.'emple Beth-EI., Broad & Glenham Sts. ··Providence ;· R ~- L' VOL. XV No. 47 PROVIDENCE. R. I•• FRIDAY. JANUARY 17, 1941 5 CENTS THE COPY P. · 8. Simonds Gets Service Plaque UJA Campaign Endsi $53,303 Raised Expect $7,000 More B'nai B'rith Guest !Emanuel Men's Club In Post-Drive Gifts Makes Annual Award Abrams Thanks · Recipient Heads Fellow Workers Prov. Boys' Club With a total of $53,303.86 rais­ Philip 8. Simonds, president ed, the campaign for fqnds of the of the Providence Boys' Chili for United J ewish Appeal was offic­ eighteen years, was recipient of ially closed on Wednesday night the Third Annual Community .at a supper meeting held in Service Award of the Men's Chili f V{einstein's Restaurant, of which of Temple Emanuel, given at a Archibald Silverman was toast­ meeting held Thursday night at master. the Temple. f Guest speaker for the evening The award is presented annu­ was Rabbi Edward T. Sandrow ally to a citizen of Providence of Long Island. Saul Abrams, for outstanding achievement in chairman of the campaign, in re­ the field of civic improvement, porting the total, thanked and human betterment and advance­ (Continued on Page 2) ment of American ideals. In· scribed on the plaque were the !words, "Presented to Philip B. Editorlals If Sidney Hillman Commends DR. ABRAHAM SACHAR Si monds, w ho with unselfish de- 1 Ii Histadruth On Anniversary er~;-.s::=:e~;n;i~~ ~::eu:;~i~t:~:~ ;~:~:n h:n::o':! ~f~en~o:e:\u~:~ Lodge, B'nai B'rith, to be held ter of a century to welfare work Prejudice Wanes NEW YORK. - Sidney Hill­ In spite of the imposition t~:s ::r~::tp~ ~n~o!~t n_ext Wednesday evening at the in our community, especially man, member of the " big four" f ~~~~;u~~l upon the conquered countries dedicating himself to t he service of P resident Roosevelt's chiefs fering these people endured in J ewish Home_ for Aged, it w~s of youth, in opening to them the Of E urope of Nazi ideas and of national defense, joined in the their pivneer work and of their Iannounced this week by Archie doors of opportunity for self-ad- practices, including anti-Jewish ;world-wide tributes b eing paid continuous effort to alleviate the Smith, president. vancement and useful living." 1e.gislation, the peoples of the the Hitsadruth in Palestine 0n the suffering o( olh'erS." . • · · For two years, prior to becom- ·8candinavian &nd Lo'w Coun­ GCcas ion of its annive!· iar:'. ,r-r- l ~ies, of France, Czechoslovakia ?9t~ lll New Y?rk, ~b,y~nual }'rade Colorado Apphcants ing president, Mr. Simonds 'Yas Constructive Work Um?n Music Fe~ " al \'11\ h_e I · <, . , Ia director of the BrovidelLCg . ..__ and Poland are courageously Referring to the 1"splcndid, dedicated to the Hi ·tadruth anm- J Boys' Club, which serve~ 4200 clinging to their traditional dem• Construclive work this organiza­ versary. !he Festival to be he!~ Needn't 61've R11·g·1on boy members at its three chili- ocratic ideals and resisting the e tion has done in the rnhabitita­ at. Carnegie Hall on January _2a, NEW YORK - Tbe practice houses in Fox Point, Olneyville encroachments of Nazism by tion of thousands of refugees ever y means possible. ~~~vt:~~~re Josef and Rosina of requesting ~nd recording ap- and Wanskuck. He served as a throughout Europe," Mr. Hillman world-famous duo- plicents for employment as Cath- director of the Boys' Club of Am- This, in a nutshell, is the con­ praised the "excellent job the pianists, who will break a long olics, Protestants 'and J ews has erica fo r fourteen years. clusion of the American Jewish tour, and fly from Paris, Texas been discontinued by the Colo- Mr. Simonds has been vice· Committee, established in • 1906 for the protection of civil and Nazis to Register ~~;; !~:~tp~~~a;:;; t~i:fi~~:~ As:,:~~c~nmpJ~:::n\!:rgv:;:; r:::i~:~:et;r.i:!: 1:::,u~~as religious rights of Jews through­ ~~ ~~~o "~:I~ sky, noted cellist, will render reported today. The action fol- of the founders of the Providence out the world. special J ewish numbers on his lowed negotiations by State Sen- Community Fund, and a director As far as anti-Jewish agita­ Jews in Netherlands 150-year old instrument, and the tion in America, t he Committee THE HAGUE. - All Jews must Jewish National Workers' Alli- ator A. B. Hirschfeld of Denver, and member of the Executive agrees t hat it has struck a new r egister w ithin six weeks in an ance choral society, directed by a member of the Governing Coun- Committee. He was chairman of low of disrepute during the past oflicial "list of populations," un· Leo Low, will mark its own ~0th cil of the