St. John the Baptist R. C. Church 895 Piermont Avenue, Piermont, New York 10968 www.stjohnspiermont.org [email protected] 845-359-0078 April 24, 2016, Fifth Sunday of Easter Rev. Tom Kunnel, C.O. MASSES Administrator Saturday: 5:00 PM [email protected] Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM 1:00 PM (Spanish) Deacon John Cunningham Weekdays: 8:00 AM Deacon Robert Pang Saturday: 9:00 AM Holy Days: As Announced Kathleen Dunn Religious Education Director Rectory Mon – Fri 10:15 AM – 4:00 PM May Pang Sat 10 AM – 12 Noon (Spanish) Parish Admin: [email protected] Dear Parish Family, In the Gospel for this Fifth Sunday of Easter Jesus gives us a new command- ment. “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you so Sat 4/23 5:00 PM Bernard & Elizabeth Ross you also should love one another.” This new commandment is by Armstrong Family quite different from the old commandment. The old law com- 8:00 AM Margaret Doherty manded us to love our neighbor as we love our self. In Leviticus by Doherty & Moore Family it refers to other Israelites only; here it refers to other Christians, Sun 4/24 10:30 AM Daniel O'Sullivan in a similarly restricted sense (19:34f). The new commandment by O'Sullivan Family bids us to love our neighbor as Jesus has loved us. How did Je- Mon 4/25 8:00 AM Msgr. Robert Ford sus love us? “He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, by Friday Renew Group coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he Tue 4/26 8:00 AM Fr. Ravi Dasari humbled himself becoming obedient to death, even death on a By Catherine O'Brien cross.” (Phil.2:7-8) This is the kenosis (self-emptying) of the Incarnation and the Wed 4/27 8:00 AM Raymond Galante by Helen, Jean, Angie, Almeda, Paschal Mystery: love fulfills itself by emptying itself. This is Luz the new math of Christianity: you add by subtracting and multi- ply by dividing. “Whoever seeks to gain his life will lose it, but Thu 4/28 8:00 AM Blanca Guillermo whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” This amazing by Luis Narvaez paradox of Christianity is one of the few texts found in all four Fri 4/29 8:00 AM John Miraglia (healing) Gospels. (Matt. 10:39; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; John 12:25) by Outreach This is the gist of the prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, 9:00 AM Msgr. Robert Ford who left all to follow Jesus. “Lord, grant that I may not so much by Bark Family Sat 4/30 seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to under- 5:00 PM Glenn Messner stand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; by Mildred Oslica and it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying 8:00:00 Lois Holmes that we are born to eternal life". AM by Kevin & Elizabeth Fagan Sun 5/1 Isn’t it strange that we can say this prayer so often and sing it so 10:30 AM Charles Teague beautifully and never get the point? We foolishly think that we by James & Bridget Teague fulfill ourselves by self-gratification and self-indulgence, by re- ceiving and possessing. The whole cultural impetus is to possess more. We think that if we empty ourselves we will be vulnera- ble. So like the rich fool in the Gospel we spend our time and energy and our lives feathering this little nest here as if it will go Please remember in your prayers the Sick and/or on forever heedless of our Lord’s warning, “You fool, this night Homebound of our Parish Family. Theresa Veen, your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have pre- John Miraglia, Bill Stein, Ginny Tercer, Marcelo Giu- pared, to whom will they belong?” (Luke 12:20) liante, Elizabeth Flynn (Msgr Mulligan’s cousin), On the other hand it is not so strange that we don’t get the point Caroline Kelly (M.Oslica’s niece), Nick Bruni, Mary & when we realize that we live in a consumer society where buy- Joseph Iorio (Lee Garvey’s Parents), Isabelle Fen- ing and consuming, receiving and possessing is held to be the ton. Tom Lynch, Antoinette Naglieri, Catherine standard of success and value and is beamed at us constantly Wright. through the media. It is not easy to be contra-cultural. So we buy As a Parish Family, let us remember in our prayers things that we do not need with money we do not have to im- all our beloved departed members of our Parish press people we do not like. We go against the great spiritual Community, Anne Di Francesca, Bo Di Francesca, principle of, "Fill your mind with all that is good ..." Catherine Lesica, (mother of