'T ''V y - -- i^ T h n WEDNESDAT, FEBRUARY 10,1®4» I T' ilUutrbfBtrr EuMittn Hrraib A f v n f Didljr ClrealatlMi Thfi Wflkthfir Far lha Meath at daaaaiy, Ifitt Fata east at U. Z. Waathar Baraaa ! Mlantonomoh Trfbe No. 68. I. D. 7,956 THURSDAY AT About Town n. M., will hold Ita rafular meat- CkMer with mow tonight. ins in the Zipaer club on Brainard Blemksr at,tha A a « E a a t t t t t g HNCHURST.. T l» Paat Chiefs* Ohib of Me- place, Friday evening at alght BarsAA at OtraatottBaa \ moHal Temple PytMen Siatere will o'clock sharp. ' ........... .........—a«.„aa. 'i i Seaman William Sullivan, of De­ meet tomorrow evenliia at the PRICE THREE CENTS . FRESH FISH home of Mr*. Carrie Samlow, 48 pot Square, who haa been station­ MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1948 (TEN PAGES) Summit atreet. The hoateu will be ed at Newport, R. I., for hla basic VOL.LXIL,N0.118 (CtamWed AfNevttalag m Vaga 6) M iedi mteto ■■sistad lor Mre. EjHaabetb Car- training is home on a‘ tan-ilay. ^Announce the Most important _ arty. leave. ------ ’ HAT sP!i StMkCod StMk Pollacfc Wkelt Haddock End of a Jap and Hia Pill-Box in Papua Mackerel Naming of Judges Drive Planned During HaHbat , Salmon Demonstration Of Looks Hke a little better meat selection Thursday. For Minor Courts Coming Nine Months; Dial 4151 by noon for after­ AMERICAN DIETAIDS noon dellrery. PRODUCTS Work for Senate FLORIDA } _ JUICE ORANGES Come in and meet Miss Jones any day this week. Let FUR SALE Invasion Plans Made 34c dozen her explain why Vitamins are so important to your diet. Reading of Unfavorable Large Tangerines, doz. 38c Reports from Judi­ Plans Talk JOY AN A ............................................................49c and 98c Churchill Declares Allief; Baldnin Apples . .4 lbs. 25c ciary Committee on SOUPLETS...............................................2,'ic - 49c and 98c Of The Season About War Have Landed Nearly WHEAT 6 e RM w it h FRUITS.....................................49c Minor Bills Opens CHEER BASKETS Reds Form Front Half-Million Men in A new name for an old aerv- HY-PLEX VITAMIN B COMPLEX____ _ .$2.19 - $4.95 Buy Today for Tomorrow and Next Year. With the Scor- House Session; Consid­ Lincoln Day lea. A cnatomer Just wrote os RITAMINE VITAMINS AND Africa; Eisenhower to eommenting on the flne basket er Judgeships Today. wa made up, and addressed the IVHNERALS ..............................$1.10 - $3.00 - $.5.00 city of Skilled Labor and Shortage of Furs, the Thrifty East of Kharkoi) Be Unified Command* letter to “Cheer Basket Dept.’’ REEZON VEGETIZED.SALT............................. 19c - .39c Roosevelt Will Discuss If you want a fancy basket Woman Will Avail Herself of This Genuine Opportunity. State Capitol, Hartford, Subjects Concerned er of Forces; More made up...for any occasion... FOODS FOR DIABETIC.>^ Feb. 11.—<AV-Tbe Senate, Than Holding Own in come to Pinehnrst and ask for for the second successive With Foreign and Capture Settlements Be- Mr. Wm. Bobyk...or telephone .VSSORTED FLAVORS PUDDING.............................. 28c Allied Troops Attacks by U-BoatSv jranr order and we will deliver PINEAPPLE JA M ........................... 28(f day, busied itaelf with minor Honte Fronts on Air. tiveen Belgorod and It. ' court judgeships. Speedily VANILLA WAFERS .................... 28c Unrestricted Choice Of All Our adopted during the first mo­ Chuguyev; Fighting Drive Enemy London,' Feb. 11.— • READY CEREAI...................... 28c Washington, Feb. U.—(ffV—The ?rime Minister Churchill de­ ments of the session were White House annoimced today Mounts Elsewhere. resolutions filling the courts clared todfl,y that the Allies ' Main Floor. Highest Quality $269 — $279 — $295 that President Roosevelt would Back 6 Miles lad landed nearly a half-rnii- • V • of Waterbary. Bristol, and Moscow, Feb. 11.—(A*)— make a 20 minute radio speech be­ ion men in Africa and plan­ Derby. The Judgee ginning a t »:S0 p. m. e. w. t. to­ Capturing settlements be­ Frederick W. Beach and Wmiam morrow night In wlUch he wlU dis­ tween Belgorod and_Chugu- 125 Japanese Killed in ned an offensive campaign.' N. DeRoeler of Brietol, Francla 8. during ^the next nine months tIh JW.HALC cou Baut and Joieph Glacondlno of cuss many subjects concerned yev, the. Red Army formed a Attack on . Main Body Hollander 6lend Northern Back Derby and Theobald B. Conway with the foreign and home fronts. 