and this organization assume no li- MA - 781-320-8208 - [email protected] ability for any consequences. Be prudent—don’t Send articles and ads, preferably by email or on void your warranty! disk (but scribbled on a napkin is acceptable) to: PPhone:hone: 781-320-8208 AAONEONE BBoardoard ooff DDirectorsirectors EEmail:mail: [email protected] MMail:ail: AONE, 300 Westfield Street, PPresident:resident: TThomashomas LLeskoesko - Hingham, MA - Dedham, MA 02026-5631 781-749-9132 - [email protected] DDirector:irector: MMyronyron BBarnettarnett - Newton, MA - AAlfalfa RRomeoomeo OOwnerswners CClublub 617-641-0976, [email protected] DDirector:irector: SStephantephan ddee PPénasseénasse - Nashua, NH To join our chapter and national AROC or to - 603-594-4204 - [email protected] renew your membership, contact: DDirector:irector: TTomom DDucibellaucibella - Beverly, MA - AAROCROC NNationalational HHeadquarterseadquarters 978-921-0125 - [email protected] Jolene Justus, Executive Secretary DDirector:irector: GGeneene DDursourso - Leicester, MA - PO Box 12340, Kansas City, MO 64116 978-314-1224 - [email protected] 1-877-399-AROC (toll-free) DDirector:irector: JJimim MMigaiga - Winchester, MA - Fax: 816-459-7462 (call first) 781-729-7567 - [email protected] [email protected] 2 VVelocissimaelocissima AAONEONE EEVENTSVENTS CCALENDARALENDAR WWHENHEN WHATWHAT WHEREWHERE WHOWHO JJuneune 11 - Wed Pebble Beach Concours Feature Film (see below) Waltham, MA 15-22 AROC National Convention Chicago, IL 20-23 Le Belle Macchine d’Italia Italian Car Meet (see page 4) Skytop, PA 22 - Sun AONE Just-North-of-the-Border Tour (see page 4) Southern NH P. Walker, T. Ducibella JJulyuly 20 - Sun Collings Foundation Picnic and Tour (see page 5) Stow, MA Jim Miga ??? AONE Autocross Westford, MA Kevin Redden ??? Southeastern MA Alfa-Bet Soup Tour Westport, MA Bob Ladd AAugustugust 3 - Sun 9am-3pm Tutto Italiano - LAAM Brookline, MA Barnett, Lesko, Pratt 23-24 Twenty-Four Hours of LeMons Stratford Speedway Brian Shorey 29 - Sep 1 Vintage Festival & Italian Car Corral Lime Rock Park Tim Beeble SSeptembereptember 7 - Sun 9am Jaguar Club Fall Slalom (autocross - Alfas invited) Westford, MA 20 - Sat* Tech Session - “Mega Squirt Fuel Injection” Boxboro, MA B. Shorey, K. Redden 27-28 Sat-Sun Pasta Fazoom Italian Car Cruise - LAST RUNNING! Cortland, NY Cal Crouch OOctoberctober 4 - Sat* Il Giro Del Monadnock Motor Tour Peterborough, NH G. Bonatto, J. Percival 18 - Sat* AONE/JANE Fall Foliage TSD Rally MA-RI-CT Corner T. Letourneau, S. Thomas 25 - Sat* Indian Summer Sortie Fall Foliage Tour South Deerfield, MA Peter Walker NNovemberovember 15 - Sat* The AONE Hyland Hillclimb Westminster, MA Gene Durso DDecemberecember 13 - Sat* AONE Holiday Party at LAAM Brookline, MA Kevin Murphy Note: Dates marked with an asterisk (*) are tentative. Know of something else happening that would be of interest to Alfisti? Please contact the Editor (see Page 2) and we’ll add it to our Events page! A FFEATUREEATURE FFILMILM New England, will be on display throughout the event. Look for a few surprise vehicles as well! AABOUTBOUT TTHEHE PPEBBLEEBBLE Since the 1980’s, Gene Ritvo has used his camera to become BBEACHEACH CCONCOURSONCOURS one of the region’s most respected automobile photographers. He DD’ELEGANCE’ELEGANCE specializes in capturing the art and design of the finest automobiles in WWednesay,ednesay, JJuneune 1111 the world, especially those that participate in concours events. His pictures are taken from the observer’s point of view and focus on oorr tthehe pastpast tthreehree ddecades,ecades, GeneGene Ritvo,Ritvo, a local film maker and the the artistic details, such as the grill, headlamp, or engine. His rare Fofficial photographer of the New England Motor Press Associa- perspective and his sensitivity to the concours participants have tion, has documented the famous car show and produced feature films allowed him privileges not afforded to many other media members, for fans back east. He will premiere his latest edition of the Pebble including pre-event show access and interviews with show winners. Beach Concours d’Elegance on Wednesday, June 11, 2008, at the The $10.00 admission ticket includes the film, special exhibition Charles River Museum of Industry in Waltham, Massachusetts. vehicles, and museum exhibits. Doors will open at 6:30 PM with The film, highlighting this year’s featured marque, Aston Martin, refreshments available. The Charles River Museum of Industry is will begin at 7:30 PM. The presentation will also showcase several located under the smokestack at 154 Moody Street in Waltham. The New England connections, including a 1955 D-Type Jaguar, modi- museum is open to the public on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays fied and raced by a Massachusetts teenager, who set a land-speed from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. For more information or to purchase record. He will also show Chris Charlton’s restoration of a 1935 tickets in advance, call 781-893-5410 or email [email protected]. Duesenberg that took Best of Show 2007. An array of Aston Martin automobiles, provided by the Aston Martin Owners’ Club of MMOREORE EEVENTS->VENTS-> AAlfalfa OOwnerswners ooff NNewew EnglandEngland 3 JAGUAR CLUB SPRING SLALOM (AUTOCROSS) TTHEHE AAONEONE LLEE BBELLEELLE - ALFAS INVITED! JJUST-NORTH-OF-UST-NORTH-OF- MMACCHINEACCHINE DD’ITALIA’ITALIA Sunday, May 18 TTHE-BORDERHE-BORDER TTOUROUR IITALIANTALIAN CCARAR MMEETEET Looking for a little more autocross seat time? SSunday,unday, JJuneune 2222 JJuneune 220-230-23 eeterter WWalkeralker aandnd TomTom DDucibellaucibella havehave tteamedeamed upup to organize this oorr tthosehose ooff yyouou wwhoho mmightight ffindind yyourselvesourselves inin PennsylvaniaPennsylvania ratherrather Pmid-June top-down (if you’re in a Spider) driving tour of Southern Ftthanhan NNewew EEnglandngland this particular weekend, here’s an alterna- New Hampshire. It will start immediately off of Route I-95 (Exit 1), tive take. Le Belle Macchine d’Italia is the largest three-day Italian just over the MA/NH border. It will proceed along Route 107 north motoring event in North America. The 2008 edition will be the from the Seabrook, NH, area to North Deerfield, NH, where we’ll 22nd annual gathering of owners of Italian cars taking place in the have lunch at the funky, cozy Lazy Lion Café (homemade food, not beautiful Pocono Mountains. expensive, outdoor/indoor tables, great desserts, lattes and other The host
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