YOGA TEACHERS INSTITUTE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC. LIBRARY LIST The following books, audio tapes, video tapes, DVD’s, CD’s and periodicals are available for loan to full members, associate members and Friends of the Institute. Books No. Title Author 65. A decade of service Sri Swami Satchidananda 200. A gem for women Iyengar, Geeta 11. A reappraisal of yoga Feuerstein, Georg & Miller, J 70. A stage three course in yoga Strutt, M 152. Advanced yoga practices vol.3 Dr. Swami Gitananda 156. Alexander Technique Raff, Chris 157. Anatomy and Asana Preventing Yoga Injuries Hately Aldous, Susi1 158 Anatomy for Hip Openers & Forward Bends Long, Ray 159. Anatomy of Hatha Yoga H David Coulter 66. Apostle of peace Swami Satchidananda 12. Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha Swami Satyananda Saraswati 60. Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha c.1 Swami Satyananda Saraswati 67. Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha c.2 Swami Satyananda Saraswati 100. Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha c.1 Swami Satyananda Saraswati 145. Ashtanga yoga Devi, Savitri 160. Atlas of the human skeleton Tortora, Gerard J 4. Autobiography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda 4. 1 Autobiography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda 161. Awakening Soulforce Patel, Dr Mansukh 132. Ayurvedic cookbook (The) Bell Bragg, G & Simon D 162. Beyond Religion HH The Dalai Lama 68. Beyond within Sri Chinmoy 13. Beyond words Swami Satchidananda 163. Biographies of Rasik Saints Swami Prakashanand Saraswati 164. Bringing yoga to life Farhi, Donna 165. Calm for Life Paul Wilson 14. Complete Hatha yoga Kingsland, K & V 69. Corrective chiropractic exercises Australian Chiropractors Assoc 166. Creating change: Evolution through Yoga Swami Bhaktipoornananda 101. Crisis and the miracle of love Patel, Dr. Mansukh & Waters, Dr H 102. Crystals – Gateways of Light and Unity *** 135. Dance between joy and pain (The) Patel, Dr. Mansukh & Goswami R 190. Deeper dimensions of Yoga (The) Feuerstein Georg 104. Dharana Darshan Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati 104.1 Dharana Darshan Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati 103. Discovering Human potential energy Dr. Lajpat Rai 167. Divine Meditation The Sages Manual for Contemporary Life Swami Govindananda 105. Dynamics of yoga Swami Satyananda Saraswati 168. Eat, pray, love Elizabeth Gilbert 106. Encyclopedia and dictionary of medicine, nursing and allied health Miller & Keane 107. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Yoga Feuerstein Georg YTISA Library List October 14 1 141. Endocrines Devi, Savitri 129. Exercise danger Donovan, McNamara, Gianoli 15. Facts about yoga Shri Yogendra 71. Four chapters on freedom c.1 (1984) Swami Satyananda Saraswati 169. Four chapters on freedom c.2 (2004) Swami Satyananda Saraswati 72. Gandhi the man Easwaran, E 149. Geo Mantra Devi, Savitri 16. Glossary of Sanskrit terms Barborka, G A 17. Gray’s Anatomy (15th ed) Gray, Henry 5. Growing up with yoga Volin, M & Phelan, N 170. Growing younger with yoga Wiggins, Louise 171. Guiding Yoga’s Light – Lessons for Yoga Teachers Gerstein, Nancy 73. Handbook of 84 traditional asanas I.Y.T.A 172. Happy for no good reason Swami Shankarananda 18. Hatha yoga for total health Luby, Sue 19. Hatha yoga or the philosophy of physical wellbeing Yogi Ramacharaka 74. Hatha Yoga Pradipka Swami Vishnu Devananda 108. Healing the Cause – A Path of Forgiveness Dawson, Michael 137. Heart of yoga (The) TKV Desikachar 173. Heart Yoga The Sacred Marriage of Yoga and Mysticism Harvey, A & Erikson K 20. Higher yoga perspectives Yoga Veda Ayurveda Suren Aviyogi 150. How to begin and practice yoga vol.1 Dr.Swami Gitananda 109. How to cultivate virtues and eradicate vices Swami Sivananda 174. How Yoga Works Roach, Geshe Michael 110. Human anatomy and physiology Solomon, Schmidt, Adragna 175. I can’t hear you I have a carrot in my ear Swami Shankarananda 111. In the footsteps of Gandhi Ingram, Catherine 21. Inner beauty, Inner light Leboyer, F 22. Integral yoga The yoga sutras of Patanjali Sri Swami Satchidananda 23. Integral Yoga Hatha Sri Swami Satchidananda 24. International light-A pictorial guide to the most useful yogaAsanas I.Y.T.A. 75. Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation Finster, Wendy 25. Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita Feuerstein, Georg 26. Introduction to yoga principles and practices c.1 Majumdar, S K 27. Introduction to yoga principles and practices c.2 Majumdar, S K 28. Ishavasya Upanishad Swami Satyananda Saraswati 76. Kailash Journal; pilgrimage into the Himalayas Sri Swami Satchidananda 77. Karma Sannyasana Swami Satyananda Saraswati 78 Keep moving. Keep young c.1 Graham, M 176. Keep moving. Keep young c.2 Graham, M 177. Kirtan Therapy Bhakti Yoga Resources 112. Kriya Sutras of Babaji Swami Satyeswaranda 29. Kundalini yoga Sri Swami Sivananda 79. Light on the guru and disciple relationship Swami Satyananda Saraswati 30. Light on yoga Iyengar BKS 30.1 Light on yoga Iyengar BKS 90. Living Gita (The) Sri Swami Satchidananda 113. Living with Death and Rebirth Ven. Robin Courtin, Buddha House 31. Living yoga Sri Swami Satchidananda 114. Macrobiotics for