Congress. the Finance Committee of the year. Even at its height, it says, der a decree issued this week by r.nniversary simultaneously with The A. J. C.'s Commission on First Congregational Church for ,this agitation never succeeded the German Commissioner for its appearance in honor of th~ Economic Problems is continu- a period of five years. i n making serious inroads on the Netherlands. Histadruth. ing its efforts to secure the elim- As the program of the evening ination of the question of relig- started, Dr. Israel M. Goldman American public opinion but al­ Persons having only one ,I cw­ ion b y slate employment bur.eaus, gave the invocation, while ways r emained an underworld ish grandparent will be classified Burt Donates Gifts Chairman J. S. Cohen said. greetings were extended by Dan­ movement, disapproved and as Jews, the decree held, and a condemned by all decent Ameri­ srandpnrent who belouged to a In Wife's Memory iel Jacobs, president of the Men's cans. .r ewish congregation will be re­ ln memory of his wife, Goldie Bilgray Will Speak Club and Judge Philip C. Joslin, gird·:d as a full-blooded .J ew. Burt, who died last week, Boris Temple president. There was a perceptible de­ Failure to register will be pun­ Burt has announced the follow- At Pioneer Meeting T he meeting was t hen ' turned crease in interest among those ishable by fines and imprison­ i ng gifts to charities: Hahbi Albert T. Bilgray, asso­ over t.o R~v. Clarence H. Horn· sections of the popul1ltion which ment up to five years. At Amster­ Temple Emanuel, $20; Miriam ciate r_abbi of Temple Beth E l, er, rector of Grace Church, and had formerly listened to the dam, where there are mon• .Tews Hospitui, $15; J ewish Home for wiJI present a book r eview on (Continued on Page 6) mouthings or read the scribb· than in any other Netherlands Aged, $15; Jewish National Fund, .\1am ice Samuel's "The Great Ha­ ings of mischief-making rabble­ dty, tne r egistration period will $1() ; J ewish Children's Home, trcJ," at• a m&eting of the \Vo­ rousers and mis-guided fanatics. uc extended to 12 weeks. ~10 ; Ahavath Sholom Talmud To­ men P.ioueers, to be held next Germans Ridicule Even during the national elec­ rah, $10; Hebrew Free Loan As­ Tuesday afternoon, at the Arcad­ tion, the Commi ttee reports, the sociation, $5; Ladies Union Aid ia Building on Washington street. few candidates for office who 1600 Die In Nazi Association, $5; Pioneer Women, Mrs. Jacob Broomfield will be Lazarus Charge were associated in one way or Concentration Camp ,,5, and Hadassah, $5. hostess for the a ft ernoon. BERLL'I. - The official news another with a nti-Jewish activi­ STOCKHOLM. -All of the 1,- agency this week characterized ties, were defeated at the polls 600 Polish Jews imprisoned in as a fable the charge Isidore La­ by the American people as a the Buchenwald concentration Family Welfare Society Will zarus, a Jew, had smuggled whole. camp in the fall of last year have funds from Germany into the U. While t hese conclusions on an­ died in the camp, reports smug­ Elect Officers; Hear Reports S. for German prop~ganda work. ti-Semilism in the Uni ted States gled ou t of Germany disclosed (In Federal Court, in New are similar to those reached by this week. .Jewish Family Welfare Society Bernstein, auditor . York, last Friday, Richard J . other independent bureaus, we The men died principally from will elect officers and members Directors for three years: Mrs. Burke, assistant U. S. Altorney, must not recline and be satisfied exposure and ma lnutriti on. They of the Board, at its annual meet­ Jose,,h E. Adelson, Mrs. Bertram charged that Lazarus, alias Lee with a job welt done. Anti• were obliged to spend the winter ing, to occur next Monday ngiht, Bernhardt, l\trs. Louis Chester, Lane, lrnd accepted the money of Semitis m may be in hibernation months in unheated tents and 8 o'clock, in the Frances W. Car­ Mrs. Jose1>h Field, Louis Kram­ Ge rman refugees before they left but we must guard against that were not given a ny bl ankets. By penter Memorial Building, 100 e:r, P hilip Lieberman, Harold Germany, r eturning them a small S pring w hen rabble-rousing the spring of 1940, 700 bud per­ North Main street. Mosko! and Leo Weiss. portion of it when they reached politicians find it expedient to ished a nd the remained succumb­ Alter Boyrnan, chairman of Directors w hose terms encl De­ other countries. The remainder, bring it to life. ed this winter. nominating commillcc, will pre­ cember, 1941: Mrs.
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