g—SAN MATEO TIMES TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1954 The Times Greater Peninsula -News School Trustee Western Theme Cancer Drive San Bruno Man Named to Head Nominations at Planned For Gets Under Way Belmont Asked Labor Group BELMONT, April 6—Completion Masonic Event (Times County News Service) of a citizens' nominating commit- On Coastside' SAN BRUNO, April 6.—Glenn E. tee to suggest two or more names (Tlmn County N«ws ««r»lc*> Brockway, office of manpower ad- from which an appointment can SAN CARLOS, April 6. — Fun HALF MOON BAY, April 6.— ministration regional director in be made to fill the vacancy on the with a Western theme will be in Mrs. Roger Duncan of Half Moon San Francisco and a long time resi- Belmont elementary school district order when members of the San Bay, county commander for the dent of San Bruno, has been named board of trustees, was announced Carlos Masonic club and their American Cancer Society drive, to- to head the San Mateo County Cru- today by County School Superin- wives meet for a pot luck dinner day announced the 1954 drive is sade Labor Management commit- tendent James R. Tormey. The and variety show in Cherington under way with some 33 solicitors tee, President T. F. McGuigan an- committee will include Mrs. hall, Friday evening, April 23, ac- working on the coastside area dur- nounced today. Thomas Sturges, chairman, 1921 cording to plans announced by Ken ing the cancer month of April. The The committee will operate on a Alden; James Healy, 1(548 Sunny- Ralph, club president. ._ drive for funds and distribution of year-round basis to correlate labor slope avenue; Waller C. Maxon, The regular monthly business educational cancer literature will and management interests in the 902 Chevy, and the two remaining meeting will be held on April 21 be carried out on a house to house United Crusade. The single, annu- members of the school board—Ray at the San Carlos city hall. basis. al appeal in October raises all Rhodes and Walter Truce. For the dinner, those attending Funds collected during campaign funds for more than 85 per cent o£ The vacancy for which the com are requested to wear costumes will be used to support the Ameri- San Mateo county's health, wel- mittee >will make suggestions to featuring jeans, neckerchiefs and can Cancer society's year around fare and youth agencies, including the county superintendent was "shootin' irons" to carry out th* program of cancer research, educa- the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA, created by the recent resignation "old west" theme Serving on the tion and service. A major objec- Blood bank, the San Mateo Coun- of Don Howard, member of the planning committee are Phil No- tive of the campaign, however, is ty chapter of the Red Cross, Heart school board since May, 1950. reager, chairman; Val Vellis; to acquaint the public with' the need association and the Arthritis and •o Courtney Galloway and Ken Ralph. for the early detection and treat- j Rheumatism foundation, the USO Entertainment will be handled ment of cancer. Mrs. R. D. Borley family service, CYO, Visiting by Harry Crittenden and Len Gor- of Half Moon Bay, district chair- Nurses and others. don: who are planning a number man, stressed. To help promote rec- San Bruno Will of surprises, and games and danc- ognition of cancer's earliest symp- toms, the society hopes to place a ing. copy of cancer's seven danger sig- R.C. Women At Hear Candidate Reservations may be made by nals in every home on the coast- calling the Mesdames Galloway, <Tlmc« Coimlr Newt Service) Gordon, Ralph or Robert Mann. side. (S»n Brune H«r«ld Photo) SAN BRUNO, April 6.—The City chairmen in the coastside chamber of commerce has extended Service Meet This 1910 Simplex touring car is getting a trial run in preparation old-time car is a part of the entry of the Horseless Carriage club. areas will be: Mrs. Walter GJlpin, (Times County New» Service) Fair passengers are Mrs. C. Ernest Shaw, Mrs. R. L. Cooper, Mrs. an invitation to all ten candidates San Gregorio; Mrs. Pete Brunette, REDWOOD CITY, April 6.—Six for the San Bruno Easter parade on April 18, an event in conjunc- Hay Bottimore and Mrs. R. Sanfilipo. for the city council to speak at a Club Names La Honda; Mrs. B. R. Dias, Pesca- teen women from the First Meth tion with a Lions club Easter egg^ hunt i-^^•—^••n San Bruno city park. Th^e community rally to be held at the dero; Mrs. Ralph Crockett. Loma odist church of Redwood City at North Brae school auditorium on Mar; Mrs. Wayne Stockwell, El i tended the San Jose district meet April 7. New President Granada; Mrs. Nello Rossi, Moss I ing of the Woman's Society o Soroptimists Each candidate will speak for ten Beach - Montara, and Mrs. Don Christian Service held recently in Migrant Help COUNCILMAN SHARKEY minutes. There will be no formal (Times County Newi Strvlt*) Campbell, Half Moon Bay. Salinas. The San Jose district take question and answer period; how- SAN CARLOS, April 5.