Carol Conklin-Spillane). This new commandment reminds us that love is not cheap; it Eileen Keane, Msgr Robert Ford, Lois Holmes, costs to be a lover. The language of love is sacrifice. Never has Raquel Roseta, Frederic Schettig, Peggy McCann, this language of love been spoken so convincingly and as effica- mother of Cathy McCartin ciously as our Lord spoke it from the cross on Calvary. The cru- cifix with the wounded heart will ever be the symbol and the PLEASE ADVISE THE RECTORY (359-0078) WHENEV- ER A PARISHIONER BECOMES HOMEBOUND, ILL, OR HOSPI- proof of love. If you want to know how much you love someone TALIZED SO ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE FOR A PRIEST, just ask yourself how much you are willing to sacrifice, not of DEACON OR EUCHARISTIC MINISTER TO VISIT AND BRING your possessions, but of yourself for that person. COMMUNION TO THEM. Fr. Tom Kunnel C.O. 9:00AM Religious Ed - English 11AM Baptism Prep Spanish Sun 4/24 11:30AM Legion of Maria 11:30AM Religious Ed - Spanish 7PM AA Meeting 1PM CDA Knitting Our Spanish classes will have their first practice for Mon 4/25 Communion today from 11 am - 12 noon. Their 6:30PM Relig Ed second practice will be next Sunday at the same 10AM Lecture Class time. 7PM Altar Server Prep and Practice The two English practices will be Tue 4/26 7PM Baptism Prep next week on Monday, May 2 and 7PM Spanish Scripture Study Group Wednesday, May 4. Both will be 7PM Bible Study Spanish from 5-6 pm. 1:30PM Piermont Sr Meeting Wed 4/27 Our FIRST COMMUNIONS are 7PM Spanish Choir Practice scheduled for MAY 7th. ENG- 1PM CDA Knitting LISH at 10:30 pm. SPANISH at 1 pm. Thu 4/28 7PM Rios de Agua Viva Group 7PM Spanish Choir Practice MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 8th - 10AM Fri Renew Group Our MAY CROWNING will take place at 9:45 am in the Church 7PM Spanish Adult Prayer Group Fri 4/29 Hall. All are invited to this tradi- 7:30PM Youth Group tional way of honoring OUR Sat 4/30 BLESSED MOTHER during her spe- cial month. At 10:30 am, we will have our final FAMILY The Altar Flowers MASS for 2015-2016. Thank you to the Lennon Family For the Beautiful Flowers! Liturgy Schedule April 30 / May 1, 2016 Eucharistic Day Time Lector Altar Servers Minister 5:00 PM Saturday Christine Mooney Lana Pontone 4/30 Sofia Tassello 8:00 AM Jean DeLongis Diana Gensel Maggie Colquitt Kiera Cameron 10:30 AM Jeanine Kennedy Marge Olsen Michaela Duggan, Paige Gillen Sunday Robert Royston 5/1 1:00 PM Santiago Nova Irma Basques Michael Perez Armando Guzman Natalia Lemus Kelly Perez Marvin Vivar Santiago Nova Dayanna Garcia Erasmo Maldonaldo 4/17 Collection: $4,669 4/10 #274 MaryAnn Beckerich 4/17 #289 Claudette Scheffold "We were created to love, as a reflection of God and his love. And in matrimonial union the man and woman realize this vocation, as a sign of reciprocity and the full and definitive communion of life" said Pope Francis at the conclusion of his catechesis on the Sacra- FOR WHO - for ONLY 50 Children ments. When a man and a woman receive the Sacrament of mar- riage, "God is, so to say, 'mirrored' in them, he imprints in them Entering Grade 1 thru Grade 5 the features and indelible nature of His love. Marriage is the icon Contact Amy Ramundo to register: of God's love for us. Indeed, God too is communion: the three Persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have always [email protected] lived and live forever in perfect unity. And this is the mystery of marriage: God makes married couples into one existence. The Children will learn more about Jesus thru Bible uses a strong term: it says one 'flesh' only, so intimate is the games, art & crafts, singing union between man and woman in marriage. And this is the mys- tery of marriage: God's love that is reflected in the couple who and fun times. decide to live together" . Pope Francis mentioned that, in his Letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul emphasizes that Christian married couples reflect the great mystery of the relationship that Christ establishes with the Church, which means that "marriage responds to a specific vocation and must be considered as a consecration. The man and woman conse- crate themselves in their love. Married couples, thanks to the Sac- rament, are invested with a genuine mission, that of making visi- Contributed by ble, starting with simple and ordinary things, the love Christ has Jill Ammerman for His Church" .
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