INSIDE V- BALL Women's Equality A-4 ZOO Secrets A-8 Animals, B-1 Sports, B-1 Field Meet B-3 Vol. 26, No. 33 Serving the base of choke for the 21st century August 28, 1997 Navy League The Honolulu Council of the Strategic plan eyes safety Navy League is preparing to honor 68 men women in the base youth safe, according to bility of children in the area suf- crosswalks are proposed for the Cpl. Steven Williams three sea services here for out- Sgt. David S. Suder, traffic chief, fers. intersection of. Cushman and Combat Correspondent Standing, performance of their here. And when MPD did a survey in MacLachlan. duties. Deadline for submission An increase in traffic on "Our main concern is enforcing May of motorists' average speed 'This will slow traffic down," to the awards program is Sept. 22. Cushman Avenue here prompt- the speed limit and enforcing on the road, Suder said traffic said Suder. "Instead of driving The awards are open to officers in ed the Military Police Cushman as a no-through-fare was travelling approximately 15 right through, they will have to gad.es 0-1 to 0-3 enlisted in Department to take action area," said Suder. "Cushman is miles per hour faster than the stop." grades E-3 to E -6. The awards `Our main before the school year starts not made for the volume of traf- 15-mile-an-hour speed limit. Two crosswalks will be placed will be presented at a luncheon concern is Tuesday, increasing the poten- fic using it right now. People are But MPD has proposals which on Cushman on either Side of the hosted by the Honolulu Council of enforcing the tial for accidents. ' zig-zagging through openings just might fix the problems, he intersection. The third will be the Navy League Nov. 12 at the New signs and crosswalks are between parked cars to get down added, such as: painted a few yards up Hibiscus Ballroom of the Ala speed just a few proposals in IVIPD's the street." Three-way stop and cross- MacLachlan. wish- MOaTia Hotel. Commands SGT. D.S. SUDER strategic plan to slow traffic, stop The street is only 23 feet wide. walks at Cushman and 'This is primarily to support ing to nominate their outstanding through-fare on Cushman With vehicles parked on either MacLachlan Road. MPDThtilic Chid' Marines and Sailors can contact miimmem Avenue and ultimately keep side, driving is difficult and Two new stop signs and three See SAFETY, A-2 Chuck Little; MCB Hawaii corn - -amity relations officer, . at 257 - 5744 for a nominations package. Commissary MOUT Town takes wrath of 1/3 The Commissary will be closed Battalion prepares for Tuesday in observance of Labor Day. The store will reopen abr normal upcoming MCCRE operation Wednesday final 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, call Cpl. Michael Wiener worked together in its 257-2612. Jerry Copenhefer at Combat Correspondent entirety since coming back from deployment," Hazmat Course SCHOFIELD BAR- said Ross. "One of the RACKS, Oahu - Six things we're concen- hundred Marines from trating on is command The IVICB Hawaii. EnViroiinienthl 1st Battalion, 3d and signal." Department will be sponsoring a Marine Regiment, "Along with command Hnzardous Waste Facilities made a trip to Schofield and signal, we'll also Operations Course provided by the Barracks Friday for six work on logistics and A Sept. 8-12. days of intensive train- casualty evacuation," The course targets persons work- ing. said LtCol. Thomas ing with hazardous waste and is The exercise is in Gregory, battalion com- open to all personnel on MCB preparation for the mander, 1/3. "We want Hawaii. Classes will be conducted in upcoming Marine to have everyone building 1359, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Corps Combat involved from the bat- .For more intbrmation call 257-6920, Readiness Evaluation talion commander to ext. 241.. in October at the rifleman." Pohakuloa Training After flying out Fiesta X97 r//: s& ,/ Area, according to Friday afternoon, the ,, ,/ N/(6),P lstLt. John Ross, assis- battalion conducted an The MCB Hawaii 'Hispanic nrnlr tant operations officer, airborne assault and Heritage Committee invites you Digital photo by Cpl. Michael Wiener 1/3. seizure of an landing to Fiesta '97 at the Enlisted. Club, .PFC Brent Gough, C Company, 1st Battalion, 3d Marine Regiment, fires a M240G automatic machine "This is the first time Sept. 16. The event, which begins gun from a rooftop at aggressors while in MOUT Town at Schofield Barracks. the battalion has See 1/3, A-2 with cocktails at 6 p.m. and is open to the public, will feature guest speaker BGen. Christopher Cortez, deputy commanding gen- Battery discharge site eral, 1st Marine Division. There will be an authentic Hispanic buf- fet with live entertainment by the disposes toxic material Ballet Folkloric° Mexican° de major environmental and safety issues, Hawaii and all night dancing. LCpI. Barry Proctor according to Abbot. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for Combat Correspondent Even though the batteries were con- children 6 to 12 and free for chil- A new battery discharge center was sidered useless, they still contained toxic dren 5 and under. Tickets can be unveiled early last month behind the lithium sulfur dioxide, according to purchased at the Single Marine Base Environmental Department for Abbot. Most of the batteries are Program or by contacting your discharge of batteries used by communi- equipped with a complete discharge unit's Hispanic Heritage repre- cations units here. device built into the battery to burn off sentative. When the power level in the batteries, the excess gas. which are used in communications gear, In order to simplify the process and Correction drops to a certain point, they're no ensure it was done correctly, environ- longer useable and have to discharged mental established the new battery site, In the Aug. 21 story on the City and disposed, said James Abbot, head, Abbot said. Pairs program, it was incorrectly Hazardous Waste/Pollution Prevention "When the units collect enough batter- reported that MOB Hawaii saved division, base environmental. ies they go through their hazardous $43.7 million in FY 96 by using "What we wanted to do was to stan- wastes coordinator. The unit will sched- the program. The actual amount dardize the procedure and consolidate ule a time to come out and put the bat- saved was $3.7 million. all the discharge areas into one, so we teries in the discharging shed." could monitor it," said Abbot. "In the After a week, the batteries are com- past, the units collected the unusable pletely discharged and disposed in the batteries and discharged them, but did- landfill, according to Abbot. Questions Digital photo by Cpl. Steven Williams n't always follow correct procedures," This process, which has been estab- said Abbot. lished more than a month, saves the ATTENTION! Ask the Commanding After units discharged batteries the Marine Corps money in hazardous General via E-Mail: batteries sometimes exploded, releasing waste disposal, and it guarantees safety, PFC Matthew Frank, military policeman, rings the flag-pole bell during BICE@CG@MCBH '1<BAY toxic gas or catching fire, which are according to Abbot. Morning Colors Wednesday. Internet: [email protected] zens," said Arakaki. From Kailua Intermediate School, The Base Action Committee: Base Action Committee looks This year, Castle High School is Dr. Lorraine Henderson, school looking forward to a new gym, the- principal, explained the upcoming BAC@ mcbh.usmc.mil forward to new school year ater and dance programs, Marine year and new uniform dress code. schools in the ROTC program and improving par- Although there are no military LCpI. Barry Proctor ate and high on of Domestic violence Combat Correspondent Windward district. ent/teacher communications, said family members the Board help numbers Mokapu Elementary School here Larry Biggs, school vice-principal. Education, military families are Administrators from Windward was represented by principal Amy ' More than 30 percent of Castle's welcome to offer concerns at board Military shelter 533-7125 schools discussed the new school Arakaki. Arakaki applauded the students are military children. meetings. The meetings are held year during the Base Action Military Police Department for Biggs highlighted a freshman ori- the first and third Thursday of MPD 257-7114 Committee meeting at the Pacific their work to keep base streets safe. entation program to help new stu- each month at 7 p.m., with the Crisis Hotline 521-4555 Hideaway here Tuesday. for students, as well as the upcom- dents get adjusted to high school location to be announced. For Administrators covered new pro- ing school year at Mokapu. life. The program was implement- more information, call the Child Protective Serv. 832-5282 grams and policies implemented at "We try to educate and motivate ed last year to get new students' Windward School District office at the various elementary, intermedi- our children and make good °Ai- feet wet on the first day. 233-5700. - A-2 August 28 1997 Hawaii Marine Munitions ruled hazardous Congressional concerns prompt MCB posing it, said Wilson. Hawaii to enhance safety procedures "The problem arises when we willfully throw something when disposing of munitions. such as blanks or smoke grenades in the garbage can or hide something in the wall locker for later use. Then, we LCpI. Barry Proctor are creating hazardous waste," said Wilson. In order to keep the munitions from becoming haz- A new Military Munitions Ruling passed Aug. 12 by the ardous waste, there must' be control and accountability DoD will affect the way the Marine Corps handles mis- for unused explosives or ammunition, nothing which has fired rounds and leftover ordnance which have the poten- already' been fired should ever be taken from the range tial to become hazardous waste.
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