Women of the World: Asta and the Pacific by Nasra M. Shah Prepared under contract with the U.S. Bureau of ,he Census, with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development Asia . .. '5 1 I ";i' Kore India - ail*nd • China '! Nepal Bhutan . SPakistan Bangladesh Hong Kong MIDDLE 1po SOUTHSum ASIA 0 A* Contents Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Sources of Data Table 2.1 Number of Tables in WID Data Base, by Country Chapter 3. Population Distribution and Change Figures 3.1. Asia: Estimated and Projected Population Size and Components of Change, 1960 to 2025 3.2. Population Distribution of Asian Countries: 1984 3.3. Estimated and Projected Population of Asian Countries: 1960, 1970, and 1985 3.4. Percent of All Women in Selected Age Groips 3.5. Percent of Women Living in Urban Areas: Latest Two Censuses 3.6. Sex Ratio by Rural/Urban Residence 3.7. Sex Ratio of Population in Two Age Groups, by Rural/Urban Residence Tables 3.1. Total Population, by Sex and Sex Ratio 3.2. Total Population of Selected Countries of Asia: 1960 to 1985 3.3. Percent of Female Population in Selected Age Groups, by Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 3.4. Percent of Male Population in Selected Age Groups, by Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 3.5. Sex Ratio of Population in Selected Age Groups, by Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 3.6. Percent of Population Residing in Urban Areas, by Sex, and FemaleMale Ratio of Percent Urban: Latest Two Censuses, for Asian Countries 3.7. Percent of Female Population in Selected Age Groups, for Pacific Islands 3.8. Percent of Male Population in Selected Age Groups, for Pacific Islands 3.9. Sex Ratio of Population in Selected Age Groups, for Pacific Island-s 3.10. Percent of Population Residing in Urban Areas, by Sex, and FemaPi/Male Ratio of Percent Urban, for Pacific Islands Chapter 4. Literacy and Education Figures 4.1. Percent Literate Among Women and Men 10 Years of Age and Over 4.2. Percent Literate Among Women and Men 10 Years of Age and Over, by Rural/Uban Residence 4.3. Percent Literate for Women and Men, by Age 4.4. Percent Literate for Women, by Age and Rural/Urban Residence 4.5. Percent Enrolled in School Among Girls and Boys 10 to 14 Years of Age 4.6. Percent Enrolled in School Among Girls and Boys 10 to 14 Years of Age, by Rural/Urban Residence Tables 4.1. Percent Literate Among the Population 10 Years of Age and Over, by Sex and Rural/Urban Residence, and Female/Male Ratio of Percent Literate, for Asian Countries 4.2. Percent Literate Among Women and Men in Selected Age Groups, for Asian Countries 4.3. Percent of Population Enrolled in School, by Age, Sex, and Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 4.4. Female/Male Ratio of Percent Enrolled in School, by Age, for Asian Countries 4.5. Female/Male Ratio of Percent Enrolled in School, by Age and Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 4.6. Percent of Population Enrolled in School, by Age and Sex, for Pacific Islands Chapter 5. Women in Economic Activity Figures 5.1. Labor Force Participation Rates for Population 10 Years of Age and Over, by Sex 5.2. Labor Force Participation Rates for Women 10 Years of Age and Over, by Rural/Urban Residence 5.3. Female/Male Ratios of Labor Force Participation Rates, by Rural/Urban Residence 5.4. Percent Economically Active, by Age and Sex, for Mainland China, India, and South Korea 5.5. Labor Force Participation Rates of Women 20 to 29 Years of Age in Rural and Urban Areas 5.6. Percent of Nonagricultural Labor Force in Selected Occupational Groups, by Sex 5.7. Percent of Labor Force in Agriculture, by Sex Tables 5.1. Labor Force Participation Rates for the Population 10 Years of Age and Over, by Sex and Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 5.2. Labor Force Participation Rates, by Age, Sex, and Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 5.3. Female Share of the Rural and Urban Labor Force, by Age, for Asian Countries 5.4. Female/Male Ratio of Labor Force Participation Rates, by Age and Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 5.5. Urban Labor Force Participation Rates by Sex, Age, and Marital Status for Selected Asian Countries 5.6. Unpaid Family Workers as a Percent of the Labor Force, by Sex, and Female/Male Ratio of these Percentages, for Asian Countries 5.7. Percent Distribution of the Labor Force by Sex and Occupation, for Asian Countries 5.8. Female Share of the Labor Force, by Occupation, for Asian Countries 5.9. Percent Distribution of Nonagricultural Labor Force, by Principal Occupation and Sex, for Asian Countries 5.10. Labor Force Participation