X The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXIV.—NO 41 8T. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY. JULY 26, 1900. WHOLE NO.-1760 BREVITIES. to attend tiie Senetorlal Convention DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION when called, in the same manner as GEN. 0. L. SPAULDING, PROMPT RETURNS. for the Htate convention, with the Dr. Ottaman, the specialist, will be THK PARTY ALIVE WITH THE IM­ following results; ASSISTANT UNITED STATES TREAS­ An Investment of 24.50 With the Order of at The Steel hotel, Friday, August 3d, Jay St>aslt>n», Lebanon. ~ZJ all day. PORTANT ISSUES OF THE OAT. Robert Hyslop, Ovid. URER IN THE NORTHWEST. Modern Woodman. In a Little More Than Richard Moore. Bingham. Not a Dissenting Voice When The Prohibitionists will hold their roar Months Returns 03,000 to J. G. Patterson, Dallas. His Name Was Presented. state convention in Lansing, August Considering the Huijr Season For Farmers Newell Parker. Victor. He Is Highly Honored Iqr the Press and the Widow. 28 and 29. • Andrew Scott, Olive. People In Sau Francisco and Else­ the Con rent Ion Was Well Represented, Robert Landers. Riley. Last Friday A. T: Brainard, clerk Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Clock- John J. Stump. Westphalia. where Kn Route. KyUAL TAXATION THE ISSUE OF THK zein, July 22. 1900, a ten pound daugh­ Spirited and Harmonious Delegatee F. A. Chlse, Blughaiu. of tiie local Camp, Modern Woodman to the State and Senatorial Con ­ H. N Webb. DeWitt. Tiie San Francisco Sunday Call, of CAMPAIGN. of America, received a draft on thtlr ter, on Die Hubbard farm. David Clark, Jr„ Eagle. July 8, publishes a double column por­ head banker for the sum of 93,000, the The Methodist Camp Meeting at vention!* Chosen. W. N. Rlddeout, Greenbush. trait of Gen. Spaulding in connection amount of tiie policy carried by tiie Long Lake, near Ionia, opens tonight Bv a vote of tiie convention these with a short account of his visit there Specific Method* of Tax Reform Incorpo ­ delegates were also empowered to se­ rated In the Resolution*. late R. S. Gregory in that order.* The with excellent prospects for a good The Democratic County Convention and in Alaska, which we reprint be­ order is to he commended for its attendance. lect their own substitute in eases low. Tiie Cali says: promptness. Owing to Mr. Gregory’s for the purpose of electing twelve del ­ where it is impossible for them to at­ "San Francisco is honored by the Floyd M. Kiesling and Miss Vernie tend, the same as was delegated to the William C. Maybury, mayor of De­ dying away from home it was neces ­ \. tliinthcr. of Ovid and Bath, were egates to the state convention, which presence of O. L. Spaulding, Ausslst- sary to send a representative to the delegates to the State Convention. ant Secretary of tiie Treasury of the troit, was Wednesday evening tender ­ married July 25th, at the parsonage, met in .Detroit yesterday, and which On motion, the above chosen dele ­ Soo to obtain deatli proofs, which by Mr. Laufman. will probably complete its work today, United States. He is stopping at the ed the Democratic nomination for were not completed and forwarded to gates to the State and Senetorial con­ Palace, and. is certainly not jookiug governor of Michigan with an unani ­ the head office umil July 9th and in Order of Eastern Star will hold me­ and a like number to the senatorial ventions were accepted and elected for notoriety. Many officers of the less than two weeks Mrs. Gregory was morial exercises at Masonic hall Tues­ convention, when called, convened in by a unanimous vote of the conven ­ mity which rendered useless the tak­ day evening. July,31. Friends of the customs service called to see tiie in possession of her money. It will he the Circuit Court room, last Saturday tion. gentleman yesterday afternoon and ing of any ballot. Not a dissenting remembered that Mr. Gregory joined oraer are invited. The business of tiie convention hav ­ pay their respects, but failed to meet voice was heard when the vote to this society Jan. 29,1900, and had only Married in St. Johns, by It. J. Wood ­ afternoon, and considering the busy ing been completed in a very satisfac­ him. Tiie presence of so many of the time of year, and the catchy time be­ tory manner, a motion was made and nominate Maybury was acted upon aid assessments to the amount of ruff, Esq., Marvin It. Monroe, of local officers of tiie government in the and tiie withdrawal of the half-dozen S1.50 when he came to his death at Owosso, and Miss Maggie M. Call, of tween the frequent storms the farmers supported that the convention now hosterly created the rumor that