Apple Computer Australia Pty Ltd ASVP Price List - January 16th, 2004 PRODUCT INDEX PAGE NOS: ENTRY MACINTOSH 2 POWER MACINTOSH 2 ENTRY MACINTOSH WORK GROUP SERVER 2 POWER MACINTOSH MULTIPLE SCAN DISPLAYS 2 IBOOK IBOOK 2 POWERBOOK MACINTOSH POWERBOOK 2 SERVERS & DISPLAYS IPODS 2 ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES 2 APPLECARE CABLES AND CONNECTORS 3 SERVER SOFTWARE 3 MACINTOSH SOFTWARE 3 NETWORKING & APPLEWORKS 3 SOFTWARE MACINTOSH SYSTEM SOFTWARE 3 WEBOBJECTS 3 VOLUME LICENSING 3 APPLE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 4 NOTATION INDEX 4 Pricing and availability stated on this price list is subject to change. Please use your AppleStore for latest information. RRPs are recommended prices only. Resellers are not obligated to sell products for such prices. Additionally, Apple is not responsible for Resellers' compliance with any laws relating to the goods and services tax in Australia, including Trade Practices laws, regulations and associated guidelines, or for Resellers' ability to recoup GST from customers. Resellers should determine their own selling prices taking into account all relevant factors and having regard to their obligations under the goods and services tax and associated tax reform measures, including cost savings obtained from tax reform which may be required by Trade Practices legislation, laws and/or ACCC guidelines to be passed through to customers. Apple is not able to accurately determine, and does not take any responsibility for determining all such cost savings to Resellers and cannot therefore guarantee that RRPs stated herein satisfy Trade Practices legislation, laws and ACCC guidelines. Apple is not responsible for any loss including any penalties incurred by Resellers as a result of the goods and services tax, Trade Practices laws and associated guidelines past, present and future. GST amounts listed in this price list have been calculated and, where necessary, rounded in accordance with the GST law. Depending on actual quantities supplied and invoiced, due to the rounding rules, the GST payable may vary slightly from 1/11th of the total price charged. Apple Computer Australia Pty Ltd ASVP Price List - January 16th, 2004 CODES P = Product Code Change, NC = Note Change PC = Price Change, GC = Group Change A = Addition to Price List, TC = Tax Change EOL = End of Life products. WSL=While Stock Lasts Code GRP GRP RRP LIST GST ASVP VALUE INCLUDED BUY PRICE BUY PRICE CODE DESCRIPTION NOTES (INC GST) (RRP EX GST) IN RRP (EX GST) (INC GST) ENTRY MACINTOSH M9252X/A eMac 17" CRT 1GHz/128MB/40GB/Combo C2 Q2 1349.00 1226.36 122.64 1104.00 1214.40 M8951X/B eMac 17" CRT 1GHz/256MB/80GB/SuperDrive C2 Q2 1899.00 1726.36 172.64 1554.00 1709.40 M9285X/A iMac G4 15"/1GHz/256MB/80GB/Combo C1 Q2 2299.00 2090.00 209.00 1881.00 2069.10 M9168X/A iMac G4 17"/1.25GHz/256MB/80GB/SuperDrive C1 Q2 3199.00 2908.18 290.82 2617.00 2878.70 M9290X/A iMac G4 20"/1.25GHz/256MB/80GB/SuperDrive C1 Q2 3898.00 3543.64 354.36 3189.00 3507.90 *** FOR MEMORY EXPANSION AND UPGRADES, PLEASE REFER TO THE SERVICE PRICE LIST - http://www.apple.com.au/upgrades/*** POWER MACINTOSH CPU's CPU, Keyboard & Mouse only. Monitor sold separately M9145X/A PMG4 1.25GHz/256MB/80GB/Combo PRO Q4 