m soeimcs. GREEN, GU\ St Co. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL LOCAL INTCLLICFNCE, Mysterious Disappearance. Two roc'.-t- GIRL'? 9VDDKSLT LEAVE HOME XXITINUS THIS BVgSIWO Suocaisori to Pedriok, Green Jl Ce . Orner or the Daily <3*:sttt i • The Mute Singer,”. at the Oper* House to* ■J WiiBinftoo. Del.. Oct.. I: *. J AMD C AN'SOT RE FCTND. Cherokee Tribe, Not, 1 O R, hi. tt \ M»*n? Importe end I Jeelere i Wütt!nft?n Quotation*, iu:rci-heaoT John McLcaf night On Saturday afternoon, about two o'clock, a 6u2 Market Hreet. rtif churches, yesterdiv, were peneimiy wGl Ilall, 41» Market street à Son, Banker«. No. voung ladv, about In veurs of age, residing on 'jitli story at 2 o'clock, p. m., to-day attended. Lenaue Tribe, No ti, l ) H M, i 114' j \Vcst Second street, aisled to lier mother that SaVille Building, 6th and Market r IKON AND STEEL, Gold................... The annual meeting ol the Board of Trade will 3. ü I U. 8. tt's 188'.. ... 11 she was going to sjieinl the afternoon with a Wilmington and Brandywine Council. No » vao’i 1862.......... it. be held this evening. friend, and slatted out. Nothing unusual was U. A. M , at Hall, Fifth and Market streets " 1864 .... 1U> The track of the City Casneiiger Railway is be­ Franklin Council, No. 9,0 U A M., at Meehan- "ŒÂÂiCjKêsmSS?-- .. 115 thought of the occurrence, until the approach of 1865 ing repaired, at Fourth street. 8. B CORNER OP 1866 .. 11.1 'i bed time, and her non-appearance began to fi II ice’ Hall, 219 King street. ■ IIIHII o» »mPLM ft 1 •*.. H4, The I’tnnsylvania election takes place to-inor- Wilmington Council, No 6, Jr, U l A M,at 1867. .. 113*. the heatt of the mother with uneasiness. The 1868.. n I w Considerable money has been staked in this Hall, 5th and Market streets. 4u’s 5’s. ids hour grew la's, and the maternal anxiety in­ Enterprise Circle, B U (3 A, at Hall 504 Mar- ; itavr, always on hand . ,. lto-s city on the rosult. a full s-sortuient of B. ?.. Currency. li's creased lo such an extent, that a messenger was ket street. New 5's ... lie', The is a rail on the IV, W , A H. It It., in IRON AND STEEL, « ... inn sent to the place where she proposed to spend Washington Lodge, No 1, K of I\ at Knights elnware State Bonds front t»f the de»»ot, which needs attention, It is t V. best brands «f Amari- •>3>. rid Mil. the afternoon, when the astounding intelligence of Pythias Hall, No. 211 Market street. Y. Central ............ very lo atitl m.iy c lUSf Washington Lodge, No It, Il F, at tj.sid Fel­ can llamuaro ISRoUad S>ript, was received that the girl had not been theie ✓ fwjh liars, Knglleh Reined to . Y. & Erie......... 4^ low's Hall, 3d and Market. Tiianöiahancy. — A largo tian.«|mram\y »> at ! I. x Bars of all sites, Band. *loading R. K. stock of Ure.lcv, Ihow. A vigoroua search was then commenced. The Old Church Ihvision, No Its, K of T Seventh ü ^S,llooi>, and Slit Iron, fnton Pft4‘ifics..... which is pamtc l tin* name-» A whrs i Norway NnlHtoda ami Wright, hi t»een placed ti flit of the l hunt residences of nil her acquaintances were visited below Hnruce. Wawaset Lodge, No 13, I U of Ci T, at room ■9 and Anger Shanes, Uei- WHOLESALE PRICES. „ cratic Heaihi routers. but no trace of her whereabouts could be a seer- van ited and H'.ack sheet 12th and Scott streets. Iran, Cast, Sheer, Blis- lour......... ........... filtf» taineil- Telegram« were «ent to friends and Washington Lodge, No 1, A P A. at ball, w. heat....... Sol i>.—John 1». A.item has s.tlii the farm id -07 Ocrman Swede, Sprint, Tire Machinery, an* Com Meal. acres, Mtuutod in lVnciiiler li Il'Otl, to relatives in Chester and Philadelphia, hut the Second uud King streots. tar came hack that the girl had not been ^rai'th.'ouacta, and other Hardware—Horse Snoas Corn............ f4V Dillon ami James Ourlett id tl city, tor ÿSOOO. answer O its............ Messrs Dillon and Curlett ini' .1 to illvid the All day, yesterday, the search w; con­ Masistratee Cases. Horse Shoe Nails, Horan, Bolts. Clips, Nutt, Wash­ i aren ers, Malleable Castihts. IVaton Boxes, Sprints, Ax­ property into two tracts, put u i .1 lu-W hou? nmt Hi »tied, (nil up to this mowting, no clue of her »? Ml ItS t liltl- les, Spokes Felloes,Shafts; Bows, Ac.,CariiaxeCan- 1 Business Notices. other cessary buildings, ami v disappearance could he ohtsied. HEFOltE MAYOR SIMMS. \ ass,Oil Carpets, Kaltinett, Enameled Top and Bash To Fic Nie Parties.