GLOSSARY OF LIMNOLOGICAL TERMS Athalassohaline: Having a salt composition very different from that of seawater Chemocline: Water layer with steep gradients of concentrations of chemicals (nutrients, oxygen, salts, etc.) Epilimnion: The upper, mixed layer of a stratified lake Holomixis: Period of complete mixing of a lake with water circulation from top to bottom Hypolimnion: The lower water layer of a stratified lake Meromixis: Permanent stratification, in which the water layers of a lake do not mix at any time during the annual cycle Metalimnion: Intermediate layer between the epilimnion and the hypolimnion; often corresponding to the chemocline and/or pycnocline Mixolimnion: The upper mixed layer of a meromictic lake Monomixis: Regime in which a seasonally stratified lake turns over once each year Monimolimnion: The stagnant bottom layer of a meromictic lake Oxycline: Water layer with a steep oxygen concentration gradient Pycnocline: Water layer with a steep density (salinity) gradient Thalassohaline: Having a salt composition similar to that of seawater Thermocline: Water layer with a steep temperature gradient 559 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Aharon Oren was born in 1952 in Zwolle, the Netherlands. He obtained his M.Sc. degree in microbiology and biochemistry (1974) from the State University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and his Ph.D. degree in microbiology (1978) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. He is was appointed as senior lecturer (1985), associate professor (1991), and professor of microbial ecology (1996) at the Hebrew University, and serves as department chairman since 1998. He has been a post-doctoral research fellow (1982-1983) and visiting assistant professor (1983- 1984) at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, and was appointed affiliate professor of George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. He is a member of the International Committee of the International Society for Environ- mental Biogeochemistry and of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Salt Lake Research. In the field of pro- karyote taxonomy, he is secretary of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes Sub- committee on Taxonomy of Halo- bacteriaceae, member of the Inter- national Committee on System- atics of Prokaryotes Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Photosyn- thetic Prokaryotes, co-opted member of the International Committee on Systematics of Pro- karyotes, and associate member of Bergey's Manual Trust. He has been a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Salt Lake Research, and he serves as editor of FEMS Microbiology Letters, associate editor of the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, and member of the editorial board of Extremophiles. Prof. Oren was the recipient of the Moshe Shilo prize of the Israel Society for Microbiology for 1993, and was elected Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology in 2000. 