there Sault Ste Marie, Mich, June 6th, from Ovid, July 25, 1900. have experience, the townships were now adjourn without date, which was was some mystery connected with the other gubernatorial candidates before Auguia Pictorias or neuralgia of the The beauty and attrastiveness of carried. visit of Mr. Spaulding. This thought any vote was taken was received by heart. This shows the uocertanity of well represented, and every delegate was, however, soon dispelled by that St. Johns cemetery is being well main ­ gave evidence of a brilliant success the delegates with loud cheers of ap­ life. A man may enjoy tiie best of tained by Geo. E. Weatherwax, dur ­ ANOTHER OLD PIONEER gentleman. proval. health today and tomorrow may enter ing the illness of Mr. Smith. for the people’s cause this fall. “There is no mystery connected with upon his everlasting sleep. No man my visit to the coast at this time,” The platform as unanimously adopt ­ enjoying good health should fail to “ The Good of Being Bothered ” and The convention was rapped to order Has Gone to Join the Great Majority In tl>« ed regrets the “present condition of “What was the Forbidden Fruit and said Mr. Spaulding yesterday after­ join some one of the many good fra­ at 1:30 byJ. 11. Fedewa, the popular Now Life noon. “It is true that my trip is for tiie political and administrative agen­ How it was Eaten. ” are the themes at and faithful chairman of the county cies. which under republican control, ternal benittciary orders at once, and the Methodist church next Sunday. Tiie subject of tills sketch, Mrs. the purpose of securing information, thereby insure his family from want committee. He called Jay Sessions, of Clarissa Sperry, was born in the town ­ but it is also a pleasure, for It gives have so debauched our governmental when his “strong right arm” is ren ­ At present, a great many of our Lebanon, as temporary chairman, af­ ship of Spring. Crawford county, Pa., my wife and self an opportunity to system as to disgrace the state andde- dered powerless by death. Insurance people are away to some summer re­ ter which Geo. S. Corbit was chosen September 19. 1823, and died at her meet our son, Lieutenant Spaulding, base the function of a free govern­ can he carried at a very nominal cost sort. and peddlers and canvassers find temporary secretary. home in South Bingham. Clinton coun­ who is In tiie Third Artillery, station ­ ment: ” denounces tiie “maladminis ­ and any poor man in modern circum­ it very unprotitable to ‘‘work the Mr. Sessions, on taking the chair ty, Mich., July 21, 1900, making her ed at Fort Winfield Scott. tration. which lias produced the fruit­ stances not carrying a policy to pro­ town. ” and thanking the convention for the 76 years. 10 months and 2 days old. “I will proceed from here to tiie age of ail investigation by grand jury tect Ills loved ones is neglecting his The weather is still unsettled and honor bestowed upon him, in a brief She was tiie eldest daughter of a fam­ sound parts, looking through tiie cus­ and the numerous criminal trials of duty to his God and family. frequent rains make it very difficult but effectual manner, contrasted the ily of eight children. Her mother toms system, and from there I will go state officials pending in the courts,” for farmers to secure their crops. platforms and principles of the Demo­ died when she was 14 years of age. ren ­ to tiie' fiir north. My business there and demands, "searching inquiry into Considerable wheat and oats are down cratic and Republican parties. He dering it necessary for her to assume will be to look Into the methods now the methods of every department of and in a tangled mass. spoke in a clear and distinct tone of tiie responsibility of tiie care of a large pursued In the handling of goods the state government. ” TAXES. voice, and from the volume of valuable family. In 1840 she removed with her hound for ports In Alaska. At a dis ­ “Submission of a constitutional If you are not satisfied with the re­ and convincing subject matter at amendment to put all co-opeative Notice of Collection of Village Taxes For sult obtained from treatment with father and her brothers and sisters to tance of thousands of miles It is some­ the Year 11)00. vour physician, why don ’t you try Dr. hand, he was not obliged to repeat Portage county, ()., and about one times difficult to understand situa­ taxes upon the same basis as to appro­ ► W. C. Walker, of Detroit; he has cured himself, but on the contrary, he had year later they came to Michigan and tions, and it is for the purpose of plac­ priation as those raised by levy.
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