48081 v5 Public Disclosure Authorized India: Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project Public Disclosure Authorized Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan Executive Summary of Road Up Gradation For Public Disclosure Authorized Mydukur - Jammalamadugu Road Government of Andhra Pradesh Public Disclosure Authorized -4 An ra Pradesh Road Sector Project The LouigBereer Grouu, Inc. Fea&G %&,%;;&I md Dccnilrd Engineering INDEX ABBREVIATION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER - 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER - 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT CHAPTER - 3: ENVIRONMENT REGULATORY FRAMEWORK CHAPTER - 4: BASELINE ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER - 5: STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTATION CHAPTER - 6 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES CHAPTER - 7: PROJECT IMPACTSAND ISSUES CHAPTER - 8: IMPACT MITIGATION AND ENHANCEMENT CHAPTER - 9: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN APPENDICES Detailed Project Report, Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Management Plan (i) Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project L, . 3- - . The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Feasibility Study, Iksipand Detailed Eagineerieg 4 - A ABBREVIATIONS sos Strategic Option Study R&B Road & Building Department APRDC A.P. Road Development Corporation APRSP Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project GO1 Government of India GOAP Government ofAndhra Pradesh SH State Highway MDR Major District Road ODR ’- Other District Road EM Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan DoF Department of Forest MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forest FHWA Federal Highways Authority CPCB Central Pollution Control Board IMD India Meteorological Department COI Corridor of Impact PIA project influence Area PD Project District ROW Right of Way UQ Ambient Air Quality SPM Suspended Particulate Matter RPM Respirable Particulate Matter AADT Annual Average Daily Trafiic PUC Pollution under Control Certificate AS1 Archaeological Survey of India. NOC No Objection Certificates RH Relative Humidity PAP Project Affected Person RAP Resettlement Action Plan OMC Optimum Moisture Content csc Construction Supervision Consultant EMU Environment Management Unit EO Environment Officer Detailed Project Report, Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Management Plan Page - 1 _o Andhra PradekRoad Sector Project The Louis Berger GroGp, Inc. Feasibility Skby; &sign &rDei;iich Engineering- PIU Project Implementation Unit PU Package Unit Detailed Project Report, Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Management Plan Page-2 Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project . .A 'fie Louis Berger Group, Inc. I,Feasibility Study, Design and DcUiled Engineering' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A.1 BACKGROUND APRDC has planned to improve the State road network by providing better quality and safer roads to the users in sustainable manner with loan assistance from World Bank. Improved quality of roads, better institutional operation and management system of APRDC and safe roads are important features of the project component. In this connection RDC has selected 38 corridors (cumulative length of 2002 km) of high-density (traffic) roads through Strategic Option Study (SOS) to be developed in phased manner. A.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSIGNMENT The main objective would be to alleviate the current unsafe and congested conditions of the road network connecting the villages and towns by providing better quality and safe roads to the users in a sustainable and environment friendly manner. Government of India, Go1 through Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) enforces Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 for environmental protection because of intervention of new projects or activities, or on expansion and modernizationof existing projects or activity based on their environmental impacts. A.3 SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) The environmental assessment scope includes screening and scoping, environmentalassessment and environmental management plans for the individual project roads as required. The EA process also envisages to develop a comprehensive environmentalmanagement frame work for the entire project which will adopted as part of the corporate environmental policy for AP Road Development Corporation. A.4 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ROAD The Project road, Mydukuru - Jammalmadugu Road is a section of State Highway No.57, located in Rayalseema Region of Andhra Pradesh. The Project road starts from km 153/000 in Mydukuru town at the junction with NH-18 in Kadapa district and runs south east direction connecting Jammalmadugu, Vishwandhapuram, Proddutur, Chanduru and terminates at km 194/000 near Jamsnalmadugu R&B Guest House. The Proddutur bypass between km 171/400 and 177/400 