561 ORGANISM INDEX A C Acetohalobium, 51, 151, 156, Calothrix, 286 530 Chaetoceros, 508, 509 Actinopolyspora, 55, 100, 291 Chilophyra, 401 Agmenellum, 219 Chlamydomonas, 402 Aequoria, 339 Chromatium, 445, 473, 522 Alcalilimnicola, 42, 483 Chromohalobacter, 45, 103, Alternaria, 111, 451 146, 148, 209, 216, 221, Alteromonas, 370, 518 222, 254, 280, 290, 293, Amoeba, 401 343, 346, 348, 370, 375, Amoebobacter, 407 432, 450 Amphora, 57, 445, 500 Chroococcidiopsis, 37, 523 Anabaena, 512 Coccochloris, 445 Anacystis, 445 Chroococcus, 445 Ankistrodesmus, 508, 509 Coccomyxa, 540 Anomoeoneis, 500 Cocconeis, 445 Aphanocapsa, 375, 445, 490, Corynebacterium, 519 523 Cladosporium, 111, 406, 451 Aphanothece, 37, 178, 218, Clostridium, 11, 48, 109, 423, 287, 287, 374, 402, 407, 485, 501, 532 409, 442, 444, 445, 446, Ctenocladus, 508, 509 459, 490, 523, 524 Cyanospira, 484 Arhodomonas, 42 Cyanothece, 37, 38, 178, 374. Artemia, 6, 403, 406, 409, 411, 445, 459, 490 442, 461, 502, 503 Arthrobacter, 518 D Aspergillus, 451 Asteromonas, 294 Dactylococcopsis, 38, 287, 442, Atriplex, 523 523 Aureobasidium, 451 Debaryomyces, 297 Deinococcus, 326, 544 B Deleya, 37 Desulfobacter, 47, 154, 408 Bacillus, 52, 104, 219, 255, Desulfocella, 47, 408 369, 375, 476, 501, 502, Desulfohalobium, 47, 150, 154 519, 533, 544, 545, 547 Desulfonatronovibrio, 47, 219, Bdellovibrio, 47 485 Brachionus, 502 Desulfotomaculum, 48, 109 Brevibacterium, 217, 292, 532 Desulfovibrio, 46, 154, 450, 505, 524 563 Dichotomicrobium, 40, 100, 371, 408, 410, 527, 528, 524 529 Dipsosaurus, 533 Haloarcula, 30, 70, 71, 74, 85, 94, Dunaliella, 8, 56, 110, 13, 152, 98, 126, 143, 185, 235, 249, 252 174, 224, 264, 294. 375, 253, 307, 332, 338, 360, 431, 379, 401, 402, 409, 411, 434, 448, 529, 545, 546, 548 423, 424, 442, 451, 455, Halobacillus, 53, 106, 217, 223, 532 458, 459, 474, 500, 508, Halobacteroidaceae, 38, 50, 543 509, 519 Halobacteroides, 50, 221, 222, 432, 434, 530, 556 E Halobacteriaceae, 23, 25, 26, 30, 87, 125, 207, 284, 543, 555 Ectothiorhodospira, 37, 41, Halobacteriales, 25, 30 107, 108, 179, 255, 289, Halobacterium, 6, 30, 74, 75, 84, 94, 407, 432, 445, 447, 450, 96, 126, 127, 129, 135, 137, 139 476, 477, 485, 508, 531, 143, 181, 183, 194, 210, 211, 556 233, 236, 252, 307, 313, 316, Entomoneis, 57, 445 323, 324, 333, 338, 340, 342, Entophysalis, 523 359, 360, 363, 365, 366, 407, Ephydra, 406, 502 431, 448, 460, 544, 555 Epithemia, 508 Halobaculum, 31, 431, 452 Escherichia, 101, 216, 254, Halocella, 50, 150, 530 338, 346, 372, 405 Halochromatium, 41, 107, 179, 290, Euhalothece, 445 450, 524 Halococcus, 31, 70, 80, 93, 129, F 132, 240, 329, 360, 365, 366, 407, 448, 452, 525, 530, 546 Flavobacterium, 56, 432 Haloferax, 31, 74, 77, 79, 82, 96, 98, Frankia, 532 126, 129, 133, 143, 180, 210, 213, 236, 247, 251, 307, 316, G 327, 331, 334, 338, 340, 354, 360, 363, 366, 431, 433, 434, Gloeothece, 523 448, 452, 455, 528, 545, 546 Gracilibacillus, 52, 408 Halogeometricum, 32, 96, 448 Gymnascella, 431, 433 Halomethanococcus, 29, 449 Halomonadaceae, 25, 37, 43, 324, H 483 Halomonas, 43, 100, 101, 103, 105, Halanaerobacter, 51, 150, 151, 146, 148, 149, 209, 216, 218, 450, 530, 556 222, 233, 254, 255, 259, 291, Halanaerbiales, 25, 38, 39, 292, 314, 343, 346, 348, 367, 48, 207, 223, 264, 450, 519, 369, 370, 371, 372, 374, 375, 543, 556 408, 432, 450, 458, 483, 518, Halanaerobium, 38, 48, 150, 519, 528, 532 151, 152, 223, 224, 264, Halonatronum, 485 564 Halorhabdus, 32, 407 N Halorhodospira, 