—Mrs. Ed- District chairmen are: Mrs. Don in all of the Methodist churche Manning Dance ever, during .a social hour when ward T. Summers has been elected Borley, central coastside, and Mrs. from South San Francisco to Mon Effort Told coffee and doughnuts will be president of the San Carlos New- terey. Forty-eight churches wer <Tlmtt County Newi Service) comer's auxiliary. The election was J. C. Williamson, Pescadero and (Times County News Service) TO MARRY ON EASTER SAN CARLOS, April 6. — Plans served, the candidates will be Sharp Park. represented at this meeting. urged to make themselves available &t an organizational luncheon of The program for the day in SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, April or their June 15 installation din- the group, held at The Chukker in The Spanishtown Dons of Half eluded talks by Mrs. James P. How 6.—Mrs. J. C. Goble of Los Gatos, er dance were discussed by mem- for informal discussion on the San Mateo. Mrs. Summer, who has Moon Bay will also do their share chairwoman of the migrant com- (Times County News Service) Fischer of Sunnyvale, will be pres- bers of the Belmont-San Carlos floor. of participation in the campaign ell, conference president of the mittee, San Jose area. Council of SAN CARLOS, April 6.—Wed- ent for the ceremony. Also attend- Introduction of candidates at the been an active member of the reg- Woman's Society of Christian Serv- ding plans for Mrs. Elizabeth Alli- ing will be the six grandchildren oroptimist club when they met ular Newcomer's club, having on Saturday, April 10. They will | ice, and Mrs. Donald H. Tippett, Churches, was the guest speaker t Romeo's for an assimilation 8 p. m. meeting will be made by when members of the Woman's son and Newell Sharkey, local James Gale and Patricia Allison, Harry Rongey, member of the served as chairwoman of the World wife of the bishop of this confer- councilmanluuii...!..... , wer—e announced rec- Robin Lee and Michael McCaffrey, meeting. Martha Lapin and Helen Affairs section and participated in San Mateo county. They have nine ence. In addition to the speakers, Society of Christian, Services of St. Burrows will serve as co-chairwom- board of directors of the San Bruno the canasta and bridge sections, scheduled stops and will conclude ently during a miscellaneous bridal and Susan Fischer. " Chamber of Commerce. the annual pledge service was held Paul's Methodist church met in Councilman Sharkey has been a en for the June event. Assisting has been a resident of San Carlos the day with an appearance in Half and officers for the coming year Fellowship hall. She told of the as- shower, held at the home of the will be Ena Peterson, Kathy Grant The chamber of commerce, a Moon Bay at Main street and Kelly bride-elect's daughter-in-law, Mrs. San Carlos resident and business- non-partisan, non-political group, for two years. were installed. sistance being given migratory man for the past 27 years. For the and Louise Pennington. Elected to serve with Mrs. Sum- avenue at 5:00 p. m. , Mrs. Garnett Smith, president of workers in the Santa Clara valley James W. Allison of Menlo Park. Virginia S t a h 1, assimilation is sponsoring the rally strictly as o Setting for the ceremony will be last five years he has served on mers were Mrs. Kenneth Dunlap, the local society, was installed as by the Division of Home Missions. the council, and served as mayor chairwoman, was introduced by a community service to stimulate vice-president; Mrs. Marshall Jef- vice-president of the district, and Mrs. Goble illustrated her talk the St. Charles Roman Catholic Janet Noonan, president. A quiz interest in the forthcoming election church, at 3 p. m. Easter Sunday. for a year. His activities locally fryes, secretary! Mrs. Gordon F. Mrs. O. Zimmerman will be dis- with slides of camps and home include helping found the local >anel presented an information pro- and to give voters an opportunity Lewis, treasurer; Mrs. Alexander Optimist Culb trict secretary of missionary per- ife and presented work done by The Rev. James O'Connell will jram on the meaning and back- to meet all candidates. officiate. Serving as best man will chamber of commerce, and the vol- Gailbraith, and Mrs. Robert King, sonnel. the vacation Bible study group. unteer fire department, and mem- ground of Soroptimism.
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