50-miIe-long assault front with trfe goal of engaging the MaNCHSsTBt Comm* and Charlet R. Summa of Water- The -rtilef executive also wUl just east of Kharkov today, In Wau-Mubo Area; enemy “on the largest possi­ bury- ^ . and the fighting was report­ ble scale and at the earliest poB* No Oppoaltto« to (Conttnoed on Page Bight) Artillery Being Used. Bible momeht.” In a war review ed mounting in other sectors vibrant with bis usual flghtfiig There wae no opposition to any spirit and brightened by unusual of the resolutions. of southern Russia. The cap­ Allied Headquarters in Austra­ The House session opened wiin StimsonSees ture of Chuguyev, 22 miles south­ lia, Feb. 11—UP)—^In a sudden dis­ optimism, tbe prime minlsteg the reading of unfavorable east of Kharkov, and Volcbdnak, brought back from the CsLsablaoe 36 miles northeast, was announced play of offensive power. Allied ca unconditional surrender confer­ ports from the Judiciary commit­ troops In New Guinea have driven MUSKRATS tee on a score of minor bills. AustnUlan Ueut. D, 8. Clarke of Sydney bold- Wsgrille in roadlm^ ^ by the Ruaslana early today. ence the news of a hew unification Hard Fighting, proaches a Japanese plll-box which has been smashed at Glropa Point on Oie Papuan peninsula of New mlsure of Peche- the main Jq;>ane8e force In the of command in North Africa and V’4 SEW The House also took up Ju^e- proacnes a k ------------- ^usixallan olcturia. AlUed tro o p -] la 12 mile- northea-t Tax Included— 10 Montha to Pay„ 'ihlp resolutions after reconaider- Guinea. Note the dead Jap In the foreground. This la an official Au-tralian picture, Wau-Mubo area back six miles to­ the pledge that Europe would be f o r Ing and returning to the Judiciary have driven the Japs from most of the peninsula. of Chuguyev. ward Salamaua, killing 125 of the invaded as soon as the United Na- committee a resolution it adopted Many Deaths Reporta Fnrioue Battlee enemy. It was announced officially tiona were ready. yefterday naming Gkirdon F# Chiia- Red Star, the Soviet Army today. These were highpoints of hia - A communique from General address to the cheering House oC tie a Judge1UC1k6 in TrumbuU.iruuiuuu- I « newspaper, said that furious bat­ w a x BONOS i ^ m. tles took place at Chuguyev and MacArthur’a headquarters said Al­ Commons: AND STAMPS Majority Leader E. L«a Marsh, H ershey ExpCCtS i»reat VICTORY Jr., told the House Christie, nam­ Map of Site British Army Rolling Volchanak. lied artillery was heavily haras- -Elsenhower to Command The Famous ed to Bucceed Judge James Lk Mq- Majority of Men In A dispatch to Pravda, the Com­ alng the retreating Japanese, who 1— Aa the British Eighth ArtnF ■ , A M ■ Govem, Jr„ was unable to accept ducted Soon .Will Be munist party newspaper, said are estimated to have lost ApproX' moves into Timlsia, the North Af­ WITH HALE’S the appointment. However, Mrs. Of Shooting that after taking the two towns, imately 500 men tn fighting in rican command Is unified undec ■ ■ ■* Nationally Advertised anw« B. Oriftin, repreaenUUve Fathers of ^ildren Toward Mareth Line ths Red Army continued its ad­ that area in recent weeks. the American commander, Ueut* - - . ’"l "I ' ^ from TrumbuU, told reporters ^ vance westward. Action OB SmaQ Scale Gen. Dwight D. Ehsenhower* with BEAUTIFUL understood Cbriatle might be ^ne Is Described Pravda said that the Germans Allied spokesmen emphasized Gen. Sir Harold Alexander second to accept__ the_ appointment_ . latex. W**bbigton, Feb. 11.—UP) — Battle-Weary French R^ attempted to hold the Volchanak that the action around Wau, In command, and with Medlterra^ .| "'The House then adopted reeolu-1 secretary of War Stlmaon today Puerto Ricans sector with a force of 80 tanks which la about 35 miles southwest nean Air Forces under Britisb Ale Black and thms, without debate, naming Jew f„pecaat heavy flghtlng with many Surveyor and Engineer lieved by Extension and two r-jltrenta of infantry, of the enemy base at Salamaua, la Vice Marshal Sir Arthur Teddar* M. Bachand and WUiiam H. Rich-1 North Africa. but large Soviet tanka led the still on a small scale, but the tern' and aea forces under Admiral Sir ardaon judges In Pitnam. Is First Witness at Of British and Amer­ Desire to End attack that split the defenders, po of operationa obvloualy was In Andrew Browne. Cunningham.- Spring Fabrics Otbar jndgea Named From the White Houae came the icans Holding Front. who were routed by Infantry and creasing, with the Allies definitely 2— The AlUea are mofe tbaa Brown Beauty Other judges named by the Sen­ nomination of Dwight D, Blaen Opening of Trial of auUAnatic .iflemen. taking the Initiative after repuls holding their o4im In the U-bO»k M r Warimbl* ate included RusseU Andrews in hower to be a full general In hia Colony Status Advancing Down Bghwny Ing Japanese feeler thrusts. warfare, with a million and A Dr. Kurz at New Haven London, Feb. 11.—{IP)— Below Belgorod the Russians General MacArthur’s headquar­ quarter more tons of shipping v-.v WlUimantlc and WUUam Webb in role -a commander in chief were reported advancing down the Falrfldd. In concurrence -Arith the __ «,j u . k ters, meanwhile, branded as available now than six months ago*, Hottae, the Senate approved a if - A.merican-Britlah French forces New Haven.
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