everyone Sebelis Sandra YTISA Library List October 14 2 115. Making the most of natures circles Swami Bhaktipoornananda 116. Management of Common Diseases Swami Satyananda Saraswati 32. Man’s eternal quest Paramahansa Yogananda 117. Mata Amritanandamayi a biography Swami Amritaswarupananda 80. Mejda Early life of Paramahansa Yogananda Sananda Lal Ghosh 179. Mudras Yoga in your hands Hirschi, Gertrude 165. Muscle s Venkatesa Yoga School 180. Myths of the Asanas Kaivalya, A & van der Kooij, A 118. New Horizons in Modern Medicine Nagendra, H R 33. Nine principle Upanishads Swami Kriyananda 119. On the gentle path of yoga Brandjes, Sophia 120. On the wings of the swan part 1 Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati 121. On the wings of the swan part 2 Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati 122. On the wings of the swan part 3 Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati 123. On the wings of the swan vol 4 Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati 124. On the wings of the swan vol 6 Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati 124.1 On the wings of the swan vol 6 Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati 181. Overcoming Trauma through Yoga Emerson, D & Hopper, E 34. Path to blessedness Sri Swami Chidananda 125. Philosophy of divine love Jaqadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj 126. Play of consciousness Swami Muktananda 182. Pilates in a box Ackland, Lesley 35. Practical yoga ancient and modern Wood, Ernest 36. Practical yoga therapy Atma Jyothi Publication 1. Practical yoga ancient and modern Wood, Ernest 127. Prana Pranayama Prana Vidya Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati 148. Pranayama Devi, Savitri 183. Prem Rasa Siddhanta-Philosophy of Divine Love Jagadguru Shrikripalu JC Maharaj 128. Preparing for birth with yoga Balaskas, Janet 37. Principles and practice of yoga therapy Garde, Dr R K 184. Principles of anatomy and physiology (9th ed) Tortora & Grabowski 142. Problem solving Devi, Savitri 38. Raja yoga Swami Vivekananda 81. Rejuvenation A Wellness Guide for Women and Men Rechelbacher, Horst 129. Religion of love Swami Vivekananda 39. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Fitzgerald, Edward 40. Sadhana Sri Swami Sivananda 41. Search for Liberation-Conversation with John Lennon Swami Bhaktivedanta 82. Scientific healing affirmations Paramhansa Yogananda 153. Senior yoga practices vol.4 Dr. Swami Gitananda 186. Seva-The Path of Purification Swami Sivananda Saraswati 146. Sharing yoga Devi, Savitri 185. Sivananda, Biography of a modern sage Divine Life Society 83. Somatic yoga Criswell, Eleanor 147. Spinal therapy Devi, Savitri 187. Still Here, embracing aging, changing and dying Dass, Ram 188. Stillness speaks Tolle, Eckhart 84. Stretch and relax Tobias, M & Stewart, M 130. Stretching and Flexibility Kit Laughlin 85. Sure ways to self realisation Swami Satyananda Saraswati YTISA Library List October 14 3 143. Surya Gayatri Devi, Savitri 42. Swami Satchidananda (A Biography) Wiener, S 195. Tantra of Kundalini Yoga Swami Satyananda Saraswati 189. Tattwa Shuddhi Swami Satyasangananda 131. Teach yourself yoga Grzybowski, Eve 86. Teaching of Swami Satyananda vol.1 Satyananda Ashram Australia 87. Teaching of Sw. Satyananda vol.2 Satyananda Ashram Australia 43. Textbook of yoga Feuerstein, Georg 154. The amazing life science Francis, Major P G 44. The anatomy colouring book Kapit, & Elson 88. The art of yoga Iyengar, BKS 45. The breath of life Dr. Swami Gitananda 133. The breathing book Donna Farhi 133.1 The breathing book Donna Farhi 46. The chakras, a monograph Leadbeater, CW 2. The complete illustrated book of yoga Swami Vishnudevanda 47. The complete illustrated book of yoga Swami Vishnudevanda 134. The complete yoga course Howard Kent 191. The effects of Yoga on hypertension Dr Swami Shankardevananda 136. The elements of yoga Devereux, Godfrey 48. The essence of yoga Feuerstein, Georg 48.1 The essence of yoga Feuerstein, Georg 193. The flame that transforms MacCuish, S, Patel, M & Wells, A 89. The fold-out atlas of the human body Amadon, A M 138. The Gentle Art of Yoga Bailey, Karen 195. The Incomplete Guide to Yoga Carnegie, Charlotte 167. The jewel in the heart Devi, Savitri 194. The key muscles of Hatha Yoga Ray Long MD FRCSC 91. Theories of the Chakras Motoyama, Hiroshi 138. The power of Chi Pike, G 196. The Secret Power of Light Patel, Dr Mansukh 6. The Silent Path-A Comprehensive Introduction Eastcott, Michael J to the Study of Meditation 197. The Upanishads-The Ancient Teachings Swami Paramananda 198. The yoga of Herbs -an Ayurvedic guide to herbal medicine Dr David Frawley & Dr Vasant Lad 49. The yoga of light, hatha yoga pradipika Rieker, Hans 7. The yoga of the Bhagavat Gita Sri Krishna Prem 139. The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali Georg Feuerstein 50. Thought power Sri Swami Sivananda 51. Thoughts for aspirants N. Sri Ram 52. To know yourself, the essential teachings of Swami Satchidananda Mandlekorn, P 53. Unisex yoga c.2 Donat, L K 199. Vital Yoga A Sourcebook for Students and Teachers Hirschl, Meta Chaya 54. Whispers from eternity Paramhansa Yogananda 26. Yoga c.1 Arulen Arcane Centre, et al 27.
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