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World), Mud VolcanoesVolcanoes Distribution Areas (Pre-Caspian(Pre-Caspian - Guba region, Shamakhy-GobustanShamakhy-Gobustan region, Absheron region, Bitte beachtenbeachten Sie: DieDie GeoKartenbriefeGeoKartenbriefe gel-gel- The Lower Kura region,region, BakuBaku archipelagoarchipelago region,region, CaspianCaspian ten als Nachträge zum GeoKatalog 22.. deepdeep-sea-sea zone), Appendix (Toponyms of mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan and offshore South Caspian, Aerial photo, Mud volcanoes -- naturalnatural monuments,monuments, protected byby the state,state, Lokbatan mud volcano in the list of the objects of the 100 Earth / Erde Lokbatan mud volcano in the list of the objects of the 100 Earth / Erde UNESCO World Heritage, Chronology and characteristics of recorded mudmud volcanicvolcanic eruptions inin AzerbaijanAzerbaijan and thethe 100/1115 South Caspian during 1810-2014,1810-2014, Volcanic mud - naturalnatural Calendario Atlante De Agostini 20162016 medical preparation), Mud Volcanoes of ForeignForeign CountriesCountries "International Edition" (Eastern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere), The InvestigInvestiga-a- De Agostini, Novara 2015 tion ofof MudMud VolcanoesVolcanoes areare beingbeing continued,continued, references,references, 1100 pp., notes, tables, diagrams, graphs, maps; annex 128 42,5x30 cm, hard cover 590,00 EUR pp. (col., maps, flags, index.), all in Engl.,Engl., 8x16 cm, bd.;bd.; Dedicated to the 70th70th anniversaryanniversary ofof AzerbaijanAzerbaijan NationalNational encl. "Energy Atlas", 160 pp., col., notes, stat. data, 37 ththe-e- Academy of Sciences matic world maps, 45 illustrations,illustrations, diagrams and infograph-infograph- Title ID: 131638 ics, 196196 countriescountries (compared(compared trough 2626 statisticalstatistical indica-indica- tors), 20 maps10,5x15 cm, bd., slipcase total 39,00 EUR 100/2380 Title ID: 130465 Mineral Resources, Mining and Environment CCGM / CGMW & SEGEMAR, C.C. HerrmannHerrmann && E.E. O.0. ZaZap-p- 100/1410 pettini, Paris 2016 Mineral Resources, Mining and Environment 72 pp.,pp., col.,col., num.num. illus.illus. (incl.(incl. maps,maps, graphs,graphs, diagramsdiagrams & See section 2380Mineralogy & Metallogeny photos) & tables, contents: 1. Mineral deposits in their natnatu-u- ral environment,environment, 2.2. Necessity andand supply of minerals,minerals, 3. 100/1420 Effects anon environment:environment: impact or damage,damage, 4. ResponsibleResponsible Atlas des migrations environnementales production: prevention, remediremediationation and restoration, glos-glos- See 3210 Demography sary, references, 29,5x31 cm, softcover 15,00 EUR Title ID: 129961 100/2350 Atlas of the world mud volcanoes Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences / Institute of GGe-e- ology and Geophysics, Publishing house "Nafta"Nafta-Press",-Press", Ak.A. Ali-ZadehAli-Zadeh (chief-ed.),(chief-ed.), Baku 2015 321 pp., chiefly col., num. maps, diagrams, tables & photos, contents: Preface, Mud Volcanoes, Historical Review of Internationales Landkartenhaus (ILH) - GeoCenter TMS GmbH, Kurze Straße 40, D-70794D-70794 Filderstadt, Germany • EE-Mail:-Mail: ilhinfo@[email protected] • wwwilh-stuttgart.dewww.ilh-stuttgart.de page 2 • Spring / Summer 2017 GeoKatalog 2 GeoKatalog 2 Geosciences GeoKartenbrief 337878 // 379379 100/2410 100/3130 World Soils Book Series L'Atlas des frontiäresfrontières Springer, A.E. Hartemink (series ed.), Heidelberg & al. "Murs, conflits, migrations" 2013-2013- Les Aränes,Arènes, B. Tertrais & D. Papin, Paris 2016 num. vols., chiefly col., num. maps, diagrams & tables, c. 132 pp., col., num. maps, contents:contents: FrontiäresFrontières en höritage,héritage, 180 —– 350 350 pp., pp., 21,5x28,5 21,5x28,5 cm,cm, hardcoverhardcover FrontiäresFrontières invisibles, Murs et migrations,migrations, CuriositösCuriosités fronta-fronta- The World Soils Book Series contains detailsdetalls onon soilssoils of a liäres,lières, FrontièresFrontiäres enen feu,feu, Conclusion -- lele belbel aveniravenir desdes particular country, including sectionssections onon soilsoll research hihis-s- frontiäres,frontières, Les 5050 «lignes»,«lignes», Bibliographie,Bibliographie, 28x26,528x26,5 cm,cm, tory, climate, geology, geomorphology, majormajor soilsoll types,types, soilsoll hardcover 40,00 EUR maps, sollsoil properties,properties, sollsoil classification,classification, soilsoll fettility,fertility, land Title ID: 131448 use and vegetation, soilsoll management, soils soils and and humans,human, soils and industry, future soilsoll issues. Please refer to indiviindivid-d- 100/3130 ual areas. Atlas du terrorisme islamiste New Books. "D'Al-Qaida"D'Al-Qaida äà Daech" • The Soils of Serbia (see(see area 285), 2017, 160,49 EUR EditionsÉditions Autrement, M. GuidäreGuidère & C. Levasseur, Paris 2017 • The Soils ofof SloveniaSlovenia ( see(see area area 287), 287), 2017 2017 123,04123,04 EUR (Collection: Atlas/Monde) • The Soils of WisconsinWisconsin ( (seesee area area 630), 630), 2017, 2017, 93,08 EUR 95 pp., col., more than 70 maps & graphs,graphs, contents: Nature et origine, Types et formes,formes, GroupesGroupes et organisations,organisations, Re-Re- 100/2890 gions et territoires,territoires, RessourcesRessources et financement,financement, TerrorismeTerrorisme Coastal zone management et radicalisation,radicalisation, AnnexesAnnexes (Principaux(Principaux attentatsattentats islamistes,islamistes, Pearl Books, C.K. Vats,
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