Rates for the Population 15 Years of Age and Over, by Sex, and Female/Male Ratio of Participation Rates, for Pacific Islands 5.11. Labor Force Participation Rates, by Age and Sex, for Pacific Islands 5.12. Female/Male Ratio of Labor Force Participation Rates, by Age, for Pacific Islands 5.13. Female Share of the Labor Force, by Agn, for Pacific Islands 5.14. Percent of Employed EconomicallV. Active Population in Selected Industries, by Sex, for Pacific Islands Chapter 6. Marital Status and Living Arrangements Figures 6.1. Age by Which 50 Percent of Women and Men Have Ever Been Married 6.2. Female/Male Ratio of Percent Widowed 10 Years of Age and Over 6.3. Percent Single Among Women and Men Ages 20 to 24 Years, by Rural/Urban Residence Tables 6.1. Minimum Legal Age at Marriage, by Sex, for Asian Countries 6.2. Age by Which 50 Percent of Persons Have Ever Been Married, by Sex and Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 6.3. Percent Distribution of the Population 10 Years of Age and Over, by Marital Status and Sex, for Asian Countries 6.4. Percent Distribution of Women 10 Years of Age and Over, by Marital Status and Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 6.5. Percent Single Among the Population 20-24 and 45-49 Years of Age, by Sex and Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 6.6. Median Number of Persons per Household, by Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 6.7. Percent Distribution of Population 15 Years of Age and Over, by Marital Status and Sex, for Pacific Islands 6.8. Percent Single Among the Population 15 to 24 and 35 to 44 Years of Age, for Pacific Islands Chapter 7. Fertility and Mortality Figures 7.1. Crude Birth Rates 7.2. Gross and Net Reproduction Rates 7.3. Distribution of Lifetime Fertility, by Age of Mother 7.4. Life Expectancy at Birth for Women and Men 7.5. Infant Mortality Rates 7.6. Female/Male Ratio of Infant Mortality Rates 7.7. Proportion of Children Dying Before Their Fifth Birthday, by Sex Tables 7.1. Crude Birth Rate, Total Fertility Rate, Gross Reproduction Rate, and Net Reproduction Rate, for Asian Countries 7.2. Percent Distribution of Lifetime Fertility, by Age of Mother, for Asian Countries 7.3. Percent Distribution of Lifetime Fertility, by Age of Mother and Rural/Urban Residence, for Asian Countries 7.4. Life Expectancy at Birth and at Age 1 Year for Women and Men, and Female/Male Ratio ef Life Expectancy, for Asian Countries 7.5. Number of Years Women May Expect to Outlive Men at Birth and at 1 Year of Age, and Male Gains in Life Expectancy Between Age 0 and Age 1 Year, for Asian Countries 7.6. Infant Mortality Rates per 1,000 Live Births, by Sex, and Female/Male Ratio of Infant Mortality Rates, for Asian Countries 7.7. Proportion of Children Dying Before Their Fifth Birthday, by Sex, and Female/Male Ratio of Proportion Dying, for Asian countries 7.8. Crude Birth Rate, Crude Death Rate, and Total Fertility Rate, for Pacific Islands Chapter 8. Conclusions Appendixes A. References B. Tables in the Women In Development Data Base C. Population, by Age, Sex, and Rural/Urban Residence ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT ASFR: Age specific fertility rate (the average annual number of births to women in a given age group during a specified period of time per 1,000 women in the same age group, based on midperiod population). CBR: Crude birth rate (the average annual number of births during a specified period of time per 1,000 persons, based on midperiod population). CIR: Center for International Research, U.S. Bureau of the Census. Washington, D.C. F/M ratio: Ratio of the female value to the male value for a given characteristic (for example, the ratio of the female percent literate to the male percent literate). GNP: Gross national product (the total value of all final goods and services produced in an economy during a specified period of time, including net factor income from abroad). GRR: Gross reproduction rate (the average number of daughters born per woman in a group of women passing through the childbearing years and experiencing a given set of age-specific fertility rates. This rate implicitly assumes that all the women live to the end of the childbearing years. See also NRR). ILO: International Labour Office, United Nations. Geneva. IMR: !nfant mortality rate (the number of deaths to infants under 1 year of age per 1,000 live births occurring in the same calendar year). NA: Data nct available. NRR: Net reproduction rate (a refinement of the gross reproduction rate that allows for mortality of women from birth to the end of their reproductive years).
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