2299.00 2090.00 209.00 1777.00 1954.70 M9020X/A PMG5 1.6GHz/256MB/80GB/SuperDrive PRO Q4 3199.00 2908.18 290.82 2472.00 2719.20 M9393X/A PMG5 1.8GHz DP/512MB/160GB/SuperDrive PRO Q4 4399.00 3999.09 399.91 3399.00 3738.90 M9032X/A PMG5 2.0GHz DP/512MB/160GB/SuperDrive PRO Q4 5299.00 4817.27 481.73 4095.00 4504.50 MACINTOSH SERVERS M9217FE/A Xserve G5 2.0GHZ DP/1G/80/CD A SS Q1 6499.00 5908.18 590.82 4727.00 5199.70 M9215FE/A Xserve G5 2.0GHZ DP Cluster Node A SS Q1 4799.00 4362.73 436.27 3490.00 3839.00 M9216FE/A Xserve G5 2.0GHZ/512/80/CD A SS Q1 4799.00 4362.73 436.27 3490.00 3839.00 M9271FE/A Xserve RAID 1000G/4x250G/2x2GB FC A SS Q1 9799.00 8908.18 890.82 7127.00 7839.70 M9272FE/A Xserve RAID 1750G/7x250G/2x2GB FC A SS Q1 12199.00 11090 1109.00 8872.00 9759.20 M9273FE/A Xserve RAID 3500G/14x250G/2x2GB FC A SS Q1 17799.00 16180.91 1618.09 12945.00 14239.50 *** FOR SERVICE AND SUPPORT OPTIONS, PLEASE REFER TO APPLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - http://www.apple.com.au/services/ *** MULTIPLE SCAN DISPLAYS FOR MACINTOSH M7649ZM/B Apple Studio Display 17" LCD [2•1] PRO Q4 1299.00 1180.91 118.09 1004.00 1104.40 M8893ZM/A Apple Cinema Display 20" LCD [2•1] PRO Q4 2399.00 2180.91 218.09 1854.00 2039.40 M8537ZM/A Apple Cinema HD Display 23" LCD [2•1] PRO Q4 3499.00 3180.91 318.09 2704.00 2974.40 ENTRY NOTEBOOKS M9164X/A iBook 12" 800/256MB/30GB/Combo C2 Q2 1899.00 1726.36 172.64 1554.00 1709.40 M9388X/A iBook 14" 933/256MB/40GB/Combo C2 Q2 2299.00 2090.00 209.00 1881.00 2069.10 M9165X/A iBook 14" 1GHz/256MB/60GB/Combo C2 Q2 2599.00 2362.73 236.27 2126.00 2338.60 MACINTOSH POWERBOOKS Includes Battery & AC Adapter M9007X/A PB 12" 1GHz/256MB/40GB/Combo PRO Q4 2999.00 2726.36 272.64 2317.00 2548.70 M9008X/A PB 12" 1GHZ/256MB/40GB/SuperDrive PRO Q4 3399.00 3090.00 309.00 2627.00 2889.70 M8980X/A PB 15" 1GHz/256MB/60GB/Combo PRO Q4 3699.00 3362.73 336.27 2858.00 3143.80 M8981X/A PB 15" 1.25GHz/512MB/80GB/SuperDrive PRO Q4 4799.00 4362.73 436.27 3708.00 4078.80 M9110X/A PB 17" 1.33GHz/512MB/80GB/SuperDrive PRO Q4 5499.00 4999.09 499.91 4249.00 4673.90 APPLECARE PROTECTION PLANS/APPLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES M8850FE/A APP for PowerMac, Enrollment Kit APP QH 449.00 408.18 40.82 290.00 319.00 M8851FE/A APP for iMac/eMac, Enrollment Kit APP QH 299.00 271.82 27.18 193.00 212.30 M8852FE/A APP for iBook, Enrollment Kit APP QH 449.00 408.18 40.82 290.00 319.00 M8853FE/A APP for PowerBook, Enrollment Kit APP QH 598.00 543.64 54.36 386.00 424.60 M9404FE/A APP for iPod, Enrollment Kit APP QH 99.00 90.00 9.00 64.00 70.40 M8830Z/B Xserve Premium Service and Support APS QG 1865.00 1695.45 169.55 1204.00 1324.40 M8927Z/A Apple Premium Service & Support Plan for Xserve RAID APS QG 1965.00 1786.36 178.64 1268.00 1394.80 M9463G/A AppleCare Service Parts Kit for Xserve G5 A APS QG 1725.00 1568.18 156.82 1113.00 1224.30 M9113G/B AppleCare Service Parts Kit for Xserve - 60GB APS QG 1665.00 1513.64 151.36 1075.00 1182.50 M9114G/A AppleCare Service Parts Kit for Xserve - 180GB APS QG 2155.00 1959.09 195.91 1391.00 1530.10 M8929G/A AppleCare Service Parts Kit for Xserve RAID - 180GB APS QG 3825.00 3477.27 347.73 2469.00 2715.90 M9383G/A Xserve RAID (SFP) Service Parts 250GB ADM A APS QG 