12, 37, 42, 101, 104, 108, 109, 152, 179, 196, Nannochloris, 500 255, 280, 289, 445, 447, 474, Natrialba, 34, 84, 86, 90, 179, 284, 476, 477, 481, 488, 556 307, 448, 482, 488 Halorubrum, 32, 91, 92, 96, 99, 126, Natrinema, 35 132, 142, 185, 429, 431, 433, Natroniella, 50, 109, 151, 486, 488, 434, 452, 481, 488, 518, 519, 556 529, 530, 546 Natronobacterium, 35, 90, 93, 284, Halospirulina, 37, 39, 219, 287, 444, 340, 482, 488, 490 445, 449, 530 Natronococcus, 35, 74, 82, 90, 129, Haloterrigena, 34, 142, 448 138, 482, 488 Halothece, 37, 178, 459, 490 Natronomonas, 36, 90, 135, 193, Halothermothrix, 50, 151, 264, 519 195, 284, 365, 475, 486 Halothiobacillus, 40, 154 Natronorubrum, 36, 490 Hexarthra, 502 Navicula, 402, 500 Hortaea, 57, 111, 451 Nesterenkonia, 55, 106, 450 Nitrosococcus, 502 J Nitrosomonas, 154, 502 Nitzschia, 57, 445, 500, 508, 509 Johannesbaptista, 523 Nocardiopsis, 55, 450 K O Kocuria, 223 Oceanobacillus, 53 Oceanospirillum, 518 L Oocystis, 508, 509 Orenia, 51, 108, 152, 371, 432, 434, Lyngbya, 445, 523, 530 450, 530, 556 Oscillatoria, 287, 402, 444, 500, M 519, 522, 523, 524, 531 Marinobacter, 46, 143, 369, 519, P 528 Marinococcus, 54, 106, 150, 292, Palmellococcus, 500 294, 370, 372, 450, 519 Paracoccus, 454 Methanocalculus, 28, 154 Pediococcus, 367 Methanohalobium, 29, 156, 530 Phaeotheca, 451 Methanohalophilus, 29, 146, 156, Phormidium, 56, 296, 444, 474, 523 286, 408, 449, 530 Picocystis, 56, 296, 451, 499, 500 Methanosalsus, 476, 489 Planococcus, 104 Methylomicrobium, 157 Pleurocapsa, 523 Micrococcus, 219, 223, 233, 367 Polycystis, 9, 402 Microcoleus, 37, 38, 126, 176, 286, Prochlorococcus, 501 442, 444, 523, 524, 529, 530 Prorodon, 401 Microcystis, 286, 402 Prosthecochloris, 522 565 Pseudanabaena, 523 Stephanodiscus, 500 Pseudomonas, 7, 45, 218, 293, 346, Streptoalloteichus, 339 367, 370, 408, 533 Synechococcus, 442, 444, 474, 501, Psychroflexus, 518, 519 523, 548 Pyrococcus, 375 Synechocystis, 219, 287 R T Rhizoclonium, 9 Tetragenococcus, 54, 291, 314, 367 Rhodobaca, 501 Tetraspora, 402 Rhodopseudomonas, 454 Thermohalobacter, 48 Rhodothalassium, 40, 107, 152, 347 Thermoplasma, 525 Rhodothermus, 454 Thiobacillus, 478 Rhodovibrio, 40, 107, 152, 347, 432, Thiocapsa, 508 450, 454, 531 Thiohalocapsa, 41, 107, 179, 290, Rodovulum, 290 450, 531 Roseobacter, 454 Thiospirillum, 473 Ruppia, 512 Tindallia, 485, 489 Trimmatostroma, 57, 451 S U Saccharomyces, 297 Salegentibacter, 518 Ulva, 9 Salibacillus, 53, 432, 450, 547 Uroleptus, 401 Salinibacter, 56, 182, 207, 263, 450. 453, 454, 455 V Salinicoccus, 54, 450 Salinivibrio, 46, 103, 106, 147, 209, Vibrio, 106, 221 216, 218, 220, 254, 255, 258, 291, 314, 343 X Selenihalanaerobacter, 52, 151, 432, 435 Xenococcus, 445 Spirillum, 344 Spirulina, 219, 286, 287, 445, 440, Z 487, 523 Sporobolomyces, 519 Zymomonas, 297, 346 Sporohalobacter, 52, 109, 432, 434 Staphylococcus, 369, 405 566 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX A Canary Islands, Spain, 449, 454 Aegean Sea, 41 Carlsbad, New Mexico, 546, Alexandria, Egypt, 181 547, 548 Alkali Lake, Washington, 44, Carmona, Spain, 532 483 Chahannao Lake, China, 35, 490, Alicante, Spain, 55, 156, 180, 491 314, 442, 443, 445, 446, 447,
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