![Socexa Ne(R)S VOL](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
pock f ook Co fhe laot'r u)frt<..1, you (^t1:t2e tteu)t) _ DrlJ.sn -r 1:,-rl'{- lp t ),;1 frl I|| cl)tccrc,o JecDtsl) LzrstorarcaL socteXy 618 South Michigan . Chicago,Illinois 60605 . Telephone:(3I2\ 663-5634 socexa ne(r)s VOL. IV-NO, 3 ocT. 1980 TtiEPOLITICS 0F JEl,{ISHCHICAG0: ISSUES pND PERS0NAL.ITIES OCTOBER12 PROGRAIVI As the 1980 Presidential election draws near, the Soc.iety will open its fa11 program season \rith another innovative presentation: a look at the Jewish role in Chicago politics, both past and present. The Societyrs ornm specialist on Jer,zs in Chicago politics, DR. EDWARDH. MAZUR, Associate Professor of Urban Studies & Social Studies at the City Colleges of Chicago, will moderate a panel dlscussion among three of Chicagots outstanding Jewish poliEicians: SIDNEYR, YATES U.S. Congressman, 9th Congresslonal District ARTHURL. BERI4AN T I lino i s StaLe Senator, llth Distr ic t 'r*)t HOI^IARDii, CARROLL Illinois State Senator, 15th District EownnoH, Ivlnzun,lvlolrRnron This is our annual meeting for 1980. Nominees for the Board of Directors as listed in our Society News, June, 1980, will be elected at this meeEing. 'Plan to attend this exciting pre-election day event. :!-****rt**** -nrnoram in forma t ion- SUNDAY,OCToBER L2, 1980 l:30 p.m. SocIAT-HOUR 2:00 p.n. PROGRAM BedermanHall, Spertus College of Judaica, 618 South Michlgan Avenue, Chicago ADMISSION T'R.EE ALL ARE WELCOME BRTNGYOUR FRIENDS I'or further information call our office: 663-5634 SOCIEfi NEWS PAGE 2 ocToBER, 1980 OUR NEXT PROGRAM: THEPRESIDENT'S DESK SIDSORKIN Sunmer ls generally considered the LANDSIv|ANSCIIAFTEN "sleepy time" for organizations: meetings "The Verein: Frorn Bialystok to cease, comnittees slow down, and a general Chicago,' 1u11 sets in until the resumption of ac- SUIiTDAY,DECEMBER 7, 1980 tivities that the New Year and the fa1l season bring. But this pas! sunmer has Ternple Sholom, 3480 Lake Shore Drive been a very busy one for the CJIIS. i :30-Social Hour 2:3O-proeram It began for me with a research trip to London and a visit to the Jewish Historical Society of England. Like us, they hold public meetings on topics of "local" in- Membership Information terest (local being the United Kingdon and western Europe), and I was fortunate to be Membership in the CJHS is open to all. able to attend their June meeting, a most The dues categories are the following: interesting discussion of James Finn, the S 5.00 Students & Senior Citizens British consul in Palestine in the 1850s, 10. O0 Contributing Membership when the land \nrasunder Turkish ru1e. With 25,00 Sustaining Menbership the English society added to our mailing 50.00 Patron Menbership 1ist, the Chieago Jewish Historical Society 100.00 & up -- Sponsoring Membership has now made ties with a kindred group 25,00 Minirnurn contribution for syna- across the sea. gogue and organization nenbership Here in Chicago, the Societyrs summer To become a member, or to increase bus tours rn'ere in full swing. In addition, your nembership contr ibut ion, the Board of Directors enbarked on a new send your check to the Treasurer, Chicago progr.am. At the July board meeting, vJe Jewish Historical Society, 618 S. decided to begin a publications program to Michigan Avenue, Chlcago, IL 60605, edit and print some of the outstanding talks presented at our bi-nonthly meetings, as well as other worthy studies in Chicago Jewish history. The Board also decided to push forward \rlth the campaign !o collect and conserve the valuable papers of Chicago Jewish organizations and slmagogues, and are mounting a vigorous drive this fall to bring these records into the Chicago soclef Jewish Archives at Spertus College. chtcogo Jeu)rsh hrsfc>r:tc<tI Y 60605 618 SOUT H MICHIGAN cHrcaGo, lLLlNols As we move into the New Year with new projects and ongoing act ivities--ora1 history, public meetings, col iection of individual and family papers--we send SOCIETY NEWS - Published by the Chicago greeting_ to our members and other friends: J*'f"tr Hf"'t..ical Society' 618 So. 1?tJ )J(6 --1,'Shana Tova. We hope you will Miehigan Avenue ChicaSo, Illinois ' join us as observers and particjpants, 60605, Telephone: 3L2'663-5634 and help make this year a rewarding and exci.ting one for the Chicago Jewish Editor: ROBERTABERNSTEIN Historical Society. President: ADELE HAST CJHS Logo: ROSEANNCIiASMAN Adele Hast JUDITI{ PHILLIPS SOCIETYNEWS PAGE 3 ocrOBER,1980 BOOKNOOK 10% DISCOUNT by Mark Mandle TO AII, CJHS MEMBERS l slarted researching my familY genealogy fifteen years ago. I have AT found farnily genealogy ro be a fascin- Spenruslvluseuu SronE ating and never-ending hobby. It has helped rny sense of Jewish identity gror^'. Upon presentation of membership card Jer,rs can use general genealogy and some ner{ Jewish sources to find out in- several €ienerations. f found the chap- formation about their ancestors. 