November 2009 Volume 55 No. 06 ♣ WRTH 2010 ♣ PWBR 2010 – RIP? ♣ Ultralight shootout part II ♣ More great DX catches Hon. President* Bernard Brown, 130 Ashland Road West, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts. NG17 2HS Secretary* Herman Boel, Papeveld 3, B-9320 Erembodegem (Aalst), Vlaanderen (Belgium) +32-476-524258 [email protected] Treasurer* Martin Hall, Glackin, 199 Clashmore, Lochinver, Lairg, Sutherland IV27 4JQ 01571-855360 [email protected] MWN General Steve Whitt, Landsvale, High Catton, Yorkshire YO41 1EH Editor* 01759-373704 [email protected] (editorial & stop press news) Membership Paul Crankshaw, 3 North Neuk, Troon, Ayrshire KA10 6TT Secretary 01292-316008 [email protected] (all changes of name or address) MWN Despatch Peter Wells, 9 Hadlow Way, Lancing, Sussex BN15 9DE 01903 851517 [email protected] (printing/ despatch enquiries) Publisher VACANCY [email protected] (all orders for club publications & CDs) MWN Contributing Editors (* = MWC Officer; all addresses are UK unless indicated) DX Loggings Martin Hall, Glackin, 199 Clashmore, Lochinver, Lairg, Sutherland IV27 4JQ 01571-855360 [email protected] Mailbag Herman Boel, Papeveld 3, B-9320 Erembodegem (Aalst), Vlaanderen (Belgium) +32-476-524258 [email protected] Home Front John Williams, 100 Gravel Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 1SB 01442-408567 [email protected] Eurolog John Williams, 100 Gravel Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 1SB World News Ton Timmerman, H. Heijermanspln 10, 2024 JJ Haarlem, The Netherlands [email protected] Beacons/Utility Desk VACANCY [email protected] Central American Tore Larsson, Frejagatan 14A, SE-521 43 Falköping, Sweden Desk +-46-515-13702 fax: 00-46-515-723519 [email protected] S. American Desk Tore B Vik, Post Box 88, NO-1851 Mysen, Norway +-47-69891192 [email protected] N. American Desk Andrew Brade, Sand Gap, Bursea, Holme-on-Spalding Moor York YO43 4DF [email protected] Verifications Friedhelm Wittlieb, Kreuzstraße 4, 44532 Lünen, Germany [email protected] KEEP IN TOUCH Internet: MWC Web site http://www.mwcircle.org e-mail news service: http://www.mwcircle.org/member_e-news.htm Webmaster [email protected] STOP PRESS: Welcome to new members this month. Walter Fürstenhöfer, Baudenbach, Germany; Gregory Powell, Leek. Welcome to the Circle! Stop Press Deadlines: 29 th November for December 2009 30 th December for January 2010 Cover illustration: WTIC radio microphone from the 1920s - for sale for about $8500 Medium Wave News is published 10 times a year by the Medium Wave Circle © 2009 EDITORIAL Landsvale, High Catton, Yorkshire YO41 1EH with Steve Whitt e-mail: [email protected] +44-1759-373704 This month we once again have some great and interesting loggings reported to Martin Hall’s DX loggings column. Martin apologises for lack of a Treasurer’s Report due to other pressures on his time. I too have been exceptionally busy in my business activities in October (nearly 3 months worth of sales in one month to cope with) so sadly I have little time for the enjoyable creative side of being Editor. So it is excellent to see that members like Gary de Bock continue to produce original articles of high calibre. Utility Column. We are still looking for a volunteer to take over from Andy Robins. If you are interested in utility transmissions, and would like to share your interest with the rest of the Circle please consider whether you could help by compiling a column for Medium Wave News. To find out more why not call me for a chat. New look e-list The new look e-list was launched and took off pretty smoothly. The Yahoo Groups on which is supported offer many more options than previously and around 135 members have joined to group to keep up to date with news, logs, information and the Circle community. If you still haven’t tried the Circle’s e-list why not give it a try. http://www.mwcircle.org/member_e-news.htm Just visit this website and sign-up. It’s free for members – only. World Radio TV Handbook 2010 Once again we are pleased to team up with our friends at the British DX Club to supply pre- publication copies of the World radio TV Handbook. See pages 63/64 for full details. In previous years we also offered Passport to Worldband Radio but that is not being published this year. This is sad but not wholely unxpected news given the continued decline of shortwave broadcasting and its almost total irrelevance to the “man in