9 . Average Daily Net Preaa Run For tho Wook Ended BepL Sa, ItM ------ " The WeaUiar t 0.fc WeatM 10,983 Moadtor of tho Audit Portly rloody tanIgM. nrfr and Boium of OreulntloM ' eenUaned mild MMorrow. Manchester— A CUf of Village Charm -L. VOL. LXXII, NO. 307 (Clnaslllad Advortlalng on Page St) MANCHESTER, CONN., WED.NESPAY. SEPTEMBER 30. (TWENTY-TOUR PACES IN TWO gEClIONS) , riUCE flVE C Em S im Reds Dash Yanks Lead Dodgers UN ‘Hopes’ oints W arren 4 to 1 in Fifth Inning For Parley New York, Sept. 30 ,(/P)—* United Nations, N! Y., Triples by Hank Bauer and Sept. .30 (/P)—^Russia told the Erflkiiip Versufl Reynolds Billy Martin, combined with United Nations today ‘'there three walka iasued by Brook-, was no possibility of hoping” New the proposed Korean Political lyn starting pitcher, Carl! Erskine, in the first inning, I Conference will take place nn- gave the Yankees a 4 to 1 lead less-the Allies reconsider their in the fifth inning of the first! decision banning neutrals from the parley. isenhower game of the World Series this I iHigh Court W e t V. 8 . Delegate "IRnry-fabot afternoon. Lodge, Jr,, immediately denoiiiirnd Allle Reynold* tolled for the the statem ent as <i "m ere n.aneu- "jVon’t Seek World’s Champion*' snd had re­ ver " designed to fqrce the t.’.N. to To Resume corded aix atrlkeout* while hi* change Us mind. mound opponent worked one Inning Lodga said the whole question of snd y-a* lifted for * pinch hitter inviting India and otner nruirsla Retail Taxi In the second Inning. had already been lebated ami de­ On Monday Erskine gave up s walk befere feated and there waa no need to Bauer tripled in the opening Jake it up again now. Washington, Sept. ,30 </P)— ■ atanza. Two paaaea Ailed the baaes Pre.sident Eisenhower said to- Wa.qhington, Sept. 30 — I-A>dge declared that the only and aet the stage for Martin's'400- threat to the conference came (tom diy his administration ha.s no President, Eisenhower todaj' foot triple'over the head of Jackie Chief Sovie.t Delegate Andrei y intention of proposing a re­ named Gov. Earl Warren of Robinson In left centerfleld, f“ Viahinaky and added: "I a.s.sunie tail sales tax. He did not rule California to be Chief Justice Junior Gilliam homered with the Chinese Communists ate <’ana- of the United States. The’ one down in the fifth for the ble of speaking for themselves on oiit, however, the possibility Dodger run. this point without tne g<ml otfkes of a manufacturer’s excise President told his news con­ Carl Furitio doubled off the right of the Soviet Union." tag. ference the 62-year-old W'ar- field wall and Jackie Robinson The American spokesman said |n a brief news conference dis- ren, a' Republican, will make strolled with two down. the Korean question could be taken ciilsion. Ki.senhnwer declined to a great Chief Justice, and Roy Campanella ended the threat up here If "there are new develop­ pridict whether it might be neces­ m ents'' which he li.l not- define that he will be on the bench when hia long fly ball to left field sary for tfie administration to ask waa gaUiered In by Gene Woodling. Yiahinsky referrej to a f r-; de- for new- taxes of some kind to off­ of the high court when, it First Inning Dodger* cision taken la.st month to e.^i lode set redm-tion of income tsxes and opens its fall session Monday. Reynolds' flrst pitch to Gilliam ii-. neutrals from the ronleterce whith elifiinalion of the excess profits Reecs* Mclcction is scheduled to open Oct. le\y scheduled for Jan. 1. was low for a ball. Gilliam The recess appointment of War­ waited out a full count, then Tho fiery Russian demanded ttiat*- Under pre.sent law, individual in- ren as successor to the lat* Chief slashed a single through Reynolds’ Carl Erskine (left) fared Allle Reynolda In the opening game of the 60-nation PCdit-lr-al ( ’ommitfee coige taxe,s are due to come down Justice Fred Mi Vinson ia subject take up immediately a debate on to per c ent with the new year. .TTie to Senate confirmation when Con- legs into center field. Reese, In the 1963 World Series at Hie Yankee Htadliun. Erakine won 20 gamea a hit and run attempt, lifted a thi* aeaoon while losfhg 6 for the Dodger*. Reynolds won IS and suggestions from fommunisl adininisl ration has said this will gTeea reconvene* in January. Vin­ loaf 7 for the Yankees. go through as acheduled. son died of a heart attack Sept. 8. soft fly to Bauer in short right, China and North Korea that India Gilliam Bcampering back, to first and other neutrals he mvtled and! l‘cr»onally Against It Warren's appointment had