m- I MONDAY, JULY 8, 1968 TWENTY fflanrbpatpr Eoftilug Ifpralii Average Daily Net Preaa Ron The Weather For H m Week B Tonight increasing cloudlneas, i ■ June U, INI 'Chance of late thunderaliawers. aaatnat benaQb the Parkade after It was parked Low 85 to 70. Tomorrow cloudy, Union St. Walks tina property ownera will ac­ Home Burgled near the Youth Center Store few ehowers. High in upper 80s. About Town count for approudmatriy $8,000 Friday afternoon. 15,105 PntOuttoBid of the coat and will be returned Over Weekend PoUce daaertbed the automo* BURNEfr SEmnCE MAN Hanche»ter-r-A City o f Vitlage Charm MUBtonotnah THbe wQlmeet to the Oapltal Improvement • bile as a 1081 Chevndet sedan e Tlnkar Han toniKht at 8. Bids will be opened July 10 j<und. More than $300 worth of home regtstraUon number AI^ Experience Necessary (Otaasiltod Advartlafait oa Page 11) PRICE TEN CENTS VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 237 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1968 at 11 e.m. In the Municipal will begin within 10 ®otertalnment appliances was S14. M vt meet the U|^ standard, quality and integri^ . n * naidar boalneaa meatina mmdiiig for d» oons^ction of ^ award of a contract, taken from the apartment of required by! tha DangliterB ct Taatmlla, sidewalks oh the east side of g deatHlne day Richard A. Roes, 357 ToHand______ North and South Carolina •■■ally hrid on the aeoend Tnea- Union St, from Kerry St to for completion. Tpke. over the we^end, accord- celebrate Oohfederate Memorial day o ( tha mantti, wm be hdd ToUand Tpke. contractor will be asaesa- Ing to poUce. Day on May 10 each year. MORIARTY BROTHERS. Inc. y «■ TVaaday, July SS, at the 297 - 815 CENTER ST. The Board of Dlreetoiw had ed $25 In damagea for each day Roes Hated the missing items MANOHB8TEB, CX)NN. — 648-5185 LBJ and Thieu KalC Home. A chicken barbe- approved the conatruction In the on the Job after Sept 8. The as a portable television set, a A. Ls 'O K arin precede the m eetln(. VaoatloD-4nsnranoe—Pension last flaoal year, following a pub- town, in turn, will pay the con- stereo tpid a portable radio, X m x Ospgr ServiM and Many More Fringe Beneflta! Kembera wni be contacted by lie hearing, but had not appro- tractor a $2 Sbonus for each The victims stated that the ' the committee, lira. Edmund prieited funds for the work, day he saves, up to 10 days. apartment doors were locked, •s Klely win be In charac of ar* Tuesday night, (2m board alio- ------------------------ but upon InveatlgaUon police Meet July 20 naaaontmta. oated $20,000 for the sidewaUca Phr eoctra flavor, cook brua- found no trace o f forced entry, from the cuiTent Oapttal Im- aela sprouts In oanoomme or Maryinkel o f 36 Helelne Rd., Read Herald Advertisements OfBoata of the board of gov* provemeot Fund. boulBon of water. reported her csr stolen from amora of the Army and Navy Cbd> win be honored wMi a dln- In Honolulu aar and theater trip nmraday. SAIOON (AP) — Prerident Johnson end Thieu last met The froup and their wivea win J(tet80n has agreed to meet seven months ago, in Decem­ laava by tea for WaUlnalbrd to Loth iboto r * . h ber, at funeral services tor Aus­ Oakdale Theater where they President Nguyen Van TMeu of tralian Prime kfinister Harold wm aee a mnalcal with Anna Engaged V.. South Vietnam in Honolulu E. Holt. ICaite Alberaettl. FoUcwlna Oie A 7 ' about July 20, TWeu’s office an­ AHhougtrtoe U.S. and South The engagement of Mias Jua­ Vietnamese governments claim nmalcal they wUl enjoy dinner See Them NO W at N O l i.'i nounced today. at the Hawthorne Inn. nita L. Luchetta of Port Chest­ The meeting will last for two they are in agreement on the er, N.T., to Mlofaae! P. ChurlUa days, and the two leadens will question of negotiating with the The Transatlantic Brides and ct Mane heater baa been an­ discuss the Vietnam war and Communists, Johnson end Thieu Parents itasoclatlon, Oreater nounced try her paxanta, Mr. and will have differences to discuss The New the Paris talks between the to Hartford Branch, win htdd Its Mrs. Cteorga Isiohetta of Port United States and North Viet­ In connection with the Paris BSBEt meeting Wednesday at Cheater. nam. talks. 