—A tim* assortment o vatiou. XJpDu examination at home it wiw ascertained Hugh Dougherty, for drunkenness and disor­ Leather, ami Coach Hardware of all kinds; Iron Wire English Dirklea and flauees of all kinds. \\ alnut House Thief Arrested. —Detectives Frankl that some of her clothes were mi«singtbui as she derly conduct, and resisting an officer in the (lalvanitoil Nails, Rabbit Metal, Lead.Srelter.Ban- I and Touuktoe cataup. 1reah Salmon, Lobsters, S.n- mug uriested John ful»l- took no bundle with her when sin* went ont.it is discharge of hi« duty, wa» fined $4 and cost«, ca Tin. Sheet Zinc Ac., Grindstones, tranks and dioea. Pickled and C»»\v Oysters, Xc.t Xc. Also ?! Mt Kibbfii this Hollers, Back Chain», Ac , Ac. »•II. alias Junes Clark, on the charge t»! stealing not known whether this can rightfully be cm and held to bail in the »um of $200 to keep the i ils, at Smiths’ and other Tools—Anyilf, Viees Bellows Matthew» & LaUmrs celebiaUMl olive o ‘ t horse on the I tl September last. lioin C»*u- Sledtes, llamniers. Shoeing Knives, F les. Rasps BOWMAN'S, the Gr»k*orV, 4th ami Lombanl pled With her dirappenrance or not. peace. Smiths' Drills, Tiri Benders, Twere Irons, Stocks 11*• v ill«*, l>el. The horse re. I M.trv S me time during the evening, it wa« discov For the same offense, Ja«. Darra had a like land, i Delaware loi and Die». ... , . , Improved Porcelain lined and Bras« preserving dwell ereil that another young girl, living in the name penalty imposeQ on him. AH of which will be sold at very low prices whola kettles, Mason, Dexter, Naive, \\ iloox, ami othei trial. I'/iita. llnuid neighborhood, was also missing. 1 he search Charte« Wilson, col., for drunkenne«» and sale and retail, for Cash or approved credit. 1 glass, stone ami tin air tight jars ami cans cnca)>, disorderly conduct, wa« fined $2 and cost», and March 2. 1*67 — tlknA» at BOWMAN’S, the Uitn-eiV Dh ami Lombard. UaruaoeCar a -There are now six g » rb igt for her whereabouts ha« been, thus far, a» > carts, tion, removing slop« an l gar- gill« bave been 75, Nut $4.75 per 2240 et.veoj fi utiles« as the other, i’lie two L held under $100 bail, to keep the peace. ^ t Chtilp Coal.- Move $5 bago from the promu ■I i> Oltl/.oll«. Tue up extremely intimate, for some time past, and the J Aines Siloox, Jntne» Hand, Edward Kelley, yard South of Market IllRR'iTT, KENT & fO., t pounds lot ea#h onls, ut proach of these carts in mnced by boils place»:1 general supposiiion is that they have gone of) on F. J. Rudolph, col , John Walker and Micheal street Bridge. feb'Jl-lt NVm. J. Brown. Jpon the horses' c -liars, and housek *opc bhouli : some girlish csoapad«*, troui wliich it i* to be Gardner, for drunkenne«» were each fined fifty C aave thur garbage placed up.-n the sikewulks. in hoped they will speedily return a id relieve the vessels, so as to Jacditate its removal, as much as cents and coats. Boyer's Hoof Liniment» terrible anxiety, from which their parents are IMPORTER- ANL MANUFACTURER: Î After JO years practical experience with horses, P-SblLiv. BEFORE EBQCIKE FRAZER. AO ENT'.' FOR i& staging, teaiuinv. Ac. 1 have earned that more sulfering. S. B. Well«, for committing asaanlt and bat­ I Repchlican Procession.—There « larg horses have been crippled by inationtn-n to tne tery on Frederick, »on nflioltleib Phefu»», was feet than all other disease« oumbioed. Alter inanî Rtpuh.Kun torchlight process» n at Cheater, on Kent County Jurors- 4 •xperimeota 1 have tound the true reui d> to i hr .Saturday night whtch was participated in in neJ $1 and onat». 1 I rxsT the disease ot the hoof,oi restore it fltiorneK- delegations trutn this city Philadelphia, and the The fallowing is a Its; of th" Jurors drawn for v li/ence. to whst natur- intended it • hould ne u,t the October term of the Superior Court; Court of Elrction oF Officers.—At the last meet­ country iii«trict9. TIip n strength uf the t great êuvport or the «,.?■/« <• . It the hoof is in­ turnout, huvAL-ver, wa« from PhilaiMj’bia fictif rat Sessions Of t fie Peace and Jail Delivery, ing of Oliver Grolto, No. 2. S. & D. of A. A., flamed and diseased . the animal i< comparative»* to he commenced ami heid on Monday, October the following officer» were elected: First Pro­ t worthless, luis L niiayDi will aarelv ;»/*creuMni> tom thousami iut>mb«*rs ot tl.e Philaclelph it.< f i he affair was ouite ciPititablt*. .’till, and ti r the Court of Oyer .V Terminer,cum- tector, Anthony Or inly, Second Protectress, worst of all diseases, tContract i »n : , Ouarter b» iu^ present.
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