Eastern Illinois University The Keep July 1990 7-5-1990 Daily Eastern News: July 05, 1990 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1990_jul Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: July 05, 1990" (1990). July. 2. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1990_jul/2 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1990 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in July by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " SUccessfdll.. TomCruise's filni <::,ft new · 'Eastern'sfootba isnlt "TopGun .... ::· looks to th . Page 7 harleston celebrates the Fourth historically.. E. MATTHEW MAYNARD ceremony, patriotic songs, a reading of the Declaration of Independence and games of the period. 's been pert-near 70 years since these In a top hat,. vest and coat, Thomas Banks fine states declared they were free from (alias Ruban Moore), supervisor of the his­ thartyrant King George. So the fine folks toric site, explained what the event is all at the Lincoln Log Cabin set out to cele­ about. "This is a day to relax and enjoy and lndependence Day Wednesday. see some history." ood old Uncle Tommy and Aunt Sally The occassion did have a historic feel as the festive gathering out at their place, horses milled about and sheep odors wafted t seven miles south of Charlestown on over the crowd. In Highway. Vance said the players are assigned to play ou don't know Tom and Sally you say? certain characters, all of which were actually maybe you've heard of their boy Abe. neighbors of the Lincolns. say he's a real fine lawyer, and one day "We do a good deal or research. It's an · t might be president. ongoing thing," Vance said. uban Moore, neighbor to the Lincolns, Vance said all aspects of early Charles­ the whole affair started off at 1 p.m. tonians life are researched. The costumes are the blue coat militia rose the flag. ordered, at no little expense, from a Michigan "We're fixing to raise that thar flag real firm specializing in period clothing .. ,"Moore told a fine young lady. Everything is considered, Vance said, mething was afoot down at the Lincoln when finding out how it would have been, in though, Moore said. About 50 people even the food was authentic. wed up dressin' different from the town The old-style pottery contained various k. They were wearing odd shirts with onion and tomato dishes. But today chicken ds on them like "Nike" and "Air Jordan," was fried instead of boiled, because, as Vance their trousers were almost indecent - said, "Today is a special occasion." ly covering their knees. Over the years the event has gained in pop­ These odd folk just watched what was ularity. And last year Vance saw perhaps one ing on like it was all just pretend. They of the highest points of the annual celebra­ ed to think the Independence Day cele­ tion. "Last year, people were here from about ion was done for their benefit. 38 different countries," Vance said. The strange things you see now-a-days, in Although the Lincoln Log Cabin was a hot · fineyear of 1845. spot Wednesday, that wasn't the only Fourth It isn't actually 1845 of course, but for a of July celebrating going in Charleston. · hours Wednesday some Charleston resi­ The day started off at 9 a.m. when the ts turned the clock back. Kiwanis G:lub had a Kids day at the Rotary The event was the "1845 Independence pool parking lot. At JO a.m., also in the pool y Celebration" put on by the staff of the parking lot, was the "Great Charleston Chalk­ oln Log Cabin. in," in which youths drew patriotic pictures Since 1978, the Licoln Log Cabin staff on sidewalk squares. es Charleston the_chance to live part of its The day ende.i in a fiery display over - 1845 to be exact. They put on authen- Eastern's campus pond as fireworks lit the costumes, speak in the dialect of the day sky. The show was almost cancelled this year, CARL WALK/Staff photographer cook period dishes. The celebration is but last minute funding from a Charleston Fireworks go offover Eastern's campus pond. About 400 people attended the annual fire­ ded out by a flag raising and lowering civic group saved. works display. More photos of the Fourth on page 5. TempsStay inside, drink as much heat as you can and up people thefor "feels like hottesttemperature," tickled the day"That leads meof to believe year that people were don't partake in any physical activity. 120-degree mark, said Dave Fenley, a meteorol­ better prepared for this," she said. "We really Sound like a couch potato's creed? It may be, ogist with the National Weather Service in were expecting to have quite a few, especially however, it's also the advice of emergency offi­ Springfield. from the golf courses and places like that." cials at Mattoon's Sarah Bush Lincoln Health That meant officials at Sarah Bush were Durham said that heat stroke is the most seri­ Center in light of Wednesday's scorching heat expecting a Jot of patients suffering from either ous form of heat injury, and that it leaves victims and predicted high temperatures for Thursday. of the two most prominent forms of heat injury: susceptible to other problems. Wednesday's high topped off at about 100 heat exhaustion and heat stroke. People suffering from heat stroke become degrees, according to reports from the National But Mary Durham, the head nurse in Sarah almost completely dehydrated as the body's nat­ Weather Service, making the Fourth of July the Bush's emergency room on Wednesday, said ural cooling system fails to function properly, hottest day yet for 1990. officials there received only a couple of calls she said. In addition, the "heat index," which couples regarding the heat. No one was brought into the • Continued on page 2 temperatures with the relative humidity to give hospital forheat injury, she said. Council supports TIF spending for square lot By E. MATTHEW MAYNARD created to help "blighted" areas regain their The lot the city has proposed to help buy is City editor commercial appeal, is generated by an added 1 located on the southwest corner of Monroe percent sales tax that is taken from a designat­ Street and Fifth Street and would create 12 Charleston merchants and city council ed sector and then returned for use by the spaces for employee parking. The co�t to the members seem to support the expenditure of businesses there. city would be $8,000. special tax funds for a parking lot near the The hearing was held before the council's Three downtown merchants all came out in square that they say would help preserve busi­ regular meeting. Council members have said favor of the acquisition. One merchant, nesses there. they support the plan, which originally came Debbie Gossit, made a brief but direct state­ The money will come from the Tax from the Downtown Planning Commission. ment to the council. She said, 'Tm in favor of Increment Financing district coffers, meaning Charleston Mayor Wayne Lanman said he anything to get more parking." no action was taken on the plan at a public was optimistic about the potential lot helping Parking on the square has been a long­ hearing Tuesday because the city is required, to ease long-standing parking woes on the standing problem for the city. Several mer­ under its own laws, to hold such hearings at square. Local merchants have said the lack of chants operating on the square blame the least 30 days before it spends the funds. available space is pushing there businesses city 's inaction as the number one reason for · The city's $40,000 TIF fund, which was into the red. • Continued on page 2 2 Thursday, July 5, 1990 The Dally Eastern N Long-time physics professor.prepares for retireme By AMBER GRIMES when two physicists with whom he found he has too little time And Smith sees that co Campus editor I worked at Cornell had me mimtm· for. vital to a well-rounded Ii signed up and ready to join them Still, Smith said he wouldn't arts education. "The cour P. Scott Smith might have at Los Alamos," Smith said. "At ==�,�WWffe™= change that because out of all of examined, yearly, the gr I been retiring from the Los the last minute I declined, When arrived, Eastern his duties at Eastern, teaching is future difficulties facin Alamos Atomic Laboratory preferring to continue in had only 1,100 students the most enjoyable. earth, such as overpopul instead of Eastern if he would've university life." and the physics depart­ Smith said a couple of his greenhouse effect, tropic taken a job there some 30 years Smith, who received his ment had three faculty favorite teaching experiences forest destruction, nu ago. doctorate in 1951 from Cornell members. have been in the modern pnysics holocaust, energy and res Smith. a 37-year veteran of the University in theoretical physics, and astronomy courses, though depletion and over-m P. Scott Smith physics department who will said he doesn't have any regrets. he holds a special place for rization," Smith said. retire in August, said he's had Watching the university another course. Smith also has been acti many chances to depart from the grow up, Smith said, has been an As the supervisor for the the east central chapter academic community,.
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