♦; V'**V V'**' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1988 PA.GE TWENTY-POUR ' Average Daily Net Press Ran ^uEttfAg ^ErttUt For tta W«Sk Ended Tbs Weather April It, 1958 ForeoMl of D. 8. Waather Bariaa Board of Control membars to the the busiasss meeting in the ab­ ments were served by Mrs. Au^i Columbia Woman club. Penn-Texas Foes sence of the president, Mrs. Terry Blevins and Mrs. Karla Romano- Shewera, aeattered thnaMT- About Town Tha charter night Will ba held at Howard, who was ill. Refresh­ wics. 12,695 showen eeattmdng toaight, aaA- the Country . Club. Wesley Ji. hig early Friday mornlag. Low Heads Young GOP To Meet at Bond ^ Mamber ef tiw Audit tonight near 66. High FrTdagr hi WAF A.S.C. Mt<iI«lon R. ChrU- Smith Is chairman of the Charter '-4L,^Btirwia of Otreulattou fnid-6es. tUnA it, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Meeting Committee. Out of town Manche»ter-—A City of ViUago Charm Mrs. Virginia C. Lewis of Co­ guests will attend. Backers of an opposition slate Pater R. Chriitlana, 218 W. Can­ lumbia was elected chairman of In the Penn-Texas' Corp. proxy tor 8t., haa bean aaalKned to tha Two films from the State De- the Tolland County Young Repub­ partmeht of Conservation on fresh fight will hold an open meeting at VOL. LXXVII>^0. 174 Waihin^ton headquartara of the (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— TWO SL'CTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 19S8 (tnaaeUlei AdvarBahig ea Paga 92) PRICH n V E CENTO USAF Air Waather Service aa an lican Club last night In Bolton, and skit water fishing^ere viewed the Hotel Bond at 8 o'clock to­ dminiatratlve clerk. She la a 1954 She Is the first'woman ever to last night. New membera .of the night for company stockholders. I M E N ^ SSHOPI club are Dr. John F. Barry Jr., ^ e Penri-Texae Glean House graduate of Manchester High hold the office in Tolland County IS* School. Chester H. Mohr, Frank E. \Vy- Stockholders Committee will pre­ lUMomaTRB, coFir. arid the third in the State. Inan, Herbert R. Kingsbury Jr., Also elected at the meeting held sent their reasons for wanting. to Genertils Prohers .Membera of the U S. Air Force John M. Oroman and Domenlc J. oust the present management of Johnson for Easier In the Rainbow Club were Fran Pontlcelli. the company, R^^rva Squadron in thia area will cis Fiano of Boltop, vice chairman; UGHT WnGHT attend a aamlnar on weather and Theodore Blumberg, a member' Top Teamsters ^ Mrs. Sarah Robinson of'Cotumbia, of the-committee and the largest forecasting on April 29 at the ' corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Differ on single . Penn-Texas stockholder, Travelers Weather Station. Elizabeth Jacobus, also of Colum­ SPRINQ JAOKETS Legislation of Labor PiibKc Records will be the main speaker. Produce Files en bia, treasurer. CAtester Walters of The meeting In Hartford will be The Queen of Peace Mothers Vernon was elected delegate-at' For Golfing, Fishing, Circle haa elected the following the first of eight that has been large. Marriage Licenses scheduled for cities across the Next War Washington, April. 24 (/P)—flfi roll call votes on amendments Washington, April 24 </P)— officers for the coming year: Mrs. Standing committee chairmen thS Beach qr Backyard. John Rice, leadre: Mrs. Frank Louis Eugene Chaump of 38 country by the committee which Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D- he and others have -proposed in Chicago Teamster leader Jo­ elected were Norman Kittle of Tal- the broad field of tmlon regulaUon. Pearson, secretary; Mra. Robert Edgerton St. and Judith Ann Plik- is seeking proxies in preparation REG. 10.95 and 12.98 VALUES Tex) Mid today the Deoto- seph (Joey) Glimeo today was cottville, membership; and Everett aitis of 382 Hilliard St.. St. Brid­ for the company's annual stock­ New York,' April 24 (/P)— His statement to reporters, made Tomaasi. treasurer; Mra. John An- a Gen. Curtis E. Lemay said to­ cratic leadership will try to given until next Wednesday dreoll. publicity: Mra. Harry Dee- Paluska of Rockville, program. get’s Church, May 3. holders meeting In New York, as the Senate waa . taking up the The group’s next executive board May 5. day the threat of general war pass a bill regulating union bill, jimounted to a commitment to produce complete union gan. welfare: Mrs. Allyn Martin Walter Kingsley Fox of 60 Gar­ ON SALE AT fumi records and avert a pos- and Mrs. John Filloramo, repre­ meeting will be held at Mrs. Lewis’ den St. and Barbara Teasdale of increases each day as the 'So­ pension and welfare funds that, if licked this time, he would sentatives; Mra. Chadwick White- home at Woodland Ter., Columbia 216 Woodland St., Second Congre­ viet Union grows stronger. without what he called anti- keep. offering hi* amendments at sihlo contempt citation. May 7 at 8;15 p.m. every opportunity throughout the Glimco, president' of Taxicab w'-' sell. librarian: and Mrs. William J. gational Church, May 3. Member Surprised But Gen. Maxwell D. 