7:80 p jo . at Am duhhouse of Her flanoe la the son of Mr. The meeting is a subsutute The Vietnamese cannot lose the Vetetana Memorial Park, and Mra. Albert M. ChuriUa of Exciting “HARVEST GOLD” (or a two-week state visit to the the feeling that the Americans ■ sa t Baitfard. Guesti win In- 68 Bretton Rd. United States which Thieu had may try to setUe on softer Mias Ludwtta Is a 1964 grad­ terms than the Saigon govern­ tdnds natlnnal offleers from peiD, FCBCUSOU, MAHtgtY. PtgVY- AJCMITCCre ptaimed to make late In July. Rkigland vlalting Hartford for uate of Post Gbeater Ifigh MAKiCMCSTCR MEMORIAL MQ5PITAL EAST WIMG ADDITION He pobtponed this Monday, say­ ment is wUUng to accept. The the 1088 oonventian. All Britlah- School, a 1086 graduate of Bay ing he couldn't. be away from latter fear parUcularly that the bocB women are welcome to at- Path Junior College, Lcngmea- Vietnam that long because of Ameiteeiw wfll agree to talks dow, Meaa, and a 1088 graduate the threat of a new major ene­ with the Viet Cong's National ct the umventty of Bridgeport my offensive. Uberatlon Front and the possl- Mr. Chnrilla la a 1063 graduate In announcing the poatpone- bill'y of a coalltton government. Memorial Temple, Pythian ct Vm'nxhtadrr High BchOOl and Blatera, wUl bold its picnic to- ment "to a later state this Thieu rm»t move cautiously a 1088 graduate of the Uidvaial- Hospital to Build $4 Million Wing year," Thieu said ho had pro­ In any dealings with Johnson tomoiTow at 6:80 p.m. at the ty of Bridgapoct He la enroBed home of Mrs. Nonnle Hn<nrig of posed to Johnson that they meet since Vietnamese righUats arc in a master's program at South­ APPUANC "(or a few days somewhere In already accusing his govern­ SIS Charter Oak S t Mmnbera Construction plans for a new four million dollar wing ern OonneoHcut State College, the Pacific in the forthcoming ment of preparing to deal with are requested to bring gtfta tor and teacbea at the Helen KeUcar at Manchester Hospital have been approved and bids the cup auction. weeks.” The announcement the Uberationi Front. Middle School, Easten. He la a UNEQUALED IN DESIGN. QUALITY. FEATURES and VALUE! will be let immediately. The announcement was made added: "There are many Impor­ President Johnson is expected member of Phi Epsilon Kappa, today by Jacob F. Miller, president of the board of tant problenls which necessitate to seek a thorough discussion of Hose Company No. 1 o f the tyiMnnn physical education fra- .1 trustees for the hospital. Final approval of the pro- a______ direct______ exchange_ of views. the state of the war end the In- Bkglith DIahict Fha Departs terrfty. ment will bold tta meeting to- posed construction was granted yesterday at a meeting ^ cannot suffer a long delay, creased military effort prom- Ilb date tor the weddinc haa of the Health Care Facilities Planning Council at its especially the problems relating Ised by Uie SalgonJ^em m ent iflght at 8 at ttw flie bead- been announced. U.S. troops are still the main quartan, Mkte and HlDterd 8t Hartford headquarters. to peace exploraUons and to the The new wing, which will be will lead off of a double corri­ Joined defense efforts in toe cutting force In toe war and are erected on the north side of the dor, the first of Its kind at present struggle." a mainstay of the defense of WATB8 w n Police Recover Saigon, once a wholly Viet­ existing hospital, will increase MMH. Located in the center of Informed sources said Vice --------------------- evening at the President Nguyen Cao Ky would namese responsibility in toe di­ Italian Amaxtoan CMb on Eld- Pordon of Loot the bed capacity of MMH from the double corridor will be the its current 301 count to 335 not accompany Thieu to Honolu­ vision of fighting agreed upon of! ridge Bt Weighing hi wIH be A quantity of mink fur ool- various nursing functions, treat­ by the American and Viet­ beds. Plans have been designed lu! The two men have been from 7 to 8 |un. laie IdenOfied aa having been ment stations, pantries, doctors' namese commands. Seven or by Frld, Ferguson, Mahaffey & charting rooms, linen closets, locked In a power struggle for taken In a June 23 bui]riaiy at months, and Thieu has been get­ more U.S. battalions are ringed Mancbeeter Modes on ra e Bt Perry, a Hartford firm of archi­ utUlty rooms, and nurses' _________1. a Donald R ting toe upper hand. Tliere was around Saigon at present. were recovered early Ihia moa^ tects. -( lounge. Research studies have Magiwn, aon of IB. and Mrs. speculation Monday that one Informed sources said toe in the vlchaty of Ckyatal The expansion is based on a proved this design to be more meeting between Johnson and Chnlea R. MagnOH of 36 OMter- long-range planning study of the reason toe president dl(ta't want bury St. recently parifeipatod Lake, ecoordng to Mandwteer efficient, because It cuts down Thieu was not expected to be Pottoe Ltentenant JaBepb Sar­ hospital made by a (prominent the travel time between the to leave Vietnam for two weeks in a oo-ondbrsted antl-aob- was because he feared the vice enlarged to include representa­ tor, head of the Iqoal detective hoepltal consultant and con­ nurses' staUon and the paUents' tives of other allied govern­ firmed by a second study made rooms.
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