Hsp90 Interactors

Hsp90 Interactors

Picard, 09/2021 - Page 1 HSP90 INTERACTORS Chaperones and relatives - valosin-containing protein - MAFG (VCP)/p97 - Mal63 - MalR - Aha1 and its homolog Hch1 - USP19 - MAX - Cdc37 (p50) and its relative - Tsc1 - Met1 Harc (= Cdc37L1) - ZMYND10 - MeSRS1 - p23 (=Sba1) - GIGANTEA - MeWRKY20 - proteins with TPR motifs: - Ids2 - MKX Hop (=Sti1), FKBP52 - TIMP2 - mod(mdg4) (=FKBP4; and high MW - Cereblon - c-Myc plant homologs), FKBP51 - Nanog (=FKBP5), FKBP8 Transcription factors - NFIC (=FKBP38), FKBP36 (= - NFRKB FKBP6), Plasmodium - Notch1 (ICN1) FKBP35, plant TWD1, - 12(S)-HETE receptor - NR1H3 cyclophilin-40 (Cpr6 and - AF9/MLLT3 - NR1I2 Cpr7), PP5 (and yeast Ppt1), - all vertebrate steroid - Oct4 Tom70, probably also receptors (GR, MR, ERa, - p53 related Tom71=Tom72, XAP- ERb, PR, AR) - p73 2 (=AIP=ARA9), Cns1 and its - AGL24 - PAS family members: Drosophila and human - ATF3 Dioxin receptor (=AhR), Sim, relatives Dpit47 and TTC4, - BBX HIF–1a, HIF-2a, HIF-3a CHIP, UNC45A (GC-UNC45) - BCL-6 - PCGF6 and UNC45B, She4, DnaJC7 - Bclaf1 - POGK (=Tpr2=mDj11=CCRP), CRN, - BES1 - PPARa, PPARb, PPARγ, WISp39 (=FKBPL), Tah1 - BrZ7 PPARδ (=Spaghetti=RPAP3), Spag1, - BZR1 - PRDM1 NASP, Toc64 and OM64, - C20orf194 - PREB TPR1 (=Ttc1), SGT - CAR - PXR (=aSGT=SGTA), DYX1C1, - C/EBPb - REST AtTPR1, AtTPR2, AtTPR7, - CEBPE (C/EBPε) - REV-ERBa AIPL1, Tom34, Tetrahymena - Cwt1 - RlmA (of Aspergillus) Coi12p - CXXC1 - SETDB1 - CS-containing p23 relatives - cytoplasmic v-erbA - SIM2 AARSD1, SGT1 (=SUGT1), - DLX6 - SLFN11 RAR1, Siah-1-interacting - DMRTA1 - SOC1 protein (SIP), - E1A - SOX11 Chp1/CHORDC1/Morgana, - E2F1 and E2F2 - Sp1 B-ind1, melusin, NudC and - EcR - SREBF1 NudCL2 (=Nudcd2) - FOXD4L6 - SREBP1 - FNIP1, FNIP2 - FOXM1 - SREBP2 - Hsc70/Hsp70/Hsp72/DnaK - FOXP2 - Stat2 - Hsp60 - GTF2IRD2 - Stat3 (also in caveolin-1 - mtHsp70/Grp75/mortalin - Hap1 complexes in rafts) - Human DnaJ homolog - HCFC1 - Stat5 Hsj1b, cynobacterial DnaJ2 - HMGA1, HMGA2 - SUP - PhLP2A - HNF4A - TADA2A - Pih1 (=Nop17) (mostly - HP1BP3 - TBX22 through Tah1) - HSF-1 - TCF25 - Prefoldin 4 and 6 - HsfA1, HsfA2, HsfB1 - TDP-43 - S100A1 - IRF2 - TEAD2 - Sse1, Sse2 - IRF3 - TFDP3 - Tel2-Tti1-Tti2 complex - ISX - THAP4 - Toxoplasma Sis1-like - LFY - TonEBP/OREBP Picard, 09/2021 - Page 2 - TRIM32 - CDK11B - HIPK4 - Tup1 - CDK14 - HopBF1 effectors - Twist1 - CDK15 - ICK - Ure2 - CDK18 - INSRR - USP1 - Cdk2, Cdk4, Cdk6, Cdk9, - Insulin receptor - VDR Cdk11 - Insulin-like growth factor 1 - VP16 - CDK3 receptor - water mold Achlya steroid - CheA (E. coli) - Integrin-linked kinase (antheridiol) receptor - Chk1 - IP6K2 - WT1 - Cla4 - IRAK-1 - ZBED4 - CLK2 - IRAK2 - ZBTB17 - CLK3 - IRAK3 - ZBTB20 - Cot = Tpl-2 - Ire1a - ZC3H7B - CSF1R - ITK - ZNF215 - CSNK1A1 - IkB kinases (IKK) a, b, g, e - ZNF509 - DCLK2 - JAK1 - ZNF74 - DDR1 - JNK - DDR2 - KSR Kinases - Death-associated kinases - LATS1, LATS2 DAPK, DAPK2, DAPK3 - LCK - DLK - LIMK1 - ACVR1B - DMPK - LIMK2 - ACVR1C - DYRK1B - Lkb1 - ACVR2B - DYRK2 - LMTK3 - Akt/PKB - DYRK3 - LRRK2 - AKT2 - DYRK4 - LYN - ALK - eEF-2 kinase - MAP2K5 - ALK1, ALK5 - EGF receptor (mutant and - MAP2K7 - ALPK1 wt) - MAP3K12 - AMHR2 - eIF2-a kinases HRI, Gcn2, - MAP3K15 - AMPKa, AMPKg Perk, PKR - MAP3K2 - ARAF - Eml4-Alk - MAP3K6 - ASK1 - EPHA1 - MAP3K9 - ATM - EphA2 - MAP4K1 - AURKC - EPHA4 - MAP4K2 - Aurora B - EPHB1 - MAP4K4 - AXL - EPHB6 - MAPKKK (MEKK) YODA - Bcr-Abl - ErbB2 - MAPK15 - BCR-FGFR1 - ERBB3 - MAPK4 - BGLF4 of EBV - ERBB4 - MAPK6 - BLK - ERK5 - MAPK7 - BMPR1A - FASTK - MAST1 - BMX - FGFR1 - MAST2 - BTK - FGFR3 and FGFR4 - MATK - c-Abl - Flt3 - MEK - c-Kit - FLT4 - MEKK1 and MEKK3 - c-Mos - FOP2-FGFR1 - MERTK - CAMK1G - FRK - MET - CAMK2A - Fused - Mik1 - CAMK2B - FYN - MINK1 - CAMK2D - Gal1 - MLK3 - CAMK2G - GRK2 and GRK6 - MLKL - CAMK4 - GRK4 - MOK, MAK, MRK - CAMKK1 - GRK7 - MpkA (of Aspergillus) - CAMKK2 - GSK3A - Mps1 - CAMKV - GSK3b - mTOR - casein kinase IIa catalytic - HCK - MUSK subunit - HER3 - MYLK2 - Cdc2 (=Cdk1) - HIPK2 - MYLK3 Picard, 09/2021 - Page 3 - MYLK4 - RET Others - NEK11 - RET/PTC1 - NEK8 - RIP1 - NEK9 - RIP3 - Act1 (=TRAF3IP2) - NIK - Ron - Adenosine A2A receptor - NPM-Alk - ROR1 - a2C adrenergic receptor - NPR2 - ROR2 - Ago3 - NTRK1 - RPS6KA1 - AID - NTRK2 - RPS6KA2 - AIP56 - NTRK3 - RPS6KA3 - Aldo-keto reductase 1B10 - NUAK2 - RPS6KA5 - ANAPC2 - Nucleophosmin-Anaplastic - RPS6KA6 - ANKMY2 Lymphoma Kinase - RPS6KB1 - Annexin A2 - p38 - RPS6KC1 - ANP receptor - p90RSK - RPS6KL1 - ANP32C/D - PAK6 - Ryk - Apaf-1 - PASK - SGK-1 - APH1 - Pbs2 - SGK2 - apoB - PDGFRB - SGK223 - APOBEC-3B, -3C, -3G - PDIK1L - SGK3 - Arb1 - PDK1 - Slt2 - ARD1 - PGK1 - src related tyrosine kinases: - Argonaute-1 (Ago1) - PI4KIIb fer, fes, fgr, fps, lck, yes - Argonaute-2 (=Ago2=GERp95) - Pim-1 - SRPK1 - Argonaute-4 (Ago4) - PIM2 - SRPK3 - ARMC5 - PIM3 - SSCMK1 - ArtAB - Pink1 - STK32B - ASB17 - PKCl, PKCe and other PKCs - STK32C - ASB2 - PKM2 - STK33 - ASB3 - PKN1 - STK38 - ASB4 - PKN2 - STK38L - ASB6 - platelet-derived growth - STYK1 - ASL factor receptor a - SYK - ASS1 - Plk1 - TAK1 - ATG8 (GABARAP) proteins - Plk3 - TAOK3 - ATG8b, ATG8c, ATG8e, - Pnck - TBK1 ATG12 - pp60v-src, c-src - TESK1 - Axin 1 - PRKAA2 - TESK2 - BCAP (PIK3AP1) - PRKACB - TGFb receptors I and II - BALF5 of EBV - PRKCA - TIE1 - Bcl-2 - PRKCB - TNK1 - Bcl-xL - PRKCG - TNK2 - Beclin 1 - PRKCH - TNNI3K - Bid - PRKCI - TP53RK - BIN2 - PRKCQ - TrkAI and III - BLM helicase - PRKCZ - TrkB - Bms1 - PRKD1 - TSSK1B - BPIFB4 - PRKD2 - TSSK2 - BRAT1 - PRKDC - TSSK3 - BRCA1 - PRKG2 - TSSK4 - BRCA2 - PRKX - TSSK6 - BRD4 - PRKY - Tyk2 - BRMS1 - PSKH1 - TYRO3 - BTRC - PSKH2 - Ulk1 - c-IAP1 - PTK2 - VEGFR1, VEGFR2 - calcineurin (Cna2; catalytic - PTK2B - Wee1, Swe1 subunit) - PTK6 - WNK4 - calmodulin - PTK6 - ZAP-70 - calmodulin - Raf-1, B-Raf, Ste11 methyltransferase Picard, 09/2021 - Page 4 - calpain-1 - DNA polymerase λ - glutathione S-transferase - calponin - DNA polymerase h subunit 3 (KS type) - CARM1 - DnaA (E. coli) - Guanylate cyclase, soluble - Caspase-8 - DNMT1 - Ga0, Ga12 - b-catenin - Dsn1 - Glucocerebrosidase - CB2 cannabinoid receptor - DTX4 - GREB1 - Ccp1 - E6^E7 - HAX-1 - CCDC117 - EBAX-1 - HDAC1 - CD38 type III - Emc2 - HDAC6 - CD79a - ENC1 - HECTD3 - Cdc13 - eNOS, nNOS (?) - Hepatitis B virus core - Cdc14 - ether-a-gogo-related protein - Cdc25a and Cdc25c potassium channel (ERG = - Hepatitis C virus protein - Cdk5 activator p35 HERG = KCNH2) NS3 - CPEB1, CPEB2, CPEB3 - EZH2 - Hepatitis E virus capsid - CFTR (nascent and mutant - F1F0-ATP synthase protein polypeptide) - FANCA - HERC4 - ChAT - FBXL12 - HERC6 - CheZ (E. coli) - FBXL13 - Histones H1, H2A, H2B, H3 - Chl1 - FBXL14 and H4 - Chronophin - FBXL15 - HMGCR - Cineole synthase 1 - FBXL18 - Hsp27 - Clathrin heavy chain - FBXL2 - Humanin - CLC-1 chloride channel - FBXL3 - Huntingtin - CLC-2 chloride channel - FBXL6 - IDH1 - Clostridium toxin CDT - FBXL8 - Importin 4 (IPO4) - Clostridium toxin iota - FBXO10 - Importin b1 - Clusterin - FBXO17 - Importin-a6 (KPNA5) - COG complex - FBXO18 - Ino80 - COI1 - FBXO24 - Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate - Complement C9 - FBXO25 receptor 3 - Cry toxins - FBXO27 - Integrin a2 - CTA1 = CtxA1 - FBXO28 - Integrin a4 - Ctf13/Skp1 component of - FBXO3 - Integrin aL CBF3 - FBXO34 - IL-1b - CUL1 - FBXO38 - IRS-2 - CUL2 - FBXO4 - Japanese encephalitis virus - CUL3 - FBXO40 E protein - CUL4A - FBXO6 - JlpA - CUL4B - FBXO9 - KAP1 - Cup - FBXW11 - KAT5 - cyclin B - FBXW2 - KBTBD4 - cyclophilin D - FBXW5 - KBTBD7 (mitochondrial) - FBXW7 - KCNA5 - Cyr1 - FGAMS - KCNA6 - cytoskelettal proteins: - Fibronectin - KCNG1 actin, tubulin (including - Filamin A - KCNS3 ciliary b4-tubulin), myosin - FliN, FliI (E. coli) - KCNQ4 (including Myo3B) - FLIPS and FLIPL - KCTD8 - DBC2 - Folliculin - KDM3A/JMJD1A - DDX5 - free bg subunit of G protein - KDM4B/JMJD2B - DEDD - FtsZ - KEAP1 - Dengue virus protein E - G2E3 - KIAA0317 - Dengue virus proteins - GAN - Kir6.2 NS1/2B/3/4B/5 - GBP1 - KLHL1 - DET1 - Gln1 - KLHL10 - Diphtheria toxin A - GLT-1 - KLHL13 - DNA helicase Ssl2 - GluR1 - KLHL14 - DNA polymerase a - KLHL15 Picard, 09/2021 - Page 5 - KLHL22 - MUC1 - PLCg - KLHL23 - Myoglobin - PLN - KLHL25 - N-myc downstream- - polysomal ribonuclease 1 - KLHL26 regulated gene 1 (NRDG1) (PMR1) - KLHL29 - N-WASP - PPAT - KLHL32 - Na+-K+-Cl- cotransporter 1 - PRDM14 - KLHL34 - NadA - PRMT5 - KLHL36 - NAP1 - pro-Dcp1 - KLHL38 - NB-LRR proteins: RPM1 and - prolactin receptor - KLHL6 RPS2, Nod1, Nod2, NALP2, - prostacyclin synthase - knob complexes (in the NALP3, NALP4, NALP12, - proteasome membrane of Plasmodium- IPAF, RPP4 - PRPF8 infected erythrocytes) - NBR1 - PRPF19 - KSHV K1 - NCC - PTPN22 - KSR1 - NCT - Ptx - KSR2 - NDRG2 - PUS7 - L protein of HRSV - NELF-E - R-protein I-2 - L protein of SHVV - Nervous necrosis virus - R2TP complex through Pih1 - Lamin A/C capsid protein - Rab-aGDI - LAMP-2A - Neuraminidase - Rab3a - LANA of KS-HSV - Neuropeptide Y - Rab11a - LAP - NHE1 - RAB40A - LARP4B - NHLRC1 - Rac/Rop GTPase Rac1 (rice) - Legumain - Nibrin - Rac1 - LGALS3BP - NleH1 and NleH2 - Rad51 - LIS1 - NMNAT2 - Rad52 - LNX1 - Norovirus capsid protein - RAG1 - LOC440248 VP1 - Ral-binding protein 1 - LOX1 (OLR1) - Nox1, Nox2, Nox3, Nox5 (RalBP1) - LOXL2 - NS1 - RanBP9 - Lpl1 (S. aureus) - Nsl1 - Rapsyn - LRP1 (=CD91) - nsP3 and nsP4 of - Raptor - LRP5 Chikungunya virus - RCBTB1 - LRSAM1 - Nucleoprotein (NP) of - RCBTB2 - LSD1 MERS-CoV - RCP - LSM8 - Nup62 - Reovirus protein s1 - macromolecular aminoacyl- - Nwd1 - REV1 tRNA synthetase complex - OGT - reverse transcriptase of - Macrophage scavenger - OsCERK1 hepatitis

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