Uh"n'/'/rv~ffY~UtJiI 0'1.'Ir pr~.t.PI.·ti..Mll • ; UH\lumf~jUI {/fi"i'" . './JJ,ft S i970 Cin.cinnati '. University, of ~IBRARY iii N·E W S' ·'R·EC"O Published Tuesdays and Fridays during the Academic Year except as schedule<!.: r No. 57 Cincinnati, Ohio, Tuesday, October 28, 1969 No. a \ ~Bay announces removal 'Cyclarnated' softdrinks <. "'- • removed 'from UC diet by Linda Meyer man. Managing Editor In accordance with this finding and based on a personal belief Mr. Robert M. Bay, U.G. that it is, "unnece~y to subjee:t Housing Director and Food ,students •• to anythmg th~t IS Services Coordinator, recently harmful, Mr. Ba~ had service of ..:.. announced the immediate removal cyclamate soft drmks on campus 1- z~ of all cyclamate, sweetened soft ~continue~. Soft dri~ suppli~rs drinks from campus food mformed hll~ that drinks -~th . facilities. sugar substitutes other than The actio"n was' taken in 'cyclaqtates will be available soon. response to the announcement by r' About 70% of the use of U.S. Secretary of Health, cyclamates. is ~ soft drinks. Education and Welfare Robert H. I Secretary Finch said the beverages Finch at a press conf~rence Oct. we~e singled out for' most ~apid 18 that artificial sweeteners action because they are so Widely called cyclamates will be used. and because ~h~y contain withdrawn from general use early relatIve~y large quantities o~.sugar next year. SubstItu~es. The h igh est Finch has ordered them concentrations are frequently removed from the list of found in dry beverage mixes such substances generally recognized as ,as Kool-Ai~.. safe for use in foods- because of The nationwide WIthdrawal of the development of bladder products containing cyclamates cancers in rats, fed large doses of, ~ll be. done in ~hase,s. Their use ,the artificial sweeteners during m . the production of general . most of their life-spans. Finch and purpose foods and beverages has MOTHER GOOSE'S favorite characters entertained at the. ATO Sweepstakes Saturday afternoon in front ~ high officers of his department been ordered' forthwith. of McMicken Hall. Delta, Delta, Delta sorority won the sweepstakes by .garnering the most points in the emphasized however that there is Recall of soft drinks containing competition. (Story on page two). -'no evidence at present linking the 'the s"Y'eetenersis to be completed (NR·photo by Linda Meyer) artificial sweetener with'cancers in by. Jan. 1, 1970. All other ~ artificially sweetened products using the substances are to be 'ID photos . phased out of the market by Feb. to be 1, and existing drug products Young ;fa~ulty:~~~mbers.:.i!, •• in~orpo"a'e • ., '"': . ..-;'_ 1> , -~ -~\~l" ~qif;~~~," I" ~. '"t$,/~.~_ ~- ., ".:,~_ ~.~ •• - ,- _ -..... ••. • containing the SWeetener will be removed by July I, 1970. distributed "I sh~uld emphasize also that to';"O'r'" 'lunior:Association my order does .not require the Distribution of 1969-70 I.D. total disappearance from the Cards for students who had their by Claudia Geraci affairs; 2 ) membership; 3) committee on einploymen't.At- market. place-of soft drinks, foods photos taken during the .Fall ~will NR Staff Reporter em p loy men t p r act ice s-, the 'present the promotion of an and non-prescription drugs pr o mo't ion , .; and tenure; 4) begin Monday, -Oct. 27th' in inst rue tor : depends' on the containing cyclamates," Finch academic .freedom; 5)' student' Thompson Lounge, Beecher .Hall ~. On Sept. 19, 1969_ the Junior "Publish-or P-erish" principle. remarked: He also stated that Ills 'affairs; 6) public affairs. between the hours of 8:30-4:30 Faculty Association, consisting of Concerning the '''Publish or action .shbuld not be interpreted One of the most important will daily until Oct. 31st. younger faculty members was Pe.riShH'principle, most of the as- an emergency measure, but a be the formation of. the Students are reminded to bring incorporated. (Continued on p-age2) (Continuedon page 10) , with them, their blue claim check f '!'he Association is composed of and their cashier receipt. "full members (generally Students whose photos were speaking, untenured faculty of retaken, .due .to failure of junior rank) and associate Top, areo_ touclles attei;lI.tw.llfh development, may pick up their members, (anyone not eligible cards beginning Nov. 2nd' in 'the under the .•constitution to become Office of the Registrar, 103 a full member)." annual 'B~a•.cat basketball'" clinic Beecher Hall. El';ction -of officers-'tOok place was presented by Tates Locke , ankles." on Oct .. 14, 1969. The newly by David Litt Lueking 'spent.