1 will ters on Jewish sources in America and provide a short list of sources. I hope throughout the world particularlv helo- readers will write in with additional fu1. Two-Ehirds of the book is a euide think would be he1pfu1. sources they to eight thousand Jewish familv names. You can start doing farnily genea- Specialized Sources: public logy by visiting your 1ocal {Cgigti_S9g9e1Sgi!e1_C9!-i9!y. rhe society and seeing if they own some of llbrary, was founded in 1978. Ialhen you join the books. If they don't, see if they the society, you can provide family data get the books for you on interlibrary can cards on farnilies you are trylng to re- from other libraries. loan search. Other people may be working on the sanne families, and you may be able Basic Books: to exchange information, The society 5oanE,-Eilbert . qesrylilg_Igg_f lgf has a ne\rsletter, and holds prograrns in Ancestors, 4th ed. , 1973. New York" There has been sorne talk of Excellent basic introduction to genea- starting a Chicago regional chapter. Dues logical study. One of the most popular are inexpensive. The Societyrs address and best-known works on the subject. is: 300 East 71sr Str.eet /15R. New york. New York 10021. Greenwood, Va1 D, The Researchers Guide to American Genealogy, 1978. A detailed Kaganoff, Benzion. A Dictionary of step-by-step guide to genealogy. A [email protected] thorough guide to the fie1d. concise dictionary that offers the source and original meaning of several hundred Helmbold, F. Wilbur. Tracing Your Ances- names. It also presents the customs try A Step-by-Step Guide to Researching and folk beliefs of the names. This is !o"r_ Ie.i.ry_]4g_!9rl , L976. Covers same an inforrnative and enj oyable book by a naterial as Greenwood. Less delailed and rabbi. an easier book to tackle. Tgledot: The Journal of Jewlstr Genealogy. Kurzweil, Arthur. lfSg_qg!ggE9A_!9 The word toledot neans generations. Generation: How to Trace Your Jewish Toledo! is a fairly new quarterly maga- Genealogy and Personal History, l-980. zine. It is fun to read, and an excellent A popular guidebook that covers every how-to soutace. You may \rrant to browse stage of Jewish genealogy. It lists through it !o see what other people have basic sources of information, and in- accomplished, Spertus Library is the cludes historic tidbits and wonderful only area library I know of that sub- dr r^l- r f i ^nc scribes to it. For subscription in- formation, write to: 808 West End Ave.. Rottenberg, Dan, Finding Our Fathers, A Suite 1006, New york, Nev york 'l0025. Guidebook to Jewish Genealogy, 1977 . Subscriptions are $8 a year. Pioneering work that showed American Jern/s they could trace their farnilies back Good luck with your own searchinql SOCIETYNEWS PAGE 4 oCToBER,19 80 NEl^lORAL H]STORIES OBTA]NED SOCITTYSUPPORTS JE|,lISH OVERSUlv]lvlER fvluRALPROJECT by l4ose11e Schwartz A monunental mosaic mural depicting The oral Histor"y corutrittee Pro- Chicago Jerrish immigrant and labor history ceeded this suruDer to tape interviews is being assernbled in West Rogers Park. of outstanding Chicago Jews who volun- teered interesting information on Je\,r'- 'fhe proiect is sponsored by the West ish life and work in Chicago. Inter- Rogers Park "Iewish Mural Committee, with views \rere conducted by Leah Axelrod, representatives from the North Tom Com- Adele Hast, Rachel Heimovics, Joe Landy nunity Council, the Jeu'ish Com$unity Coun- and Moselle Schwartz. ci1 of West Rogers Park, Rogers Park JCC, .Iewish Labor Conmittee, Analganated Clot tling One of the exciting and rewarding Workers of Arnerica, \rith supporL fron "side effects" of the oral history Alderrnan Stoners office, the Fine Arts program is the nunber and quality of CorDmittee of the Horwich JCC, and the historical artifacts that are given so Chicago Jevr'ish Historical Soclety ' generously by our interviewees. These naterials along \,/ith the tape recordings Chicago Mural Group artlsts, Cynthia and oanuscripts make a most valuable Weiss and Yirlam Socoloff, have designed addition to the Chicago Jer,/ish Archives. the mural- after eon-sultation vith the ad- visory cotrtraitlee. qnder their direction, Interviews which have been cornpleEed volunteers of all ages are laying tile include those of Max Targ, founder of the nosaic at the Dolnick Coromunity Center, Americans For Music Library in Tsrael (AMLI), and Cantor Abraham Lubin of Con- This mosajc rnural will help to instill gregation Rodfei Zedek. Mr. Targ has a sense of pride in all our many volun- donated the conplete records of the AMLI teers, beautify the neighborhood, and to the Archives. cornnemorate the Jewish iffmisrant contribu- tions to Chicago. The need for tyPists is nost urgent at this time to transcribe the tapes Parlial funding has been received fron to manuscrjpt form.
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