is not included in the project scope. Cumulative length of PR is 35.0km. The project road will improve connectivity to district town Kadapa, important tourist place, through NH-18 and is widely used by interstate traffic.. Based on the traffic demand the PR is proposed to be upgraded to 4lane configuration from Mydukuru to Jammalmadugu, except Proddutur Bypass which is out of the scope of this project. AS KFiY ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS Table 1presents the environmental regulations and legislations relevant to AP state road project. Table 1: Environmental Regulations and Legislations Detailed Project Report, Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Management Plan Page-1 Andhra Pradcsh Road Set$ Project The Louis Bereer Groun. Inc.4 - Fcaeibility Study, Dcdp and-&&I Er&ccrine - SR. Applicable Act / Rulca Reason for Applicability Authority -No Yes/ No I Loastal Regulation Protection of hgile is not along 4 mc(CRZ) Notification NO Rod located coaatd Mt belt - 191 (2002) coastal rlational En+xmcnt Address Grie~ances Grievances ifany willbe dealt 5 ppellatc Authoricg Act regding the process of Yes NEM with. widti this act. - JEAA) 1997 rnvLonmental dcannce. This act will be applicablc mas Set out rUL for there will be rquiaihof land Rcvmuc The LndAcquisition 6 acquisition. of land by Yes for \- gcwtlic DepYanrnt State Act 1894 & 1989 govmvnmt impmvemclla and Government. tea4nmenn. loef Circulilr on Defhg“marginal land’ lvginal land Superseded by 2006 7 acquisition relating to the NO MoEF cquisition and Bypasses Notification Notifieadon I 1997 )39 hc Forest hscnmion) An 1927 To check deforestation Fmt he Fornt by ramdng conversion NO forest amwilhin he 8 NO >nren?tion) Act 1980 of fdarea into project hrflunve am. irest (conversion) Ruks nom forested ace= 981 MOWCLCulnr (1998) on linea5 Plantadon on Protarion phring roadside. canals and / dieNip as Roadside tree phndon in dwvay lies modifymg 9 avenue/saip plantations NO Andhra Pradnh does not coma Mom the applicability of as these are declved under the forest ac~ provisiins of forest protected fomt areas. (Convenndon) Act, to - linear Planation chief Gnsemtor Toprotect wildlife This act is NOT applicable as Wddlife, Wddlife Wid Life Protection through certain of 10 NO there is NO points of wildlife Wmg, Forest Act 1972 National Park and crossings along project conidor. Departmrnt, Sanctuarin AP. To control 4 pollution by This act will dao be applicable k Tnnspon controlling i\L (Prevention d GO mission of 4 11 Control of Pollution) Ycr SPCB kprtmcnt pollum~as Act, 1981 KI the prcscribcd - tannduds. To conad water Water Prevention and pollution by controlling consmcdon for (camblirhmnrts 12 Convol of Pollution) discharge of pollutants Yes SPCB of hot mix plant. consrnrdon Act1974 per the prescribed camp, camp, etc. sundards workers’ This act will bc applicable as Restandards for noise for Noise Pollution vehicular noise, to assess for lay and night have been 13 (Regulation and Yes furure yean and necessary SPCB mmdgated by the MoEF Control Act) 1990 protection measure needs to be or various land ues. consideredin desk. Anhasol&cal Dwi Anaent hfonuments Conremation ofcdd Heringe society anc and Archudogicd and historical r-s No Indian National Sites and Remains found in India Trust for An and Act1958 Cdnuc Hednge Protection form Contractor need to stock Public Liability yrd hazardous mateds and Yes Insurance Act 1991 accidents. Binuncn. Emulsions CK. I Safe transportanon, For anspo&g and stoling Explosive Act 1984 atorage and use of Yes dicsd. bitumen etc. explosive matd Minor Minedand For opening new Yes concession Rules pries. >ntd Motor Vehick To check vchiculilr 4 tct 1988 and Gnal Yes and noise pollution. blotor Vehicle Rules1989 To maiotain ecological qational Forest stability through ’Ihir policy will NOT& Forest ’olicy1952 19 pmm*atanand NO ‘Jational Forest mtmdon of biological Dolicy(Revircd) 1988 - divcrsiq. Detailed Project Report, Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Management Plan Pagc-2 * dhra Pradesh Road Sector Project .hGuis Berger Group, Inc. - &b&F%& Dciign and Dcruled Enginyring Applicable Act 1 Rules Yes, No Rcamfor Applicability Authority The conrtnrtim of projcc: The mining act hu bccn rord will q&c aggregates. The hlinlng Act(1952) notified for safe and Yes nnewill be prcmred through Dcpiuvncnt sound mining utivity. milling fmn dvcrbcds nnd minink On the basis of data and information collected during field survey and discussion with local expert and visualise potential associated impact, consultant has categorised this project as category-B, which requires a lesser level of environmental investigation. A.6 BASE LINE ENVIRONMENT Data was collected from secondary sources for the macro-environmental setting like climate, physiography (Geology and slope), biological and socio-economic environment within Project Influence Area, PIU/ Project Disttict, PD . First hand information have been collected to record the micro-environmental
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