3065.00 2786.36 278.64 1978.00 2175.80 IPODS M9460X/A 15GB iPod A C1 Q2 449.00 408.18 40.82 367.00 403.70 M9244X/A 20GB iPod PC C1 Q2 598.00 543.64 54.36 489.00 537.90 M9245X/A 40GB iPod PC C1 Q2 799.00 726.36 72.64 654.00 719.40 M9128G/A iPod Remote Control/Earphone [4•0] C1 Q2 75.00 68.18 6.82 61.00 67.10 M9394G/A iPod In-Ear Headphones A C2 Q2 59.00 53.64 5.36 48.00 52.80 M9126G/A iPod Dock Connector to FireWire and USB 2.0 cable (PC only) [4•0] C1 Q2 35.00 31.82 3.18 29.00 31.90 M9127G/A iPod Dock Connector to FireWire (Mac only) [4•0] C1 Q2 35.00 31.82 3.18 29.00 31.90 M9130G/A iPod Dock [4•0] C1 Q2 75.00 68.18 6.82 61.00 67.10 M9339ZM/A iPod Stereo Connection Kit [4•0] A C1 Q2 129.00 117.27 11.73 106.00 116.60 M9129G/A iPod Carrying Case [4•0] C1 Q2 75.00 68.18 6.82 61.00 67.10 M8794G/B World Travel Kit for Power Adapter C1 Q2 75.00 68.18 6.82 61.00 67.10 B7815X/A Apple iPod Power Adapter C1 Q2 116.09 105.54 10.55 95.00 104.50 Apple Computer Australia Pty Ltd ASVP Price List - January 16th, 2004 CODES P = Product Code Change, NC = Note Change PC = Price Change, GC = Group Change A = Addition to Price List, TC = Tax Change EOL = End of Life products. WSL=While Stock Lasts Code GRP RRP LIST GST ASVP VALUE INCLUDED BUY PRICE BUY PRICE CODE DESCRIPTION NOTES (INC GST) (RRP EX GST) IN RRP (EX GST) (INC GST) ACCESSORIES M8756G/A Apple Pro Speaker Kit PRO Q4 125.00 113.64 11.36 97.00 106.70 M9034LL/A Apple Keyboard (White) [4•1] PRO Q4 89.00 80.91 8.09 69.00 75.90 M9035G/A Apple Mouse (White) PRO Q4 89.00 80.91 8.09 69.00 75.90 M9269ZM/A Apple Wireless Mouse [6•1] PRO Q4 119.00 108.18 10.82 92.00 101.20 M9270LL/A Apple Wireless Keyboard [6•1] PRO Q4 119.00 108.18 10.82 92.00 101.20 M8985G/A DVD-R Media x4 (5 Pack) PC PRO Q4 15.00 13.64 1.36 12.00 13.20 M9140G/A Extra Battery - iBook 14" G3 (Opaque) WSL C2 Q2 179.00 162.73 16.27 146.00 160.60 M9337G/A Extra Battery - iBook 12" G4 C2 Q2 219.00 199.09 19.91 179.00 196.90 M9338G/A Extra Battery - iBook 14" G4 C2 Q2 219.00 199.09 19.91 179.00 196.90 M8244G/B PowerBook G4 Battery PRO Q4 219.00 199.09 19.91 169.00 185.90 M9324G/A Extra Battery - 12" PowerBook PRO Q4 219.00 199.09 19.91 169.00 185.90 M9325G/A Extra Battery - 15" PowerBook PRO Q4 219.00 199.09 19.91 169.00 185.90 M9326G/A Extra Battery - 17" PowerBook PRO Q4 219.00 199.09 19.91 169.00 185.90 M8943X/A Apple Portable Adapter - Retail 65W Kit [4•2] PRO Q4 179.00 162.73 16.27 138.00 151.80 M8434G/A Apple AV Cable (iBook Dual USB) C2 Q2 45.00 40.91 4.09 37.00 40.70 T4295X/A Messenger Case (Carry bag) [2•6] PRO Q4 54.00 49.09 4.91 42.00 46.20 M7600FE/E AirPort Card C1 Q2 155.00 140.91 14.09 127.00 139.70 M8881FE/A AirPort Extreme Card PRO Q4 199.00 180.91 18.09 154.00 169.40 M8753G/A AirPort Card Adapter (iMac G3) C1 Q2 45.00 40.91 4.09 37.00 40.70 M8799X/A AirPort Extreme Base Station (with modem) PRO Q4 499.00 453.64 45.36 386.00 424.60 M8930X/A AirPort Extreme Base Station (w/o modem) PRO Q4 399.00 362.73 36.27 308.00 338.80 M9321G/A Mini DVI to DVI Adapter Kit [6•2] PRO Q4 35.00 31.82 3.18 27.00 29.70 M9320G/A Mini DVI to VGA Adapter Kit [6•2] PRO Q4 35.00 31.82 3.18 27.00 29.70 M9319G/A Mini DVI to Video Adapter Kit [6•2] PRO Q4 35.00 31.82 3.18
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