- some time Petitions are now available at elected officers are Dabney G. Sports Editor later on in the morning.' Calling on members of the U.C. freshman promoting Gatorade athletic the Information Desk tor' Park, Jr., Assistant Professor of. drink. All of the four 'fhindreCi' various. Program Council History; Kenneth Lib bey , More than 400 high school and . team for demonstration purposes, coaches .were given a sample of chairmanships. Those open are Assistant Professor of Political cqIlege basketball coaches Locke showed how man-to-man the liquid; . for the Council's Art Gallery, Science; Martha Stevens, Assistant assembled Saturday. morninfJin~~ defense should be played. After lunching in Siddall Jazz, and Classical divisions. Professor of English; and Paul the University of Cincinnati .. Ending. the morning activities, cafeteria, the coaches returned to Petitions must be returned by Burrell, Assistant Professor of Amory-Fieldhouse to participate U.C.'s Dave Lueking gave a short the fieldhouse where coach Walt .French, January 26. in the twelfth annual U.C.' talk on "Innovations in Training Shublom addressed the crew-cut One of the basic reasons for the Basketball Clinic Procedures" where he discussed throng on "Offenses Against the establishment, ,Mr. Park noted, is They left' late;' that day better the treatment of everything from that junior faculty members have versed-in everything in basketball "charl~y-horses" to "sprained (Continued on page 9) Inside story had little voice in both 'student from complicated offenses to new and administrative affairs. ' innovations in training Many of the members- feel they Council procedures. ha ve' .more , associationsv rwith ~ Guest speakers in the clinic Candidates students and can' provide .ideas- program included Purdue's George page two more closely related to those of King, Miami University's "Tates students than "older .faculty Locke, and Bob Daniels of Kerouac members. _ , _ Kentucky Wesleyan College. Also page two Right now ithere are very ,few on" hang to speak were the junior faculty members' on the University of' Cincinnati's Dave ~xecutive Faculty Board. Lueking and Wyandotte High. '"""'" Nickel beer! Through the Junior Faculty School's Walt Shublom. page three Association the younger members ..~e day's, preceedings began will have more opportunity to WIth a morning registration which X.D.M.D.C. express their opinions on various found all participants paying a $5 Tourney ,issues. fee. The ,0 b j e-et i :ve s 0 f . the ,At 10 a.m. George King page eight Association include "the addressed the throng with his enhancement ,of the .role of junior "Sermon on the Mount," which A&S Tribunal faculty in departmental, college, ,proved to be a talk on how to 'page eleven and university affairs, the maintain an offense 'for the regularization of decisions relating exceptional scorer; and the case to promotion and tenure, the King used, of course, was that of Wesley improvement of salary standards his own superman, Rick Mount. Foundation and the 'protection of junior Diagrams, and anecdotes, helped page faculty .in regard to hiring to illustrate how the exceptional procedures,. conditions of scorer plays against both zone and fourteen employment, and termination of man-to-man defenses, how - he employment. " helps the team out,' and how a WHAT no YOU call a 250 pound ani~ar'who sits in the editor's chair Cupid's Corner Six standing committees will be coach copes with -such a and who inSists on writing the editorial? Well'; .. you call him whatever page fifteen formed. 'qtey are:' 1) the role of, "problem. " he wants ,you to call him. Really its Theta Chi's Ox, who wondered into \ Junior Faculty in University "Individual, and Team Defense" the NR offices Friday afternoon ..cNR.~~~to by BiD'Heckle) Page Two THE UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI NEWS RECORD October 28, 1969 -,YI'5 host council candidates Guckenbe~ger, Keating,· Reid \ by Rapdy Kleine Ohio (1957-58), a judge in the "People are concerned about NR StiJff Reporter Ci n e inn at i Municipal Court things that affect them, but not to (1958-65), and a judge in the a point where they do much Cincinnati Council candidates. Co u r t of Common Pleas about them." ,Guy Gu ck e nber ger, William (1965-67) before entering Council "Before' we can defeat issues or Keating, and Arthur Reid spoke in 1967. candidates that we don't want, we to a meeting ~of the Young Mr. Keating said that City must get out and vote for what we Republicans Club last Thursday at Council passed a resolution want. •. An apathetic citizenry the Tangeman University Center. supporting the voting drive for 19 produces bad government ... William Keating, presently a year olds. It dismaY~d him" What we need are people whose member of the Council (Chairman though, that young people voices will be heard." ?k-. of the Finance Committee), has themselves have not given more Guy Guckenberger, a graduate had much experience in local and support to this issue. He definitely of the U.C. Law School last state affairs. He served as the believes that 19 year olds should spring, urged that the young work .
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