. The Belo Herald Newsletter of the Col. A. H. Belo Camp #49, SCV And Journal of Unreconstructed Confederate Thought March 2019 This month’s meeting features... Dr. Richard Lee Montgomery Why the Heritage of the Confederacy Continues to Live On The Belo Herald is an interactive newsletter. Click on the links to take you directly to additional internet resources. Col. A. H Belo Camp #49 Commander - James Henderson 1st Lt. Cmdr. - David Hendricks 2nd Lt. Cmdr. - Lee Norman Adjutant - Hiram Patterson Chaplain - Tim Barnes Editor - Nathan Bedford Forrest Contact us: WWW.BELOCAMP.COM http://www.facebook.com/BeloCamp49 Texas Division: http://www.scvtexas.org Have you paid your dues?? National: www.scv.org http://1800mydixie.com/ Come early (6:30pm), eat, fellowship Our Next Meeting: with other members, learn your history! Thursday, March 7th: 7:00 pm La Madeleine Restaurant 3906 Lemmon Ave near Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX *we meet in the private meeting room. \ "Everyone should do all in his power to collect and disseminate the truth, in the hope that it may find a place in history and descend to posterity." Gen. Robert E. Lee, CSA Dec. 3rd 1865 Commander’s Report Lt Col Alfred H Belo 55th NC Infantry Founder of the Dallas Morning News from Confederate Veteran magazine Vol X FEB 1902 p 83 Chaplain’s Corner Get Happy! Some years ago, I was trying to encourage a man who seemed greatly depressed. I asked him to think of all the things he had to be thankful for. He looked at me as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders, and said, "Like what?" Now that's pitiful. He couldn't think of one thing to be thankful for, and that's enough to make anyone miserable and unhappy. I know a man who bought a boat. He kept it short while, then sold it. Then he bought a motorcycle, kept that a short while and sold it. After that he bought, of all things, a saxophone. I don't know what he did with the sax, or what he may have tried next, but I can't help but wonder: Is he happy now? Allow me this bit of philosophy: Happiness is wanting what you've got and being thankful for it. I don't have everything I could wish for, I doubt any of us do, but I have everything I need, and then some. And for this, I am thankful. It may be said that being thankful for what we have is the key that opens the door to getting happy. However, to be truly happy, it is also important to realise who we should be thankful to. In Ephesians 5:20, the Bible says, "Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." The Scripture tells us to thank God always for all things. If I were to run out of gas on the highway, and someone stopped, drove me to a gas station, and then back to my car, I would thank him very much. But, I would also thank God for sending him. Ultimately, God is the source of everything we have to be thankful for. We can be most thankful that God loves us, and sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die in our stead that we might have eternal life. We can be thankful that He sends His Holy Spirit to strengthen, guide, and comfort us in our most difficult times. We can thank Him for preserving us, as we await our Lord's return. We can thank Him always for all things, and that's what makes me, and all who have committed their life to Jesus Christ, get happy. To all my friends, Brothers, and Compatriots: I hope you had, and continue to have, a very happy Thanksgiving. Bro. Len Patterson, Th.D Past Chaplain, Army of Trans-Mississippi 1941-2013 Please continue to keep Toni Ray, wife of Rudy, in prayer as she battles with cancer. Virginia Flagger and SCV Compatriot Willie Earl Wells, Jr., 87, of Petersburg , VA , died February 17, 2019, at his residence. Please keep his family in our prayers. “IN ALL MY PERPLEXITIES AND DISTRESSES, THE BIBLE HAS NEVER FAILED TO GIVE ME LIGHT AND STRENGTH.” -GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE Belo Camp 49 Upcoming Meetings: February 7th - Warren Johnson - Update on Lee Park and Dallas Monuments RECRUITING OPPORTUNITIES Market Hall Gun Show - Belo Camp Recruiting Booth Put on by the Dallas Arms Collectors (for more information about dates/times visit: www.dallasarms.com) Mar 16th-17th, 2019 additional shows on Jun 8th-9th, 2019, Sep 21st-22nd, 2019, Nov 30th-Dec 1st, 2019, Jan 4th-5th, 2020, Apr 4th-5th, 2020, Jun 13th- 14th, 2020, Sep 26th-27th, 2020, and Nov 28th-29th, 2020 Free parking and no admission to the show if you come to help. Market Hall is located at Market and Interstate-35 Contact: Lee Norman for information [email protected] Not to miss in this issue! Visit our website! www.belocamp.com An Appeal by Pastor John Weaver on behalf of Sam Davis Youth Camps. WWW.SAMDAVISCHRISTIAN.ORG CLIFTON, TX