been safely-. Snider went oiib on a Russia be asked to sii m also as As for a retail sales tax. Elsen­ no widely predicted that the Pre'sl- a neutral. ^nt. in announcing it. remarked high chopper to Martin, Gilliam hower said ihal for many-iyears he reaching second. Robinson went He heaped scorn on a propo.sal per^nally has been against one. fhat he, was confirming something th at wa* hardly new*. out on a pretty play by Rizzuto Danahier Is Named by chief U. R. Delegate Henry r*v. the Treasury has made a who came in fast for hi* tricky Cabot Lodge, Jr. that the confer­ derailed study, he said, and haa ' The President de.scrihed Warren bouncer and caught the fleet foot­ ence could decide for itself wheth­ concluded this field of taxation ^,a* a man'with a reputation for beloftgs to state..and )6c¥l" govent- integrity, honesty and middle of ed runner with a quick under­ er to invite some neutial powers. menU__ _ the road politics. handed throw. U would be ini(io8sible to give To Appeals Court On other Rubjects. the President: No funs, one hit, no errors, one delegates the proper Instructions He'went on to say the new Chief left. to do so. he declated, and charged 1 . Said that barring unforeseen JU8tice iB experienced In ifovern- developments the administration ment and In the law — that he la Ilrst Inning Yankee* that the countries which opposed doc* not expei • a spec iai session of healthy and strong. Erikine's Aral pitch to Mc- WaRhington, Sept. .30 (/P)— -Danaher. The 2nd Circuit' Court an invitation to India and oUier Former U. S. Senator John ‘■over* Conneeilcui. New York and Congress to be railed for action on CAUFORNlA GOV. EARL WARREN Elsenhower added .with a laugh Dougald was a fast bait thafeut neutrals here would continue their raising the debt, limit. the heart of the plate for a called A. Danaher of Meriden, oppoaftioh at the conference. that Warren at 82 is relatively strike. McOougald sent a soft pop 2 . Called Russia ' a hydrogen bomb young—If, he aaid, you can call wa.s nominated by the White w X ** Referring to Allied claini.s th at progress a piatter of the greatest man about Elsenhower's own up to Gillism behind flrst base. more debate here would disturb Cnlllna walked on four straight House to the Circuit Court of Hlncka, 63, now i* senior federal significance calling foi prayerful age relatively young. Ap|>eals for the District of district judge in Connecticut. the prospects of a succaSsful con­ study by the United States, bvt as U. S., France Boost f- pitchta. The wind was becoming The self-mede lawver, son of ■ *nr.;• n r - ; Bush— said he Mc waswiui "delighted" ference, Vishlnaky asked: he ia not ready to assay public quits brisk again and Erskine ap- Columbia yesterday, •"How can anyone say we should Scandinavia Immlkrant*. Warren prise. ■ with Danahcr'a nomination. Pur- the ^ffect the Soviet developm hiaa combined programs of social (OouHmwd ou Pago Two) I • ^ - 'i I**! h***! b* ivaa “happy" that might have on this country's gains and a jovial personality to Sea^ora | Danaher had been appointed. "It (Cootlnued on Page Sixteen) fenae spending pjogram. The Presi­ win three terms as governor.-He '^fmmended by u « j^ieat honor to Connecticut," dent'.^Jded that when he haa evalu- rates himself a Progressive Re­ Connecticut a two U. S. Senators was the way he put It. a- "t tha oltnaUoa "horouglily be and by the Republican National publican. • r Queried "about Daaaher and ; Will go to the American peopi* wlUi •The governor—ff feet, 1 tneh. Police Waiting Committeemen from the state for Hincks, Purtell answerfld: I a frank statem ent i-n « n at must b« WMhington, Sept. SO (A ^T h e United States and France the 2nd Circuit bench, a post UN Unhurried /^ n tlt annoi^ced plans today to step up the antl-Cohmiunist weighing 218 pounds—-hss nsvsr "I have every reason to hope and I done. been- 8 Judge, But he made a which the (Council of the Con­ wKr 171 /ndio-Oiina with a S8S million dollar increase in Ameri- For New Clues necticut Bar Xssn. urged for Judge believe the whole matter of fed­ I 3. Described Pol.and'a action In* reputation as a vigorous crime Carroll Hincks. eral appointments will be amicably On Interviews relieving Stefan Caroinal Wyazyn- can assistance over the next 15 months. A communique issued proeecufor during .14 years as dis­ and aattafactorily resolved." : ski of hiR churchly duvie* as a de­ by the two governments announcad trict attorney' of big Alameda Senators Prescott Bush and At Meriden.
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