'thylor labor legislation attached Manning Jr., contact chairman. remainder of the session. Local 777, Invoked the Fifth Building Permits eaid general war ta leaa likely then to it. Knowland aaid he did not think Amendment when asked by Senate $C-99 . limited ware be auae of the nu­ The Louis Schoolnlk Construc­ Mra. Leonard Perrett, 22 Flor­ At Housewarming The Democratic leader told re­ it practical to wait for' possible rackets probers ' whether the Sees Nikita Exchange Club Set tion Co. for Adler A'Dobkln. con­ clear atrength of both aldas, porters the pending measure is committee acUon on a bill he baa health and welfare fund records: ence St., was enrolled as a mem­ struct convalescent hospital on Taylor, Army chief of ataff, and Mrs. EMmund Kittle was sur­ "an administration propoaar and introduced embracing the propose he brought to a hearing were c o r -. ber of the Salvation Army Home Vernon St.. 8200,000. Lemay, Air Force vice chief of ala he now aeeka to add to the To Pick Officers prised b y . members of the Salva­ the Senate Republican leadcrahip rect. League by Mrs. Sr. Major Charles C.L. Hale Constructiap-' Co. for atiff, prefMirad their remark* for should get together with the ad­ pension-welfare, measure. Balking on Mackenzie in a special candlelight tion Army Friendship Circle last Doa'f Miw This Buy! the convehtlon of the American Chairman McClellan (D-Ark) Permanent officers of the Man­ John B.. Barninl, alterations to ministration on where the OOP irhia bill Svere reported, he said, of the Senate Rackeia-InycsUga- ceremony at the weekly meeting building on Tolland Tpke., $900. evening with a housewarming and Newapaper PuUiahera Aaan. standi on It. it could be lost in a legislaUve log­ of the group yesterday afternoon chester Exchange Club will be pantry shower. (ANPA). Adm. Harry D. Felt, tion Committee - said Glimeo's re­ elected Tuesday. The club will rC' Raymond T. Schaller for Ralph JUST 18 Johnson apokf out after Sen. jam at the end of the aession. fusal to answer tended to put him at the Citadel. If was the first of­ Mra. Kittle, a member of the vice chief of naval operatlona, al­ "We all know,that a filibuster Conference celve its charter M ayl7. ■ A. Schwalkert; alterations to home Circle, Jiaa recently moved with Knowland . of Catifomia, the Re­ “in- flagrant contempt of this com- • ficial visit of Mrs. Mackenzie to at 194 Parker St. 8295. so joined in the military diacue- can halt controversial legislation mlttee." i the local league since she and her The club last night'named Earle her family Into a new home In aioni. publican leader, aald what ae caU- I ' ! $A.99 ed a coalition of Democrats and near thaend of a session," he said. Washington, April 24 (/P)— husband recently hecame com S. Rohan and Maur.ic0 E. Gaudet R. E. Wandell for D.C.K. Corp., South Windsor Heights. She wad "Where before they (the Rua- But his Washington lawyer, 1 to the nominating committee. CIO-AFL leadera may' nicceed in Knowland aaid he talked over manders of the Southem.New Eng. addition to house' at 29 Haynes^ presented with a brass planter. SPORT COATS giana)- had no capability for gen­ his proposals at a White House Benedict Fitzgerald Jr. said'he { he Uniti^ States, Britain land, District. Mrs. -Myrtle Mc- They will present the slate and 81,800. 'Mrs. Frances Gebel conducted eral war," Lemay aaid, "today blocking his effort to get Senpte might have to charter five trucks • and France’ called on Russia ^ R R IF IC BARGAIN! VALUES TO 1X9.95! action on broad labor legislation breakfast this morning with Pres, Comb was soloist arid Itmch was Vernon Trio Performers r they have a nuclear stockpile, 25,,- Ident Eisenhower. He did not quote to bring ail the records to Waah-j today to begin group diplo­ This instrumental trio of Susan Abuza, left, Jean Wisniewski and 000 operational aircraft, and a at this time. ington. i served by Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson "But this U Just the opening Eisenhower’s views, but told re­ matic talks immediately on aa Marjorie Stavens performed yesterday and today at concerts held strong aclentlfic and teclinical re.- porters; James-L. Connors, the ' local's and Mrs. Sr. Major John Pickup skirmish in'this fight," Knowland business agent, ' followed Glimco agenda for a summit confer­ In Vernon grammar schools with the 85-student Glee Club and saarch apd development program. “My amendments are related soloists of Vernon Elementary School.
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