the street” in the affluent countries of the world. Larry Magne must be congratulated on a tireless and professional job spanning 25 years. For more on this visit http://www.passband.com/passport-to-world-band-radio%c2%ae-in-limbo/ Receiver News Gary de Bock writes, “Thank you very much for publishing the recent 2009 Ultralight Radio AM- DX Shootout article, and many other of my articles (which is greatly appreciated). As luck would have it, immediately after completion of the 2009 Shootout article, the leading Chinese radio manufacturer released their most innovative DSP pocket radio, which would have been a strong contender for top honors in the Shootout. The radio has multiple DSP selectivity options (1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 kHz), and has already been used by many North American DXers to log TA's and TP's in stock form. Because of the great interest in this new Tecsun PL-310 AM-LW-FM-SW model, I quickly prepared a full review article detailing its capabilities for interested DXers, including a comparison with the top-rated Shootout model, the Kchibo D96L. ( lack of space means this will appear next month ). Now on with the show 73s Steve . Medium Wave News 55/06 3 November 2009 2009 Ultralight Radio AM-DX Shootout Part II by Gary DeBock, Puyallup, WA USA September 2009 Shootout Day Arrives The gallant contestants assembled at noon on September 7, 2009 to decide their fate. They were joined by all surviving contestants of previous Ultralight radio Shootouts, who would join in the competition for ultimate Ultralight performance honors. The R911 and R9012 models were tested with the whip antenna in a vertical position. The D92L and D96L models were tested in the 1 kHz selectivity setting. Comments follow the grade in specific categories. SENSITIVITY: (worst is 0, best is 5; final grade for model is listed after model) 530-TIS 620-KPOJ 750-KXL 1040-CKST 1130-CKWX 1520-KGDD 1650-TIS R911 (B) 3 1 0 0 3 3 4* R9012 (B+) 3 2 0 0 3 3 4* C.C. SWP (B+) 3* 2 0 0 3 3 4* DE1123 (D) 2 0 0 0 2 1 2 G8 (B) 3* 2 0 0 3 2 3 D92L (D) 2 1 0 0 2 1 2 D96L (A) 3* 3 1 1 4 3 4* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SRF-59 (B) 3 1 0 0 3 3 3 SRF-39FP (B+) 3* 2 0 0 3 3 4 Medium Wave News 55/06 4 November 2009 SRF-T615 (A-) 3* 2 1 0 3 3 4 SRF-M37V/W (B) 3 2 0 0 3 2 3 DT-400W (A-) 3* 2 1 1 4 3 4* E100 (B+) 2 1 0 1 4 3 4* DT-200VX (B) 3 1 0 0 3 3 3 DT-210V (B) 3 1 0 0 3 3 3 * Two TIS stations were received by these models on the frequency indicated (a superior result). SENSITIVITY SUMMARY: The new Kchibo D96L has unsurpassed sensitivity on all AM frequencies, with a slight low and mid band advantage over all current contestants. It also has a slight edge over the DT-400W for top ULR sensitivity. The C.Crane SWP and R9012 are very competitive in sensitivity overall, with a slight high-band edge over the G8, which tends to perform better on the lower frequencies. The R911 tested here has a shade less sensitivity than its R9012 sibling on the low band, and both the D92L and DE1123 models are hopelessly outclassed in weak-signal performance-- primarily because of weakly designed loopsticks. SELECTIVITY : (worst is 0, best is 5; final grade for model is listed after model) 560-KPQ 980-CKNW 1080-KFXX 1460-KARR R911 (B-) all KVI slop (0) slight KOMO slop (4) all KPTK slop (0) heavy KSUH slop (1) R9012 (B-) all KVI slop (0) slight KOMO slop (4) all KPTK slop (0) heavy KSUH slop (1) C.C. SWP (C+) all KVI slop (0) slight KOMO slop (4) all KPTK slop (0) all KSUH slop (0) DE1123 (B+) all KVI slop (0) no KOMO slop (5) all KPTK slop (0) no KSUH slop (5) G8 (A-) no KVI slop (5) no KOMO slop (5) strong KPTK slop (2) slight KSUH slop (4) D92L (B+) all KVI slop (0) no KOMO slop (5) all KPTK slop (0) no KSUH slop (5) D96L (A) no KVI slop (5) no KOMO slop (5) mod. KPTK slop (3) no KSUH slop (5) 560-KPQ 980-CKNW 1080-KFXX 1460-KARR SRF-59 (B-) all KVI slop (0) slight KOMO slop (4) all KPTK slop (0) heavy KSUH slop (1) SRF-39FP (B-) all KVI slop (0) slight KOMO slop (4) all KPTK slop (0) heavy KSUH slop (1) SRF-T615 (C) all KVI slop (0) mod. KOMO slop (3) all KPTK slop (0) all KSUH slop (0) SRF-M37V/W (F) all KVI slop (0) all KOMO slop (0) all KPTK slop (0) all KSUH slop (0) DT-400W (C+) all KVI slop (0) slight KOMO slop (4) all KPTK slop (0) heavy KSUH slop (1) E100 (B+) all KVI slop (0) no KOMO slop (5) strong KPTK slop (2) mod.
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