Mullins,SC July 14-19, 2019 June 23-28, 2019 CRAIG STONE ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR 2019-2021 TEXAS DIVISION 1ST LIEUTENANT COMMANDER TSOCR ANNUAL MEETING IS: MAY 31-JUNE 1 The Texas Society Order of Confederate Rose: QUESION: Does it EXIST? First Annual "MOONLIGHT IN THE PINES" Historical Ball March 16, 2019 Center Texas FEARLESSAN LEADER'S IMPORTANT TWO GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENTS!APPEAL SCV LYONS RESPONDS LYONS THREATENED WITH ARREST! TexasThe Division following Antics by Hamptonletter appeared Mabry in the The Strange Career of Cdr Holley ConfederateJEFFERSON DAVIS GETS HIS DAY Veteran IN COURT Magazine: AFFIDAVITFROM the OF desk KIRK of Pastor DAVID John LYONSWeaver Chairman SDYC LLC, Past Chaplain in Chief SCV Why do Dearwe stay Compatriot, in court? ONE MAN'S OPINION from Chief Trial Counsel Kirk D. Lyons ANSWER TOAs THE an CHARGE SCV member - FINAL SPEECH this is ANDprobably REPORT the BY mostCIC DENNE important SWEENEY letter you will read in 2017. The future of the Dallas LandmarkSam DavisCommission Camps votes is to literally remove inConfederate your hands. memorial downtown Racist hate filled mayor in Dallas wanting to destroy American and Texas history in Pioneer park cemetery Dallas couldSince auction 2003 off its the Robert Sam E. Davis Lee statue Youth after Camps all have done a peerless job in preparing our youth for the MAIN STREETfuture. U.S.A. NowBy WI inLLAM our MURCHISON 14th year, over a thousand young men & women have gone through our one week Dallas saw programtoo much Rebel of Confederate in Texas Civil Warhistory, Museum etiquette, culture, dancing and Christian instruction and fellowship. Dallas CouncilmanMany tell Philip us Kingston that the Shows Sam True Davis Colors! Camps by Janis are Susan the "best May Patterson thing the SCV does," help us to continue that Representativetradition. Biedermann Files Bill To Protect Texas Monuments Exposing The Plan To Reimagine The Alamo ConfederaphobesBecause By Paulof liability C. Graham issues, the General Executive Council has decided and the Sam Davis Youth SouthernersCamp are too LLC genteel Board for theirhas ownagreed good to separate the two entities and that as soon as practicable the Sam Bill: Strip ConfederateDavis Camps Designation will independently From Arkansas Flagincorporate Star and seek its own tax exempt status. When that status is Several Mississippiachieved, college the athletes current kneel funds during and anthem assets over of athe nearby LLC Confederacy (about $10 rally:0,000) report will be turned over to the new Pro-Confederatecorporation. groups and counter-protesters gather at Ole Miss over Confederate monument Southern ShameThe Sam Syndrome Davis Youth Camp LLC Board has asked for a commitment from the SCV GEC to help raise Work crewsan take additional measurements $100,000 at Confederate to help themonument new Sam in downtown Davis Camps Winston as-Salem they begin to operate independently of First They Camethe SCV. for Southern Our goal Heritage is for By the Gail new Jarvis Sam Davis Camp entity to be up & running with tax exempt status by ConfederateSummer flag remaining 2018. up; Judge rules display does not violate Orangeburg’s zoning James Comey calls for removing Confederate statues in Richmond amid blackface scandals As an allied organization, independent of the SCV, the Sam Davis Camps will continue to recruit The Death of a Tarheel: Congressman Walter B. Jones Jr. campers from SCV Divisions, Camps, and members; report on our activities at Reunions; run free or Fiction should not be substituted for fact when teaching civil rights history (Opinion by Jonathan Baggs) low cost ads in the Confederate Veteran and fund-raise among Compatriots; and recruit adult staff Some white Northerners want to redefine a flag rooted in racism as a symbol of patriotism from SCV members: BUT as an independent organization. Two types of people who live North of the Mason-Dixon Line by James W. King Baptists andThe the Sam American Davis Civil Board War: March does 27, not 1863 see the GEC's decision as backing away from the Camps, but a better A New Americanismand safer Why way a Nation to help Needs and a fosterNational the Story future By Jill and Lepore growth of the Sam Davis Camps. The work of the Sam Civil War historyDavis is Youth mistaught is vitalin order to tosecure support the Identity future Politics: of the It SCVwas never and aboutall related Slavery heritage – Dr. Paul groups. C. Roberts, Think Herland how Report many Confederatefuture Values Commander's and Principles Remain in Chief Important of the SCV have already graduated from a Sam Davis Camp.
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